ᴄᴀɴᴅʏᴄᴀɴᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀ ♡ [𝐒.𝐓]

By Assorted_nuts

52.8K 3.3K 1.9K

ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ꜱʜᴏᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴅᴏʀᴏᴋɪ ɢᴇᴛꜱ ᴛᴇᴀꜱᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ɢɪʀʟ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇꜱ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ꜱᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ɪᴛ ✨ COMPLETED ✨ 16+ _________... More

Author's notes
❀ Prologue ❀
Chapter 1 ❀ "Grumpy pants"
Chapter 2 ❀ "Softserve"
Chapter 3 ❀ "Pokeball"
Chapter 4 ❀ "Prince Charming"
Chapter 5 ❀ "Candycane"
Chapter 6 ❀ "Peppermint"
Chapter 7 ❀ "..."
Chapter 8 ❀ "Pervert"
Chapter 9 ❀ "Savior"
Chapter 10 ❀ "little kid"
Chapter 11 ❀ "Todoroki-Kun"
Chapter 12 ❀ "Tampon"
Chapter 13 ❀ "Strawberry vanilla swirl"
Chapter 14 ❀ "Hajime"
Chapter 15 ❀ "Jerk"
Chapter 16 ❀ "Coward"
Chapter 17 ❀ ":)"
Chapter 18 ❀ "Cherries and creme"
Chapter 20 ❀ "Shoto Todoroki"

Chapter 19 ❀ "Cutie"

1.3K 100 79
By Assorted_nuts

2504 words
SONG RECOMMENDATION: 16/04/16 (Jack's song) ~ Cavetown// Daylight ~ Harry Styles

1-10 how much of a simp are you?

Location: U.A highschool classroom_Todoroki household_Amami household
Time: Monday 2:45 pm_2:55pm_3:10 pm

Chihiro had business management while Todoroki had health science. Typically the girl waited for him by the front of the school so she could follow him home. But now Shoto was the one waiting for her at the U.A school doors.

He was so used to seeing her waiting for him that the day that she wasn't, this day, he subconsciously waited instead.

A few minutes flew by and he was beginning to feel nervous. He tapped his foot against the floor, ran a hand through his hair, untied and re-tied his shoes. Doing anything and everything to distract him from the constant ticking of the clock.

Did she leave without him? Maybe they hadn't completely fixed everything and she was still holding a grudge.

Shoto slapped himself in the head to get rid of the overthinking.
Amami was just late, that's all. People were late all of the time.


Todoroki began a brisk pace in the direction of Chihiro's classroom. He wasn't sure exactly where it was. He didn't have the class himself but he knew the general area.
He was just going to have a quick look around.

Atleast, that's what he told himself but he secretly knew he wouldn't be happy if he ended up leaving school without her.

"I feel like we have a connection"

Todoroki stopped abruptly. That voice was unfamiliar and he wasn't sure what his excuse would be if someone questioned him about still being in the school after hours.

'I'm just looking for my friend. My girlfriend- a friend that's a girl. A girl that hopefully will become a girlfriend to...someone but preferably me...have you seen her?'

The half and half boy could imagine that awkward conversation now and because of that, he hide behind the corner of a wall at the end of a hallway. The voice radiated from the other end so he was still able to hear whoever was talking.

"A connection? Really?"

Shoto's heart dropped. His body stilled and his breathing halted momentarily.
He recognized that voice all too well.

Just what was she doing talking to some guy when she was supposed to walking home with him? The betrayal was evident but Shoto tried to ignore the steering pain it caused him.

"Yeah, we just click, you and I" the boy chuckled.

His poor excuse for flirting was making Todoroki gag. He felt bad for listening in on someone's conversation. That was so not like him.

But love makes you do crazy things.

"Highlighter...think about this" Chihiro sighed.


Todoroki's stance visually shrunk as his shoulders drooped.

She gave him a nickname to...

He wasn't sure why such a childish thing gave himself sharp pains in the chest. The boy hesitantly poked his head out from behind the corner of the wall to see their figures. And yes, just like her fitting nickname, the boy across from her head neon yellow highlighter hair.

Todoroki subconcuosuky raised a hand to his own head and twirled a string of hair around his fingers. The nickname 'Candycane' and the joy Amami had while saying it was beginning to make him appreciate his hair for the first time of his life.

And now the poor boy was back to step 1. Insecure, bottled up, confused, and angry.

Not a good combination to say the least.

"I have thought about it. I want this. I want you" the boy spoke as he grabbed he hands.

Shoto's nails began to dig into his palms. He could feel himself loosing control again and that feeling would have continued, until he saw Chihiro place a soft hand on his chest, just like she had earlier that day with Shoto.

"That's...wow um" the girl mumbled.

And then that anger turned grey and dull. The heated coals cooled down with the water of a nearby stream. And the smoke, the thick heavy smoke, coated his mind like some sort of protective film.
And finally, everything was gone and he was left with the realization. The sad realization that he had been trying to avoid.

Chihiro never admitted to liking him. Not once. Yes, she hinted at it, but she hinted at being half parakeet last week aswell so why take her words seriously.
As Shoto stared at the two, one of her hands in his while the other on his cheek.
He agreed that they looked good together.
Who was he kidding, he never deserved someone like her anyway. Shame on him for thinking he could get his way for once.

Because Chihiro just saw him as a friend, simple as that.

With hooded eyes, Todorki pushed himself off of the wall. He couldn't be around this anymore; he just wanted to go home and exercise to the point he'd pass out from exhaustion.

What he didn't see was Chihiro breaking the eye contact she shared with the blonde as she began to burst out laughing. The boy quickly followed.
She raised a hand to which he high-fived it.

"Seriously, Highlighter. If you don't get the part they're idiots" she laughed.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me practice with you, Amami. If this audition goes well I'll make sure to mention you on Broadway" he cackled.

Chihiro wiped a happy tear from her eye before bidding the boy goodbye. She knew she was late to meet Todoroki but she assumed he had already walked home. She wouldn't put it past him nor be upset about it.
So with that in the back of her mind, she didn't think twice as she exited U.A alone.

Meanwhile Todoroki was already at his home. He stood on the threshold of the door, contemplating whether or not to go in.
He saw it as a similie

His home was to him as a cage was to a rodent.

Once he entered, he knew he would be trapped. He would go back to old self. Inclusive, easily agitated, hard to approach. Not saying he had fixed all of those attributes about himself yet, but he was trying. And he was trying because of her.

Was he really willing to give up that easily...?

Shoto huffed and gripped ahold of the door knob. His grip was hard and unbeknownst to him, he began to freeze the door knob through his right hand. Great, now it was stuck.

The boy placed his forehead on the door.

"What are you doing to me?"

That question went unanswered.

He didn't know what she had done to him.
But he would be damned if he didn't like it.

Todoroki resisted the erge to throw his school bag into the door and instead placed in on the door step.

Wait for me

Maybe he wasn't too late. She was probably home now. If he got there fast enough maybe he could stop her from moving to someone else.
Shoto ending up throwing a beanie on during the walk, correction: jog. Just like it had been the last time he visited her home, the weather grew colder around the same time.

The travel should have taken about ten minutes but Todoroki made it in five.

Now he stood on her doorstep, heart beating out of his chest as his adrenaline began to die down and he realized just exactly what he was doing. He knew he wasn't ready for it yet. A confession seemed so scary even though it only meant to speak his true feelings.
The thought of rejection scared him more than anything.

Shoto raised a hand to knock on the door.


You idiot, do you even know what you're gonna say?


What if Miu answers? You already left off on a bad note with her.


What if someone was following you! You didn't even check!

Now Shoto waited in a pile of his own throughts. All of them were cons but one pro outweighed all of the bad.
If she works; she'll be his.

And that sounded worth of risk of any con.

The door creaked open slightly, only big enough for a large pair of brown eyes looked Shoto up and down. Then the door opened fully, revealing Chihiro.
She was wearing a hoodie and sweats. On her head was a silk hair bonnet.
Shoto had never seen her in anything besides her school uniform or hero costume and even though that showed more skin then her attire now, he still preferred her civilian style. She looked relaxed and approachable.

"To what do I owe this visit, Cutie?" Chihiro winked and glanced up at the covering on Todoroki's head. "You look good in a beanie, noted" she hummed.

Shoto scratched behind his head. He now never wanted to remove the beanie.

"You look..." he trailed off as his eyes scanned her body.
Be a gentleman
"comfortable" he nodded his head, wanting to slap himself in the face for his simplicity.

Great, he wasn't trying to come off as some sort of pervert and instead sounded like a douch. Just, great.

To his surprise, Amami chuckled.
"Yeah, believe it or not, I don't actually wear skirts in my free time" she smiled and placed her hands in her hoodie pocket. The cold must have been getting to her, she was standing in the open doorway afterall.

Shoto however no longer felt the chilling cold but instead was embraced by a blanket of warmth. They say that's an early sigh of hypothermia but he knew it was actually just his emotions riling him up on the inside again.

Chihiro cleared her throat
"Did you wanna come in?" She took a step to the side so the doorway was open for Shoto to walk in.

Yes please

"Ah, no, no thank you"

He knew his words were for the best but that didn't mean he didn't hate himself in that moment.
But Todoroki couldn't let himself go inside of her home and get comfortable. He went there for a reason and if he didn't speak on it then it would be lost forever right along with his emotions.

Chihiro smiled softly and stepped back into the doorway.

The two teenagers stared at each other, both expecting the other to say something.

Finally, Amami broke the silence.
"So...did you need something?" She scratched at her scalp through her bonnet.

Ah, the question he had been regretting to answer.

The truth would be something along the lines of
'Well I just found out over the weekend that I love you and the only reason I'm telling you this now instead of later is because I'm scared you'll leave me for another guy'

Shoto hesitated.

Too convoluted...

"I uh..." he trailed off.

He had to say something; he was making himself look like an idiot. In an effort to calm his fidgety hands, he placed them in his pockets.
Once his fingers made contact with a number two pencil he had stuffed in his right pocket from earlier, he let out a sigh of relief.

Like a child showing their mother a crudely colored in drawing, Todoroki pulled the pencil from his pocket and held it out to Chihiro.

"You forgot your pencil in class" he cleverly spoke

And best actor goes to...drumroll please.

Amami tilted her head but took the pencil regardless. Her fingers delicately traced lines on the wooden outside. She held the pencil up to eye level, squinted in a over exaggerating manner, before letting it loosely dance around on her fingertips.

"you really are cute" she smiled.

Todoroki gulped. Was she...flirting? Does that mean she was interested in him?

No, no, if she was interested then she would have turned down that blonde guy.
Then again...Shoto never did see the conclusion to that. There was a possibility that Chihiro actually did turn him down.

"Candycane?" Amami called out to get his attention. He seemed to be dazing off more and more recently. He hummed.
"I only write with pens" she smiled softly and handed the pencil back to him.

The boy deadpanned which only caused another laugh to leave her lips.

"Wanna tell me why you're actually here?" She raised an eyebrow and leaned against the door frame. The cold still bothered her but the flustered expression on Todoroki's face was worth it any day of the week.

Shoto sighed.

Now the time for delaying was over.

The half and half boy placed his hands in his pockets yet again, slightly disappointed when he felt no pocket lint or paper clips to fidget with to ease his nerves.
Out of embarrassment his cheeks puffed out and he looked in a different direction.
"Don't go out with that guy" his words were straight, precise, and to the point.

Chihiro stayed silent, mostly because she wasn't sure what exactly to say.

"Hell, even I'd be a better choice than him" Todoroki's self praise was adorable. Chihiro just wanted to squeeze his cheeks and agree with him but confusion stopped her.
She had no clue what he was talking about.

Getting asked out? No one had asked her out. Well, not today atleast.

"What guy?" She blinked.

Shoto looked back at her to make sure she wasn't joking.
"The blonde guy...?" He offered

"Blonde guy...asking me out...Hmm. Doesn't ring a-" Chihiro's eyes widened suddenly. "Oh"

"What?" The boy inquired.

Amami assesed the situation and hid a devious smirk.
"Nothing" she smiled "how'd you see that anyway?"

She liked seeing the jealous side of Todoroki but she didn't know how much he had riding on this conversation. She saw it as a harmless joke but Todoroki did not find it funny. He was putting himself on thin ice with his own emotions and the ice was breaking quickly. He either had to confess or retreat, there was no grey area.

"I was...walking by" Todoroki grumbled. He was forcing those words to come out of his mouth.

It was hard to believe that nether of these two teenagers had confessed their feelings for each other yet constantly ended up in these sorts of situations.

Chihiro smirked.
"Well, what else do you expect me to do on a Friday night? He seemed sweet" She challenged. Her argument was a bold face lie but Shoto didn't know that.

He was quick to respond.
"Oh please, he has a stick so far up his ass he might as well be a popsicle"
His speed of words showed that he had definitely thought of that insult on the way over.

Chihiro smiled and took a step closer
"You know what this sounds like to me Candycane? It sounds more like you're asking me not to go on this date."

Ofcourse I am!

She wanted him to admit and god damnit he wanted to admit it to. Things would just be so much easier if he just said it and got it over with.

But much to his and Chihiro's dismay, as he opened his mouth nothing left it but shallow breaths.

"Hiro! Close the damn door you're going to let all of cold air in!" Miu yelled at her daughter from somewhere in the house.

And so the teenagers left it at that. Nothing else was said besides a couple meek goodbyes, both lingering off into the awkward silence.

There were two options like stated before. In option one Todoroki could have stayed on the cracking ice and held it out, admitting his feelings and dealing with whatever precautions came with it. In option two Todoroki could have fled to safety and tried again another day when the ice was harder and his emotions weren't so frail.

But somehow, the boy picked the magical third option of denying his feelings and running from them.

I'm the worst.


!chapter secrets!

🌸 After finding his bag tossed in the front yard, the Todoroki siblings took the opportunity to snoop through Shoto's things like any good siblings would.
Needless to say, their findings were nothing special.

🌸 Later that night Shoto deadass looked up and studied "how to tell a girl I love her" on Wikipedia.


( う-')づ︻╦̵̵̿╤── \(˚☐˚")/ ★

"𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦, 𝘐 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳!"


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