By sophia_ispeng

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What happens when you fall for someone you know you're not supposed to fall in love with? ''It's cool to have... More

Author's note.
CHAPTER 50 {The End.}


23 18 20
By sophia_ispeng

She didn't know how much time she spent reminiscing until her mom called out her name.

Are you still asleep?
It's 6:30 girl
I'm leaving for work already."

I'm awake mom about to take my bath now
Have a nice day at work."
She replied almost shouting so her mom could hear her perfectly.

"Okay have a nice day at school love."
Her mom yelled back.

Even though Jasmine's mom could be a bit frustrating at times, she was still a very sweet woman and soft at heart.
The only thing was that she was a was a very busy woman who didn't really know what was going on in her only daughter's life.

Jasmine did her skincare routine and then took off her clothes to get into the shower.
Spending about 30minutes in there, she came out with her towel tied around her chest.

She took a sit in front of her mirror, dried her body, and then applied her lotion.

I hate you I love you by olive O'Brien ft Gnash was playing from her speaker.

After applying her lotion, she opened her drawer where she kept her undies and she picked out a matching bra and a g string that was purple in colour.

I hate you I love you I hate that I love you I don't want to but I can't put nobody else above you.
I hate you I love you I hate that I want you,
You want her you need her,and I will never be her.

She sang along as she put on her white singlet and a black tight.

After that, she put on her neatly ironed uniform.
It was a navy blue blazer with a lighter blue inner and a navy blue short skirt leaving part of her thighs exposed.
She put on her black socks stopping below her knee and
then went into the kitchen to take her favourite cereal, cocopops.

All alone I watched you watch her, like she's the only girl you've ever seen.
You don't care, you never did, you don't give a damn about me.
Yeah all alone I watch you watch her, she is the only thing you've ever seen.
How is it you never noticed..
That you were slowly killing me?
The song kept playing.

She sat on the dining table and finished it almost immediately.
She went back to keep the plate in the kitchen and then went back to her room.

I hate you I love you, I hate that I love you I don't want to but I can't put nobody else above you.
I hate you I love you I hate that I want you.
You want her, you need her, and I will never be her.

She sang along to the song and disconnected from her speaker immediately the song stopped playing.
In as much as she wanted to listen to all the sad songs on Earth, she had a school to attend.

She picked up her back pack and went out of the house, making sure to lock the door properly.

She stood out for more than 10minutes but she couldn't get a cab to take her to school.
She was running late.
The time was already reading 7:45am.

She began to take a walk down to the junction hoping for a cab to stop by.
She soon heard someone horning behind her and she stopped to see who it was.

He parked by her side and rolled his windows down.
"Mind if I drop you at school?" He asked, smiling.
It was the guy from the other day.
What was his name again?


She stood there contemplating on if she should hop in or not.
She looked around and couldn't see any cab coming her way.
She checked her time and it was already reading 8:00am.

She had no choice but to hop in.
"Good morning, Nicole."
He said cheerfully.

She almost burst out laughing when he called her that.
You told him your name was Nicole!
Her subconscious reminded.

"Morning," she replied monotonously.

Her face was just straight.
She didn't look angry and she didn't look happy also. She was void of any emotion.

She sat there, recalling the day Dave drove her to school while Alex thought about what next to say.

She remembered how she sat beside him in his car that day.
The day she was having her exams.
His eyes.
The way he looked at her with so much emotions inside him that couldn't come out from his mouth.
His eyes read something like ''no matter what happens between us, please stay.
Don't leave me, I still love you.''
They didn't really communicate much that day but she felt the tension between both of them that morning.

They had a lot to say to each other but nobody could speak up first.
Perhaps, Dave didn't want to have any shaking conversation with her because of the exam she had later.

"Fuck why does everything have to remind me of him?!" She cussed inwardly.

"Nicole?" Alex called for the third time bringing her back from her thoughts.

She turned her head to her left causing her to face him giving him a questioning look.

"We're here.
Or isn't this the school you attend?" Alex asked.

"Yes, thank you."
She said opening the car door.
"And please, my name isn't Nicole."

With that, she walked out again before he could say anything else, leaving Alex dumbfounded.

She went into class and the teacher for the first period was already there.
All eyes were on her.

"Good morning miss Jessie,"
She said with a smile on her face.

Jessica was her full name but the students called her Jessie

Jasmine was a really different person in school.
She didn't give anyone the slightest chance to suspect even for a minute that her heart was broken by a boy and it turned her into a sad b*tch.

"Jasmine, why are you just coming?" Miss Jessie asked.

Miss Jessie was one of her favourite teacher and vise versa.
She taught Civic to only the final year students of her high school.
She was really pretty in her early thirties.
She had big eyes and nice nose and she was light skinned.
She had a very contagious smile and she was really nice.

"Traffic," She lied.

She didn't even know how that came out but she couldn't start ranting about how she stood for 15minutes without getting a cab to bring her to school.

Traffic was simple, short and convincing.

''Have your seat.''
Miss Jessie stated, nudging her head to the position Jasmine sat.

Seems like she bought the lie.

''Hey baby.'' She smirked as she settled beside her seat partner, Drey Martins.

''Hey mama,'' He smiled back.
"You look good." He added, making her blush.

"Thank you," she replied.

Drey Martins was Jasmine's seat partner, or maybe more.
They had been friends for two years and counting.
She never knew he existed in that school until they got to their second year of high school where he came to introduce himself.
He was really handsome and he was a bit taller than Jasmine, standing at 5'11.
He had gorgeous eyes with long lashes.
He was slim and brown skinned.
He had curly hair.

Jasmine always liked guys with curly hair.

And above all, he was very respectful.
To girls and to guys.
He had a face that looked like he didn't give a fuck about anything but he actually gave a fuck.

All of this was what made Jasmine like him so well.

He had pink lips and a nice shape of nose.
His palm was so comfortable and Jasmine liked to intertwine her hands with his to make her feel like everything was going to be okay.
Something about him tho.
He brought peace.

{Ladies and gentlemen, Drey Martins😍.}

Unlike Dave who is Toxic, Drey was really healthy.
He gave her peaceful vibes and as handsome as he was, the only person he paid attention to in the full class was Jasmine.

They were really fond of each other and something like feelings began to develop between them.
But neither of them wanted to accept that fact.

He always got her gifts on random days and on special occasions like her birthdays or Valentine's days.

The whole class could see that they were into each other except the both of them.

''So you guys, I'll see you in the next class and that is when you will be submitting your projects.
Exams will be commencing soon and I need to record your scores before then.'' Miss jessie said as the bell rang and she dismissed the students.

"So how was your weekend?"
Drey asked, smiling at Jasmine.

"It was normal, just there how was yours?" Jasmine replied.

"You were on my mind all through." He replied.
Not actually flirting, but Jasmine thought he was.
She never took him seriously and it just made him sad but he still played cool anyways.

"Aww, stop flirting jor."
Jasmine replied smiling shyly.

"I miss you tho." She continued.

"The whole holding your hands and shii. I really like holding your hands yunno."

"I'm not flirting babe I'm for real.
I like holding your hands too no doubts.
They're really soft." He cooed.

Everything about him was just chill. He didn't have time for anybody and he didn't like stress.

"And yours make me feel safe," she said giving him a cheerful smile.

The next teacher stepped in and they greeted.
Not removing their hands from the position it was maintaining.
She gave them a note to copy and then left the class.

Someone volunteered to write on the white board and some copied while some didn't. They were having conversations with their friends.

Jasmine didn't feel like writing so she just kept on disturbing Drey while he wrote.
She leaned in closer as she wrapped her hands around his shoulders burying her head on his neck she whispered meaningless words to him.

When she saw that he wasn't paying her any mind, she began to fake cry and he stopped writing asking what the matter was.

"You don't want to play with me."
She pouted, causing Drey to chuckle.

"But I have to write na." He responded. She kept fake crying, cleaning her eyes which contained no tears at all and he stopped writing for a while.

"Okay, okay I'm no longer writing." He smiled at how cute she was and then she stopped crying, hugging him.

He picked up his pen and began writing again after a while and this time around she seized his pen and his book causing him to play beg for it.

"I'm not giving it to you," she smiled like a child and she brought out her note to copy and then Drey seized hers too.

"Drey," Jasmine pouted.

"1-1," He said as he winked at her.

He was so sexy.

The class didn't pay them any mind. They were already used to their love play.

They later decided to write for each other and it was easier for Jasmine because Drey had already started copying his own note.

It was soon break and they both went out to get something from the school cafeteria.
Drey covered all the bills as they went back to class to chill.

"I've told you to stop paying for me all the time Drey.
I know you're a gentleman but this is getting too much.
I have my own money yunno."
Jasmine protested.

"As long as I'm not complaining, take it that way and save your money for something else."
Drey replied, smiling.

They both got yoghurt, cookies and chocolate bars.
The chocolate was specifically for Jasmine.
She liked chocolates a lot and Drey was always using them to bribe her whenever she was angry at him.

They got to class and sat side by side eating and playing at the same time.
She fed him the cookies and sometimes she would intentionally make him miss it.

When they were done eating, she laid her head on his chest.
He brought her closer with his arm around her shoulder making her feel really protected.
He began to play with her hair as they discussed.

All of this was just a friendly gesture on Jasmine's path.

Her mind still drifted to Dave every now and then but she tried as much as she could to ignore the thought of him and concentrate on Drey.

At least, she was happy.

He was her closest friend in the class.
Although, she talked to other classmates when it was needed.
Break was over and the next teacher walked in causing Jasmine to sit up properly.

Luckily, they weren't seen as they occupied the backseat.

School went really fast that Monday and the bell for school over went off.

Drey and Jasmine walked out of school together and he said funny things that made her laugh. Although, he was not as funny as Dave. Nobody could level up to Dave no matter what and that was what got Jasmine really frustrated. If she was to be honest with herself, Drey was just a distraction.

They were all unique in their own ways but no one seemed to be like Dave. It was like he was created for her. He was the definition of her dream guy.
He had it all. But he couldn't be hers.

They finally got a cab for Jasmine and she hugged Drey really tightly not wanting to let him go.

"Make sure you drop her at her door step please." Drey said to the driver as he nodded and drove off.

"Bye." She said and he stood there watching them drive off.

He was so handsome.

Okay so another guy is in the picture😍.
I've been talking about other guys going after Jasmine but I never really talked about them so here we go.

There's :
Dave and Jasmine

Ryan and Jasmine

Alex and Jasmine

Drey and Jasmine

Tokyo and Jasmine.

Who are you shipping?😏
Leave your comments💛
And votes✨

Until next time


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