Haven's Winter (#Wattys 2015)

By delenaftw

254K 10.1K 2.2K

»And as the sun turns the sky to gold, then bright red, then dark blue, I realize something. Something I knew... More

Chapter One: Harsh Reality
Chapter Two: Noah What's-His-Last-Name
Chapter Two (part two): Alex
Chapter Three: Twenty Questions
Chapter Four: Deal With The Devil
Chapter Five: Going Undercover
Chapter Six: I'm Not Her
Chapter Seven: Camping Trip
Chapter Eight: Hearts Are Breakable
Chapter Nine: Game On
Chapter Ten: Cold And Sweet
Chapter Eleven: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter Twelve: Setting Heart
Chapter Thirteen: Take A Chance, Pay The Price
Chapter Fourteen: Drunk Confessions
Chapter Fifteen: Osculum Dare
Chapter Sixteen: Heart To Heart
Chapter Eighteen: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter Nineteen: I'm Yours
Chapter Twenty: Intuition
Chapter Twenty-One: Theory Of A Lie
Chapter Twenty-Two: Broken
Chapter Twenty-Three: Right Before My Eyes
Chapter Twenty-Four: Only Love Hurts Like This
Chapter Twenty-Five: Tear Me Apart
Chapter Twenty-Six: Where Rainbows End
Hey, everybody!

Chapter Seventeen: Light Of A Thousand Stars

9K 320 52
By delenaftw

Hey there fellow Wattpaders!

Okay, just kidding...

Anyway, here's the new chapter! Yay.

It's really long and I'm not sure how I feel about it, but you guys wanted a new chapter, so here it is!

Oh, and the song to the side is the song that is... in the end of the chapter. (No spoilers)

So, when you get to the end, I'd like you to listen to it. It's in Italian and it's SO beautiful!

Vote, comment and enjoy!


"You what?!"

Anna screeches on the other side of the line.

I just told her about what happened between Noah and me. Noah had to leave about a half an hour ago because of a family emergency. He didn't look worried when he left, so I took that as a sign that nothing bad happened.

Anyway, he left, and what's the next thing I do? Well, call my best friend and tell her all about it, of course!

I laugh. "Don't act so surprised. You're the one who told me he had feelings for me, in the first place."

I stretch on my toes to open the cabinet in the kitchen where the chips is. I manage to get it, then I go to the living room and sit on the couch.

"I know, but after what happened? I though you were mad at him." She says and I sigh. I don't feel like explaining, mostly because I don't understand it myself. I mean, Noah told me that he was angry and hurt because he thought I liked his brother, and I get it. He thought history was repeating itself, even though we weren't a couple, but still. See? Confusing.

"It's a long story." I say.

She hesitates and then says, "I know I should tell you that he hurt you and that you aren't supposed to be with him, but the hell with it. I'm so happy for you!"

I giggle like a five year old and nod, even though she can't see me.

"We can go to double dates, then go to prom together and when you get married, Alex and I can live next door and we can even get the same dogs! And then—"

"Whoa," I cut her off, "Slow down, cowboy!"

I laugh at her enthusiasm and say, "We haven't even gone on a date yet."

"Sorry, just got carried away. But, you'll go on a date, right?" She asks.

I smile, "I hope so."


That's it, I'm tired of this crap.

I'm cutting my hair. I'm getting a haircut first thing tomorrow.

I was brushing my hair and my hairbrush literally got stuck in it! How messed up is that?!

I usually hate hair that is too long, but I guess I've been ignoring mine. My hair is naturally really straight, and I'm so thankful for it, but enough is enough.

My Mom always told me that shorter hair would look good on me. I'm not brave enough to do a pixie cut, though. I'll probably be shoulder length.

Don't get me wrong, I like how long hair looks on other people. But, on me, not so much. I'm short and my long hair makes me look even shorter.

I put my hair in a ponytail and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face, then go to bed.

As I lay in bed, I wonder what Noah is doing. I haven't stopped grinning like an idiot since he came. I don't know why, though. We kissed, and that's it. I mean, sure, he told me he liked me, but he didn't actually say 'Hey, you wanna be my girlfriend?'. Or whatever you're supposed to say when you want someone to be with you. I wouldn't know. The only date I've been on is when I was fourteen, and he vomited on my because of too much candy. Let's just say, I'm new with the boyfriend/girlfriend thing.

My mind starts relaxing and sleep is welcoming me, when my phone buzzes.

From: Noah what's-his-last-name

To: Haven S. Winter

Sleep tight. See you in your dreams. ;)

I laugh. Such a confident jerk.

I put my phone next to me and fall asleep with a smile on my face.


''Stop! No, wait. Go. No, stop!''

I say to Brenda. She puts her hand on her waist and says with her southern accent, ''Haven, darlin', you gotta make up your mind. Do you want me to cut it or not?''

I sigh. As much as I don't like my hair's length, it's still hard to cut more than half of it.

Brenda speaks up, ''I know what'll make you feel better, hun. What do you think about donating your hair to help make wigs for women who lost their hair from cancer treatment?''

''Yes! I'd love to do that.''

Now, it's not hard to cut my hair at all. I know it will go to a good cause.

Brenda pats my head and does her job.

I've known Brenda for as long as I remember. She was my Mom's friend. Mom only trusted Brenda with her hair. And she was right. Brenda is the best. I didn't tell anyone I was getting a haircut, except for my grandma. Surprisingly, she said it was a great idea. It was a little odd, considering she was the biggest fan of my hair.

An hour and a half later, my haircut is all done. Brenda takes my cut hair that's secured with a plastic band and puts it in a zip-lock bag, sealing it.

''You did a good thing, darlin'.'' She says and I smile. I take out my wallet and start to pay her, when she darts forward.

''No! You ain't payin' me, hun.''

''Brenda, please. I want to.'' I plead. I haven't seen myself in the mirror yet, but I know she did a great job.

''No chance in hell. Your mother used to do that. I always refused to let her pay, so she gave up convincing me and started buying me cakes, instead. You remind me of her so much.'' She says, tears making her blue eyes look like they're made of glass. She brushes my hair off my shoulder and smiles at me. I give her a tight hug and squeeze. That is the best thing she could ever say.

''Thank you.'' I start to go outside and stop when I get to the door of her beauty salon. ''And I'm buying you cake next time, too!''

She laughs and I close the door.

When I get home, I realize I still haven't looked at myself in the mirror. I open the front door, seeing my grandparents are finally home. I close the door and call out, ''I'm home!''

My grandpa appears from the kitchen, and when he sees me, he stops. He smiles at me and pulls me into a hug. ''You look great, sweetheart.''

I hug him back and laugh, ''Thank you, grandpa.''

''Haven? Oh, you look beautiful, honey.'' My grandma comes after my grandpa from the kitchen and gives me an equally tight hug.

''Really? You like the haircut?'' I ask and she waves me off. ''Of course! You look so much better like that. I didn't know it was possible, but you got even more beautiful.'' I laugh and start going to my room. ''You only say that because you have to!'' I throw over my shoulder.

After going to my bedroom, I go to my bathroom and head to the mirror. I close my eyes.

Please look good, please look good.

I beg inside my head, as I stand in front of the mirror.

I open my eyes and immediately smile. It does look good. I mean, I'm not being overly-confident or anything, I'm not saying I look good, but the haircut does.

It only reaches my shoulders and it's straight. My hair looks shiny and healthy, and I think Brenda put some magic shampoo in it, because it even looks lighter.

I run my fingers trough it, finally satisfied with my hair.


I hate Mondays.

I think everybody does. They're unnecessary and they're mean and I hate them.

I grunt and get out of my warm, comfortable bed and head toward the bathroom. I almost smile when I see my new hair, and then I remember it's Monday and my smile fades. Damn Mondays.

After showering, brushing my teeth and putting on a little make up, I go to my closet.

I put on my cream colored dress,  ankle military boots and head out the front door. Anna is waiting for me in her car, only paying attention to her phone. I get in her car and say, ''Hey.''

She finally looks up from her phone and gasps. I grin and she squeals, ''Oh my God, Haven! You look great!''

I laugh and shake my hair, ''You like it?''

''It's so much better than before!''

I thank her and we start driving towards the school.

Fifteen minutes later, I'm at my locker. I'm disappointed when I see that Noah is nowhere in sight. I'm also nervous. Why am I nervous?

I take my books from my locker, when I see Noah walking in the hallway. He's walking with some guys from the football team, so he doesn't see me. I take the opportunity to admire how good he looks today. Or any day.

Noah looks mildly bored as the guys around him laugh while telling him something. He's looking around, searching for someone, when he sees me.

I suddenly feel self-conscious and nervous about my hair. I know I shouldn't care what anyone else thinks, but damn if I don't want him to like it.

Our eyes lock and his bored expression turns into a huge smile. I feel myself smile back as he says something to the guys around him and heads toward me.

I don't know how to act. Do I act like a friend? Something more? Or do I—

My thought is interrupted as Noah closes the space between us and wraps his arms around me. He lifts me off my feet and I laugh in surprise. He spins me around, then puts me back on the ground. His arms are still around me when he whispers in my ear, "You look amazing."

I silently exhale a breath of relief. I haven't realized how much his opinion meant.

"Thank you," I say, breathless. Mostly because of his hug, but also because of the effect he has on me.

He lets go of me and takes a lock of my hair between his fingers. He gently studies it and it's only then when I realize the students that are staring. My cheeks redden as I remember that Noah and I aren't alone. He sees my hesitation and smiles reassuringly.

"Don't worry about them, okay?"

I nod and close my locker. Noah is still looking at me, grinning. He shakes his head slowly and says, "I can't believe you cut your hair."

"It's not that big of a deal. Plus, you said it looked okay." I defend. Why am I defending myself?

"I didn't say it looked okay," He says and I frown. Did I hear him wrong a few minutes earlier?

Noah continues, "I said you looked amazing. And you do. And I know it's not a big deal, but it is to you. You did something unexpected. That's another thing off your bucket list that's complete."

My eyes widen, "Really?" I don't remember putting it on it, but that sounds like something I'd do.

He nods and I smile. One step closer to completing it. Yay. I do a little victory dance in my head.

Noah takes a step closer, making the butterflies in my stomach activate.

"I want to ask you something." He says, his voice lower than before. I gulp, suddenly nervous.

He brings his hand to my hair and brushes it behind my shoulder. He needs to stop doing this if he wants me to think clearly.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me," He says, and I'm about to say yes when he continues, "But then I realized, of course you'd want to go out with me. I mean, I'm me."

I hit his chest and he laughs. I roll my eyes at his confidence, when he turns serious. Well, as serious as he can be.

"No, really. Snow,  do you want to go out on a date with me?" He asks.

I smile and step closer to him. I reach on my tiptoes and I can see his surprise at what I'm about to do. Or what he thinks I'm about to do.

My lips are brushing his, and as he starts to lean forward to close the gap, I lean back just a little. Our lips are still only a millimeter away as I say, "No." And I turn around and walk away.

A mischievous smile is on my lips as I turn around and see that he's still standing in place, shocked.

That'll show him not to tease me again.

It's the middle of Chemistry class when someone comes in the classroom, interrupting Mrs. Kelsey mid-sentence.

I look up and see Noah, confident as ever, standing by the door. What is he doing here?

He's not even in my Chemistry class!

Noah  comes closer to Mrs. Kelsey and says, "Sorry for the interruption, but I'd like to attend your class for the next twenty minutes." He gives her his irresistible smile and I can see the hesitation on her face.

I can't believe this. You're a teacher, for God's sake! I yell at her in my mind.

"Fine. But stay quiet." She says and Noah winks at her. She's trying to suppress a smile and I roll my eyes.

Noah's eyes search the classroom until they find me, then he starts walking toward me.

He takes a seat beside me and grins. "What are you doing here?" I ask, trying not to smile.

"I'm giving you the chance to change your answer." He says and I put a finger on my chin and look at the ceiling, pretending to be in thought.

"Let me think. No." I say.

Of course I want to go out with him, but it feels good to mess with him a little.

"Let me try this again. Will you go out with me, please?"

I try, but fail at not laughing. I put a hand on my mouth when Mrs. Kelsey shoots me a dirty look.

"Okay." I say to Noah. He grins and kisses me on the cheek. My heart does a backflip and I try to stop the heat going to my face.

"I'll see you tonight at seven." He says and stands up to leave. I frown and say, "Where are you going?"

He laughs. "I have a free period, Snow. I'm not going to spend it in Chemistry class."

Before exiting the room, he winks at Mrs. Kelsey. "Thanks again, Mrs. K."



Apparently, I have a date.

I told Anna after school, and she all but brought an orchestra to perform in front of my house.

That girl is weird. But, that's why I love her, so I'll just have to deal with it.

I think I need to dress nice. Okay, I know I have to dress nice. I'm not that behind on dating.

I go to my closet and see my options.

No. no. Definitely not. Hell no. Caching!

I pull out my vintage-looking white dress that almost reaches my knees and smile. I completely forgot about it. I bought it when I was fifteen, but it was too big at the time.

After putting on a little more make up than usual, I curl my hair into loose curls and put on my dress. I'm suddenly getting nervous.

Soon, it's ten minutes to seven, and I go downstairs. When she sees me, my grandma clasps her hands and says, ''Honey, you look beautiful.''

I smile and straighten out my dress. ''Thank you.''

The doorbell rings and my grandma jumps up.

Oh, God. I'm getting even more nervous. Maybe I should pretend I'm sick? Yeah, I'll do that.

''Haven, sweetie. Your date's here.'' Shit. Too late now.

I slowly turn around and put on a smile, masking my nerves.

My feigned smile becomes real as I see Noah. He looks incredible, as usual. Dressed in all black, as usual. And he's holding a bouquet of white roses, not as usual.

His eyes widen as he sees me, and I suddenly get self-conscious. Noah's eyes go over my body and I swear I can see him mouth, 'Wow'.

He says hello to my grandma, gives her the roses, she practically swoons and I roll my eyes.

''You ready?'' He asks me. I nod and say goodbye to my grandma.

''So, where are we going?'' I ask, not able to hide my curiosity.

He opens the door to his car, and I step in.

''First; you look incredible,'' He says and I blush. ''Second; be patient. It's a surprise.''

I nod and practically jump in my seat.

I love surprises.


After about an hour of driving, Noah slows down the car, then stops it.

We're somewhere I've never been before, and it's dark. Really dark.

Suddenly, I get nervous. I gulp and shift in my seat.

''Um, Noah. Why are we here? You aren't gonna kill me, right?'' I ask, laughing nervously. He laughs and opens his car door and steps out. Noah comes to my side and opens the door for me to step out.

''Snow, I'm not going to kill you. If I wanted to, I wouldn't go trough all this trouble. I'd just kill you while we were still in town.''

''Good to know.'' I say.

I look around and- oh my God.

It's perfect. It's unreal. The scenery before me cannot possibly be real. The millions of stars in the sky are shining like diamonds. And the moon looks like it's only an inch away from me. And I only now realize that there's a river. The moonlight is reflecting in the water, making it look like glass.

I turn to Noah, who is already watching me. ''This is amazing,'' I say.

He smiles and says, ''I knew you'd like it.''

He opens the back door of his car and pulls out a picnic basket. When he takes it in one hand, he takes my hand in the other. ''The reason I brought you here is because of your bucket list. Stargazing was on it.''

Of course! How did I not remember?

We set a blanket on the soft grass and start eating the food. We eat, talk and laugh throughout the dinner.

When we finish the last of out dinner, he goes to his car and turns the music on. I'm confused, but don't say anything. Some song starts playing, and my eyes widen. His car stereo is really good. It's almost like the singer is standing right here. But, my mind stops as I recognize the song that's playing.

This is my parents' song.

This is what they danced to on their wedding. Only, it's sung by a woman. But it's the same song. The most beautiful song I've ever heard.

Tears fill my eyes as I look at Noah, and see his soft smile. He knew.

This isn't just a coincidence. He did this for me. I can't imagine the trouble he must have gone trough to find out my parents' wedding song.

Noah holds out his hand and says, ''Would you like to dance?''

I nod and close my eyes. I put my head on Noah's chest, and just let go. 

The song is performed by the most beautiful voice I've ever heard. Noah leads as we sway to the soft music of the night. The stars are making a shadow across Noah's face, making him look unreal.

Everything about this unreal. When the song reaches it's chorus, the first tear falls. I don't understand the lyrics, but, oh my God, how beautiful it sounds.

Noah raises my hand above my head and spins me around softly. He lets go of one of my hands and slowly traces a pattern on my bare arm as he lowers his hand and takes mine in it again. Chills run trough my entire body and I never take my eyes off his.

His eyes are sparkling in the moonlight, seeming more black than blue. We don't speak. I feel like we don't have to. This is the most beautiful moment I've ever experienced. And I want to show him I mean it.

I slowly put my hands on both sides of his face, cupping it. He smiles at me, but doesn't move. I stand on my tiptoes to reach him, and gently pull him forward.

A few tears have fallen down my face now, making it harder for me to see him from the new tears that are forming in my eyes.

I close my eyes and lead his lips to mine. He closes his eyes, too and kisses me back. My hands find their way to his hair, and his are holding me gently by the waist.

And, oh my God, is it the best kiss I've ever had.

His lips are soft, tasting of mint. I kiss him to show him how much I appreciate what he did. I kiss him to show him that I would kiss him forever, if I could. I kiss him to show him how much what he did means to me.

I kiss him to show him that I love him.


Soo? Whaddya think?

So, the song to the side is the song they dance to on their date. It's called Caruso and it's sung by Lana Fabian. I love it so much...

Tell me what you think!

Thank you,

Love, muah.  ♥ 

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