By jt_valentine

62.6K 2.6K 295


Chaper 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 (M)

Chapter 22

1K 55 6
By jt_valentine

Jennie sat down on her study chair and stared blankly outside her window. Soft music swirled around her and she felt relaxed. She glanced at her son in his crib and smiled. 'Yohan likes music.' She said to herself. He would stop crying whenever he heard the music. She read from the baby's guidebook that hearing the soft music from Beethoven and other genius composers could make a baby's intelligence improve. At first, she bought a CD but when she told Jisoo about it, he bought all the CD that was available in the music store. She shook her head slightly. Jisoo had made her room so perfect. Anything she and Yohan needed was there. She admitted to herself that he was indeed thoughtful and a wonderful father to Yohan, he had never failed to surprise her with his actions and sometimes, make her speechless.

Kim Jisoo might be very busy with his work but his baby Yohan was more interesting for him. Although he has a busy schedule in work, he always made sure that he did his share of taking care of him. Her relationship with Jisoo had improved lately. They could chat as good friends now. Of course, most of their topics are about their son, Yohan.

However, the incident just this afternoon had made her depressed. She was feeling very blue and less confident. This depression could be a serious thing as it could change her mood dramatically. He was still dating Hong Soojoo behind her back.

'Although he visited us every weekdays, they could still meet during the office hours.'  Jennie said to herself in frustration. Her heart thumped.

That was the second time she had caught him with Soojoo. First was when he was supposed to have dinner with Soojoo on the day she gave birth and today's lunch was the second.

"How could you, Kim Jisoo?" She muttered to herself. A blinding light coming from the front of a car in front of her house made her snap out of her thoughts. She looked outside the window. 'He's coming.' Her mind told her.

Jennie took a deep breath, straightened her back, and closed her eyes, gathering her strength and composure to face him. The vision of him and Hong Soojoo having a romantic lunch made her blood boil. She tried to forget it since she came back home but she failed. She felt her heart plunge to the bottom of her very soul every time she remembered how perfect Jisoo and Soojoo were together, and he still had the nerve to come into her house again, after she had caught him with Soojoo. He was a cheater. She should have known better. Men like Jisoo, having everything that he wanted and being born with a silver spoon, had never appreciated what he had. He could walk off if he wanted to especially if he is bored of his girls already.

Jennie shot herself a look of pity and smiled. "You will leave soon, Jennie." She said, trying to keep the vulnerability she suddenly felt from her voice. She swallowed the fear that was creeping up her throat when she heard footsteps coming. 'He's here,' her heart told her.

Stepping into her room, Jisoo saw Jennie who was pretending to be busy with her books. Her back was facing him as she sat on her study chair. He smiled and shook his head lightly.

"Hi, Jen." He stepped closer and tried to kiss her on the cheek.

Jennie turned her head away, avoiding his kiss so his kiss landed on her hair.

Jisoo was stunned. In the last few days, Jennie didn't protest if he kissed her lightly on her cheeks. However, he didn't say anything and walked to the crib where the grinning Yohan was kicking the air with his tiny legs. He shrieked in delight when he saw a familiar face, his father.

"Hello, Yohannie. What are you doing?" Jisoo chuckled, and pulled him into his embrace. He kissed Yohan's cheek and brought him to Jennie's bed. Laying him there, he tickled him and Yohan shrieked again but more loudly.

"Put him back." Jennie said shortly, in a cold tone. She stared at him.

Jisoo frowned, not looking up at Jennie, "Why should I?"

"Because he wants to sleep."

Jisoo's head came up immediately. His forehead creased but Jennie flashed him a warning look. He took a deep breath and muttered to himself, "Get ready, Jisoo. She's in a bad mood again."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. I didn't say anything." He answered quickly, before she exploded.

Jennie tilted her head back, just enough so she could see his face. He was still grinning. She glared at him and his smile vanished. He groaned inside. What was his fault this time? Yohan wasn't sleeping, his son was grinning at him. Yohan wanted to play with him, but he didn't dare to argue with her. He turned away, placed his hands into his pockets.  There was a moment that seemed to stretch on forever. His eyes were locked onto hers and he could see the flame of anger burning in her eyes. What was it? Was it about the lunch this afternoon? Or was it something else entirely? His stomach formed into a hard knot. He wanted to ask her but he didn't dare. He closed his mouth. 'Don't do anything stupid Jisoo or you will lose your chance again!' His mind reminded him. So he decided not to say anything regarding the incident during lunch. He then acted like nothing happened between them.

"I'm sorry. I will put him back to his crib." He held up Yohan from Jennie's bed and brought him back to his crib. Yohan protested, "Sorry, Yohan. Mommy said it's time to sleep," Jisoo told Yohan in a soft tone, after kissing him lightly, "We will play later, ok? Be a good boy."

Yohan started to cry and Jisoo caressed him lovingly. Feeling his father's touch, Yohan stopped crying. His eyes began to close slowly as he was drowning into a deep sleep again.

"So, it's nice to finally meet your best friend Irene. Have we met before? I feel like I've met her before because her face looks familiar," Jisoo started the conversation between them after going through a minute of silence.

Jennie glared at him again. She shot her anger at him as he was reminding her of the party a year ago, "Of course you met her before! She was the one who asked me to go to that damn party last year to meet a bastard like you!" She spat at him.

Jisoo's heart broke remembering what had happened between them that they and he felt guilty but hurt. His heart was beating out of his chest now. Something must have happened to her. He could see that she was really mad at him.

"Jen, please don't swear in front of our son."

Jennie closed her mouth. She immediately regretted saying curse languages but she couldn't hold her anger. She lowered her eyes to avoid Jisoo's gaze.

"Jen, could we forget the past please? I tried to forget it by building a new life. I know you did too. Don't talk about that party again. I have never regretted ever meeting you," He said gently, while staring deeply into her eyes.

Jennie looked away as she was afraid her heart would be melted again with his sweet words. 'I have never regretted meeting you too!' Her heart cried out. However, the picture of him having a romantic lunch with Soojoo every day and spending the night with Soojoo after he had visited her shuttered her heart. She was curious with his relationship with Soojoo and wanted to ask him about them but her pride didn't allow her. What would Jisoo be thinking of her? She couldn't show him that she was jealous otherwise he would insult her at the end. Jennie believes that her pride is the only thing she has now to shield her heart against Jisoo. She sighed deeply. She had been thinking since she got home. She and Jisoo wouldn't be a perfect couple. The difference between them was too big.

She didn't want Jisoo to play around with her heart as he did with his other girlfriends. She didn't want to put herself in his long list of his ex-girlfriends. She had to make a move before she breaks her heart more than how broken it is already and it might be too late to mend it even with the best glue in the world.

"It's been three months since Yohan was born. Where's the divorce paper?"

Jisoo's face paled. His right hand stopped caressing Yohan. He didn't expect that she would ask for that paper. All these time he had never brought this topic in front of her. Deep inside his heart, he wished that she would forget it until the time was right to ask her to be his real wife.

Taking a deep breath, he said lightly, "Jimin has been in Europe since last week and he hasn't come back yet. Let's wait until he comes back then I will go and see him."

Jennie narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing his face. She had a feeling that Jisoo was lying. For the famous and busy lawyer like Park Jimin, it was impossible that he didn't have a man in charge while he was gone. She had been asking the paper twice and Jisoo gave her two different reasons. She just wanted to finish their marriage so both of them could have their freedom back. If he wanted to marry Soojoo then she would make it easy for them. She didn't want him to date other girls while being wedlock with her.

"You always have a good reason for delaying our divorce. What are you trying to say, Jisoo?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing Jen. Moreover, you don't need the paper right now. Why do you have to rush it? You will finish your study at the end of this year. By the time you are ready to go to Australia, the paper will be ready too. I promised." He said, his voice faltering at the last sentence. He pressed his emotion down but he failed. The vision of Jennie leaving him and their son made him sleepless during the night. He had to find another reason to delay the divorce as long as he could. He believed that his efforts could make her agree to stay with him and their son at the end.

Time. He was asking for a lot of it these days. He hoped that if he had enough, everything would somehow fall into place. Their eyes locked with each other. Jennie saw his eyes that were conveying a different emotion that his face would sometimes hide. She groaned secretly. She had never won if she looked into his dark brown eyes. "Its late, Jisoo. I'm tired." Jennie said, as she didn't want to pursue this matter. She knew Jisoo would have a thousand of reasons if she argued with him about it. But in her heart, she knew deep down that she was not yet ready to let go.

"Alright. I'm going, but I have to go to Lisa's apartment tonight and maybe I will spend the night at his. Could I ask you a favor to take care of Yohan tomorrow?" Jennie sighed.

Tomorrow was Saturday. Since Jisoo visited her every day, she changed the agreement. On weekdays, Jisoo came to visit their son but he would take care of Yohan on the weekend. She wanted Yohan to know his other grandparents as Jisoo always brought him to his parent's house. She didn't know how Jisoo could manage with his busy schedule.

"Where is his baby-sitter?"

"She's there but I have never left him alone with her. Please, Jen. Just one Saturday." Their eyes met again. She knew she could never resist his dark brown eyes pleading at her. She nodded weakly. "Thank you. I will come back to pick him up tomorrow night." He grinned, happily. He was relieved that Jennie's sour mood had gone down slightly. Her eyes no longer threw fires at him.

"By the way Jen, you still owe me a dinner. I have already booked for Friday night next week. Prepare for it, ok?"

"What dinner?"

"Don't pretend that you forgot. You still owe me a dinner before you gave birth. During these three months you always give me some reasonable reasons that I couldn't answer. This time you can't reject me. You can't trick me again." He said, half-jokingly.

"But I don't know if my father would take us out to dinner that day." She threw her last reason to reject him.

"I will talk to your father. It's still a week to go. You can have dinner with your parents anytime instead of Friday nights. Don't try to find any reason to trick me."

Sighing, Jennie looked at his innocent face that was grinning happily. She pouted and then, smiled a bit. Jisoo would always be Jisoo. He always never gives up. Hoping to see brightness in his dark eyes, she finally nodded.

"Ok. You win. Where are we going?"

Jisoo grinned widely. His eyes were sparkling. He moved closer to her and whispered, "It's a secret. You just wait and see."

"But I won't go if you don't tell me where we're going." She started to argue again.

"You will." He said quickly, and covered her mouth with his. The kiss took her by surprised. Jennie pushed him away immediately.

"What are you doing?!" She demanded. She wanted to protest more but he stopped her by kissing her passionately on her lips. His arms encircled her waist, which made her shiver in his arms. She was struggling at first but he pulled her closer. He deepened the kiss, ignoring her struggle. She wanted to continue to push him but she found herself giving into him. There was no time to think. There was time only to feel the warmth of his lips and the great sensation of his kiss spiraling through her veins.

Jisoo moaned. He didn't want to kiss her but it was the only way he could think of to stop her grumbling. He stopped the kiss and took one look at her flushed face and glazed eyes. He knew that she felt the same feeling of sensation as him.

"Oh god. Jen, you are marvelous." He whispered softly, and his mouth dropped to hers again. Before Jennie could utter a word, he kissed her again, more passionately.

They were kissing for more than ten seconds before he broke the kiss, gasping for breathed. She could hear him moan in pleasure as she was kissing him back as passionate as he was.

"Don't do that again." Jennie said, trembling. If she was planning on scolding him then she had failed. Jisoo grinned widely.

"I will take it as a threat. Goodnight, Jen." He said with a husky voice, and then, ran away before Jennie could protest on what he did. She touched her lips and felt the warmth of his lips still there.

The heat of his kiss had made her body temperature rise. His kiss was dangerous that made her addicted to him. Her heart was still beating erratically but Jisoo had disappeared from her sight. How it was different from Kai's kiss. Kai's kiss was gentle as the river flowing. Jisoo's kiss was also gentle, but more passionate like the ocean with its wild waves.

Her breathing faltered, 'He was just a damn good kisser! Damn you Jisoo! You're starting to mess with my heart again.' Her mind cursed him.

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