Bad Boys Kidnapped Me

By vintage_for_days

1.8M 51.9K 18K

Bad ass Katrina Moores. Beautiful, stubborn, rule breaker and has a potty mouth. But she has a dark secret... More

The Black Dragon
Going out
The Kidnapping
This isnt over
Tame The Beast
Killing Bambi
You so want me
Call me Kat
I fell
Ice Cold
Hes A Gang Leader And He Always Will Be
Can't live without
Time for you to quit
Too Beautiful
Even if it kills him
Over Two Hundred
Burn in fucking hell!
In love
Meet the boys
I'm Hungry
What am i going to do?
You counted!
I Hope So
Bobbie pin
Dante & Benji
The Ball
Love struck teenager
Ted & Joe
I Am Going To Live
The In-Laws
I Want You
Antonio Belucini
I Want This Baby
Im Not Letting You Die
I Cant Do This Anymore
I Can Do It
Its Time

World War III

55.8K 1.6K 519
By vintage_for_days

Ryder black ^
I quickly grab my bag off the floor and walk around the boys towards my locker. Do not get in trouble. Do not get in trouble. Do not get in trouble.

I feel a warm hand cup my wrist and I can't help but notice how the warmth radiates onto my skin. I look back and see Ryder holding my wrist looking at the floor with a blank look. His grip tight.

Control your temper. 

 Remember what those anger management classes taught you. Though I didn't even finish the first class because I broke the instructor's nose.

I narrow my eyes and look at him in disgust, completely ignoring the warmth I was feeling.

"Let go," I say strongly, clenching my hand into a fist, pulling my arm away from his hold.

He still looks at the floor but lifts his head higher, tightening his grip "apologise" he orders. His voice is so deep. So smooth.

No! Bad Katrina!

"What?!" I ask in shock, how could he expect me to apologise when I haven't even done anything wrong?!

"Are you stupid and deaf? Apologise" he says coldly, still not bothering to look at me.

My eyes widen. Is this kid serious?

"Let. Me. Go" I say through gritted teeth, finally getting enough of this. I yank my arm again but damn did he have a strong grip.

He tightens his hold even more and I hiss in pain. 

Ow! That hurts! 

He finally looks up at me and I almost swoon. Almost.

"Apologise now before I make you" he threatens, getting angry.

I see Danny and Daniel helping up James and I see Nathan watching the scene with a smirk.

A smirk of my own appears and I look back at Ryder. 

"Drop dead" I sneer, grabbing his arm with my free hand and twisting it in an awkward position. 

He hisses as he's forced to let me go and I quickly grab my bag before running away.

Yep I just ran away. We will never speak of this again. I quickly grab my stuff from my locker and run towards the parking lot.

What hell just happened?! I can't be in that position again. His touch was driving me crazy! I stop running when I was finally standing in the car park. I take a deep breath before I calmly start o walk. 

I see Chelsea leaning against my car and I pick up my pace. I wince when the sun hits my eyes and scurry through my bag. I light up a cigarette, putting the smoke in between my lips while taking off my jacket and putting on my sunnies.

"Where the fuck were you?!" She asks when she sees me.

I ignore her and throw my jacket at her. She catches it with ease and I unlock my car.
She climbs in and I was just about to get in myself when I hear,

"There she is!"

I turn around and see a furious Ryder and the rest of the gang behind him. A smirk appears on my lips and I look directly at the boys. I lower my sunglasses a bit so my eyes could be seen and put them back up.

I open the door and flip them off before getting in, their mouths drop but Ryder just clenches his jaw.

I laugh and quickly drive off.

"What the fuck was that?!" Chelsea asks, screaming.

"Nothing" I reply goofily, still happy from my little scene.

"What did you do Katrina?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

I look at her with a serious face, "Created World War III".


I huff and rollover. No way am I going to go to sleep. I angrily get out of bed and put on my sports bra and a pair of spandex shorts. I put on a hoodie and grab my things before I sneak out to my car.

I just want to forget about what happened today. I have way too much anger in me and I need to get it out.

I start my car and drive to the only place that can make me fully calm. 

The Ring.


I hear the drunken laughs and the sounds of fists hitting bare flesh. I put my hoodie up and walk towards the run-down bar. I see the narrow alleyway that the normal human eye would miss, and walk towards it.

Soon I see people drinking, laughing, placing bets, and the thing that started it all. 

The big red and white ring in the middle of the place.

There were people everywhere even though it was 2 am on a weekday and went the corners where you could book fights and collect cash if you win.  

"A fight," I say blankly.

The guy behind the table looks at me up and down before laughing and continuing to counting his money.

The fuck?! How dare he?!!

I give him a glare and slam my palms down on the table, making him jump and look at me with wide, frantic eyes.

"A. Fight," I repeat in a deadly tone, my striking gaze making him clench the money in his hands tightly.

He gulps and nods his head frantically. I don't remove my frightening gaze from him and I enjoy watching him squirm.

"Next fight is yours. Name?" He asks nervously,

I don't reply for a moment before slowing removing my hands from the table and looking him dead in the eye.

"Black Dragon."

His face visibly pales and he starts to ramble on about how sorry he is was. My plump lips turn into a sneer and I walk away from the tool. Your apologies mean shit. 

I walk into the female locker rooms and strip down. I open my gym bag and put on my boxing straps and tie my hair into a ponytail. I walk out of the room and wait for the bell.

When I do hear the ding of the bell, I walk towards the ring and wait for my name.

"Fighting tonight we have Raging Bull!" The man in the middle of the ring hollers, with the microphone in his hands.

The crowd goes crazy and I smile lazily. This was my happy place. Usually, a happy place would be filled with meadows and butterflies, but not me. Blood, violence, and alcohol was my happy place.

"And the all-time famous, never beaten before Black Dragon!"

The crowd goes wild and I smirk.

Time to get this party started.

I look at my opponent and analysis him from head to toe, he looks like one of those guys that took steroids for breakfast. He was huge. I guess that was the only thing that was huge about him.


I look for his weak spots and immediately find many. Got weak knees and a bad left shoulder. I study him and he studies me. I was in my element.

"Fight!" The bell rings loudly and the crowd's cheers become louder.

He lunges at me and I step to the right, allowing me a clear area to strike. I elbow him on the neck. He hisses and holds his neck in pain. I was light on my feet and kept on bouncing, side to side. Never staying in one place too long. He shoots me a glare and I mock him.

"Come on" I yell, luring him into my trap.

He charges towards me and sends me a kick to the ribs but I catch his leg and hurl him across the ring. I hear the cheers and the chanting of my name.

Game over.

I lift my hands up in glory and the crowd goes mad. 

I do a backflip off the ring and land perfectly on my feet. The crowd goes crazy. I laugh to myself and walk towards the sidelines to collect my money.

Once I collected I walk towards the locker room. I dry myself off with my towel and take a swing from my water bottle. I put my clothes back on and make my way to my car. 

As I drive back home, I could feel sleep taking over. I look at my watch. 3:45 am. Better get home. 

I park the car and I sneak back into my room by climbing on the tree that I always use to get back to my room.

I jump on my balcony and open my glass windows and let myself in. I drop my duffle bag on the floor and wander aimlessly to my bed before collapsing, letting my mind wander and eventually falling asleep.

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