Vergil's Irritation Rises

By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

188K 3.7K 2.4K

Virgil got thrown into a world with questionable customs. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Valentine's Special)
Chapter 31
Omake: Salty Reunion
Omake: Salty Reunion Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Short: Mamono Reacts to Vergil
One BEEG Omake pt1
One BEEG Omake pt2
Chapter 34 (Fox Season)
Chpter 35

Chapter 30

3.1K 69 72
By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

Vergil Pov

Never thought that I'd finally decide to get myself into a relationship. But then again, Meera has been with me for over a half a year already.

Meera: Master... So warm~

I gave a rare smile at the sleeping form of Meera beside me. Gently caressing her head as she snuggled closer to my naked frame.

If Dante somehow get word of this, I won't care... As much. As long as he doesn't bother me too much.

I continued to silently lay on our bed, knowing full well that Meera will either hold me from leaving, or will wake up and try to join me in the shower. She has already done so many times I allow her to join me in bed. Clingy, but understandable.

I quite like this, experience. I won't have to worry as much, knowing that she can take care of herself. Her prowess in killing Demons has greatly improved, more so than I expected. But knowing her motivation, I wouldn't have expected less.

I felt her stir, opening her ruby red eyes and her gaze found me. A soft, satisfied smile spread over her features, as she gave me a peck on the lips.

Meera: Good morning, Master~

Vergil: Good morning as well, Meera.

She then laid on top of me, pressing her clothing-free form onto me more and rested her head on my chest.

Meera: I apologize for not lasting longer last night Master, but Master just has too much stamina.

I suppressed a blush forming on my face. Damnit, I take back what I said earlier. If Dante finds out about this, I'll gut him alive.

Vergil: That was something out of your control Meera, I don't blame you.

She now sat on top of me, showing me her perfectly perky breasts. Pink nipples slowly getting hard as she flushed.

Meera: Then I'll train harder, both to increase my stamina, and stand by your side more.

I gave a sigh, but knowing how they are. I couldn't help but shake my head in exaggeration.

Vergil: As much as I would love to go for a round or two, I must get ready for the day. Who knows when will the Demons attack.

She pouted but nodded, lifting herself off of me and say crosslegged to my side, allowing me to get up.

Vergil: Although, care to join me in the shower?

She perked up after hearing my offer, nodding excitedly and rushing after.

Time Skip

I ate in silence as many stared at both Meera and I. Many of which having a smug feeling, while some are disappointed. A free cookie for those who could guess.

Lilith: So. Meera hm?

I ignored her, simply because I don't like this path of conversation.

Lilith: Aw, don't be like that Vergil. At least give us some information.

Lilith continued to probe, but alas. While my patience is getting thin, this is amusing to watch.

Lilith: Fine, be that way. I'll just ask Meera.

Said woman flinched at being mentioned, but I casual glance to her, gave her the idea.

Meera: I'm sorry Your Highness. But Master specifically said to not speak of our... Experience, unless given permission."

Helia boo'd, Yoma giggled, the twins blushed, and Ruz rolled her eyes playfully, Deonora looked away with a blush, Wilmarina huffed and stabbed her fork at a piece of turkey, Sasha deflated, and. All the while Lilith, The Demon Lord, pouted.

Lilith: Boo, you two are no fun. Here I thought we're good friends.

While the rest are not here, I have no idea why Helia stayed. Probably trying to pick a fight with me.

Vergil: Fine, if it makes you satisfied.

I nodded at Meera, which she nodded back. Whatever she will say, I have prepared for it mentally and physically.

Meera: I... I couldn't keep up.

As expected, many eyes popped out, the moment she said those words. Except for Lilith, who looked smug and Helia dropped a bag of gold on her awaiting palm.

They made a bet? That... Is unexpected but not truly something outlandish. I should've expected more, to be completely honest.

Lilith: Hah! And you say Vergil will be knocked out first.

Helia: Laugh it up, but at least that confirms it.

And the conversation diverted into something I won't participate. But the looks of Kaga and Akagi is something I should prepare for the future. Knowing how mischievous Kitsune are, I'm not taking chances with these three.

Vergil: While it is fun to tease, food is getting cold and unless you're Deonora or Helia, with their natural heat. Wasting Mana to warm your plates is wasteful at best.

They huffed in annoyance, but started eating at a relatively normal pace. Except for Helia, who took hold of her Boar meat and started savagely biting off chunks.

Vergil: Also, I have sensed a disturbance earlier this morning. Care to fill me in?

Lilith looked at Deonora, who nodded.

Lilith: Well, it seems that the Bandits are becoming more bold with their exploits.

I raised a brow. Of course it would be Bandits, who else makes use of chaos better than Bandits.

Deonora: It's nothing too difficult for our forces to deal with, but as I've said. They're becoming bolder.

I stopped eating and looked at Deonora straight to her eyes. Which she squirmed under... Is she secretly a bottom?

Vergil: Explain.

Deonora sighed, but gave in.

Deonora: There are Bandits that have decided that stealing, while still a good option, has turned to kidnapping for slavery.

I hummed. It is a common thing for such an age, but I find it hard to believe that mere Bandits are strong enough to kidnap Mamono of all beings.

Deonora: It's children that they are targeting.

I felt my fork bent to an unrecognizable shape, after hearing the news. Even Sasha has started leaking black miasma from her being.

Vergil: Hm, while I'm no Hero. Children are out of the question. Tell me more. I wish to personally end their miserable lives and erase their existence from the records of life.

They went silent, but the fact that Sasha herself looks eager to kill, is something I'd like to take note of.

Deonora: I-I see... *Ahem* reports say they're prowling within the eastern forest of the main continent. Though from what the escapees have told us. They also have Mamono from Zipangu, Mist Continent, and The Zedrada Desert.

Vergil: So they have expanded already. How long has this been happening.

Lilith: It has been happening for over five years already. But this is by far their most active and diverse, as they've mostly kept to capturing Werewolves, Orcs, and other such easy targets. After all, Wolfsbane is while rare, can be produced in large quantities through magic. While Orcs while strong, have this system that is easily taken advantage of.

I suppressed a frown from seeing Meera shift uncomfortably, I'm obliged to believe that she has prior experience to such. I'll talk to her about this later.

Vergil: I see, it seems they have someone adept at magic for such. Impressive considering how rare it is for a Man, not a Hero, to be blessed with magic. Unless it is a rogue. Though perhaps it is a Woman running this business of theirs.

Lilith: We have thought of such. But the ones we've captured won't speak, no matter what we've done.

I raised a brow. This is peculiar.

Vergil: Even if you've drugged them with aphrodisiac strong enough to make a Dragon in heat for the next week?

Lilith nodded. Hm, this is truly peculiar indeed.

Vergil: Unless they're similar to me, which is highly improbable. They could have some sort of hidden knowledge to counter your methods. Or maybe, Otherworlders. Similar to my situation that is immune to the rules of this world.

I should probably give small praise to Nero for... Reading those "Isekai" manga and showing it to V.

The idea itself is ludicrous, yet something that should not be taken out of the equation.

Lilith: Um, what?

Vergil: Mostly a theory. But what if, I'm not the first one here to be transported to this world. While Dimensions are a different topic from the Multiverse Theory. The method of traveling is similar. Either through Reincarnation, Magic, or Deities intervening.

Wilmarina: Wait, Multiverse Theory? What is that?

Hm, I suppose I should indulge them to my own interests other than Poetry.

Vergil: The Multiverse, such a Theory has existed in my world for more than a couple decades. Yet none has been able to confirm it. But now, I'm currently existing on a world where Monster Girls exists, Humanity is slowly becoming extinct, and Gods exists. While it is true that my world has religions and thus, Gods to worship. It's mostly just made up explanations as to why earthquakes happen, why there are floods, or why ideas always appear within our minds.

They kept silent as they listened to me.

Vergil: And while I'm no scientist. I most definitely can confirm the existence of other Universes than my world's own observable universe. But, to simplify. Think of it how slimes reproduce, other than absorbing mana. The old Demon Lord era slimes reproduce through splitting themselves right?

Lilith nodded.

Vergil: The Theory I'm mostly referring to is the third model. For example the original slime split into three, the other two, while similar, has tiny differences from the original. Like the first slime is actually a slime carrier variant, while the other is a bubble slime, as for the original slime. That's that, an normal slime. And as they continue to split, there will be similarities, but also differences. In a sense, in a different timeline, I would've stayed hidden, not caring at all to what is happening around me. And the other is that I'm not the one who arrived to this world.

Vergil: There's also a thing about different universes being connected. Two vastly different worlds yet a timeline of theirs is connected. This is mostly the reason as to why I've thought of Otherworlders. As my Universe is connected to this Universe, as to theirs.

Sasha: So in a sense, there's a timeline where I became a Mamono when Druella invaded Lescatie? Or perhaps The Demon Lord herself is not a Demon Lord, but rather a normal human woman?

I nodded.

Lilith: Wow, didn't think I'd be interested in such a topic. But since you've shared such a thing, it is plausible. Also, you said that Gods also exists in your world right?

I nodded again.

Lilith: I'm curious, can you give me the details? I'd like to compare the differences and similarities.

I hummed, while it is a distraction. Deonora did say that the Bandits are hard to track. I'll send Shadow and Griffon to scout, see if they could find anything.

Vergil: I see. Then perhaps I should introduce you to the version of Poseidon and the Greek Mythology.

Time Skip

Lilith: Interesting. Interesting indeed. The difference, while somewhat many. The stark difference in attitude, personality, and gender is quite the surprise. I find it hard to imagine Poseidon to do such a thing... Well, our version of Poseidon anyway.

I nodded.

Vergil: As I've said, Parallel Universes are a pain to think about. But they do have some interesting twists. I wouldn't be surprised to find a female version of me if I somehow screw up my dimension jump, once I find the source of it's fault.

Lilith giggled.

Lilith: I'm sure it would be quite an experience.

It has been two hours since the start of our comparison to our realities. Which was fun, considering I didn't have t deal with whining women saying that out topic of conversation is boring. I still have no idea why that Hellhound sticks around.

But thankfully, we have decided to move into one of the many balconies of Deonora's castle. But this one has a breathtaking view of the kingdom below.

Lilith: I wonder how Poseidon, Hephaestus, Ares, and Bacchus would react to their counterparts.

Vergil: Bacchus will definitely have a drink with her counterpart, maybe end up fucking for all we know. After all, Incest has been a prominent characteristic within the Greek Mythology. So I wouldn't expect less.

Lilith laughed, hugging her sides as she struggled to not fall off her seat.

Lilith: Yep! Haha! That's definitely something that could happen!

Vergil: Indeed, but for now. Tell me what you've discovered about the Slavers.

Her mood dropped as soon as I changed the subject.

Lilith: *sigh* I blame myself for not thinking what my spell could do thoroughly. And with how easy it is to get addicted to sex is how they can easily keep them from retaliating. Sure, some can fight back, but in due time.

Hm, for someone being branded as the most evil being in the world, she does care a lot about everyone.

Vergil: I see, so they've made use not just your spell, but the information given by the encyclopedia. Knowledge is power after all.

She nodded, sighing and looked at me straight at my eyes.

Lilith: Indeed, but I wish to confess my initial plan when I met you, Vergil.

I raised a brow.

Lilith: Ever since my Daughter returned in such a state, I was rather angry, but at the same time, grateful for you opening her eyes from her delusion. At first it was a mission for my Daughter to get close to you, and get you to have sex with her. After all, your Demonic Power is far more concentrated and pure than ours.

I see, so that's why she has been pushing Druella towards me.

Lilith: But seeing how Druella is everytime she's within your presence, I thought about doing it myself, but I don't want to and couldn't betray the Man I love and bled with for all these years.

Her love for Arthur truly is unbreakable. I wonder if Mother and Father were like this. Mostly because Father kept an air of seriousness, and indifference. Maybe it was just a ruse to make us behave like him... Which certainly worked for me, but not for Dante. After all, he was such a Momma's Boy in modern day definitions.

Lilith: So I decided to stop, and just let the river flow. Druella after all, truly loves you. Borderline obsessed, but at least she's changing into a better person. She even disbanded that Extremist Faction of hers.

I raised a brow, but kept quiet.

Lilith: Many were disappointed, but seeing how the world currently is, many didn't voice their disappointment.

Vergil: I see. I guess now I know the reason as to why she has given me such an... Exotic Poem. I find it somewhat basic, considering it's a literal piece of written porn. And somehow similar to a Poem of my world.

Lilith giggled, shaking her head in amusement.

Lilith: Mind if I could read it content? As her Mother, I'm merely curious to what she have written.

I then fished the parchment dyed in pink, and handed it to Lilith.

Lilith: Oh my. To think she is this taken by you.

She let out another giggle before reading the content out loud.

Lilith: "I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.

Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets. Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.

I hunger for your sleek laugh,

your hands the color of a savage harvest, hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails, I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.

I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,

the sovereign nose of your arrogant face, I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,

and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,

hunting for you, for your hot heart, like a Ocelome in the forests of Kurx."

Lilith had a healthy blush on her face, and a teasing smirked appeared.

Lilith: My my, truly you have a way with women.

I scoffed.

Vergil: While I have no idea what you mean, I did notice that whenever I move. Many often swoon and act as if they've been struck by an arrow to the chest.

Lilith: Seriously? After a night of passionate sex with Meera? You still have no idea as to why women are drawn to you?

I rolled my eyes.

Vergil: I have an inkling of a reason why. But still, to merely fall for a pretty face is something I particularly don't like.

Lilith: Yes, of course. You are that type of person. Hence why many mostly resorts to just looking, while the ones closer are giving their best shot.

Vergil: Yes, I've noticed them trying to advance their movements. In fact, I know that Kaga and Akagi is actively trying to get to know me better, Wilmarina trying to be subtle, but failing. Sasha a tad insecure whether or not she could. Ciel, while in for the money, also genuinely cares for me. Ryoko is doing her Nekoshou things. Fumiko trying to muster more courage. Deonora giving me the bedroom eyes. Alto Eris herself is also trying to impress me everytime I pass by the Barracks or happen to see her within the Colosseum. And of course, Druella herself trying hard.

Lilith went silent as I listed the Women and Mamono trying to get into my pants.

Vergil: I'm not ignorant, nor a dense fool. I just chose to not act upon it to see if they could handle my personality.

I sipped on my glass of water brought to us by a Kikimora maid.

Vergil: And if they buckle. Well, it is on them.

Lilith: Wow, you are hardcore.

I smirked.

Vergil: Of course. It is a precaution that is a must, considering that the blood flowing through my veins is nothing but a large red target for Demons to attack. In fact, I'll tell you a little secret of mine.

She moved closer.

Vergil: I died trice already. Once when I was a child, the other was before one of my biggest regrets, and lastly. When I split myself in two. The being named Vergil has ceased to exist three times in his lifetime.

She paused, almost not wanting to ask her question.

Lilith: But what does that have to do with the Women you've listed down?

I gave her a leveled stare.

Vergil: Demons. Any connection to me will immediately be on the shit list of any Demon. May it be a weak one, or one of the Demon Generals that is powerful enough to erase a continent off of the face of the world. Those who have served The Demon King Mundus, will always find us, and will always try to kill us.

I then stood up, aiming to leave the balcony as I have just received a mental message from Griffon.

Vergil: Now I hope you know why I'm making then go through such a trial. After all, being a Sparda is already a pain to deal with. Now if you excuse me, Griffon has some news for me.

And with that, I left Lilith to fully understand what it means to be a Sparda.

Whoo. Well, that took a while. As I've said before, shit happened, need to focus on it first. Now it has somewhat loosened up, so I'll be updating more. Anyway, I've done my part, and now it's time for yours. Enjoy the Chapter and SOUL out! Also, what do you think of the Harem members?

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