By jt_valentine

62.6K 2.6K 295


Chaper 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 (M)

Chapter 29

870 49 6
By jt_valentine

Jisoo raked his fingers through his hair for the tenth times already since he called this morning. He buried his head under his hands. How come the situation became worse like this? How could the media catch him with Soojoo that night? He had prepared the details carefully but it seemed the media was more clever than him. He couldn't believe that he fell into their trap again. Where had it gone wrong? How did they know that he visited Soojoo that night?

He stared again, at the magazine in front of him. He shook his head in depression. They took his photograph with Soojoo in a perfect angle, convincing the reader that he really have an affair with Soojoo His face was light and his smile was bright. Did he really smile brightly that night? He sighed again, "I'm doomed this time. I'm definitely dead." He said to himself.

He closed the magazine and threw it away in the rubbish bin. His mind was thinking about Jennie He just called her, trying to explain the exclusive report on the magazines about Soojoo and him. However, to his frustration, Jennie refused to talk to him. She just kept silent on the phone line, letting him talk by himself. She hung up the phone when he asked her whether she was still there or not. He sighed again. Getting Jennie back in his arms would be extremely difficult.

The sound of someone knocking on the door made him lift his face up. He saw Soojoo entering the room, smiling beautifully in this bad morning. The weather was as bad as his feeling, "Jisoo Oppa, I'm sorry for making you in trouble. I didn't expect that press would catch us. How did they know? Maybe they were following you from your apartment." She paused, waiting for Jisoo's reaction but he didn't say a word, "Moreover, I shouldn't ask you to accompany me to buy the wine under the rain. I should have gone by myself. It's my fault that I forgot to buy the wine otherwise the media won't see us." She put her guilty face in front of him.

Jisoo forced a smile as he shook his head, "Never mind. It's not your fault. As you said, without wine dinner means nothing. I thanked you for making delicious dinner. It's a bad day that the media had been around there, but I don't believe it that they stirred up the story and put your words as if they have interviewed you. I want to make a press conference to clear this up. Do you want to appeal of the news, too?"

Soojoo shook her head softly, "What for? It already happened. If you make a press conference then the media will bully you again. You will turn their attention to your private life, making them more curious about your true girlfriend. Your relationship with Jennie will be discover. You told me that Jennie hates the media. If you do that, you will dig your own hole, Jisoo Oppa. Let it be and they will shut up after they don't get any response from you. As for me, I don't care as long as we can still keep our friendship, but I don't regret that night. It was wonderful. You won't forget it too, will you?" She said in a soft tone, her beautiful eyes looking at him tenderly.

He smiled in gratitude, "Thanks. You really understands me." He said quickly, to avoid answering her last question. He turned his head on the file in front of him, as he didn't want to pursue the matter.

'But one thing you are wrong. I regretted that night. I shouldn't have gone to your place.' He said to himself.

She moved closer and put herself on the chair in front of him, "How will you explain it to Jennie?"

He sighed deeply. His face suddenly darkened, "I just called her but she hung up the phone. I don't know what I should do. I need time to think it carefully because it's a sensitive matter. Jennie has a bad temper."

Soojoo hid her triumphant smile. So, Jennie was angry at him. She didn't want to hear any explanation from him. Good. She had to move into her second plan, "Jisoo Oppa, the meeting will start soon in 5 minutes. Why don't you prepare yourself and go to the meeting room. I will follow you after I finish this file." She pointed at the document covered in a red plastic file keeper in her hand.

"Alright. I will go first. I need coffee to concentrate on the meeting. God, it's really a bad day." Jisoo got up from his chair and took his empty cup to pour some more coffee outside.

Looking at the closed door, Soojoo smiled evilly. Did Jisoo say that he just called Jennie? She moved to Jisoo's chair and pressed the redial button on his phone. The screen showed the last number he dialed. Jennie's number. She quickly took a blank note and wrote the number down. She smiled again, in victory. She had to move fast before Jisoo could talk to her.

The storm in Seoul that followed Jennie's heavy disappointment of Jisoo left her on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She had never felt so much in pain like now. How could Jisoo do that to her? First, saying that it was a business meeting. Second, he was dating her when he still kept his affair with Soojoo, and just now, he called her telling her that the media lie about him and Soojoo How come the media told some lies if they had the proofs? Those romantic pictures were the deadly proof of his betrayal. She sobbed silently. Tears flowing down her cheeks liked heavy rain outside her window.

All her beautiful dreams about him had shattered into pieces. It was really painful. She cried a lot until her big eyes were swollen and reddened. Although, she was pretending that she didn't care about the article in front of her family, her eyes couldn't utter a lie, "God is punishing me for betraying Jong-in Oppa. Maybe Oppa would feel the same heartache as me if I told him about Jisoo Oppa." She muttered under her breath. Tears were flowing down on her cheeks again.

"How can he do this to me? I know he doesn't love me. I know I have no right to stand between Soojoo and him but why do I feel as if I lost my soul already?"
Wiping her tears with the soft tissues, she stared at the magazine again, and her fingers opened the main page.


'The famous hottest couple in Seoul did it again. Hong Soojoo and Kim Jisoo were being spotted having a romantic meeting at Miss Hong's luxurious apartment on Tuesday night. Kim Jisoo, wearing black jeans and black shirt, had visited his former girlfriend secretly. Parking his new sport silver BMW Z3 on the tenant Parking Park , he seemed to hide from the journalist. Our witness said that they have never seen Miss Hong smile so brightly. She was more beautiful and beaming than ever in his embrace. He hugged her tightly as they were avoiding the heavy rain under his jacket. Liked the movie scene, under the heavy rain they had shared their passionate kisses.

Our source says that Kim and Hong have been dating again, secretly for more than six months after Jisoo denied the rumor of his secret girlfriend last year. He told the media last year that he was secretly dating someone but he refused to reveal who she is. However, the secret had been discovered. He's actually dating his famous model girlfriend in secret again. So, his mysterious girlfriend had disappeared from his life like his other former girlfriends. As we know Jisoo and Soojoo have known each other for years since they met in New York. The relationship sHongled after their first romantic dinner date at Rockefeller.

Kim Jisoo, Seoul's most eligible bachelor finally couldn't deny his love affair as the media caught him red-handed with Hong Soojoo Although, Soojoo said in other occasion that he hadn't proposed to her yet, she was under the impression that the relationship was serious even though without the sparkling diamond engagement ring.

Kim Jisoo had one great love of his life and it is definitely Hong Soojoo, the source revealed.'

Turning her swollen eyes to see the exclusive photos of Jisoo and Soojoo on that page, Jennies colded herself for reading it again. There were some pictures of the couple hugging tightly under the heavy rain. The first picture showed Jisoo holding his jacket up above his and Soojoo's head, covering them from the rain while he put his left hand around her waist. The second one showed his back facing the camera but it could be seen clearly as he bent down his head to Soojoo's face. The subtitle said that they were kissing passionately under the rain, and the last picture showed Soojoo putting her head on his chest, walking together to her apartment lobby. Jisoo hadn't been seen leaving the place at that night, said the subtitle under the last picture. Her heart twisted in pain. Tears trembled on her lashes.

She had built her life in rejection of everything Jisoo presented hardly since the beginning, but that hadn't kept her from falling desperately, hopelessly in love with him. Life was so strange.

After a while, she went to the bathroom and rinsed her face. Her skin was very pale and her eyes didn't shine brightly. Her worst fears came true, she acknowledged silently as she looked at her face in the mirror. She was a loser. She had been fooling herself, dreaming about something that would never come true. How long the affair had been going on? How did Jisoo manage his time? He visited her every night and was busy with Yohan on the weekend at his parent's house. When did he visit Soojoo? But for sure, he had certainly been lying to her over these last few months, and he went to Soojoo's apartment that night when he told her that he had a business meeting. Suddenly, she felt sick.

The phone rang again. It must have been him calling her again. Her mind told her. She didn't want to pick up but she was afraid the ringing would make her son cried.
Sighing in despair, she picked up the phone and said coldly, "Hello."
There was no sound from the other line.

"Hello!" She said again, in a snapping voice.

"Oh hi. May I talk to Miss Kim ?"

'Soojoo' Jennie told herself. What did she want? How did she know her phone number? It must have been Jisoo who told her. Jisoo is going too far this time. He promised her to keep a secret about what happened between them but he lied. She sighed in disappointment secretly, "Who is it?"

"I'm Soojoo We have met at the café in downtown with Jisoo Oppa the other day."

'So what?!' Jennie screamed out, inside her heart.

"We have to talk, um...regarding Jisoo Oppa. It's important. What if we meet at that café again, this afternoon?" Her voice sounded serious.

"What for?! I don't care what's going on between both of you!" Jennie snapped at her.

She could hear Soojoo's laugh from the other line, "I didn't know that you are so easy to defeat. So, you are not going, are you?" Jennie could hear Soojoo's sarcasm voice as if she thought that she didn't dare to take a challenge to meet her face to face.

Jennie pressed her emotions and sighed deeply. She had to be brave. She couldn't lose herself in front of her. She had a pride and she wanted to show her that she didn't go crazy after Jisoo dumped her. The game hadn't been over yet, "Fine. What time?"


Jennie went to see Soojoo because she was deeply troubled by the way Jisoo was going through her life. She was particularly shocked that he had been lying to her and cheating behind her back, but the basic reason was her heart didn't want to admit that she lost against Soojoo However, Jisoo had been trying hard to explain to her about the news. It seemed that she hadn't lost, yet in the game. He still cared about her feelings hearing the news. She should be the one who dumped him before he did it to her. Her mind told her.

It was cold outside, and the weather had brought more pale colors to her cheeks. Despite the heavy rain pouring from the sky, Jennie tried to get to downtown on time. Wearing her best dress, a pink cardigan and floral dress, Jennie entered the café. She scanned the room and found Soojoo had been waiting for her.

She looked at her. Soojoo, wearing a fitted black dress with white piping combined with white jacket, was definitely stunning. She sighed secretly. It was the time to admit that she lost Jisoo to Soojoo Her mind told her but her heart screamed out the opposite way.

Jennie's stomach clenched as she walked towards the table. She had to be brave. She would do that, Jennie thought to herself.

She put herself down on the chair in front of her. Soojoo gave her an innocent smile. She was nervous to begin with and Soojoo had taken the lead to start the conversation.

"What would you like to drink, Miss Kim, or can I call you Jennie?"

Jennie forced a light smile, "You can call me Jennie I just want to have a glass of orange juice."

"Are you sure? Cappuccino? They have the best cappuccino in the city." Soojoo, still smiling, tried to act friendly in front of Jennie

"Thank you. It's enough for me." She answered, shortly.
Soojoo stole a glance at her and hid her sly smile, looking at Jennie's gloomy face. She didn't believe that her plan was going on smoothly for Jisoo and Jennie, too.

"Let's talk. I don't have enough time." Jennie said, coldly.

Soojoo frowned and let out a little laugh in sarcasm. So, this girl was really angry and jealous. Good. Her heart laughed seeing Jennie's face becoming red as she was holding her emotion tightly inside her body.

"You look angry with me, Jennie It wasn't something I said to you before, was it?" The pleasure in Soojoo's voice made a flash of fury to explode inside of her. She turned her head staring at her.

"Just keep your dirty hands away from Jisoo Oppa." She warned in a low tone, afraid that the other guests were listening to their conversation.

Soojoo laughed and put her hand, covering her mouth quickly. She raised her eyebrows and stared at her, "What do you mean?"

Jennie glared at her, "Don't give me that look. You know exactly what I meant."

Clearing her throat, Soojoo said in a triumphant tone, "You addressed these words to the wrong person. Maybe you should be telling it to Jisoo Oppa, not me. He's the one who can't keep his hands off of me."

Jennie's face reddened, loss for words, 'Damn! Damn! Damn!' She cursed under her breath. She didn't know whom she was cursing; it might be the three of them including herself.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Jennie" She said in a soft voice, as if she was sorry to her.

"I don't believe you." Jennie said, scrutinizing her cunning face.

Soojoo shrugged her shoulders, "Well, I can't say anything."

Then, silence was accompanying them for a while.

"How long have you been...I mean how long have you been sleeping with him?" Her voice was trembling. Jennie closed her eyes, as she didn't believe herself that she asked it to Soojoo

Soojoo laughed again, "I can't believe you are asking me that question. You can't expect me to answer that. Gosh. I can only say that we have a great love and great sex. We are sexually compatible for each other. He's so damned good in bed! Maybe you should learn how to satisfy him in bed like I do."

Her face flamed scarlet. Jennie stared at her, hurt and a million emotions were tearing her apart. This was the truth. Her mind told her, 'Wake up, Jennie.' Pressing her mouth not to scream at her, Jennie inhaled a big breath, "You have really got some nerve, Miss Hong."

Soojoo smiled again, this time she didn't hide her sly smile, "I'm glad you know it and I believe that you aren't stupid enough to ask that question to Jisoo Oppa! He will deny it, of course, as he denied your relationship with him." She paused, still looking at Jennie's expression, "Let me pay the bill." She opened her wallet and put some money on the table, "See you, Jennie I have to go back to work. Jisoo Oppa needs me. Bye." She got up from the chair, taking her bag in a snobby act. Without looking at Jennie, Soojoo walked towards the exit door. Her high heels clicking sharply against the tile as she made her way to the exit door.

Jennie was left emotionally and physically drained by the shocking news. How could Jisoo still tied in wedlock with her but have sex with Soojoo? She felt her blood thumping to her veins in angry waves. She felt hot and deadly pain at the same time in her heart. Closing her slightly opened mouth, she bit down on her lips in frustration. She smacked the table and clenched her fist tightly. He was so horrible person.

Her eyes widened as she suddenly realized that Soojoo was gone. With her heart beating against her throat as if it would choke her, Jennie grabbed her handbag and walked fast towards the exit door. Her breath trapped in her throat as she pressed hard on her sobs. Walking in the heavy rain fast, her breath came out in a shuddering sobs as, after checking to ensure it was safe to cry in the middle of the heavy rain. Nobody would realize that her tears were flowing down on her pale cheeks instead of the rain. She cursed while walking to the bus stop.

"Damn you, Kim Jisoo! I hate you! I hate you so much!!!"

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