alluringly entwined | f.w, d.m

By dracoandfredownme

130K 5.2K 6.5K

Oshun's eyebrows were drawn together deeply. She studied the ink on her card, perplexed. Even reread the word... More

author's note
hi, it's oshun.
a note from s


1.4K 61 41
By dracoandfredownme

Draco did not want to be anybody's.

Fuck that shit. No. Being someone's really fucks a person up.

Draco didn't want that. At all. He didn't want to be more fucked up than he already was due to his own trauma.

But apparently Oshun Bea Takahashi was doing something illegal to make him think unclearly because he had admitted to her that he was hers.

He knew she would understand what he meant. She understood his ways with words.

Draco hated to admit a few things and one of them was the fact that perhaps deep in his heart, it beat for Oshun. She was different, and even though it may sound completely cliché, it was absolutely true.

Oshun didn't immediately throw herself at him. She wasn't afraid of talking back to him, despite how small her voice got when she first did.

She wasn't afraid of putting him in his place and speaking the brutal truth when he was being a complete dick. She had the balls to glare back at him if he glared first.

She had balls. Not literally. He would surely know if she had balls considering he memorized every part of her body already.

She was certainly indelible. Alluringly indelible.

Another thing he hated to admit was that Oshun turned him into a switch. He was always top and dominant during sexual intercourse.

Because one, it made him feel good. And two, he liked watching the people he pleased crumble at his fingertips.

But she turned him into a switch, so effortlessly at that. It was barmy to think that he showed her the works and she fed off of his dominance—she learned it all from him.

He would never admit it to her though. He would never say the words to her. Whatever happened in his dorm, that was a one-time thing. Where he was submissive to her.

At first, he was just messing around like the hormonal boy he was. He messed around for sex, but perhaps he got addicted to her.

Her voice. Her touch. Her lips. Her other lips. Her smile. Her infectious laugh.

Her precious heart. Her cosmic soul.

Her eyes—eyes so dark, they were nearly black. He fancied her eyes and the dark depths of the light in them.

Dark eyes... he loved dark eyes.

It also did not help that she was absolutely beautiful. Luminously beautiful.

Now, Draco strode down to the Great Hall with a scab of Oshun's initials under his uniform shirt.

He was fully aware that she wasn't his.

He was aware that she had a big choice to make by the end of the one-year deadline, so all he planned to do was help her with that choice.

He was going to win her over. Because Fred fucking Weasley did not deserve Oshun.

And Draco knew that he didn't either, but the selfish and arrogant part of him would much rather keep her to himself than let anyone else have her.

Draco was also well aware that Fred was a witty and attractive guy, but Draco was sort of raised to loathe the redhead. He was raised to see him as a blood-traitor.

Which he was.

So Draco's head was kind of a knot at the moment with the shit he was wired into his head by his father and the advice Oshun was offering him to be an improved people-person.

But Draco now had a good reason to actually hate Fred: The redhead wanted Oshun too.

"What's been going on with Theo lately?" Pansy asked quietly when Draco sat down with her and Blaise.

"What do you mean?" Blaise mused as he dropped the corner piece of his toast onto his plate.

"You haven't noticed how odd he's been acting?" Pansy's green eyes narrowed as she rested her cheek against her palm, elbow upon the table. "Well, first off, he looks like he's dying. His eye bags are so dark, so I doubt he's getting any sleep."

"He's not sleeping," Blaise repeated, and nodded slowly. "Doesn't strike me as odd. Half the school runs on caffeine, nicotine, and drugs."

"But he's so much quieter now," Pansy said softly, a flash of concern glazing her eyes. "He's so fidgety and so timid. But then he's so aggressive when someone that's part Mudblood crosses his path. It's like he's a ticking time bomb."

"I just figured he's on something." Blaise shrugged his shoulders dismissively. "I figured because his grades are dropping, he started taking something to keep awake to keep up with his work."

"His grades are still shit," Draco countered, and bit into a shiny, green apple. "They went downhill after the holiday finished."

"He only started becoming so fidgety and timid when holiday was over," Pansy agreed, nodding vigorously. "Do you think it's his father putting some pressure on him since he got paired with a Halfblood?"

"Theo didn't fucking choose to be paired with someone that has filthy blood." Blaise scoffed in derision and shook his head. "His father is a real piece of shit, I gotta say. Theo gets hit at home."

"We all get hit at home, Blaise." Pansy stifled a humourless laugh. "But I reckon Theo's father is giving it to him much worse now that he was paired with Singh."

"Did your dad hit you after he found out you were paired with a Halfblood, Malfoy?" Blaise asked, lowering his voice.

"No, but he lectured Takahashi and scolded her to choose Weasley," Draco replied bluntly, and took another large bite of his apple. He hit me because I told him I didn't want to go into the business.

"Maybe Theo is taking something to stay awake," Pansy allowed, and nodded indulgently. "And then plus the pressure from his father."

"Shut up. Stop talking," Draco hissed when he saw a curly-haired boy coming their way.

"Hey." Theodore slipped into the seat next to the blond. He dropped his bag on the bench next to him.

Draco took note that his mate's leg was already bouncing under the table and his eyes were nearly bloodshot. He was twisting a ring around his finger, the silver band he had with three green gems across it.

"Hey," Pansy greeted in her usual tone as she jabbed a strawberry with her fork.


"Someone's gotta say it." Blaise ripped the silence and turned his gaze on Theodore. "Mate, you look like you're dying. Are you dying?"

Draco and Pansy shot deadly daggers with their eyes at Blaise.

"W-What do you mean?" Theodore chuckled nervously and fiddled with his fingers on his lap. He pinched the skin and tugged on them. "I'm dying?"

"Well." Blaise cleared his throat and looped his fingers upon the table. "Your eyes are bloodshot this morning, not a usual thing. You're fidgety. Your eye bags are really bad. You've barely eaten and you're paler than usual."

Theodore's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed and shifted in his seat. "I'm fine," he said at last, and nodded. His eyes were darting everywhere but at his own mates. "Just stressed because of my studies, I suppose. Falling behind and all."

"Have you been taking something?" Pansy was hesitant to ask as her eyes softened.

"What, like drugs?" Theodore huffed a dry laugh as he met the girl's eyes with a hostile expression. "Yes, Parkinson. I take fucking drugs. So does everyone in this pathetic excuse of a fucking school."

Pansy opened her mouth, but it was too late. He had already stood from his seat and stormed off.


"Okay, so he's not only snapping at people that are part Mudblood, but at his own friends," Blaise pointed out, and nodded slowly.

"You walked right into that one," Draco replied with a light scoff.

He cared about his mate, of course he did. Theodore was his best friend.

But he wouldn't invade Theodore's personal things unless he was ready to talk about it. No one would want that, obviously.

For now, Draco would observe and keep an eye on his best mate.


"I'm not really in the mood right now, Tori." Draco absently shrugged off her hand and scribbled on his parchment. "I'm doing my assignment."

"Do you want me to go under the table and help you there?" Astoria purred, and brushed her foot up his shin under the table.

"I dropped my pen earlier, actually." He kept his eyes upon his work. "Can you grab it?"

She huffed and leaned back in her seat.

"Astoria, my pen. Can you please grab it?"

She hunched down in her seat and reached by the leg of the table to grab his pen. It was his favourite pen because it had silver engravings on it.

Draco had been in the library doing homework and Astoria had found him shortly after. She had sat with him and started flirting with him, nothing unusual.

"You never want to do anything anymore," she said irritably, and folded her arms over her chest. "And you even started using condoms when we hook up. What's up with that? I thought you hated condoms."

"Simple." Draco lifted his eyes to capture hers. "You screw Higgs and pretty much half the guys in the school, and I would not like to catch any STDs from you."

"I don't have any STDs, Draco," she drawled as her eyes hardened. Her thigh lifted to rest over her other thigh. "If anything, you have STDs."

"How do I have STDs?" He scoffed and raised his brows in question. "Explain to me how I could possibly have STDs when you open your fucking legs to anyone who gives you the slightest bit of attention. Don't think I don't notice you sneaking around with other guys, Astoria."

"Because you never want to do anything anymore," she snapped in a harsh whisper, and her jaws ticked. "You always turn me down and you don't even get hard around me. Is this because of that filthy blood witch? Are you fucking her and not me?"

Draco's eyes snapped to hers. "Do not fucking call her a filthy blood witch, Astoria, I swear to Merlin's tits." He nearly growled the words out an octave lower.

Astoria's eyebrows shot up and she scoffed in disbelief. "Are you seriously defending her?" Her lowered voice fused with fury and disdain. "How are you defending someone with filthy blood running through her fucking veins?"

"Don't fucking talk about her like that. She has more fucking class and respect than you do," he fired back angrily, and slammed his textbook shut. "How can you fucking sit there and complain that I don't want to have sex with you when you're constantly fucking other guys?" He shoved his things in his book bag.

"She's probably a real demon in the sheets if she's got you defending her, Draco," she sneered agitatedly, and flicked her hair over her shoulder.

He ignored her, not sparing her a glance.

"How will your father feel that you're defending a Halfblood?" she said in contempt. "What, you want her to choose you now? You want to fucking marry her?"

His jaw tightened. "Oh, shut your big fucking mouth, Astoria, before I make Higgs shut it for you," he spat harshly, and rose from his seat.

He slung his bag over his shoulder, and then strode off. He left the library and saw Oshun walking past him, her eyes scanning an assignment sheet.

She looks so effortlessly pretty, he thought in his head. All the girls in the school were gorgeous, but she made the blood in his veins erupt with tiny explosions of mysterious thrills.

"Takahashi." He approached her.

Her dark eyes met his. "Oh. Hi, Draco," she said with a sweet smile that was beginning to make those annoying fucking butterflies release in his stomach.

"I was about to go to my dorm and have a smoke. Want to come look pretty and sit on my lap while I roll up?" He he ran a quick hand through his platinum hair.

"No." She shook her head and looked back down at her assignment sheet. "Did you get that—"

"Did you just say no?" Draco's face screwed up in puzzlement.

"Did I stutter?"

He was startled.

He was unsure if he was annoyed that she didn't throw herself at him like a piece of meat or turned on by it.

"N-No, you didn't," he stammered, and shook his head. "What was it you were going to ask me?"

She stared at him, a ghost of a smirk passing by her pink lips. Her smirk left and her lips fell into a line. "Can I ask you a question?"

"About the assignment you're holding?"

"No." She shook her head. "Something else."

"Go ahead." He bowed his head.

"Well, I guess not really asking, but..." She wet her lips. "I just want to make it clear to you that if you're not okay with me seeing both you and Fred, you— uh, you can stop seeing me."

His eyebrows creased as they pulled together.

"I got both of you, so I want to see both of you," she explained gingerly. "And— And if you're not okay with that, you can stop seeing me. But I just wanted to make it clear that I will be seeing both of you."

A pause emitted as he processed her words.

"Okay." He nodded subtly.

She looked dismayed. "'O-Okay'?" she uttered. "What do you mean?"

"I mean okay." He shrugged and offered a half smile. "I don't want to stop seeing you. I wanna keep seeing you—just you."

"Oh." Relief washed over her features. "Okay. Okay, I'm glad. I just wanted to make sure that you know I'll be seeing both of you—"

"Of course you go and run to your filthy blood witch." Astoria approached them from behind the blond, her features completely soured.

"Watch it, Astoria," Draco warned in a dangerously low tone.

Oshun fell deadly silent with an expression he was unable to read.

Astoria's green eyes gawked at the other girl, eyes shadowed by fury. "You poisoned him, didn't you?" she said through gritted teeth. "You used the love potion on him."

Oshun didn't say anything and Draco noticed she tended to close up around people she wasn't comfortable with.

He unconsciously stood protectively in front of her. "Astoria, can you just leave? I don't understand why you're making such a big deal about this," he said exasperatedly, rubbing a lazy hand over his face.

"Your father would love to hear about this." Her stare captured his and malice was laced on her tongue. "Your father would love to hear about his son falling for a filthy blood witch."

"Don't fucking call her that," he bit out firmly. His heavy gaze was hooded and dimmed. "And what are you going to tell on me for? Are you five?"

Astoria smiled slowly. "I guess you're right. But I suppose honesty is in order since you're being so close and comfortable with Takahashi, yes?" Her tone softened condescendingly.

His eyes narrowed and the muscles in his cheek writhed beneath his skin. "Don't you fucking dare," he said in a husky, slow voice.

"I think it'd be fair to tell her what you said about her during the holiday, yeah?" she went on with such delight and mockery.

"Don't, Astoria." His voice came out as a rumble and his pale features pinched warningly.

"I think it's a little low on the self-respect scale for Takahashi to be with you since you said she was sleazy enough to let Fred Weasley hit like this"—she snapped her fingers—"I mean, we all knew she was an easy fuck, but come on now... oh." Her bottom lip pushed out into a pout. "She's gone."

When Draco spun around, he saw Oshun walking away.

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