Who we were before fate

By Ghost_Writer007

421 165 24

I once had faith in life, when everything was alright Dreams that were so big, now they do not exist I questi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Bonus chapter
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Editors note
Chapter 15
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Editors Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Bonus chapter
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Part 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Editors note

Chapter 2

18 5 1
By Ghost_Writer007

I groaned and rolled over knocking my alarm clock into the floor.

"God this thing is so annoying, I don't know how you have convinced me to keep it this long"

I looked over to Giovanni who was chuckling at my sudden outburst.

"Hunny you know that if it's that annoying we can just get rid of it" but of course that would never happen. It's his favorite alarm clock he got on vacation in the Bahamas.

I rolled out of bed and started to get ready for the day. I went into my closet and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and my favorite AC/DC shirt paired with my favorite black lace up boots.
Then I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and mirror check my self, and it so happened to be while Giovani was taking a shower.

"Hey babe, would you hand me a new bar of soap please"

Giovanni said over the shower water.
I of course will oblige, as I can't say much. I am ALWAYS forgetting something. Like my towel or my hair brush. After thoroughly searching under the sink I hear a laugh. I turn around to ask him what he was laughing at, that's when I realized he was out of the shower. Arms held up ready to attack. Before I could fully register what was happening. He had quickly wrapped me in his soaking wet arms, and pulled me into the shower with him. Soaking me from head to toe.


"This is payback for drawing ducks all over my truck last week."
He broke out laughing like a mad man. He always joked and referred to us as pinky and the brain. Except I was considered to be pinky of course. I swear he is a caveman and thinks he's truly smarter than me, yet he asks me how to spell certain words ALL THE TIME.

"I swear ill have my revenge you little shit."

He continued his "evil laugh" as he calls it. I took it as my opportunity to Make my quick escape. I had successfully escaped and My  clean clothes were now soaked from head to toe. I got my self a towel and mentally cursed that man as I got my day started, and that began with dry clothes. I scattered to find my new outfit for they day, I was freezing cold.


I went down for breakfast and made my self some Cereal before I had to head out to work. I always liked to be on time. I'm a private investigator. And I personally love my job. I mean what's not to love? I'm my own boss, I set my own rules.

I remember as a child, I had these heightened senses. I could almost see through people and their intentions. As well as hearing, seeing, smelling, sense of direction, taste and a few more traits. It was considered normal to my family. But I never understood. So when I did ask, My parents would tell me it would soon pass. I was 7 then. By the age of 8, my senses became stronger and I felt invincible. My parents gave me a present that day. One that is super special to me. It was an anklet. Pure gold, and I never took it off. My parents told me that as long as I wore it, I would be safe. I still don't understand. But after that anklet was put on, all my senses went to normal. I believed I had grown out of it. Every 4 years, I get a new charm for it usually on my birthday. So by then, after feeling invincible, I had known I wanted to be a ninja when I grew up. My mother thought it was funny, how ever I did not. So to let me taste my dream, I got to train in karate, kung fu, boxing, MMA and many other styles through out the years. I was a mini bad ass and I knew how to take on any one when fully concentrated. I was strong, and very fast as well. But now that I've settled down, I wanted to continue to do something similar to being a ninja. As I'm grown, my mother still laughed at me. She suggested I become a private investigator. I could spy on people legally, and if I wanted to and I quote "act a fool" then I could. So when I got into the profession I did a lot of cool moves that I never get to use. Including acrobatics. I bought all black suits, binoculars, wigs, different covers depending on what I had to do. The only down side to settling down, was the fact that my physical ability depleted. I wasn't in shape any more. I wasnt fit to run. But I could still whoop some ass if need be. I pulled my self from my day dream and,
quickly finished up and kissed Giovanni good bye for the day and let him know that I would be home in a while as I had not much to do at work. Since Things had been slower. My best guess is that I had busted all the cheating spouses in the county.

Then there is Giovanni. He is a welder, and he works downtown in his fathers shop. It's a father and son shop actually. Pretty nice place if you ask me. They have been at it since Giovanni was 17. Dante is a nice man, and a wonderful father in law as well. And Giovanni is almost a spitting image of his father as well. That's where his good looks come from.

Giovanni is 6'3 blue eyed angle. Short cut luscious brown hair, perfectly chiseled body. And muscles that I could just die for. His smile was always breath taking with his perfectly straight pearly whites with his beautiful lips. Not to mention his wonderful tanned skin. Then there was his face, it was broad but beautiful. He was sculpted by the gods. Sometimes I wonder how I got some one like him.

To be fair, I'm nothing special. Standing at 5'6 with a medium build. I wasn't fat but I wasn't skinny. Yet I haven't been active in quite some time. My red golden locks that trail a little past shoulder length. And my green eyes that people claim to read souls. But the one thing that set weird with me and I considered to be a flaw was my skin. It was pale. I never could tan. It just didn't work for me.

We have been married for 3 years and before that we had dated for 2 years. Giovanni was my best friend, someone I leaned on for all my problems and worries. No matter what he was always there to take my problems on as his own.


I finished up at the firm a little early, it was only 1 p.m and I wasn't due home until 2 to start prepping for dinner.

So I decided to go to the grocery store with my little extra time to buy a few things for the house. When I had just made it to the milk Isle my phone started to ring.

I checked the caller I.D and it turned out to be my friend Aurora. Aurora and I go way back. 13 years to be exact. We met before high school. While she was home schooled, I went to a public school. We were opposites. But we never fought or argued. I enjoyed her company and she enjoyed mine.

"Hey Aurora , what's up? You okay?"

The line was quite for a second before she spoke "Hey Demetria, uh could I ask a major favor of you?"

She sounded nervous about what she was going to ask and even more nervous about the answer she might receive.

"Yeah shoot for the stars, what's your favor." I asked hesitantly.

"Is there any way I could crash at your place for a bit? My place got flooded last night when a pipe burst and right now I can't afford a hotel."

She stated her question so quickly it was almost a mumble. I don't understand why she would be nervous. I'm her best friend of course I would lend a hand.

"Sure Aurora, you can head over right now if you want. I'm about to make dinner , and after dinner I'll send Giovanni with you to get some of your stuff."

I really hope Giovanni doesn't mind. I'm sure he won't since he knows how close Aurora and I are.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU! I'll be over in 20 minutes, I'll see you soon."

She sounded relived. It's the least I can do for my best friend of course. We said our good byes and I quickly hurried to get home before she did.


I was putting the rest of the snacks and such away that I got from shopping when the door bell rang.

I made my way to the front door and when I opened it , I was knocked back with the force of Aurora's hug. Lord let me tell you, she had a death grip.

"Hey chickadee no need to be so overly excited , you know your my best friend . Of course I would take you in silly"

I look at her with a huge grin on my face. Aurora was smiling just as big as me but with a few tears in her eyes.

"Demetria you have no idea how much this means to me. I appreciate you and Giovanni offering me a place to stay until my place is fixed ."

She looked around looking for Giovanni but he wasn't home yet from work. He usually wasn't home until 4 p.m. I noticed a little bit of sadness behind her eyes. Yet I was not sure why she would feel such a way.

"Where is Giovanni? I have to thank him too."

She said , and looked me with a curious glance. I was quickly alerted to the weird behavior she displayed. It was really out of the normal for her.

"He won't be home until later, I actually haven't spoke to him about this yet. How ever I don't think he will mind. Let me show you to the guest room."

I hoped to divert the conversation. I didn't want my questions to get the best of me. So I took her hand and led her upstairs  and to the left. I opened the door slowly when she came to a halt. Her eyes were wide with fascination

"This is so beautiful Demetria. Who did the art work?"

I simply smiled and pointed to my self. I was proud of my work. Even when others didn't see it.

"You did an amazing job. Like seriously, this is so beautiful."

She returned my smile before stepping forth to admire the rest of the room.

It had a queen bed that looked to be made of feathers. A decent flat screen that hung on hinges coming from the wall. And of course the beautiful dresser set that accompanies the bed. Made of beautiful rare oak. The walls were blue with clouds painted. To top it off, there was lights on the ceiling. When the lights were off , it looked like galaxy. I have found it helps people sleep, especially in a new environment . So long story short I had this room set up for guests specifically.

"Welcome to your temporary home for now. Make your self at home. Dinner will be ready at 4. There are towels and everything you need for a shower in the bathroom. The bathroom is right through the door to your right. If you need anything, let me know."

"Thanks Demetria , I don't know how I will repay you.!"

She looked so relieved to have some where to go for now. I told her how happy I was that she was here, and I would be down stairs cooking dinner if she needed me.


I had just placed the lasagna in the oven to cook for a bit when I heard the from door open.

"Hunny I'm home!" I heard him yell from the living room. Giovanni was big on making entrances. It was almost something new every day. He made his way into the kitchen to me. I'm sure smelling the lasagna, as it's his favorite.

"Hey babe, I missed you so much. How was work?"

He looked at me with that prize winning smile that I loved so much. "Oh you know baby, same old shit, just a different day. Tell me is that what I think it is in the oven?."

I giggled at his question. This man really knows his food. So I decided to play with him a little.

"It is , but it's for a pot luck at work tomorrow. So it's off limits."

His face fell and when I looked into his eyes, I could sense him coming up with a plan to sneak some out to eat.

"Don't think about Giovanni, it's not for you."

If looks could kill, I would be dead.

"Why wouldn't you make an extra tray for me?"

He looked mad at this point. Lasagna wasn't something to be played with in his book. Suddenly a smirk crossed his face.

"What pot luck? You work alone other than your secretary and she isn't even there!"

I couldn't hold it in no more and started dying laughing. His smirk soon fell to an irritated face.

"How dare you make such a lie. You know it's my favorite."

"I'm sorry hunny i was..."
I was cut off mid sentence when Aurora came rushing in giving Giovanni a bear hug.

"Giovanni I hope you don't mind me staying for a little bit. My place flooded and I had no where else to turn."

Giovanni looked between the two of us shocked , but a smile grew on his face the more he contemplated the situation.

"Oh well this is the first I've heard of this, but I'm okay with you staying. We're happy to have you here."

He smiled warmly at Aurora. A smile I felt was reserved only for me. But I didn't want to look too much into it. I'm sure it was harmless. Besides, it's the first time seeing him do such thing.


Dinner went by great with all of us catching up and talking about our days. Soon we departed for our rooms. I was cuddled up to my love happy and content. And before I knew it. I was out like a light .

The next few days were pretty eventful. Myself and Aurora, had been shopping, riding bikes, and some cool pottery classes. Giovanni seemed to be working a little more than usual. But I could understand. There were many of times that the welding business boomed. I also know his father needs Giovanni's help with financial paperwork and such.

So here we are. All of us gathered for a movie night. It's the first night other than when Aurora had arrived , that we enjoyed a night all together. We ended up watching a horror movie, which wasn't my thing. However, Giovanni and Aurora loved the genre in general. It just wasn't my scene

We were the best of friends in high school. Yet we were polar opposites.

She was 5"8 with beautiful blonde hair, blue eyes and she was  built by the gods. She was skinny and perky. Everything I failed to be.

She loved the color pink and anything associated. She wore heals and nice pretty dresses and skirts.

Where as I was 5"6 and curvy. I never liked the term chubby and I never considered my self to be chubby either . It's not like I was a blob. I had curves , and they distinguished my legs and hips . I was built just right in my eyes. I had green eyes and a cute button nose, and my hair was a little past my shoulders and was the prettiest color of red. A hair color a lot of women envied because I had it naturally. I was a Tom boy. I liked baggier clothes but wore the occasional skinny jeans . But my shirts always had to be loose and never skin tight. I loved my combat , and my hiking boots. I didn't wear make up , and I believed natural was best. And it suited me best.

Our relationship went way back. But never in my life did I think about all the questions about Giovanni . I never took notice of how weird it was that she wanted to know his favorite food or his favorite color. Or the way that Giovanni looked at her with such admiration.

For all I knew she just wanted to get to know him better so that they could become better friends. I was only hoping that they would become better friends. But not the friends she had in mind.

But then I was blinded by my best friend and by trust . That I never knew what fate laid in front of me.

I was naive then. But that would all change . This is my story. My battle, and my new beginning.

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