alluringly entwined | f.w, d.m

By dracoandfredownme

131K 5.2K 6.6K

Oshun's eyebrows were drawn together deeply. She studied the ink on her card, perplexed. Even reread the word... More

author's note
hi, it's oshun.
a note from s


2.3K 84 63
By dracoandfredownme

"THIS IS THE MOST HORRIFIC THING EVER TO HAPPEN ON EARTH!" Da'Shylah was damn near tears of frustration.

"Glad I silenced the bloody compartment," Giovanni muttered under his breath, folding his arms across his broad chest.

"You're not mad!?" Her loud voice startled everyone, eyebrows lifted. "You're going to be forced to marry a lady!"

"I'll figure it out." He waved a dismissive hand, completely calm. "Da'Shyhlah, lovely, you should
probably take a couple deep breaths."

"But I want a lady," Da'Shylah said sadly with a crestfallen expression. She turned her body and swung her legs over Forest's thighs, her feet on Mavi's thighs. "Let me marry a lady. Gio, we can switch."

He thought about it for a moment, considering. "If they allow it, sure," he said, giving her a smile that revealed his single dimple.

Oshun was sitting between Giovanni and Joaquin on one side of the compartment. Da'Shylah, Forest, Mavi, and Tavius sat on the opposite side.

They were on their way to Hogwarts and they were discussing the arranged marriage law. It was all over the Daily Prophet and some people were furious about it. But again, no one except the Ministry had a say in it.

Everyone in Oshun's friend group was single, so significant others were not one of their issues with the new law. Though for a lot of other people, it definitely was an issue.

Oshun herself had never been in a relationship. She had crushes and one single hookup her whole life, but she was just never a relationship sort of lady. She was more of a studies, books, and career lady.

"I lost my cat." Oshun gasped at the realization that Baloo was no longer sitting on the ledge of the seat. She shifted to the edge of her seat and looked around the compartment. "Damn cat—little shit thinks he can just stroll without me knowing."

"He'll be back. He's probably just walking around the train." Joaquin rubbed her knee soothingly.

"Mum made arrangements for me to get a new roommate." Da'Shylah changed the subject, seeming as though she were trying to get her mind off the arranged marriages. "Luna Lovegood, I think, is my new roommate. Or Cho. I don't remember."

"Finally going to get away from the roommate who takes all your shit, huh?" Tavius grinned teasingly at her. "What was it that she took that made you completely done with her? Your... was it your fuck-me pumps?"

"Yes." Da'Shylah glared at him. "Those shoes were expensive. Mum got it for me for my birthday, and my ex-roommate just fucking stole them. Stuck her bare feet in them like they were made for her."

"Honestly, I'd rather have a roommate that steals than one that blabbers non-stop," Mavi muttered with a sour expression. "Don't get me wrong, Abbott is a lovely girl, but sometimes I just want to be alone in my thoughts." She threw her dark curly hair into a low ponytail before pulling out hairs to frame her majestic face.

"Lucky me. I have Oshun as my roommate." Forest smiled a sneaky smile at said girl with a brisk wink.

Oshun blushed and smiled back. She threw her legs over Giovanni's legs and leaned back to use Joaquin's hard bicep as a pillow.

"Lucky me," Joaquin said, smoothly looping an arm over Oshun's shoulder to hug her into him. "I've got Dean. He's so easy to live with."

"Our roommate isn't bad at all. At least I don't think so. Tavius?" Giovanni jutted his chin at his twin. He put his large hands over Oshun's thighs, rubbing them absently.

Tavius shook his head. "Not at all. Pucey is an easy guy to live with. Pleasant lad," he said kindly.

The group of friends talked throughout the whole train ride. Oshun had ended up falling asleep with her head resting against Joaquin's chest.

She adored her little friend group because they all got along so easily. They'd been friends since first year, even though they were all sorted into different houses. It took Oshun a little while to get completely comfortable around them.

The only thing about Dy'Shylah and the Jeong twins was that their parents were the kind that thought blood status and good name were everything. The three of them were Purebloods, along with the Cole twins. But Oshun and Mavi were Halfbloods.

Now the Cole twins' parents didn't care about blood status or good name. They cared more about happiness for their children and for their own lives.

The Jeong twins' parents and Da'Shylah's parents just took that entire—blood status, good name, so and and so on—thing too seriously.

Da'Shylah's parents supported her with her sexuality completely, but they just wanted her to be with someone who also had a good name and was a Pureblood. Same with the Jeong twins.

That was another thing about Hogwarts University. Blood status mattered. To a lot of people.

More than half the school.

Especially the Purebloods themselves. Most of them.


"I need to change before the train stops." Oshun rose from her seat.

She stretched her arms out and arched her back to feel the good stretch from sitting too long. She groaned as her joints clicked. That always felt good.

"Same," Da'Shylah said as she stood, and so did Mavi and Forest.

"We'll change after you ladies are done," Giovanni said, speaking for himself, Tavius, and Joaquin.

Giovanni was more of the talkative, extrovert twin between him and his brother. Joaquin and Forest were both equally extroverted and talkative.

Out of them all, Oshun was probably the most shy. The most closed off person in the group.

She was an introvert, but once the ice broke, she could be quite chatty and expressive. But she was also confident in a way that also made it clear that was withdrawn.

She had social anxiety, so she always tended to stay with her own friends since they made her feel safe when they were with her. She hated presentations and speeches and she loathed big crowds.

She never went to parties or drank or smoked. Sure, she tried alcohol before, but she didn't really fancy that sort of thing. She never smoked though, never planned to.

She actually got teased about her choice of not drinking and smoking. She tried not to take it personally because she was happy with her choices.

Oshun tried her best to stay within the shadows. She avoided all causes of attention and tried to remain invisible.

The only time she had sex—when she lost her virgnity—was with Tavius.

This was in year two, when they were both virgins and nervous about losing their virginities. In shorter words, they wanted to try it out with each other since they were both already good friends with trust, and they did it together.

That was the only time Oshun had sex and she liked sex, but she just never hooked up with anyone after that. She solely focused on her studies.

Plus the fact that she was also too nervous and introverted to go and hookup with more people during parties—where most hookups happened.

Things weren't awkward between Oshun and Tavius though. The whole friend group knew they lost it to each other and it wasn't even an ounce of weird.

Oshun and the other ladies walked with their bags to the girls' bathroom on the train. The bathroom seemed small, but on the inside, it had a bunch of stalls and sinks and mirrors and a changing compartment.

"I know we're all a bit iffy on the arranged marriages idea, but who are you guys hoping to get?" Forest asked curiously as they all scattered in the changing compartment to change.

"I'm not marrying a man," Da'Shylah instantly said, like a reflex. "No way in hell." She shook her head and buttoned up her white school shirt.

"Maybe you can talk to the Ministry about switching things up," Mavi suggested as she stripped her top off. She tossed her shirt into her bag before pulling out her school shirt. "Getting pregnant in a same-sex relationship is still possible. You just need surrogates and donors."

"Yes, exactly." Da'Shylah threw her hands up in exasperation. She dropped onto the bench in the middle of the changing compartment. "So I don't understand why we're being forced to marry the opposite sex if some of us like the same sex."

"I like both," Forest said as she zipped up her bag since she had finished changing.

"Same." Mavi grinned and did her tie.

"There could possibly be another option for the people who like the same sex." Oshun tried to be optimistic, as her mum suggested. "We don't know much about the arrangement. Dumbledore will speak on it more at the feast."

"Hopefully," Da'Shylah said with a chest-heavy sigh. She slung her bag over her shoulder as soon as she finished dressing. "The Daily Prophet only announced that arranged marriages were the new law."

As they walked out of the bathroom, Oshun being the last, a familiar redhead walked towards them with an identical redhead, to the boys' bathroom.

"Hi, Fred." Da'Shylah waved as she walked past him and George.

Mavi and Forest said their hellos as they strolled by.

Fred nodded in acknowledgment with a wicked grin as he and his twin stood aside to let the ladies walk past.

Fred's golden eyes captured Oshun's dark ones. His grin wiped off faster than she could register and their eyes stayed locked for a beat too long.

It was just a stare. But a stare that she felt in her bones. A stare that made her feel small and towered over.

Oshun glanced away and her stomach plummeted in discomfort. She jolted forward, nearly stepping on Mavi's heels. "Sorry, sorry," Oshun hissed, cheeks flaring with heat of embarrassment.

"Come." Mavi noticed her mood change and quickly came to her rescue—her friends always did. She put an arm over Oshun's shoulder and gently ushered her in front of herself. "It's okay, Oshun."

Fred was Oshun's housemate, but he never tolerated her. She didn't know why or what she ever did to gain such distaste from the boy.

He always looked monotone when he saw her, blank. She couldn't tell what he was thinking, but she could guess he just hated something about her or her in general.

She could tell the difference between Fred and George though. She was still observant, even of those she never spoke to.

Fred had a rounder face, whereas George's was more long. Fred's eyes were more of a gold colour, whereas George's were more hazel.

George's cheekbones were sharper and more defined than Fred's. Fred's voice was more sonorous and throaty compared to George's. George's voice was more soothing and gentle, but still deep.

Personality wise, Fred was more of the forward and bravado type—though not flirty since he had a girlfriend since his second year. But even then, Oshun never saw him flirt with his own girlfriend.

Not after the first year in that relationship.

Though, word around was that in his first year of Hogwarts, he slept with girls nonstop. He was always sleeping with new girls and flirting with them and pleasuring them.

Though, both of the redheads did have their similar traits of easy-going and the laid back type.

Oshun and her friends departed at the castle, going to their own towers and dungeons. She was still with Forest and Joaquin, all three of them being Gryffindors.

"I'm nervous, holy shit." Joaquin held his stomach with the hand he wasn't holding his bag with. "My stomach feels like the tingly feeling of butterflies."

"I'm sure you'll get someone lovely." Oshun nudged his hip with hers, walking between the twins.

She was actually nervous too, as they made their way to their tower. She had knots in her tummy and they tightened even more as she got closer and closer to her shared dorm.

They were all holding their bags. Their trunks were usually organized and processed by the train before the elves brought them to the dorms while the students were at the feast.

Oshun and Forest departed from Joaquin, going to the girls' dormitories. Their dorm was the last one down the hall.

With a turn of the knob, Forest opened the door and pushed it open. The smell of a fresh dorm took over Oshun's senses since the elves always cleaned the dorms before the students arrived.

They had two double beds on opposite sides of the dorm with a dark wood bed frame. There was a large dresser that matched the wood of the desk and closet. Their bathroom was in the middle of both beds and they each had two nightstands on either side of their beds.

Oshun kicked the door shut lightly. "Should we open the cards now or after the feast?" she asked, nerves rising into her chest and causing it to dense.

Forest tossed her bag on her bed and picked up the gold envelope on her bed. "Let's open it now, why not." She lowered onto the edge of her bed, her eyes meeting her roommate's.

Oshun nodded and put her bag on her own bed. She picked up the golden envelope that had a red Hogwarts wax stamp to seal it shut.

She turned to her friend. "Ready?"

Forest looked evidently nervous as well, but she nodded. "Ready," she said as she tore her envelope open.

Oshun tore hers open and plucked out the small card inside. She flipped it open and her eyes scanned the contents written in cursive.

Her initial reaction was confusion.

She didn't even realize she was holding her breath until she read her card.

"I got Tavius—our Tavius." Forest drew out a laugh. She tossed the card on her bed and ran both hands through her hair, knocking her head back. She made a sound of relief. "Thank heavens. Tavius is a Pureblood... my parents would certainly approve."

Oshun's eyebrows were drawn together deeply. She studied the ink on her card, perplexed. Even reread the words to make sure she read it properly.

"Who'd you get, Oshun?" Forest stood from her bed to sit next to her roommate. She peeked over to see Oshun's card. "Oh?"

"I got Fred Weasley and Draco Malfoy."

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