Spring Writes Stuff

Od Chaseee16x

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Oh don't mind me, I'm just sharing my ideas for LAIKA Films here :3 (the book cover is NOT mine, all credits... Více

1. Last
2. Made Up Realities
3. Star Crossed
4. I Could Have Made You Stay
5. You Are The Only One
6. Mistake
7. Somewhere Out There
8. Leaves
9. The Last Cookie
10. It's A Pleasure Meeting You
11. But You
12. Something Smells "Good"
13. Mafia
14. Perhaps Hereafter
15. Fake Dating
16. Follow Me.
17. Would It Be Enough?
18. Exhibition Match
19. Present
21. A Piece to Share
22. Practice
23. Fake Dating (vol. 2)
24. I Almost Had You, Didn't I?
25. First
26. Pillow
27. Kazoku
28. Plus One?
20. Fortress
29. With me.
30. Fake Dating (vol. 3)
31. Chess of Two Queens
32. Shamisen
33. Under the Stars
34. The End of the Beginning
35. What happens inside the closet, stays inside the closet
36. Did she stop crying?
38. Birthday Wishes
39. Presence
40. Travel Drabbles: A Mini Collection of Short and Unfinished Oneshots
41. Letters and Lockers
42. Interview with a Twist
43. Paper Hearts and Heart Strings
44. I need to confess something to my girlfriend...
45. Deal?
46. Speechless.
47. The end of one story is merely the beginning of another.
48. "Free Hugs!"
49. Three words, eight letters.

37. Dancing in the Dark

82 5 3
Od Chaseee16x

Content Warning and Disclaimer!
Some themes and scenes are intended for older audiences. All characters are aged up to their 20s to better match the tone of the story. Viewer discretion is advised.

The sudden wooden creaking sound prompts her blue eyes to dart towards the door.

"Hey, cous."

Agatha smiles slightly to her cousin to acknowledge his presence, before darting her eyes back to the carpet floor of her room.

Norman stares at his cousin warily and hesitates, before making the decision to sit beside her on the bed.

He notices her fiddling with her fingers nervously before speaking. "You know," he starts, "it's still your decision whether you'd go or not."

"I'll be real with you," Agatha purses her lips and lets out a heavy sigh, "I really want to go there, but what if something happens to me?"

"Neil and I will be there with you, wouldn't we?" Norman places a hand on her shoulder, giving her a smile. "We'll make sure you stay safe, cous."

• • •

Even when they were just approaching, Agatha could hear the loud music from inside the vehicle. She peers to the window, seeing the party lights spastically moving outside its doors, changing color every time it does so.

Norman's car came into a stop, snapping her out of her trance. He looks up to the rearview mirror. "Last chance, cous."

Agatha ponders on Norman's words as she stares at the people dancing and drinking as they please. She clenches her jaw, before opening the car's doors.

"Yeah! You go girl!" Neil cheers from the shotgun seat. Norman gives him a slap to his shoulder, making Neil flinch ever so slightly.

Agatha looks behind her when she hears the car's doors slam shut as the couple walks towards her.

"Last last chance, Aggie," Norman lightly bumps her shoulder with his, while Neil is looking at her with a slight smirk.

"How many last chances do I have?" Agatha says with a small laugh.

"I guess none left sis, 'cause you're getting into it!" Neil sings as he scoots himself in between the cousins, before wrapping each arm around their shoulders, earning a round of giggles.

"Let's goo!!!" Neil yells as he walks towards the entrance doors, lightly pulling the cousins with him.


The beaming lights and the booming sounds people shouting to the music fill Agatha's ears as they enter the bar.

The confidence fades away from her chest as she finds the place to be a frantic frenzy. The lights swivel across the ballroom floor, people dances around with bottles in their hands, some acting more erotic than others.

She gulps down a breath of air as Neil walks them to an empty sofa. "I'll be back with some drinks, alright?" He tells them before walking off towards the bar counter.

Agatha's eyes stuck to the people on the dance floor, feeling Norman's gaze stuck on her.

Agatha's eyes grew wide as Neil arrives to their spot with two buckets with bottles.

"A-are you sure we can finish all of these?" Agatha asks as Neil places the two buckets on their table.

"Hey, it's your first time," Neil teases as he wiggles his eyebrows, with Norman chuckling in the background. "Neil has a point, cous."

"That's too many! I don't want to go home drunk," Agatha says with a laugh.

"But honey," Neil takes a seat beside her, grabbing an opened bottle from the bucket, "that's the goal," he says, before handing over the bottle to her.

Agatha slowly takes the bottle from him, contemplating as Norman and Neil waits to see what she would do next. She brings the tip to her nose, before taking a small sip.

A sharp, bitter taste pangs on her buds, visibly cringing as the drink burns down her throat.

"Let it simmer sis, it's part of the process," she can hear Neil say beside her.

Agatha savours the taste for a while as the sharp feeling settles down, and her tongue is left with nothing but a pleasantly sweet taste. She smiles to herself, before drinking another sip from the bottle.

"Whoo! Let's go sis!" Neil cheers while clapping his hands. "Strawberry flavored beer always works like a charm," Norman says as he applauds along with Neil.

Neil gives Norman a bottle and grabs one for his own as Agatha takes another drink from the bottle.

"A toast!" Neil bellows as he raises his bottle. "Here's to Aggie's first time letting loose and having fun!"

"Cheers!" Agatha and Norman clinks their bottles beside Neil's.

As she chugs more and more bottles, the more she understands why alcohol can be so addicting. The drink urges you to drink more with every sip.

The music suddenly got louder as Agatha sips to the final drop of beer from her third bottle. She can feel her head getting woozy, but she didn't let that stop her.

She finds herself standing up from their spot, seamlessly walking towards the crowd of the dancing people on the floor. She moves her arms and hips to the beat as if she's by herself.

She's never experienced being so careless yet free at the same time, and she's starting to love the feeling.

The song finally ends, someone from behind gives the back of her neck a wet kiss, but she didn't mind. She feels incredibly frivolous and carefree as she skips back to their spot.

Agatha takes another bottle as she sits down beside her cousin, who seems to be bothered. It took her a while to notice that Neil is nowhere to be found.

"You good so far?" He asks, smiling lightly as she gives off a nod. "Heck yeah," she tells him, before drinking from her bottle once again, "this feels amazing."

Five minutes have passed by and Neil still hasn't arrived. Agatha assumes that Norman is starting to get worried, as she can sense him shifting in his seat every second.

"Did Neil tell you where he went?" Agatha asks him, unaware of how loud her voice is as Norman flinches at her words.

"He told me he went to the bathroom," Norman replies, taking a sip from his bottle.

"You can go look for him, cous," she says out loud, catching her cousin's attention. "I'll stay here."

"Alright." Norman stands up from his seat and places the unfinished bottle on the table. "I'll be back."

In their current state, Agatha wasn't sure if that statement of his will ever be true, not that she minds them being alone together.

She finishes her fourth bottle, and now she couldn't think of anything left to do. Norman and Neil certainly didn't want to come back for her, and she did have enough money to ride a taxi and go home.

But instead of immediately exiting, she waits for a few minutes until the alcohol have washed away, so she can at least get back home with a straight mind.

"Hi miss," a voice calls out to her. She didn't see where they came from, nor did she see someone walking towards her in the first place. "Are you with someone?"

Agatha takes her time to look at the person talking to her. They have long hair and an eyepatch, though she couldn't tell if they are a guy or a girl because of the moving lights tricking her eyes, but they did tingle her interest.

"My two friends hit it off inside the bathroom," she says, making the person chuckle. They had a deep voice, so they must be a guy. "That's just my wild guess."

"Didn't they know that you guys still have plenty of beers lounging around your table?"

Now, Agatha is sure that they're a guy. His voice is just too deep and husky to be a girl's voice. She didn't even notice that she was staring at him, for her mind was too busy deciphering how a guy could be so beautiful.

She clears her throat before speaking, "maybe they got carried away," she replies with a small laugh as the guy sits beside her.

He grabs Norman's unfinished bottle. "They probably did," he says with the nod of his head, before drinking.

His eye meets with her blue ones, looking at her silently. "Aren't you going to drink another bottle? Your friends might be out for a bit longer, miss."

She remembers what Neil told her, about letting lose and having fun. The thought prompts her to grab a bottle from the bucket and take another drink.

Agatha catches the guy's gaze, and smiles at him. "It couldn't hurt if I drank more," she trails off.

"You're in a bar, sweetie," the way he calls to her made her breathing become heavy. "You can drink as much as you want."

The guy beside her smirks as he scoots closer to her, and she's sure he knows that he's getting to her.

"I haven't seen you around here that often," he says as he takes a sip, filling in the tense silence between them.

"Do you work here?" She finds herself asking him. "I guess you can say that," he tells her as he twirls the tip of the bottle on his fingertips, as their gaze lock onto each other once again.

She can't remember how, but the space between the two of them became smaller the more that they stared. Agatha could only guess that by now, the beer is starting to kick in for the both of them.

"Then," she takes a quick glance to his lips, "what do you usually do here?"

"Well," he leans closer, letting her feel his breath tickle against her lips. "Let's say that people pay me for a bit of fun."

They stayed like that for a while, starting at each other with half lidded eyes. Agatha is too stunned to respond.

She wanted to protest, to fight the urge to get adventurous, but her mind is swirling around mixed feelings of alcohol, fear and a blast of hotness.

It scares her, of how she has never felt this way around others, even around people she had a crush on. And yet, something about this guy is stirring a wild, bubbling feeling inside her chest.

The liquid courage took over her body as she leans into him, placing her lips on top of his. As she closes her eyes, she loses the brainpower to think if the incredible sensation was just the alcohol tricking her, because she became instantly enchanted to this new addicting feeling.

Agatha had no idea what she was doing, and she loves it.

She didn't even consider that they were mere strangers as they wrapped their arms around the other's torso, pulling each other closer, kissing deeper, until they can taste the tanginess of the strawberry beer on their tongues.

She murmurs something incoherent against his lips as she pulls away, gently knocking her forehead against his.

"What?" The guy asks as he lets out a chuckle, smiling to himself.

"Do anything you want with me," she tells him again, the itching need for him present in her voice. "anything you want."

• • •

He gently lays her body against the mattress and positions himself on top of her, before he leans down to kiss her once again.

Agatha runs her fingers through his long, raven black hair, urging him to keep going as she moans in delight.

His lips traveled from the corner of her lips, then to her jaw, and down to her neck. Her lips parted with a gasp, as he nibbles onto her exposed skin, while stripping away his clothes.

She didn't know how to explain it, but the way his fingers grazed through her legs, the way he slips his tongue into her mouth as he takes off her own clothes, the way he runs his hands up to her chest and toys around with her nipples, the way he puts her legs up onto his shoulders as he carefully slides himself inside of her;

Agatha knew that even if she didn't say anything, he ends up doing things to her that makes her feel things she's never did before, without the fear of her getting hurt because of it.

He knows what she wants without uttering a single word, and she loves it. She allows herself to succumb to that intensity that makes her feel like she's going to burst.

He nuzzles his face against her neck, letting her feel his hot breath against her tense skin. Agatha bites back a moan as he presses his chest against hers as he pushes himself deeper into her.

He didn't have to go slow and hard, but she loves it anyway. He pumps himself inside her once again, making both shiver as his hardened prick traveled deliberately between her thighs.

Agatha lets out a heavy breath as he starts to bury himself faster and deeper into her skin. His groan vibrated pleasantly against her chest, making the both of their bodies became hotter.

She clutches onto his broad shoulders as he starts picking up his face. Their breaths started to get shaky, the ecstacy continues to rise as they relentlessly grind their bodies against each other.

She can already feel a hot liquid dripping out of her, and yet the guy pins her down harder against the mattress as he pushes himself in and out of her in an animalistic speed, making her throw her head against the pillows with a mewl erupting from her throat.

They can both see the whiteness amidst the dark bedroom they're in, refusing to let go of this addicting sensation.

He lets out a loud moan as he thrusts himself into her, feeling his release inside of her, making her breathe out with a dizzy smile.

Mustering up enough energy, the guy reaches down to his pants on the floor and grabs something from its pocket. Agatha watches him silently as he throws his pants away and hands her a small pill.

"Drink it," he says in a husky voice. "I didn't wear anything."

"Of course you're not wearing anything," she giggles as she takes the pill, making him laugh along as well.

"It's not poison, don't worry." He lifts up the covers for them, before wrapping his arms around her small figure. "I didn't put on any protection, and I didn't want you to get into any trouble."

Agatha leans closer to him and buries her face against his chest, letting him feel her smile on his skin. She closes her eyes, drifting off to sleep without saying another word.

• • •

It's been a while since the sun's light woke him up. The guy blinks his eyes rapidly, before his mind took over his body and looks down, only to find the young girl still sleeping peacefully in his arms.

He stares at her face and smiles to himself. He didn't even know her name, but when he recalls how free he felt last night, it felt magical and gratifying, as he wasn't used to feeling liberated after such a sexual act.

A playful idea came to his mind as his gaze went to her soft, pale lips. He leans his head closer and pauses, before giving her lips a gentle kiss.

He didn't expect for her eyes to flutter open when he pulls away, as he was greeted by her shining blue eyes that sparkled with the daylight amongst them.

"Hey," she yawns. "I remember you," she mutters softly, making his heart swell with warmth.

"Sorry to wake you up," he tells her.

"It's okay," she yawns one more time, "I liked it, anyway."

He can feel the blush on his cheeks, and he's hoping that the young girl is hung over to even notice.

"Are you not going to go yet?" He asks her, as his arms loosen around her.

Agatha lets herself get lost into his gaze, before lightly shaking her head. "I like it here," she tells him, "and I'd like to stay for a little longer."

He's only met her last night, and she's this nice to him compared to others. "I'd like to stay here too," he says without thinking.

"You were very kind to me last night," she comments, leaning her cheek against his torso, "you could've done anything to me, but you didn't do any harm. Thank you."

"Thank you, too," he replies, placing his chin on top of her head, "for you were the one who stayed until the dawn-"

"Stayed until the dawn sets its peak."

The two of them suddenly looked at each other, taken aback by how they both said the same words. That can only mean one thing.

"You've read The Sunset?" He asks, his face as perplexed as hers.

"I have," she answers warily. "I haven't finished it yet."

"I didn't expect that a one night stand would lead me to another bookworm," he says, leading to both of them chuckling at each other.

"What other books have you read?" She asks him.

"If same author, then I've also read Four Seasons," he tells her.

"No way!" She immediately prompts her body to face towards him. "I've finished that too! The twist by the end is so heartbreaking."

"I couldn't take it either," he places a hand on his chest, "I was in tears!"

The both of them laugh at their situation. Agatha finds it very odd how unlikely she would've met another person who reads the same books she does if she didn't go.

"By the way, I didn't catch your name," the guy tells her, catching her gaze once again.

She held their gaze for a while, making sure she didn't lose eye contact with him as she says her name.

"Agatha," she tells him. "My name's Agatha."

"Hey, Agatha," the guy gently takes her hand in his, before kissing the back of her palm.

"I'm Kubo," he says with a smile, "it's nice meet-" Agatha's ringtone rang across the bedroom, interrupting their small talk.

"Shit," Agatha curses under her breath and removes the covers off of her body before scrambling through the mess of their clothes to grab her phone.

As soon as the screen showed Norman's name, she picked up as soon as she can and brought the phone to her ear, not caring if she was walking farther away butt naked when someone was with her.

"Hello?" She calls out to the device.

"Hey, cous!" Norman greets her, "where are you?"

"Where you left me," she answers, hearing shuffling noises from the bed.

"Sorry about that," Norman chuckles. "We did get back to you, but then Neil and I saw you making out with a random dude! Or were they a girl?"

"Dude, Norman. He's a dude," she tells him as she places her hand on the bridge of her nose.

"Wow, he's hot," she can hear Neil say from the other side of the call.

"True," Norman replies, "but anyway, when we saw you two, we just decided to not intervene because you two were really going at it. Where is he? Did he leave you?"

"He's here, and we were just talking about my favourite book when you called," she replies as she crosses her arms.

"Oof, sorry to interrupt the moment with your boyfriend," she can hear Norman's smirk from his voice. "Ooh, Aggie's got a boyfie already?" Neil gushes.

"Thanks, guys," she says with the roll of her eyes. "Look, I gotta go now, I'll be back by then."

Agatha immediately ends the call and prepares an explanation to the poor guy who has to face the indignity of seeing her walk around naked.

"I'm really s-"

Her eyes met with an unusual sight before her. Her clothes were neatly placed on top of the bedsheets, with a fully clothed Kubo sitting beside them.

"I set up your clothes while you were talking," Kubo says simply, "I didn't know what to do, so....." he trails off, gesturing his hand to her clothes.

"Wow," Agatha couldn't find any words, "I don't know what to say."

"If you don't, then you should dress up," Kubo tells her, "it seems like you were in a rush."

Agatha sits beside him and puts her clothes on. "It's my cousin and his boyfriend," she says, "the ones I was with when I got here."

"So they really did hit it off when they were gone," Kubo ponders as he politely looks up the ceiling, making her laugh.

"I'm sure they did," she replies.

When she's finally fully dressed, she stands up from the mattress and straightens her hair for a bit, before making her way towards the door.

"By the way," Kubo starts, standing up from the bed, "can I get your number?" He asks, "I'll lend you mine if you want."

"Oh sure!" Agatha looks at him and smiles, "I'd love to hang out with you from time to time," she replies as she walks towards him, before handing her phone over to him.

Kubo swipes on her screen, briefly points the device towards him, taps on it for a few seconds, before giving it back to her with a small chuckle.

Agatha raises a brow at him, before checking on her contacts list. "Oh my god."

"I snapped a picture and nickname," he tells her with a loose laugh. She covers her mouth to hide the grin on her face.


"I promise, I'll message you as soon as I get home," she says, before giving him a quick peck to his lips.

"I'll look forward to it," he says, giving back her kiss with one of his own, making them both smile to each other.

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