Someone New

By mad13k

1.1K 54 0

There's someone new In Julie's life. Her best friend knows him. With her friends' relationship problems and h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Author's Note

Chapter 45

17 1 0
By mad13k

Julie's POV

I was tired, hungry and depressed. I clambered out of bed to get ready for my student teaching job at a high school.

I was getting ready to teach AP Chemistry and Advanced engineering courses. to be truthful, I was excited to be surrounded by minds that are alike. passionate for the fields of sciences.

I went into my closet and pulled out a pretty purple dress that Sophia bought for me a while back. I pulled my hair up into a bun and put on a pair of ballet flats.

I grabbed my purse with my lesson plans and cell phone to see Sam drinking some juice in the kitchen, pregnant as ever.

"I hate being pregnant" she muttered.

"Babe it's just the hormones. plus this is the first trimester and it's March" I said while putting my hands on hers

She smiled and chuckled "I have to get ready for work. I'll see ya later. pizza good?"

I nodded "you betcha! when's Jo coming back?"

She shrugged " a few days. now I know how Sophia felt. it really sucks having him away"

I shrugged "you never know until you experience it for yourself"

Sam had gotten some hot shot editing job at a newsletter house and she was loving every minute of it and I was completely happy for her.

As I sat in my car I thought about Soph and how much I actually miss her and how much I don't get to see her.

When she comes back from her vacation, I decided I would take her out, just the three of us for good old times sakes

I made my way to one of the best high schools in the area and stopped by in the office to pick up my student teaching ID

As I met with Mr.Klimster, the teacher I would be student teaching for, he showed me the lesson plans and the names of all the students who would be in his classes.

As an AP Chem and Advanced Engineering course teacher he only had 5 classes out of the 9 periods in a day.

The bell for first period rang and a flood of students came in and I remember my high school days.

"Okay class this is Ms. Kramer, she will be your student teacher for 2 months. make her feel welcome and do what she says"

Some kids smiled at me and some just rolled their eyes.

"Okay guys so today we'll be covering the chemical bond between atoms and what makes this bond occur. if we cover all the notes you guys can ask me some questions to get to know me better. deal?" I smiled and sounded optimistic

Some kids laughed and looked around as some just stared.

As the class went by I started to get a little frustrated when no one knew what a dipole attraction was. for Chem honors students they sure don't have the attitude or thinking.

One girl raised her hand and I politely called on her "uh...yes. Callie?"

She raised an eyebrow "it's Casey. and can you please tell me what made you choose that purple dress you're wearing today?" she snickered and looked to her freaky friend Kelsey.

Both were tall blond bitches who clung to each other like atoms in a bond. each had big blue eyes and big pink puffy lips. they graciously wore their cheer leading uniforms.

"Well, my best friend bought it for me so I wore it. it's cute"

She smiled and shook her head. I continued with my notes and when I was finished I got a class full of hands for question time.

"Uh..Cole" I called on a random decent looking kid.

"How old are you babe?" he smirked. OKAY OKAY NOT DECENT.

I ignored him and called on a girl this time. Kalista

"Um what is your favorite ice cream flavor?"

"Chocolate. any more questions?"

A hand shot up from the back of the class "what made you want to become a teacher and why in this field of study?"

Finally a meaningful question. "well I've always loved Chemistry and engineering and I loved school so why not combine my two passions and use them to make other people successful?"

Everyone clapped and this one kid pretended to wipe a tear away.

Overall my day went great and I was exhausted and wanted to get home really fast.

I stopped by the grocery store and bumped into a familiar face...Matt.

"Uh...uh...i'm sorry" I stuttered out.

He looked confused "don't apologize, I should watch where I'm going"

I smiled slightly and bit my lip "um me too I guess"

He flashed a cocky smile and then looked at me "so what're you doing here Jules?"

I looked around, he hasn't called me that in 2 months. I haven't heard from him in two months. "getting some drinks and dessert for dinner tonight with Sam"

He nodded "cool yeah. I was just heading back home to my mum and her boyfriend" he smiled.

My eyes widened "excuse me?"

He frowned "I said I was going home to my mum and her boyfriend. is there something wrong?" he looked around and frowned.

I stared at him "your mom...Katherine...she's Christian...Elliott's dad"

He smiled "you have no idea what's been going on do you?" even though he was smiling I could see the pain in his eyes.

"No I guess not. we haven't talked in two months Matt. you basically dropped off the face of the earth. I graduated, got a job."

His smile slowly faded "I'm sorry about what happened. really I am. I hope we can catch up and I would be able to tell you everything"

I bit my lip and contemplated my crazy and irrational idea.

"Um this is going to be crazy. but would you like to come over for dinner? with Sam and I?" I instantly regretted what I said.

His lips slowly curved upwards into a smile "sure"

The We got home and then Sam came in about 10 minutes later with pizza.

"Hey Jules I'm home!" she stopped abruptly and almost dropped the pizza

"What the fuck is he doing here?!" she exclaimed pointing to Matt who was sitting next to me.

"I bumped into him at the grocery store. so much has happened in 2 months and I forgave him. we all have so much catching up to do so i invited him over" I looked at her with pleading eyes.

She rolled her eyes and dropped the pizza on the dining table "whatever let's eat"

We were all sitting around the dining table eating pizza in awkward silence.

"So your mom. what's up with the boyfriend thing?" I asked

His eyes suddenly filled with sadness and Sam's mouth dropped open.

He breathed deeply and started talking "my mom has been seeing another man for a while now. she did it behind Christian's back at first but they both realized that thy were only together for the sake of Elliott and I. about a month ago she went to the doctor and found out she has stage 3 breast cancer. she doesn't think she has long and wants to be with someone who she truly loves. she's been getting radiation and chemo but there isn't much else the doctors can do other than a mastectomy. she wants to wait it out. she has about a year, enough time to see Elliott get married which is what her dying wish is" his face fell as I could see the tears prick his eyes.

My eyes pooled with tears "I'm so sorry Matt. she was an amazing woman" I whispered as I put my hand on his forearm.

Sam looked down and bit her lip "I'm sorry about your mother"

He nodded at our words and then straightened back up. "all I know is that whatever happens is what's meant to happen."

I smiled slightly at him and nodded as I picked at my pizza.

After about an hour he left and as I showed him the door I gave him a hug "it was nice having you. thanks for letting me catch up"

He nodded and hugged me back "thanks for having me over, maybe we can do it again sometimes. as friends."

I smiled and nodded "by Matt"

"By Jules"

And with that I closed the door and plopped down on the couch.

"If she dies, then that's two mothers gone for Elliott" I looked at Sam with sad and desperate eyes.

"You know I hate him but he is a strong and absolutely amazing person otherwise I wouldn't let Soph marry him. he's gonna get through this, especially with
Sophia by his side."

I nodded and Leaned into her arms and hugged her tightly. "you don't hate him you bitch"

She chuckled lightly "I guess you're right. he did basically hook me up with the father of my child. he's an amazing guy and I'm happy Sophia has him and only him in her life."

I smiled "speaking of Sophia let me text that crazy bitch and make her send pictures of the Caribbean."

Sam smiled as she went towards the kitchen and pulled the ice cream for us

To Sophia

Hey bitch what's up???!!! I need deets and or pics...

Haha I love you guys. El invited Erik and Jason with Allison and Lauren!!! he's amazing!!

OMG good for you, he's a great guy. pics?

She sent a pic of her smiling on the beach with Elliott next to her totally oblivious reading something on his phone with sunglasses on.

The next one he realized what she was doing and as she was laughing it looked like he was trying to take the phone out of her hands.

The last one he had the biggest and fakest toothiest grin as she kissed his cheek.

I chuckled

You two are something else

I know I know, he looks...HOT

Lol suurreeee. when your asses get back here we're all going out for dinner. no joke

Okay love bug sounds like a plan. we should be back in a week.

Can't wait. I miss having you here.

HA I knew you would miss me! who wouldn't!! I'm amazing

You are, and yeah I miss you nagging me and cleaning up all my Crap

Now I don't like you.

Aw cmon Soph you LOVE ME.

Sure sure. see ya in a week?

See ya then...

Love you babe

Love you more!

And with that I turned my phone off and grabbed a spoonful of ice cream and shoved it into my mouth.

Sam plopped down onto the couch "how's the first day of student teaching?"

I rolled my eyes and put my head in her lap "terrible, they're all imbeciles"

She laughed "you'll get used to it. plus, you're the only chic I know that could possibly handle going into this retarded field"

"Heyyyyy, but thanks" I laughed.

She laughed and shoved some ice cream in her mouth "on the bright side today I had to edit Professor Saunder's ground breaking article on herdz Bistin"

I frowned "Higgs Boson?"

She rolled her eyes "yeah whatever, that. he actually had his entire article printed in the magazine. and not many people even get a column let alone an entire page. his picture is in it too"

"Good for him, he's worked his ass off his entire life to achieve the status he's at now" I pretended I clap as I swallowed my ice cream.

"Whatever, Jo works hard. and he's not the head of his department and no one cares about his articles." she said silently.

I frowned "I thought he was famous in his field"

She snorted "famous? yeah right! the head of the genetic department can barely remember his name. you know..."

I sat up "what?"

Sam bit her lip "even though Elliott and Joseph are best friends, Jo is super jealous of Elliott."

I frowned "why? they're both stable"

She shook her head smiling "you have no idea how much money Elliott actually makes do you?"

I frowned and pouted "no I didn't really think about his salary"

She snorted "that punk makes more than you, I, and Joseph combined. and that's a single salary"

My jaw dropped "WHAT?"

She nodded and smirked "he makes close to $200,000 a year and that's his starting salary. I mean no wonder that jackass can afford all that bull. one of the finest apartments in the city, travel costs, a Mercedes, a wedding, engagement ring..cmon Jules add it up"

I mentally calculated how much all of that could actually cost and sighed "well I'm happy for him, he deserves it. and he deserves to spoil himself and his fiancé"

She nodded "Sophia promised me something a while ago"

"What's that?" I asked

She sighed "she would help with the baby. I just don't know how I'll be able to financially

I put my hand on her shoulder "don't worry about that now. worry about delivering a beautiful baby girl. go to bed babe"

She nodded and went to her room. little did I know what that I would fall asleep on the couch thinking about what could've been if I had still been with Matt.

If he still had feelings for me

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