Who we were before fate

By Ghost_Writer007

421 165 24

I once had faith in life, when everything was alright Dreams that were so big, now they do not exist I questi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Bonus chapter
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Editors note
Chapter 15
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Editors Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Bonus chapter
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Part 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Editors note

Chapter 14

9 5 2
By Ghost_Writer007

Lorenzo's POV (Demetria's father)

I had been protecting Zionaiah since she was a very small child. The moon goddess bestowed her upon our family for protection. Along with the king and queen. As they are her parents. They know who and what she is. But very few people know of her. She's a key to survival, a weapon to the moon goddess. Her safety was priority. That's why she had to leave the kingdom as a 1 year old child. She doesn't remember it. We were instructed to raise her as a human. Even though she was more than that. The moon goddess never truly told us her true being 100 percent. We do know that She is going to play a big part of the war to come and the outcome as well. Everyone knows the prophecy and lends of the all powerful Zionaiah.

The moon goddess had forbade any of us of telling her who she truly was. To protect her, we changed her name to Demetria right after she had been given to us to protect. For so long I wished to tell her who she was,but I couldn't. Every time she came home with a hurt expression or a broken heart. I would feel it.

The moon goddess connected the two of us emotionally, so that at all times I could keep her hidden and under wraps. For with fury, she unleashed her strongest powers. When she was 3, she has accidentally caught a teddy bear on fire. She had been mad that she was in trouble.

She does not remember , as the moon goddess had wiped the memory. To prevent her identity from being revealed too soon. To lesson suspicions as well. Right after that , the moon goddess her self made her an anklet. One that couldn't be removed by anyone other than her, or Zionaiah her self.

The anklet protects her, yet covers her scent. It protects her from any magic, and prevents her from accessing her powers, including her wolf. The moon goddess had it prophecy locked. The anklet would detach from Zionaiah when the prophecy began to unravel. But the moon goddess proclaimed that I would know when that time was.

She had been out for 8 hours. When I had laid her in her old bed, she was tossing and turning. Murmuring things in her sleep. At that point I knew that the moon goddess had come to her in her dreams.

I am only meant to protect her, as one of the moon goddesses highest ranking warriors. There for I was not supposed to tell her about her being a werewolf. But I couldn't stop the words slipping from my mouth. She deserved to know. The time had come and she needed to be prepared.

My oldest son Daniel was the one chosen for Personal training, as well as general knowledge. The prophecy states that when Zionaiah wakes, her memories of her past life as well as knowledge of her true worth will be completely regained within a months time.

Daniels job was to help her control her powers. To obtain absolute peace within her self. He was to be her means of support. He would teach her how to reign in her powers. Zionaiah had been reborn many times before. Since the first Cold War between were wolfs and the Vampiric King. The vampiric king wanted the power from the beginning. He would even enlist rouges to help enforce his laws. Making his people abide his laws, and ways of life. It was morally wrong.

Rouges we're people who were banished from their packs for the most part. Very few of them are due to rejection or just a horrible pack life. Mostly it was omegas. Yet the omegas would become power hungry within time. They wanted revenge, on those who left them with life long pain.

I am alpha of the Astral pack. We were a sacred pack. Longest standing and most powerful pack to be formed. We had 5,000 people in our pack give or take. We were quite major in size, above the average.

Zionaiah is the rightful queen to the wolves. Her title exceeds any of ours. She will be Luna of the white moon pack when she gains her knowledge back completely. My self and my wife Rosella will step down from alpha duties. I've been at this for 36 years. After my father had stepped down from alpha position and handed the title to me. She would remain the Alpha of the pack, until she was called to fill the roll of Queen. At that point. She will appoint one of my sons to take over the alpha position. The boys know of her true being. They kept and eye out and were always listening for whispers. For the longest time, people would whisper about the lost princess. No one really knew where she went. So they had made up their own little stories to spread. Some had said that she was murdered, while others say she is in hiding. It was always something different. But how could the princess hide if she doesn't know she's even a princess. That brings me to my sons. To ensure that no one would slip. Or speak up on the fact that he knew the princess. The king and queen called upon a witch. A close family friend, to perform a spell to prevent them of saying a single word of the princess's existence. Unless speaking to me or his mother, of course his brothers as well. It also helped prevent any slip ups from happening. Like accidentally revealing information to Zionaiah before it was time.

Then on the other hand we're Giovanni, and Aurora. Those two are mates. They met at 18 when it was Marias time to shift. They were madly in love. But when Demetria turned 19, and started looking for a spouse. The king and queen stepped forward. Since Aurora knew of Demetria and who she was considering she was the queens right hand lady. And the queen had placed Aurora in Demetrias life when they were kids. It only seemed fit to bring in Giovanni. As Aurora was another set of eyes in Zionaiah's life. A side that we couldn't do as her family. So when Giovanni was picked, he couldn't understand why the king and queen would appoint him to a human. He did however know who my self and my children were. Yet he couldn't understand why we took on a human, and why the king and queen were so fond of her. Aurora couldn't let Giovanni know the truth as she was under oath as well. To tell her mate would condemn her to treason. Which would result in her death. As she has committed a highly frowned upon action. Especially since she was under oath to the king and queen them selfs. So while Giovanni knew nothing, Aurora did. She knew that a heart break would release Demetria from this life. As well as releasing Demetria's hold on Giovanni. But she didn't step out of line. It just happened. While Giovanni doesn't know what's actually happening to Demetria right now, Aurora is consoling him into thinking that Demetria was gone. He couldn't know who she was. It would change his whole out look on the situation. The information was to sensitive. This was bigger than us all. I wasn't really agreeing with the choice that the king and queen had picked Giovanni, but he was the easiest to convince. And never let onto the truth. He was very shallow as a person personally. And clearly, Giovanni and Demetria would never work out. I never imagined him rejecting Aurora and I still don't. So I knew the marriage was doomed from the start. How ever, when Demetria meets her mate. Her powers will be strengthened beyond compare. Yet she never found her mate. Even thought the anklet protects her. I figured it would bust at the sight of her mate, who knows if she has met him or not truly. She deserves a real love. One that her other half could give her. I only say this because at the end of the prophecy... it says that Zionaiah will die... she will lay down her life for the rest of humanity to live. I have yet to come to terms and accept that fact. What will I do without her.. when she is gone. What will the world do when such a caring, kind, gentle hearted soul such as her self, departs this world. No doubt that it will effect me....

I hope she can understand why we have done what we did. We just wanted to protect her. The moon goddess forbidding us to reveal any truth to Zionaiah. Everything we have done is for her protection. To ensure her future, and the prophecy to be fulfilled. I'm sorry Zionaiah... I never wanted this for you....

Authors note: This is my first official book. Through the years I've read MANY books. I love to get lost in the false reality of the stories I've read. I've wrote a lot in my life time, and never took it too serious. But now here I am, attempting to write my first official book. Any and all constructive criticism is welcome. No rude comments are allowed. I do ask that all my readers keep an open mind when it comes to this book. I have my plot complete and I have many notes on where I want to take this book exactly. It's just how to put my story into words... none the less, this plot will blow your mind. All the books I've read through out the many many years, have never had anything similar to the plot I wish to portray. Be kind , and keep an open mind. I hope you join me in the journey of this book. Thank you all.

I once had faith in life, when everything was alright
Dreams that were so big, now they do not exist
I question my self, with grief within, I won't see who I should of been
For the person I am is not truly me, I question my identity
Who are they, why do they lie
How could it not eat them alive
Her helpless mind, lost some time.
Her heart completed, soon depleted
Her dreams were strong, where did she go wrong?
Who are they, why do they lie
How could it not eat them alive
I don't know him or her, it's a become such a blur
The truth will come, they no need to hide
For I can see the truth in their lies
A choice will be offered
Life or death
How could I chose, I don't understand just yet
Both ways are right, they both put up a fight
One is bad, but wears a mask
A mask of peace, but lies they hide
To make a choice, in so little time
Join me for my battle for it is time

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