The Magicks

By Animationlover25

497 2 1

Magicks are people born with magic powers, Wizards, Powerless Magicks, Magicks Users, etc. Long ago Humans a... More

The Characters


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By Animationlover25

After the battle everyone went back to Starlight Academy to recover. Everyone was a bit scrapped up. They began treating the wounds, cuts, and bruises.

"Anything in here that can stop some ancient evil wizards?" Ciaran asks. "It'll be nice to have a moment to catch our breath."

"Forget breathing! We need to save Mara!" Xolo panicked.

"If the Order has their way, we won't be breathing at all" Sebastian says.

"Xolo's right. We need to save Mara from the Order" Rosalyn says "So, What are we up against?"

"The Black Order however, always had one goal, but in order to them to achieve their goal, they will need the infinity stones" Sebastian turns to the teens.

"I'm sorry-The what stone?" Xolo raise a brow.

"Never heard of them" Ciaran shrugged.

"What stones are we talking about?" Rosalyn asked.

"The Infinity Stones" Sebastian began to explain Inside the room, The Master Wizard was using magic to explain the infinity stones. "From the dawn of the Universe, there was nothing. Then, boom!" He waved his arms and a small explosion happened, then from the image of the galaxy, six stones fell out. "The the event that led to the creation of the universe, sends six elemental crystals, hurdling across the virgin Universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence."

"Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind," Sebastian spoke, each stone glowing when it's name was spoken. He paused. "And Time."

"The Black Order is like a plague. They invades. They takes what they want. So, they could destroy the whole universe if they wanted too" Sebastian continues.

"With the stones, whipping it like a flood" Rosalyn realizes. Sebastian nods at her.

"So, an evil group of demigods, The Black Order. Destroying the world, destroying all the Magick Beings again?! Haven't us good Magick's suffered enough! The Humans almost did one heck of a job years ago!" Ciaran groans. "Now destroying the world!"

"Yeah, that's great. Real Great. I love that the whole universe is at threat, But, we save to save Mara, remember?" Xolo looks at the others, only caring about Mara's safety.

Ciaran held him by the shoulders. "We'll go back for her"

"We cant" Sebastian told them. "There's more at sake here"

"Don't you talk to us about Mara!" Xolo glares.

"We must rescue her" Rosalyn says.

"Well, if they kidnapped Mara, they must want something in exchange" Xolo cuts in. "Or something like that"

Meanwhile Ciaran and Sebastian are arguing.

"I empathize, Ciaran, but we cannot go back to save her. We can't just rush in without a plan."

"Come on, this is our friend we're talking about! You want us to just forget about her? No way!" Xolo shouts angrily.

  "Surely there's something that we can do-" Rosalyn tries to reason but Sebastian cuts her off.

"The risk is too great for a rescue!" 

Rosalyn facepalms and groans exhaustedly. 

"We must keep the Infinity stones safe from the Order. The fate of existence is at stake!"

"We have to try!" Ciaran piped in.

"Please, you both have solid points." Rosalyn says, growing annoyed by their banter. 

"We can't just jeopardize the Universe plane like that for only one Magick!" Sebastian yells angrily.

  "It's what she'd do for us, if any of us have gotten captured" Ciaran says.

"Sebastian, Mara is our friend. Our best friend" Rosalyn looks at him with determination and dead serious. "We're not leaving her"

He looks at her for a moment then at Ciaran and Xolo, even Shiva, they all had the widen eyes with a pleading look, but Xolo was just glaring. He then smiled at Rosalyn "Ok, fine. We'll rescue her" Rosalyn grins as the others start to smile. "But, we need a plan" Sebastian says, plus he got really tired of arguing with a stubborn teenager.

A moment of silence, they tried to think of a plan.

"Wait a spell." Rosalyn says as he raises his head from where he placed in on his arms "I know a way we can rescue Mara without risking the world."

  "Is that so?" Sebastian asks.

"How?" Ciaran asks curiously.

  "And if it works, it will be quiet the little magic trick." Rosalyn says. 

She explains the plan and we go on board a airship, Sebastian made made with Magic, years ago, to fly towards the Black Order. After finishing the Magic airship he shrunk it in a bottle, like a ship in a bottle.

The Airship

"I have concerns about this cockamamy plan if yours. We're headed right into the lion's den." Sebastian says while steering.

"You gave me a staff because you trusted me, right? So, trust me." 

"Very well. I stand by your decision... wizard." 

"Everyone knows what they need to do. If we pull this off, we'll get Mara back." Rosalyn says and walks towards the front of the ship. 

"Black Order! We're here to barter!"

The Skulls lights shine on him.

"And that means come in." Rosalyn turns to them.

Sebastian, Rosalyn, Xolo, and Ciaran, enter through the door and stand in front of Seth and Nyx.

  "It's quiet, isn't it?" Rosalyn notices.

"Good evening, Seth." Sebastian says as Seth appears. 

"Surrendering already? I was hoping for a little more cat and mouse."

"You will be rewarded with a quick and painful death." Nyx growls. The Black knight jumps down in front of them and growls.

"The fight here will end poorly for all of us. We seek a truce." Sebastian says.

"Go on, Rosalyn." Sebastian nods at Rosalyn to continue.

"Good evening, doers of evil and ancient terrors. We have a proposal: a trade. The stones for our friend." Rosalyn conjured up a see through magic orb with 6 different colored stones in them.


In some part in the ship, a portal opened up as Ciaran jumped through it. Using his magic to connect to Mara's magic, he was able to find her location.

There was Mara, in red electric magical restraints, she was groaning, her hair was ruffled up as well as clothes but not as much, trying to escape, she felt very weak.

He ran forward, but was blasted back by a darkness blast, he crashed into the wall and looked up. There was a Shadow like person?..guarding Mara.

The creature looked like a person, it had pale white skin like Zeta's but no horns, it was dressed it black and purple attire. It definitely looks like a Shadow Magic, like an undead Shadow Magick.


Xolo, was in a hiding spot in the same room as Sebastian and Rosalyn, he was waiting for the signal.

"Ugh, what taking him so long? I would've gotten Mara out by now" he looks worried.


They began fighting throwing Dark Fire at each other, dodging each other attacks.

Ciaran jumped out of a portal, punching the Undead with Dark Fire and jumping into another portal. He jumped out of another portal, kicking the undead with dark Fire again. Ciaran kicked him again. Before he could sneak attack him once more while jumping through another portal, the Undead grabbed him by the neck and smashed him into the wall. The Undead smirks. Ciaran started to choke, making gagging noises and thrashing around, grabbing at the undead's arm, trying to break free.

Mara, all she could do was watch this happening, watching as one of her closest friends as groaning and screaming in pain.  Tears filled her eyes as she glared her eyes as they began sparkling brightly.

She started grunting and shouting trying to break free from the electric magical restraints. Her whole body began Sparkling trying to teleport, as her body was sparkling, there was a bit of red electric shocks from her glitching, caused by the the magic restraints. She kept trying to teleport but she kept on glitching as she was screaming. She looked at Ciaran, struggling to break free for the death grip he was in, grunting and screaming even more now. And with that, Mara started to teleport again as her body was still glitching and glowing. Ignoring the extremely hurtful pain she was feeling, she managed to teleport away from the magic restraints in a very hurtful flash.

A extremely bright light was forming above the undead, in the air, the undead looked up. The bright light formed into Mara, who had a very angry look on her face with a bright sparkle orb in her left hand. She launched at the Undead as gave him a powerful Sparkle punch, the sparkle orb was glowing extremely bright then it ever did in Mara's whole life as she punch the undead in the face, making it lose it's grip on Ciaran as it disintegrated to dust.

Mara was panting and turned to her friend. "Ciaran! Are you ok!" She kneeled down to her friend, he was breathing for air trying to remain consciousness as he was grunting. She cupped his cheeks into her hands, making him look in her eyes "Ciaran, look at me, ok. Your ok, your ok"

Ciaran looks at her "Yeah, I'm ok" he takes a few breaths, they both help each other stand up as the two smile at each other in relief.


Seth and Nyx found out the stones were fakes. At first they believed the stones were real, for at least, lest them 10 minutes. When Rosalyn had given it to them, She was hoping that when the Order found out the stones were fake, Ciaran had already gotten Mara out of there. But it didn't work, when Rosalyn had given them the orb, Seth and Nyx believed the Stones were real. They were even laughing evilly and even giving out a speech saying there were gonna eliminate all the Magick's and make the universe reborn, typically Villian stuff. Nyx took the Time, Soul, Space stones while Seth took Power, Reality, Mind. They both created three stone gauntlets for the stones. After their evil celebration laughter, Seth tried to use the power stone as Nyx tried to use the soul stone but nothing happened. As the two got very angry and confused, Nyx felt like something was off as she used a revealing spell, turning the stones the dust, as they were just illusions.

"You dare deceive us?" Nyx asks angrily.

"Where are the Stones? The real ones!" Seth asks and points his staff at us. 

Xolo waited long enough. He jumped out of his hiding spot and sent a wave of Glass Shards at Nyx, who was blocking the shards with her staff, making them shatter. She sent a wave of an icy blast as him and he jumped out of the way. The Bionic Magick send more glass waves.

Seth shoots a fire beam at them, and Sebastian creates a shield.

"Your ruse has failed!" Sebastian shouts at his Kid "We must go now! It's not safe for any of us!" 

"We're not leaving without my friends!" Rosalyn shouts.

  "Fine! But Quickly!" Sebastian shouts and they head for the exit but a blast from the Black knight separates Sebastian from Rosalyn and Shiva. 

Rosalyn had Shiva in her left arm as she backs up while the Black knight gets closer and closer to them.

  "Foolish Girl! You think you can stop us?" Nyx says as they float towards them. 

Rosalyn and Shiva glare at them. 

The Black Knight raises his sword and Rosalyn runs at him. 

Rosalyn shouts and blasts him with magic but as the smoke evaporated the knight is unharmed and about to attack her.

"Your magicks are nothing!" He shouts and punches Rosalyn back against a wall. Rosalyn grunts in pain and falls to the ground. 

"Rosalyn!" Xolo call out worriedly.

Shiva nuzzles next to her, and glare up at the Black knight as he approaches.  Shiva got into a defensive pounding like position, growling and narrowing her blue eyes. Her mouth was smoking up.

"Stay away from her!" Sebastian blasts off a huge bolder and throws it at the knight as dust flies everywhere, blocking their vision. He holds out his hand, to help Rosalyn up and she takes it with a smile.

Rosalyn turns when he hears a growling from behind and sees the Black Knight jumping down. 

The Knight grabs her and Shiva and presses them to the ground. 

Seth wraps Xolo with the red Magic glowing chains, as he's hovers from the ground. He struggles to break free but a dark force is stopping him.

A portal opens and Ciaran and Mara jumps out only to be encased in ice by Nyx, by surprise.

"We propose new terms." Nyx says. 

"Give us the stones, or the kids die." Seth points at Rosalyn and her friends, struggling, in pain.

  "Rosalyn!" Sebastian calls out worriedly. His eyes widen as he looks worried at the kids struggling.

"I'm sorry! This *gasp* my fault!!" Rosalyn says and looks at Sebastian sadly. The Knight was almost squeezing the life out of Rosalyn and Shiva, gripping them to hard.

  "I know not what darkness twists you, but you will not harm the kids!" Sebastian shouts. His staff glows brightly, and chains wrap around Seth and Nyx. 

The Black Knight dodges and jumps at Sebastian, grabbing him by the throat and slamming him against the window. He impales him with his sword and Sebastian screams. 

Sebastian's screams echoed through the halls, haunting Rosalyn's thoughts.


Soon Rosalyn didn't know what was happening, but she felt a flash of sharp pain pierce in her head. Flashes of pain, her soon as she saw Sebastian get brutally stabbed by the sword, she saw flashes of her mother getting stabbed through the heart by that Human, years ago. Her mind was filled with running emotions, Anger, sadness, horrified, Afraid.

The Knight throws Sebastian out of the window.

"NNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Rosalyn's eyes glowed a bright purple and a wave of raw purple magic erupted from her. It throws everyone back, freeing herself and her friends of their prisons and the flying skull shakes.

Rosalyn floats up, as her purple magic surrounding her. Her hair was floating around, her eyes were glowing purple with rage. Her staff was in her right hand and Shiva was in her left hand, who looks at her in awe and shook.

Her friends stares at her in shocked and awe at the same time, their eyes wide.

Rosalyn levitates Shiva as the cub is surrounded in purple aura and throws her towards Mara. "Get out of here!" Rosalyn yells. 

Ciaran opens a portal and pulls Mara, Shiva and Xolo through.

Rosalyn dived out of the ship in pursuit of Sebastian, with a trail of purple light follows her. She saw the man she had come to love as her own Father fall to an imminent death.

Back on the ground they exit the portal to see Rosalyn holding Sebastian.

  "Oh, no!" Shiva says.

Mara gasps "Rozzi!"

"Oh, Man" Ciaran gasps.

"Roz" Xolo sadly sighs.

"Hold still. I can fix this!" Rosalyn says, her breath fast and voice cracking. "I can fix this! I can-"

"Stop, Rosalyn. No one can. Do not blame yourself." Sebastian says.

  "I'm sorry. I should have listened to-" Rosalyn says, tears going down her cheeks.

  "No, no. I'm sorry. For pushing you to hard, placing too much pressure on you. You've never had to proven anything to me. I was just to blind too see it, I'm so sorry. You had it all along, you've always had, what it took to be a great Wizard. Your perfect. Perfect in your way. Don't cry"

Mara was sniffling, Xolo sniffed and wiped his tears with his hand, Ciaran as tears rolling down his cheeks. Shiva's ears went down in sadness.

"You can't! Don't leave me! I can't-I can't lose you too!" Rosalyn cried out with tears. "I can't lose another parent! Not again!"

Rosalyn lays her head on his chest. Sebastian puts a hand on her cheek.  "I saw a glimmer of greatness..."  Rosalyn lifts her head again and Sebastian puts his hand on her cheek.  "Of what you could become. And the greatest thing I ever accomplished was saving you."

   "I'll try to make you proud." Rosalyn says and holds Sebastian's hand.

  "You already have...Daughter" Sebastian says, exhales one last time and his body goes limp.

"No. No, you can't go!" Rosalyn sobs, tears streaming down her face.

Shiva looks over at Sebastian's staff on the ground as the glow of the gem goes out, her ears fall to her sides.

"No, please. I'm not ready." She takes Sebastian's body and hugs him tightly. Suddenly, Sebastian's body turned into dust. Rosalyn stares at her now empty hands, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Ciaran sits down next to her and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Rosalyn, We're so sorry."  Xolo sighs sadly.

Mara gently grabs Rosalyn's hand, gently squeezing it. They all held Rosalyn as she cries. 

After a few minutes Rosalyn let's go. A gust of wind carried his remains into the sky until it disappeared, leaving behind a book. Rosalyn takes it and hugs it to her chest.

"What is that?" Xolo asks confused.

  "It's all we have left to guide us." Rosalyn gets up and wipes a tear away.

"Other than that, We're on our own."

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