Izuku, the Gentleman Bounty H...

By JasonNava7

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I am not good with descriptions. Characters, settings, images and Videos belong to their respective owners un... More

Chapter 1: Spike's Farewell, Izuku's Lonesomeness
Chapter 2: A New Job? Becoming a Bodyguard
Chapter 3: Izuku's Standoff; Commencing Momo's Training
Chapter 4: Things Are Getting Intense
Chapter 5: Time to Take It Up A Notch; A Fated Fight
Chapter 6: Izuku, The Mack Daddy of Heroism
Chapter 7: It's Loving Time; Ambushed
Chapter 8: Time for the Festival; The Facts of Life
Chapter 9: Planning Against The Opposition
Chapter 10: Interning with An Elderly Night Owl
Chapter 11: Darkness within the Woodlands
Chapter 13: Never Fight Out Of Fear, Never Fear To Fight
Chapter 14: The Narcissist of Class 1-B; Eri's Quirk, and Family Time
Chapter 15: Sparring with. . . .The Big Three of UA!?!?
Chapter 16: Sights For Sore Eyes
Chapter 17: Making Amends
Chapter 18: Raiders of Shie Hassaikai; Epilogue

Chapter 12: Marked Hostility; Momo Unhinged

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By JasonNava7

The next day of training began for the students as they were trying hard to perfect the use of their quirks.

But the students got distracted when Izuku kept getting head shots on moving targets with an assortment of armories. They were also scared because he was doing it with a smile on his face.

But Class 1-B's teacher Blood Vlad decided to mock Izuku and Class 1-A as Izuku smiled happily and decided put a sticky fly trap on his face.

This made the hero grab his face and run into tree and fall back. Izuku then saw Monoma reaching for him while running at him. Izuku ducked under his outstretched arm and gave him a wedgie and dunked him into the bucket of water Todoroki was using.

Todoroki: I was using that to train. It has my sweat in there. And it's boiling hot, too.

Monoma was moving his legs around in the air frantically as Izuku dipped the bucket and he narcissistic blond was flopping around like a fish out of water.

Izuku: Hook, line and sinker.

But late at night trouble began to occur. Izuku and Momo ran to help some of their classmate and some of Class 1-B. However, Izuku saw Kirishima being swirled around like a ragdoll by a giant blonde man into the wall.

Izuku: Kirishima!!

He then ran at them and Izuku punched the blonde in the face and sent him flying into the wall.

Izuku and Momo began to attend to Kirishima.

Momo: Kirishima, what happened here?!

Kirishima coughed up blood as he began to speak.

Kirishima: A villain came here. I tried to stop him with my hardening, but his quirk broke through it.

Izuku turned around and the bulky blonde towering over Kota.

Izuku: Momo, watch out, okay?!

Izuku then ran as fast as he could and stood in front of Kota and the villain.

The blonde immediately gave a menacing grin at them both.

Izuku: Who are you?! And why are you preying on Kota?!


Izuku then loaded his pistols and put them away as he put up his fists.

Izuku: All right then, put up your dukes! Also, Muscular? Pretty weak name for someone who is steroids like All Might and Endeavor.

Muscular: Watch yourself, kid!! I'll be able to rip you to shreds!!

Izuku: Guess what?

Muscular:. . . . . . .I missed the part where that's my problem.

Muscular: Grrr!

The villain rushed Izuku as the green haired bounty hunter evaded the punch and moved Kota out of the way.

Izuku: Kota! Get out of here! Momo, Kirishima, you two have to leave as well!

Kirishima: N-No! I-I-I'll help out, too!

Izuku: No! You're injured and already overused your quirk! Momo, you have to be support, understand!?

Momo nodded, obviously worried, but she understood what she needed to do as a hero. She ran to him and kissed him. While doing so, she quickly created a communicator that was also tracker and placed it in his jacket.

Momo: I ! Be careful, Izu!!

Kirishima: G-Good Luck!

Izuku was about to leave them back until Izuku received a punch to the face.

Izuku flew back several feet and his nose was broken. He grabbed his nose and cracked into place while cracking his neck.

Izuku: That feels much better. Okay, then, no more games.

Izuku then rushed Muscular as he began to fight Muscular on a one on one battle.

Muscular: You're good! I want to kill you even more now!!

Izuku: You're rude, trying to kill a quirkless person!

Muscular: He said you had a special power hidden within you that ain't a quirk, so SHOW IT TO ME!!!

Izuku quickly dodged a few punches and delivered a kick to the back of Muscular's knee and broke a branch off a tree and whacked Muscular's face with it.

Muscular grabbed Izuku hands and headbutted him square in the face and slammed him through a tree.

Izuku: Ack!!

Muscular then slammed him into the ground, forming a crater.

Muscular: Ha Ha Ha!! I'm surprised that quirkless guy like you can even live after that, unlike some pros!

Izuku's suit was tattered, and he was bleeding head to toe. He was breathing heavily.

Izuku's mindscape: Damn it, if I do have that hidden ability within me, I need to fina way to unlock and master quickly. Otherwise, they all might die. What's worse I can't use my guns of the stupid rules.

Muscular walked toward the injured Izuku as he pulled out a fake eye cover. And used his quirk to amplify his strength with more muscle tissue.


He then launched his fist at full power, until all of a sudden his muscle tissue disappeared and Izuku took his opportunity and began his assault on Muscular.

Powerful and rapid punches and kicks being sent to his face and all across his body. Izuku then used his legs to kick the villain into the air as Izuku ran up the tree and jumped over Muscular and drop kicked him into the same crater Muscular made for Izuku and made it even larger.

Izuku bent his knees and when his feet landed, he rolled so he could lessen the impact on his feet.

Izuku then raised his fists up again as Muscular got up and was enraged. Izuku, taking advantage of his blind anger, ran at him as Muscular unleashed an uppercut that Izuku dodged in midair as he grabbed a branch and stabbed into his fake eye.


The villain let out a pained scream that made everyone shiver to the bone.

Izuku used his guns to hit Muscular in the face, breaking his nose and a tooth. Izuku shot his pistols at Muscular's kneecaps and elbows.

Izuku then unleashed more punches and kicks and charged his signature punch K.O punch!

Izuku delivered the final blow and sent Muscular flying through some trees and inside Kota's now vacant cave.

Izuku: Sorry not sorry. Lucky for me, he didn't fuck my legs. That power though, can it be shut off, or is it permanent? Oh well time to find out.

Izuku then ran to find Momo and Kirishima. But they were dealing with Tokoyami, whose Dark Shadow was running rampant and causing massive destruction.

Izuku then ran at Tokoyami, hoping that his new power can be shut on an off willingly. He decided to concentrate and attacked the raging hero in training.

Dark Shadow let out a roar and smacked Izuku downward.

Everyone was shocked that Izuku managed to punch Dark Shadow. Dark Shadow immediately entered back into Tokoyami. Izuku knew he had to do something about Tokoyami. He then chopped the back of his neck, knocking him out.

Momo: Izuku, what happened to you, Baby!?

She then cupped her hubby's bloody face as he just lightly chuckled. Momo pouted as she decided to pull on his cheek and he cried in slight pain.

Izuku: Ow, Ow Ow!! Please, let go, Honey!

Momo: Not until you tell me why you are bleeding so much! You told me you were going to be okay!!

Izuku: I accidentally left myself wide open and he gave me a few good hits.

Momo then hugged and smiled as he hugged her with one arm.

Momo: I'm just glad you're alive and okay and especially with me.

Izuku: I am too. Where's Kota?

Momo: He's with Mandalay right now.

Izuku: Good. Now we have to find . . . . .

Izuku then heard some rustling in the trees as he pulled his MRG and aimed it at the trees as Kirishima activated his quirk and Momo created a shield and put their backs together, protecting the unconscious Tokoyami.

A needle pierced the sky as it was aimed at Momo and she deflected one of the needles with her shield but one impaled her arm as blood was going through the tube, until Izuku cut the tube and he deflected a knife that was coming toward them. Kirishima saw a blue ball of flames head towards, so using his arms he rushed through without burning.

???: Man, your teacher was so annoying. But at least I can understand why he is so tired.

Just then a man with spiky black hair appeared before them and a girl with messy buns and a schoolgirl outfit as she smiled sadistically at Izuku.

???: Oh my, God!! You look so handsome! Especially with all of the delicious blood all over you. I'm Himiko Toga, handsome!!

The female villain then licked her lips with lust as she immediately ran at Izuku with her knife in hand.

Momo however, felt a fire fuel her as her eyes lost color as she stared blankly at the blitzing villain, now know as Toga, her fist clenched as her rage caused to catch and blindly punch Toga knocking her away several feet.

Toga wiped the blood with her hand as she sexually licked it off while staring at Izuku.

Toga: Let me suck you dry of your blood. I want you to become a part of me. I WANT YOU INSIDE ME!!

Izuku: You're fucking mental!! I'm married to this gorgeous lady right here who looks like she might kill you any moment now.

Momo: . . . . . . .

Toga: Oh, you pretty cute, too. I like to swing both ways.

Momo: . . . . . . . My heart, my love, my everything belongs to one person. One man. The man YOU ARE TRYING TO TAKE AWAY FROM ME, YOU BITCH!!!

Momo, with incredible speed was in front of Toga punching her in the gut as she spat out saliva from the pain, Momo wasn't planning to let up either. She roundhouse kicked Toga in the midsection and delivered a mean left hook. Toga then tried to stab her, but Momo's frightening and quickly developing skill caught her hand and twisted enough to not break it and chopped her neck, but Toga was still standing as she stabbed a needle into her leg.

Toga: Suck, suck, su-. . .

Momo grabbed Toga's messy buns as she headbutted the villainess. She staggered and Momo created a combat knife and cut the tube, just like Izuku did before.

Toga groaned in frustration.

Toga: You know, you are no fun. You didn't let me have any of your blood!

Momo: My blood isn't for sale, whore!

Toga: Trusts me, after I steal all of the blood from your big boobied body, I will transform into you, and take his blood too. Maybe I might take a certain white liquid from him inside me as well.

Momo:. . . . . .

That broke her. She created brass knuckles and with her obsessive love for Izuku increasing her speed and strength, she was already in front of Toga and was about to sock her until a purple portal mad where disappear.

With Izuku, he was dealing with the villain who was known as Dabi, whose quirk was Cremation. He launched a blue ball of flame at Izuku as he dodged it, but unfortunately, it began to track his movements and the whole forest was set ablaze in blue.

Izuku had suffered some serious burns to his arm. Completely destroying the upper portion of his suit.

Izuku: How do I activate that power again!? Fuck!!

Dabi: He was right. You haven't awoken it yet. I better kill you quickly before you do.

Izuku: For the last fucking time, who is HE!?

Dabi: I won't tell. And unfortunately you won't live long enough to see it. Compress, now!!

Izuku: What? Aagh!!

Izuku was compressed into a tiny orb as a man wearing a performance mask and a large top hat and suit with a cane in his hand.

Dabi: We for what we came for! But, first we'll show him off and tell them their bounty hunter is in our grasp now. Kurogiri, now.

A purple mist formed around them and he then appeared above Momo who was with Tokoyami, Uraraka and Kirishima.

Dabi: Before we leave we just wanted to show you something.

Compress then showed them the orb with Izuku in it, as Momo got worried, but with a determined look on her face, she created springs and was about to jump to them, until the little orb began to shake and Izuku broke free. The moment in doing so, he punched Mr. Compress and threw him as well as himself off the cliff. Using Compress' cane, he hit the "theater" villain in the face, causing his performance mask to fall off. Izuku used a headbutt as well and used the stray ridges of rock that were on the cliff to his advantage. He began slamming Mr. Compress' head to the side of the cliff, making a large gash on his head.

Momo was running toward and was about reach out for Izuku and Izuku was about to as well, but just as he was about to jump off Compress, he fell into Kurogiri's portal.

Momo looked on in what could be described as sheer worry and fear as her husband looked into her eyes as well as he was transported somewhere else.

Dabi smiled as he walked backwards and disappeared as well.

Dabi: See ya.

The forest was silent now. No more struggles, no more villains. Momo was  standing there clenching her teeth and fists as she growled and her eyes were now blood red.

Momo yelled out to the sky.


Momo then began to slightly chuckle as she pulled at a locator and found Izuku's location.

Momo: Luckily, it won't take me long!

She then pulled out a picture of Izuku as she traced her fingers across it and kissed it as she now had hearts in her eyes and was panting sporadically.

Momo: Hold on, Izu-baby!! Your baby Mama is coming to rescue you, Zuzu. And we will make up the time those evil and nasty villains stole from us with a little bit of fun!! I WILL have my husband back and Eri WILL have her father back!!

She then gained a determined looked as she looked at the locator, then looked at her classmates. Without them looking she ran off to the location.

-End of Chapter-

Yep, Now that Izuku was kidnapped by villains, Momo will do absolutely slot in her power to get back her husband. Anyway, I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to give my other stories some love too and as always I'll see you guys soon in the next chapter. Peace!

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