Ambitchous (Deputy Parrish)(D...

By chocobulan

327K 7K 657

Ambitchous- striving to be more of a bitch than the average bitch. After being arrested many, many times, Sca... More

Scar Mejia
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 39

4.1K 83 4
By chocobulan

|Scar Mejia|

"So the Walcott's were the first. At least the first that we know about. Four murders. Sean, his brother, and their parents. They were killed by a professional assassin called The Mute. Weapon of choice, a military tomahawk. But then The Mute was killed by Peter Hale after he tried to blow up Derek with a Claymore mine. Next was Demarco. He delivered a keg to the party at Lydia's lake house and got decapitated outside his car. Then last night, 23-year-old Carrie Hudson." Stiles explained the past deaths.

"It's a dead pool. A hit list of supernatural creatures. This is only part of it. The rest still has to be decoded." Scott placed the list on the desk.

Sean Walcott 250
David Walcott 250
Michael Walcott 250
Christina Walcott 250
Lydia Martin 20
Scott McCall 25
Scarlett Mejia 23
Demarco Montana 250
Derek Hale 15
Carrie Hudson 500
Kayleen Bettcher 250
Kira Yukimura 6

"Who found the list?" Dad asked.

"Lydia." I answered.


"She wrote it. Actually, she transcribed it. Without realizing it."



Dad looked back at the list, "All right, what are these numbers next to the names?"

"We're getting to that. First, you need to know that the code was broken with a cipher key." I told him.

"Wait. You mean, like a... Like a key word?"

"It's actually a name."

"Allison." Scott whispered.

"Her name broke a third of the list." Stiles said.

"Now we think there's two other cipher keys." Scott added.

"Which will give us the rest of the names." I added.

"How do we get the cipher keys?" Dad asked.

"Same way we got the code."

"Lydia. She's been out at the lake house all weekend trying to find the other two key words."

"You didn't know about Demarco or Carrie. Hmm? What about the other two names on the list? Uh, Kayleen Bettcher or Elias Town. They werewolves too?"

I shrugged, "We don't know. Deaton said that the Nemeton would draw supernatural creatures here."

"Here being Beacon Hills or Beacon County? The population of Beacon Hills is just under 30,000. But if we're talking Beacon County, then you're looking at close to 500,000. Look, how many werewolves, banshees, kitsunes and whatever the hell else is out there are we talking about? What happens if the next cipher key uncovers not 12 names but 100?" Dad asked.

"We don't think there would be that many. There's a limit because of the numbers."

"We think that once we decode the names, the numbers will add up to 117." Stiles said.

"117 what?"

"Million." Scott replied.

Stiles nodded, "117 million, Dad. Stolen from the Hale vault and is being used by someone to finance all these murders."

"Someone who wants every supernatural in Beacon Hills dead." Scott mumbled.

"So coded list goes out and somehow these professional assassins get that list and a key. Then they go after the names on the list. They being killers with no mouths, tomahawks, thermo-cut wires that can take your head off."

I picked up the picture of Carrie's dead body, "Carrie was also stabbed, but what's this mark?"

"We're not sure yet. We're waiting on the ME's report... There's one other thing I don't get. How did this new assassin know that Demarco was going to be at the lake house?"

"Oh, Everyone knows he delivers kegs to teenagers for a little extra cash." Stiles and Scott both looked at me. "What?"

"So whoever ordered that keg killed Demarco."

"It was someone at the party. A student."

I walked around until I heard something hit a locker followed by growling. I ran over to see Derek holding him by his neck against a locker.

"Derek, what the hell are you doing? Put him down."

Scott walked in behind me holding a lacrosse stick.

"You're right. He is angry." Derek said before dropping him.

"Liam, This one is yours." Scott said handing the lacrosse stick to Liam.

The bell rung.

"Get to class, Liam. You should too, Scar." Scott said.

I scoffed, "I'm older, I should be telling you to get to class." I mumbled but Scott heard me anyway.

Liam was still pissed when we reached the main hallway.

"You need to relax."

"How do you do this? You're always calm." Liam asked me.

I rolled my sleeve up, revealing my tattoo. "Control, my dude. In our case, find an anchor. Something or someone to hold you down. For me, it's my brother, well, both of them now."

"Do you think you... uh, can help me find one?" Liam asked.

I nodded, "Of course."

Liam and I were still walking around when we saw a bus pull up. It was the rival team that we were playing.

"Brett!" Liam yelled before walking over.

He knows them?

"I just wanted to say... have a good game." Liam said, holding out his hand.

Brett and the team laughed in his face.

"That's cute, Liam. Is that what they told you to say in anger management? To apologize and everything's fine? You demolished coach's car." Brett said.

"I paid for it." Liam said angrily.

"And you're gonna pay for it. We're gonna break you in half and it's going to be all your fault." Brett threatened.

I pushed Liam behind me and looked up at him. "Look, Brent."

"It's Brett." He corrected me.

"I don't fücking care. If you have a problem with Liam, you have a problem with me. Whatever he did, get over it. You are not going to touch him. And if you do," I took a step closer to Brett, "I'll be the one coming after you on that field."

Scott pulled Liam and I away while Stiles welcomed them. Liam was starting to wolf out, so we brought him to the showers. I stood by the door, keeping watch, until the growling stopped.

"That car you smashed. I thought you said that was your teacher's." Scott said to Liam.

"He was also my Coach. He benched me for the entire season."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I got a couple of red cards."

"Just a couple?" Stiles asked.

I rolled my eyes, "Ignore him. You gotta be honest with us. What else happened?"

"Nothing. I got kicked out of school. They sent me to a psychologist for evaluation."

"What did they call it?" Scott asked.

"Intermittent Explosive Disorder." Liam mumbled.

"I.E.D? You're literally an I.E.D? That's great. That's great, Scott. You gave powers to a walking time bomb." Stiles said sarcastically.

"Did they give you anything for it?" I asked, ignoring Stiles.

"Risperdal. It's an antipsychotic."

"Oh, this just gets better."

"But I don't take it." Liam added.

"Obviously." Stiles chuckled.

"I can't play lacrosse on it. It makes me too tired."

I sighed, "I think you should bail on the game. Tell Coach your leg is still hurting."

Liam stood up, "No! I can do this, especially if you're there."

"But Liam, it's not just about the game. We think whoever killed Demarco might be on our team." Scott told him.

"Who's Demarco?" Liam asked.

"The one who brought the beer to the party. The guy who was beheaded." Stiles answered. "We think the person who ordered the keg killed Demarco."

Liam looked down.

"Liam...You know something?" I aske softly.

"I don't know who ordered the keg but I know who payed for it."

I was waiting on the game to start with Liam.

"I don't care if he's a foot taller than me. I think I can take him." Liam said, looking back at Mason.

"Yeah." Mason agreed, but he was still staring at Brett.

Wait, Mason likes Brett? Liam seemed to catch on too.

"What do you think you're doing?" Liam asked.

"What? Me? Agreeing with you. I'm being agreeable."

"You think he's hot, don't you?" Liam asked.

I looked at Mason waiting to see what he was going to say.

"No. No. Not at all. No way. Maybe. Yeah, maybe a little." He said.

I knew it.

"He wants to destroy me."

"I won't let him." I patted his back.

"I think you can definitely take him... and then, give him to me." Liam and I both laughed. "Nah, just go out there and kick their smug prep school asses."

I fell flat on my back as Brett and another player rammed into me and knocked me down. We were missing someone, so Coach made me play. Liam growled and threw off his helmet and gloves. Scott and Stiles quickly held him back while Kira helped me up.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded and went over for a face-off.

I looked up at the dude across from me, "You have a lot of facial hair for a teenager. Seriously, what are you on? HGH? Gamma radiation? Radioactive spider bite?"

Wow, I hang around Stiles too much. As soon as the referee dropped the ball, I grabbed it and threw it to Kira. She stayed frozen for a second.

"Go, Kira!" Scott yelled.

She ran down the field and made a goal. I looked over to see that Coach benched her for not passing. Fück teamwork, We're losing.

I flinched as Brett, Garrett and Liam collided at the same time. I ran over to Liam and helped him up.

"How hard did you hit him?" I asked.

"I didn't. He hit me." I noticed that his arm was broken.

Scott took off his gloves before fixing Liam's arm. I heard a click and looked over at Garrett.

"Are you cut? Did Garrett cut you?" I asked, checking his body.

"No. I'm okay." Liam said.

"Then, he missed." I said, still staring at Garrett.

"What do you mean?"

"It's you, Liam. You're the one he's after." Scott answered for me.

"I talked to Coach. I'm out for the rest of the game." Liam said walking over to me, Scott and Kira.

"What are you going to do?" Kira asked Scott.

"I don't know. Something's still not right. We're missing something."

"Guys." I looked up at Stiles. "Lydia just broke another third of the list." He said.

"Am I on it?" Liam asked.

"No, but someone else is."

-Literally the longest chapter I've even written. School and homework is taking over my life. This is prob one of my fav episodes of this season. Sorry for any typos too! I'll try to update soon.-

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