Being Bad For Good Sake

By The_Author_S

22.1K 503 122

This is my obsessive life, and the most important thing is that I have never allowed myself to cry. Despite m... More

Obsessive Life
Daily Routine
MDC Anniversary
MDC Anniversary Part 2
MDC Anniversary Part 3(Lila Busted)
Tiring Weekends (unwanted visit)
What happened?
Enrollment in Gotham Academy
Unexpected Twist
Have to Go
Flight To Gotham
First Time Meeting
First Day in Academy (2)
Are You?
Timothy Drake
Face Reveal
Failed attempts to befriend her
Am I falling in love?
I Pretend to not care.
I Don't Need Your Pity
It doesn't matter who apologizes first... The apology is the one that matters.
The Dance I never expected...
The Rumor...
Recognizing Presence in the Absence.
Would You be My Girlfriend?
The Betrayal

First day in Academy(1)

634 15 6
By The_Author_S

After getting just two hours of sleep, I groggily woke up and quickly got ready for the day ahead. Knowing that blending in was crucial, I opted for a casual outfit that would help me remain inconspicuous. I made sure to pack my school bag with the necessary items, including my guitar, which I couldn't go without.

To maintain anonymity, I put on a black mask, ensuring that my face would be covered and unrecognizable. With my disguise complete, I headed out, hopped onto my bike, and followed the directions on my GPS, guiding me toward Gotham Academy.

As I rode through the city streets, a sense of anticipation and caution filled the air. I remained vigilant, constantly scanning my surroundings, aware that I was in a new and potentially dangerous environment. The shadows seemed to whisper secrets and unknown dangers, reminding me to stay alert and ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Whoa! Mr. Wayne really went all out with this school. The exterior looks incredibly classy, and I can't wait to see what the interior holds. As I strolled through the campus, it quickly became apparent that my fame had preceded me. Every student I passed held magazines featuring my picture. It's a good thing I came prepared with my disguise, or I would have been swarmed by an overwhelming wave of fans.

I continued making my way toward the Principal's office, navigating through the bustling hallways. Suddenly, three boys carelessly bumped into me, deliberately shouldering me with force. Their intention seemed clear – they were trying to provoke a fight. I couldn't believe their audacity.

"Hey, watch where you're going! Don't you think you owe me an apology right now?" I snapped at them, my voice carrying a mix of frustration and assertiveness. The gasps from the surrounding students indicated that these boys held some popularity in the school. However, I paid no heed to their status.

Wait a second! Are these the boys I have to protect as part of my mission? Oh, goodness, this mask is making it difficult to see clearly. "Apologize? Hahaha, very funny," They replied sarcastically. "Don't you know who we are? We're the well-known celebrities of this school: Jonathan, Alex, and Felix." Their bragging was starting to get on my nerves.

"Celebrities? Give me a break. Do you even know who I am?" I responded, trying to keep my anger in check. It was crucial for me to maintain a low profile and not let my true identity slip. "Oh, I know who you are," I continued with a hint of amusement. "You're the new transfer student from the so-called 'City of Love,' France." Inside, I couldn't help but laugh at the irony. Paris and its reputation as the city of love were far from the reality I knew. It wasn't Hawkmoth who had destroyed Paris's peace, but the so-called responsible citizens of the city

"I've heard the rumors about your terrible singing, and I want to hear it for myself. Being from the 'City of Love,' I expect you to sing..." one of the boys remarked, while another chimed in, "Oh, look! You have a guitar, so why not a love-themed rap? I've never heard a rap without drum beats before."

Little did they know that a skilled singer could compose a rap with a guitar tune just as well. "Alright, if you really want to hear it, let's do this. But I'm warning you, once you find out who I am, you'll deeply regret it," I responded, a mischievous smirk playing on my lips. Taking hold of my guitar, I began to perform an old draft of a rap that I had penned long ago.

The moment I finished singing, I noticed Luka running towards me. Even though I was in disguise, he was able to recognize me, which was quite astonishing. However, what puzzled me more was the fact that he was here. It wasn't time for the tour yet; that was scheduled for next week when my classmates would join Gotham Academy for a learning experience. "Oh, you're here, Mari-" I quickly gestured for him to be silent and not to call out my name. He leaned in close to my ear, ensuring our conversation remained confidential. To onlookers, it may have seemed like something else entirely, and I was certain their minds were running wild with assumptions.

"Mari, you left your suitcase with me, the one in which you packed your draft designs," he whispered into my ear. Suddenly, I snapped back to reality and shouted in frustration, "Oh, fuck! How did I even forget about it? Do you have it now?" Just as I uttered those words, a stern voice chimed in from the academy gate, reprimanding me, "Language, ma'am. This is a school." I turned towards the source of the voice and recognized the figure standing there in an old butler outfit. I gasped, realizing who it was. It was none other than Alfred Pennyworth. I had heard so much about him.

"I apologize, Mr. Pennyworth. I hope you will forgive me. I am Mar-, or rather, the master of Joseph Anders," I corrected myself, trying to maintain my cover. As soon as I mentioned his name, Mr. Pennyworth bowed down to me. "Ma'am, there's no need for you to apologize. Instead, I am sorry for singling you out. You are such a great person," he replied, being formal yet friendly. I couldn't help but sense a hint of admiration in his demeanor.

"As you say, it was great to meet you in person," I responded formally, causing Luka to stare at me in surprise. I rarely spoke with such respect to anyone. However, he was unaware of who Mr. Pennyworth truly was. "The pleasure is mine. You are just as I heard, the epitome of perfection. Would you like to come to the mansion tonight? My master would be thrilled to meet you... if you have the time to spare," Mr. Pennyworth asked politely. How could I turn down such an invitation? I accepted Mr. Pennyworth's invitation to visit the mansion, as it was a chance to get closer to Wayne and gather information. After exchanging pleasantries, I excused myself and headed to the principal's office to address some matters.

I approached Luka to finish our conversation before heading to class. "Do you have my suitcase? I hope that woman didn't get her hands on it," I expressed my concern, knowing it contained important contracts. Luka reassured me, saying, "Don't worry, I have the suitcase with me. I didn't have your address, so I came here hoping to find you. Turns out, it was easier than I expected. And by the way, since when do you rap? You've been keeping secrets from your hardworking manager..." Despite his anger, I found him cute. "So... can I have it?" I feigned ignorance of his frustration.

I was taken aback by Luka's sudden change in behavior. He dropped to his knees, begging me to let him go with me. "Mari, please! I can't bear to live under the same roof as my ex and that deceitful liar with her mindless followers. I'm begging you, please!" His desperate expression was hard to ignore. "I feel sorry for you, so I'll consider allowing you to come along," I reluctantly responded. Luka's face lit up with joy as he jumped up and down. He's the complete opposite of me—carefree, happy, sweet, and heartwarming—and that's why I like him.

Damien's POV (The Day the Airport was Hijacked):

I was both surprised and impressed by this person's actions. I wondered who she was, engaging in a fight with the Riddler, taking down his goons without any weapons, answering every riddle correctly, all while remaining composed. She saved 10,000 people anonymously and even made the Riddler beg for his life. "I wonder what her name is..." I unintentionally said it a bit louder, and it was embarrassing to have others at the dining table hear me. But why was I embarrassed? She meant nothing to me; I didn't even know her. "Oh... Demon, are you thinking about someone special?" Jason never misses an opportunity to tease me, finding it amusing. But why was I being teased? "Shut up, Todd. Why would I even care about her, I don't even know her name?" I said, hoping to divert the attention away from me. Unfortunately, that line only piqued everyone's interest. "But when did I even say it was a girl? So you were actually thinking about someone. Thanks for confirming my doubt, Demon." I always manage to get myself into trouble, and I despise it.

"So, that's why you seemed lost after the airport incident. I thought you were focused on the case, but apparently, it was something else," Tim teased, making our father curious about my life.

"Son, do you have a crush on someone? I'm searching for a potential wife for you, but if you're interested in someone, I'll stop. Remember, I'll support your choice no matter what," my father chimed in, making the situation even more awkward.

"Enough, all of you. It's not what you think. Let's drop this conversation. And Dad, please stop looking for someone for me. I'm done eating..." I quickly retreated to my room, seeking solace from the embarrassing discussion. Why did it even bother me?

Unable to sleep, I tossed and turned in bed, my mind consumed by thoughts of that girl. Frustrated, I sat up and muttered to myself, "I can't sleep like this. I need to clear my mind." And I knew just the thing that could help—painting a beautiful nature scene while enjoying some snacks. I grabbed my painting supplies and put on my Robin suit, then swiftly jumped out of my window.

After an hour of searching, I stumbled upon a serene seaside location with a few large houses. The ocean gleamed with crystal clarity, its surface reflecting the moon and stars in a mesmerizing display. It was the perfect setting to calm my restless mind.

Perched on the rooftop of the clock tower, I enjoyed an elevated view of the surrounding area, perfect for capturing the scenery in my artwork. With my canvas in hand, I diligently recreated the landscape before me, ensuring every detail was accurately portrayed. The moon and stars cast their gentle glow, creating a serene atmosphere.

As I immersed myself in my painting, my attention was drawn to a peculiar sight—the illumination of a single room in one of the nearby manors. Typically, manors were shrouded in darkness during the late hours, with the butlers maintaining strict adherence to schedules. The presence of light at 2:30 am raised questions in my mind about the individual residing there.

After completing my painting, I decided to linger a while longer, captivated by the allure of the scenery. A strange curiosity led me to that specific manor, prompting me to ascend to its roof and find solace in its tranquility. While enjoying the peaceful surroundings, I found myself humming a tune by NETTI, an artist whose music resonated deeply with me. Despite not being an avid listener, the raw emotions and captivating voice in her songs, particularly the dark ones, stirred something within me, evoking tears and a sense of connection.

In the middle of my song, the door to the rooftop swung open, startling me. Reacting quickly, I sought refuge in the shadows, hoping to remain unnoticed. Peering out, I observed a figure entering the rooftop. Although her back was turned towards me, her silhouette hinted at her being a girl. She made her way to the edge of the rooftop, gazing out at the vast sea, seemingly lost in thought. It was a brief moment before she turned around to descend the stairs. That's when I noticed she was wearing a Bio Lab mask, resembling those worn by scientists during chemical experiments.

To my surprise, she sensed my presence and swiftly delivered a powerful punch to my stomach. The pain rippled through me, and I couldn't help but growl in frustration. It was my fault for attempting to sneak up on someone without their knowledge. With a hint of anger in her voice, she exclaimed, "You again! Didn't I tell you not to follow me? I'm doing just fine here. Tell the boss that he should be worried about himself and his agency."

Confused by her accusations, I quickly clarified, "I apologize for the misunderstanding, but I am not the person you think I am. I wasn't following you. It was purely a coincidence that our paths crossed."

"Okay, you are not that person, but why are you here on my rooftop?" she reiterated her question, clearly curious about my presence. Instead of evading the question, I stepped out of the shadows, revealing my face to her. To my surprise, she showed no signs of recognition or excitement.

"I asked why you are here?" she insisted, not acknowledging my identity. It was perplexing. I had expected her to recognize me and perhaps even be thrilled to meet me.

"Miss, I am Robin," I stated, trying to convey my superhero persona. "I was here for patrol, fulfilling my superhero duties."

Her response caught me off guard. "I know who you are, but being a superhero doesn't give you the authority to invade anyone's private property without permission." She was right, and I couldn't argue with her logic. Feeling a bit defeated, I decided to apologize and leave the area and return to my room quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone else in the process.

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