By jt_valentine

62.6K 2.6K 295


Chaper 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 (M)

Chapter 39

1.5K 63 10
By jt_valentine

It was almost midnight when Jennie woke up. She opened her sleepy eyes slowly, blinking several times before she realized she was in Jisoo's apartment. She glanced at the person who was sleeping peacefully next to her on the sofa. She smiled. After having a nice warm bath in his spa pool and a glass of hot chocolate, she fell into a deep sleep instantly. She remembered she insisted to wait for him while he took his bath and just lay down on the sofa. She shook her head lightly. So, she must have been sleeping on the sofa but what was he doing here? She asked herself. He supposed to sleep in his own bed instead of sleeping in beside her on the sofa. She scolded him, under her breath.

She took his hand gently, which was surrounding her waist, as she didn't want to wake him up. She stared at his handsome yet innocent face. This was the first time she saw him in his sleep. He breathed slowly and his eyes were closed tightly. He looked like Yohan when he was sleeping. They really shared the same image, she said to herself, while looking at him lovingly. She liked to watch Yohan and knew all his gestures when he was sleeping. Yohan was really the likeness of his father. She smiled again, feeling grateful to have both of them in her life.

Jennie glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 11.45pm. Why didn't anyone from the hospital call them? Had Yohan woken up yet? She wanted to get up and go to the hospital right now. She had taken enough rest. She had to be by Yohan's side, as she wanted to be the first person he saw when he opened his eyes.

She turned her head when she heard Jisoo was moaning. She smiled, waiting for him to open his eyes.

"Why aren't you sleeping, Jen?" He asked sleepily with a hoarse voice, and then, blinked his eyes several times to adjust to the dim light in the living room. He glanced at his watch, "Oh, it's night already."

"Jisoo-ah, I want to go to the hospital. I want to see Yohannie."

Jisoo smiled and took her hand. He nodded and stared at her lovingly, "Ok. I want to see him, too. Go get change and we will go right now."


He looked at her in puzzled. He raised his left eyebrow, "What is it?"

"I don't have clothes. Look, even now I have to wear your pajamas."

He let out a little laugh, "But you look good in my pajamas."

She slammed her fists against his shoulders. She pouted playfully, "It's not the time to joke. You are evil. You put my only clothes in the washing machine. So, what should I wear?"

He tweaked her nose and said in a teasing tone, "Have you ever heard that somebody had invented a machine called dryer?" A teasing grin tilted across his lips.

Jennie's cheeks reddened. She laughed at her silliness, "Sorry. I forgot." Jennie's shoulders were shaking with laughter. She got up and got ready to get her clothes when she heard him asking softly.

"Jen, is it true that you won't leave me and Yohannie again? Or is it only a nice dream?"

She looked at his dark brown eyes which were glittering in uncertainty. She sighed secretly. She couldn't resist his eyes when he looked at her with love and tenderness. She put herself on his lap and whispered in his ear, "I promise you. I'm here for you and Yohannie." She said seriously, then added in a teasing tones, "But in one condition."

"What is it? Tell me." He asked his heart was beating hard. He stared at her seriously, "I don't like living with a smoker and drinker, and I saw you have your bad habits back." She pouted prettily, without taking her eyes off of him.

He blew out his breaths, as he was relief. If she asked him to stop smoking and drinking then he would agree with her right away, "I couldn't control myself when I lost you, Jen and I thought by smoking and drinking I could ease the pain that you left in me, but I was wrong." His voice suddenly sounded sad. His dark brown eyes softened.

"But I'm here for you, Jisoo-ah. There will be no pain for us anymore." She said, assuring him with her beautiful smile.

Jisoo smiled widely and kissed her cheek before he hugged her tightly. He pinched himself secretly as he still couldn't believe that Jennie came back for him and their son, "Thank you. I believe you, but." He paused, hesitating to continue, "What about your fiancé?" He asked softly, almost a whisper.

Jennie turned pale. She breathed deeply, "I will talk to him and I'm sure he would understand." She turned her eyes to another direction, avoiding Jisoo's gaze. Although she acted as if Jong-in would let her go she wasn't sure. Jong-in wasn't Jisoo. He was more of a dominant person than Jisoo. She sighed secretly.

"Do you want me to talk to him? I will fly to Sydney to explain to him after Yohannie gets better." He said firmly, searching for her eyes.

"No. Please don't. Let me solve this problem by myself. I'm the one who left him. I should have given him a reasonable explanation."

"Are you sure, Jen?" He asked, softly. He reached across and took her hand in his for a moment.
Jennie nodded and he hugged her again, tightly.


"Unnie, flowers for you!" Chae shouted from downstairs.

"Coming!"Jennie shouted back at her sister.

"Come on, Yohannie. We are going downstairs. Are you hungry?" She smiled, tickling her son who was busy with his new multi-coloring book. Yohan turned his head and screamed loudly showing his few teeth.

"Aw, please don't scream, Yohannie." She said, pointing her finger to her son playfully. Yohan was grinning widely.

It has been two weeks since Yohan was released from the hospital. Jennie stayed in her parent's house with Yohan and Jisoo visited them every night liked before. The big difference was that they were a happy family now without hatred and fight. They assured to give their best love to their son. Being a strong boy, his parents were always proud of him, Yohan had come back to being a cheerful and mischievous boy as he was.

Looking at a slender brown box from the famous florist at Seoul, she knew who the sender was. She shook her head in disbelief. Jisoo had sent her flowers almost every day. She told him the other day to stop sending her flowers but he only shrugged his shoulders playfully, "Why I can't send flowers to my love?!" He protested, showing his innocent smile.

"Because it costs much money, Jisoo-ah." She tried to explain her reason.

"Huh, nonsense but you like it, don't you?"

And she nodded, smiling beautifully at him, "and that's the end of the story." He said in joking tones, and laughed hard in victory as he saw Jennie couldn't argue back.

Jennie smiled again, pulling out a note card on the topside of the box before opening it. She was amazed that Jisoo had never lost his sweet words even though he wrote it to her every day. She opened the card and read its contents.

'These flowers aren't as lovely as your smile. Date tonight at 7pm. Love you always.'

"What? Another dinner?" She said to herself. They just had dinner two days ago. Why does he always want to spend money at expensive restaurant? During this week they had gone out almost every night. Yesterday they went to the movie even in the middle of the rain. Hugging tightly under his umbrella, they laughed and teased each other. She even didn't remember the story of the film, as they were busy kissing at the back seat. She smiled to herself. They acted like crazy teenager in love. Wearing a baseball hat, glasses and casual clothes, Jisoo fooled the media who was trying to follow him. It was a great adventure. When she protested about dating every night, he answered casually, "Jen, we have to catch the time we left behind before we got together at last. I want to feel the excitement when we are dating as lover. As other couples were dating on the weekend, we would have a date every night to catch their records."

As Jennie pouted in frustration, he laughed hard.

Opening the box, she smiled again. There were three dozens of long stems red roses. The roses lying beautifully with chocolates rose oil and potpourri.

Yesterday he sent her yellow gerberas mixed with lavender, "This Kim Jisoo is really a bad boy." She said to herself. She dialed his office number and waited for him impatiently.

"Kim Jisoo here."

"Jisoo-ah, um...thanks for the flowers." She said, softly.

"Do you like it, Jen?"

She could hear the eagerness in his voice, "Do you even have to ask? You know the answer, spoiled brat!"

He laughed, "Ok. I will meet you at 7pm."

"Hey, where are we going tonight?"

"Five-star dining. Please wear your night dress." He said again, still laughing a bit at her frustration.

She sighed. She had never won when dealing with his surprised, "Do we have to go to a five-star dining again, Jisoo-ah?"

"Yes. I plan something special tonight." He said quickly, but then, regretted at what he had said, "I meant I want to show you the best place to eat in Seoul."

Sighing in defeat, she said softly, "Alright. See you tonight. Bye, Jisoo Oppa."

"Hey, hey, don't hang up. How's Yohannie?"

"He's fine and right now he's looking at me impatiently. He's waiting for me to finish talking with his daddy. He looks hungry, Jisoo-ah." She laughed a bit, stealing a glance at her son who was murmuring some words.

"I'm glad he got his appetite back. You don't know how stressful I was when he refused to eat." He sighed, as he remembered his difficult time with Yohan.

"Ok, Jisoo-ah! I have to prepare his food otherwise he will be screaming again! I don't know why he likes to scream so much!" She grumbled, "Bye, Jisoo Oppa."

There was no answer from the person on the other line.

Suddenly, "Jen." He called her name, gently.


"I'm in love with you."

"Sweet talker." She replied to him, yet smiling broadly. She shook her head in disbelief. She could hear he was chuckling.

Putting the cordless phone on its base, Jennie put herself carelessly on the sofa. She glanced at the phone. She had to call Jong-in again. She remembered their conversation two days after Yohan woke up from his comatose.


"Jong-in Oppa, I don't know what to say but I can't leave my son again. He needs me. God has given him back to me. I have sworn beside his bed when he was in a coma that I wouldn't leave him again, no matter what. Please understand, Oppa." She said gently, trying to explain to her fiancé about her situation.

There was no respond from Jong-in on the other line. She sighed deeply. She knew she was guilty for leaving him without saying anything. She tried to talk to him. She knew Jong-in was angry and disappointed, "Oppa." She said again, in a gentle voice.

She could hear Jong-in clearing his throat as if he was trying hard to gasp for his breaths, "Jen, if Yohan is the main reason, why do you have to stay in Seoul? Why don't you bring him here? I have an open heart to accept that bastard's son to be my son, as I love you so much! Why do you have to leave me a few weeks before our wedding day? You are so cruel, Jen."

"Jong-in Oppa, before we continue our conversation, please don't say my son's father is a bastard! His name is Jisoo." She tried to say normally, yet anger splashed at her heart.

Jong-in was laughing sarcastically, "So, what do you want me to call him? A respectful man? A hero? Come on, Jen. We know it's a big lie. We know exactly who he is. Please don't make me read all of his bad records."

Jennie inhaled a big sigh of despair as she closed her eyes. She didn't understand why during these last two days Jong-in had changed dramatically. Her eyes were glistering with tears. That's all her fault. She had hurtled him. She had to ask for his forgiveness otherwise she would be feeling guilty for the rest of her life.


"Jen, could you imagine what I have to say to our friends and relatives to cancel our wedding if you don't come back here?" His voice sounded tired, full of bitterness.

She gulped her saliva hardly. Tears dropped on her cheeks. She could feel Jong-in's broken heart and disappointment but she had to make it clear. She decided to stay in Seoul, not only for Yohan but also it's because she loved Jisoo.

"Jong-in Oppa, I want to tell you the truth. I can't go back. I love Yohan and I love his fa..."

The sound of the phone was been put down harshly, striking in her ear. She sobbed silently. She dialed his number again, but only got his voice message box. She put the phone down after trying several times without a result.

Since that day, Jennie had never got a chance to talk to Jong-in as he had refused to take her calls. She used other methods. She sent him emails, yet they ended up without replies. Finally, she used the old method to explain to him. She wrote him a letter of apology in many pages. He still didn't answer her back. She got frustrated but she didn't dare to tell Jisoo. If Jisoo knew about it then she was sure that he would get upset. She knew Jisoo had a short temper when he got angry. She just didn't want both of them to get in a big fight. She had to solve the problem with Jong-in, as she was guilty to leave him in the nick of time of their wedding.

*End of Flashback*

Someone pulling her dress lightly had taken her back from her daydreams. She smiled to her son, "Are you hungry, Yohannie?" He grinned. He slowly gained weight to become a chubby little boy as before. Jisoo had bought so many nutritious food and vitamin to provide the best for their son's recovery.

Jennie took Yohan in her embrace and went to the kitchen to prepare his food after putting him in the baby high chair. He played with his plastic spoon and bowl as he waited for his food impatiently.

The rain was bucketing down on Friday night in Seoul when they went out for dinner. However, their feeling was absolutely up. Jisoo booked a private table at the five-star restaurant at the highest building in Seoul.

Dressed in a pale pink nightdress which shows off her curves, she stepped out from the car with Jisoo holding her hand tightly.

"You look bright, lovely, and perfect, Jen. Nobody could guess that this pretty lady has given me the wonderful boy in the world." He whispered, when he kissed her lightly on the cheek.

She blushed prettily, "Thanks for the compliment and thanks to you who chose this gown for me."

He grinned proudly, "Let's go."

During their outing to the restaurant, Jennie glanced at Jisoo several times. He was quiet tonight as if he was nervous; however, his eyes were twinkling brightly. He must have had something under his sleeves. Her heart was beating erratically as she waited for his surprised. He had always had a surprised for her. She couldn't imagine what he would do tonight.

Taking a deep breath after having their romantic dinner, Jisoo looked at her seriously. Then, he groaned. The heat in the restaurant was humid. Although the air conditioning was running in the atmosphere he could feel his body sweating. It might be because of his nervousness. His mind told himself. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Jennie was staring at him in puzzled. He sighed deeply again, but this time Jennie noticed him. She knitted her eyebrows.

Jennie had waited for him to say something after a few moment of silence. When she saw him getting nervous, she cleared her throat, "What is it, Jisoo-ah? Are you ok?" She whispered.

"I'm fine. Perfectly fine." He said, smiling at her. Clearing his throat, he stiffed his spine, "Jen, I would like to ask something important to you." He said again softly, his eyes still on her.

She raised her eyebrows in a beautiful way, making Jisoo groaned again. He took her soft hand and said seriously.

"Marry me, Jen. Please make me the happiest man on earth to marry you. I want to spend my whole life together with you." He reached out and touched her silky hair, his hand gentle and light. He caressed her hair tenderly, "By the time your hair turns white, I want to be the first person who will comb it for you."

She looked at him. She looked at his pleading eyes. Those eyes were just liked Yohan when he wanted something from her. Her big beautiful eyes were bright with unshed tears. She tried to speak but her throat was dry. She was speechless. She just smiled at him, biting her lower lips.

Jisoo reached into his pocket and pull out with a little dark blue box. He opened the box slowly, "I have bought it a year ago but you know many things have happened since that time." He paused, without taking his eyes off of her, "But today, I'm not going to wait anymore. I want to wake up beside you when the morning comes. Truth, love, happiness and future. I want to share them all with you. Please marry me, Jennie Ruby Jane Kim." He was looking at her with absolutely full of love in his eyes.

Jennie looked down at the diamond ring inside the box with her heart beating fast. Inside the box lay the most beautiful diamond ring she had ever seen, a three-carat Asscher-cut ring. She read the words carved inside the ring, 'Love you forever'. Her eyes suddenly became misty, her throat choked. She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue.

She looked at him in the eyes, "YES! Yes, Kim Jisoo. I will marry you." Her cheeks reddened and then, slowly a single tear dropped from her beautiful eyes.

Jisoo smiled widely. He blew out his breath as if the big burden had removed from his. He wanted to scream loudly if there were no people around them. He took her hand and slides the ring onto her fourth finger. His eyes were shimmering with tears. He lifted his face up and asked her jokingly, "No regrets, Jen?"

Jennie shook her head firmly, without taking her eyes off of him, "I want to grow old with you too, Jisoo-ah."

He gave her his deadly smile. He reached out his hand to hug her and brushed a soft kiss over her cherry lips, "I love you with all my heart, Jennie."

"You had better mean it, otherwise I will...I will." She said in a teasing tone.

Laughing hard, he scooped her into his arms again, "What will you do? Kiss me?"

She blushed again. She punched his chest playfully. When she opened her mouth to answer him back, his lips had dropped down onto hers. He kissed her and when the kiss grew deep and heated he drew back and smiled shyly, "My goodness, Jennie. I think we should carry this on in a more private place. Look, everyone is looking at us."

Looking at all the other guests who were smiling at them, Jennie's face reddened, "It's your entire fault, Kim Jisoo." She hit his chest playfully.

He laughed hard and took her hand, "Let's dance, my fiancé. I have requested this song especially for you."

She smiled at him, walking hand in hand with him to the dance floor. He called her his fiancé. Why did the sound of that make her heart jump up and down in happiness? She glanced at her engagement ring on her fourth finger. It was shining brightly liked her heart. She felt the most special moment in her life. The atmosphere was so different when Jong-in asked her to be his fiancé. The feeling was different. Remembering Jong-in, she felt a pain stabbing in her heart, 'Oh please God, I don't want to think of him tonight. I just want to be with Jisoo Oppa, my Jisoo.' She said to herself.

"Since I can't sing I will ask the singer to sing this song on behalf of me." He said, smiling widely.

She stared at him then pouted, "You have promised to sing for me."

"Yes. Yes, but not now. I don't want to ruin this lovely moment with my terrible voice." Closing her eyes in Jisoo's embrace, she danced with him elegantly. This song was familiar in her ears. After hearing its first rhyme, she smiled and shook her head secretly. Jisoo was really smart when he chose something that always surprised her.

'I don't know but I believe
that some things are meant to be
and that you will make a better me
every day I love you
I never thought that dreams came true
But you showed me that they do
you know that I learn something new
every day I love you
Coz I believe that destiny is out of our control
(Don't you know that I do)
and you will never live until you love
with all your heart and soul
It's a touch when I feel bad
It's a smile when I get mad
All the little things I have
every day I love you
Every day I love you more
every day I love you
If I asked would you say yes?
Together were the very best
I know that I'm truly blessed
every day I love you
and I will give you my best
every day I love you
(Taken from Every day I love you, sung by Boy zone)'

Impulsively, she reached up and kissed him. The last rhymes of the song made the atmosphere more romantic.

'If I asked would you say yes?
Together were the very best
I know that I'm truly blessed
every day I love you
and I will give you my best
every day I love you'

It was a longer kiss this time and when it ended they were both smiling and breathless.

"Gosh! Jennie!" He shouted on purposed to tease her. He gasped for his breath, still smiling broadly on his handsome face. He stared at her flushing cheeks, "What if we get marry next month, Jen?" He whispered again, very softly while continuing to dance with her.

"June? I thought there's somebody here who has a dream having his wedding in autumn." She said her chin uplifted. She remembered he said that he wanted to have a wedding in autumn.

He nodded and tweaked her nose lovingly, "Yes. Yes. It has always been my dream, an autumn wedding, but autumn is too long. Now it's May. I can't wait. I'm afraid you will change your mind." He said very softly. His eyes were pleading insecurity.

She stared at him with love in her eyes, "Believe me. We will have a beautiful wedding in autumn. Moreover, I need time to start my life here and prepare the wedding. It's not an ordinary occasion. It's a special moment in my life." She said with a husky voice, "I want to marry you in church, Jisoo-ah."

"I will follow you. Since now, just prepare yourself and any wedding preparation."

She couldn't say anything more, just smiling brightly at him. She nodded and hugged him, engrossing in their dance.
"Do you really love me, Jen?"

She smiled and linked her arms around his neck. Their bodies were still moving slowly to follow the rhythm. She looked at him in the eye, "I love you, you mischief, arrogant, short temper, yet handsome and soft-hearted, spoiled brat, and stubborn man! I love all of you. The real Kim Jisoo."

Jisoo chuckled and answered her by claiming her lips again, a long, deep kiss that stole her breath away. Her lips were sweet liked ripe cherries. His breath smelled like fresh mints. They kissed to wipe away the dark memories of their suffering years, creating a new promise for the future. Each kiss sealed the promise of a bright new future together.


"What is it, Jisoo?" Mrs. Kim asked her son, when she spotted him smiling crazily after she opened the door for him tonight. It was unusual. He usually slept in his apartment, but tonight, he seemed to want to spend the night in his bedroom.

He suddenly hugged his mother and yelled happily, "I'm getting marry, mom! This time is for real! Jennie has agreed! She accepted me! Finally, she agreed to marry me! We will be getting married in autumn, maybe it will be on October or November!"

He then, pulled himself to see his mother who was knitting her eyebrows.

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