The Devil and His Angel ~Robb...

By Lax_Walker

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LA is a town of many characters, Mia Rivers stumbles upon this large city after her parents move her and her... More

Samantha LaRusso
Eli Moskowitz
Robby Keene
Daniel LaRusso
I'm No Hero
I Know You Have A Crush
How Do You Know Robby Keene?
You're THE Mia Rivers?
Mr. Tough Guy
Goodnight, sweetest Mia.
Finally got yourself a little girlfriend, huh Keene?
Because I said so
I ship you guys so so hard though
Really bitch?
Son of a bitch
75 and breezy
Tell me more about your boy toy
That's my girl
He's not family
I'm so sorry, Robby
Happy birthday, Gage
Guys. Stop. We're friends.
I'm Coming For You, Bitch!

You're very observant for a 14-year-old

251 8 0
By Lax_Walker

Mia's POV:

July 4th, 2018

Fit Check:

I stood in front of the dojo deeply saddened as the entire thing was in shambles, this was the first time any of us had been back, Robby and I weren't supposed to be here the other day, and the both of us were in such a trance because we blocked out the damages, we can't do that today though.

Robby, Sam, Keegan, Gage, Sasha, Knox, Mr. LaRusso, Demetri, and I stood looking at the damaged dojo. We each had a trash bag in hand and the boys started pulling the toilet paper out of the trees while Sam, Sasha, and I began cleaning the broken glass and pots. It took about half an hour to do that, then Sam, Sasha, and I walked over to the giant rock and tried to get it up.

Robby looked over and noticed so he walked over to help. It was no use though, the rock was way too heavy for all of us combined. Robby looked at me and sighed, "I'm sorry about the other night,"

"When you made me get on that wooden death trap or when we were roasting marshmallows?"

Robby smiled faintly, "When we were roasting marshmallows,"

"Nothing happened, so there's no reason to feel uncomfortable, right?"


I looked up at Sam and she had her eyebrows drawn together and so did my sister. "Are you guys even lifting?" Sasha questioned. "Because I feel like I'm doing nothing here."

I silently thanked Sasha, she was amazing at breaking up awkward silences. "Forget it, all right? It's too heavy. We're gonna need a forklift." Robby stated.

"How'd they even knock it over?" Sam questioned.

"It's a lot easier to knock something down than it is to lift it up. Don't worry. We'll get it up again." Mr. LaRusso said. "Mia, come here for a moment,"

"Yes, Mr. LaRusso, what's up?"

"How's the leg?"

"Better, not 100% yet, but I'm getting there."

"Good, I'm glad to hear that kiddo, okay thank you,"


"Uh... excuse me." A voice said. I looked over my shoulder and saw 5 boys from Cobra Kai, "Is this Miyagi-Do?"

Robby looked at Sam and me. "Yeah," Mr. LaRusso said.

Robby stormed toward the 5 boys with an attitude from hell, "Come back for another beating?"

"Hey, Robby," Daniel said stopping him. "Robby!"

"This is one of the guys who was beating on Demetri. Probably helped trash the dojo."

"We didn't have anything to do with that. But I am sorry about what happened at the mall." Demetri didn't respond. "We just wanna learn Miyagi-Do karate."

"I'd be careful about this, Mr. L, letting the Cobra Kais into Miyagi-Do. It's like letting the wildlings behind the Wall." Demetri stated making me confused.

"Didn't the wildlings help Jon Snow win the Battle of the Bastards?" Mr. LaRusso retorted and my head was spinning, normally I'm good with film analogies but I was lost. I was thinking GOT but who knows?

"Should've picked a different analogy." Demetri scoffed.

"We're happy to have you." Mr. LaRusso said and began shaking hands, "Nice to meet you. Hey, nice to meet you guys."

I shook my head and took a drink of water.


A while later, Mr. LaRusso returned with the 5 boys, they were helping us clean up when Chris chimed up, "You think I'm just gonna let you dis me?"

"I didn't dis you," Demetri replied. "It was constructive criticism."

"Hey, what's going on here?" Mr. LaRusso asked.

"This nerd called me an imbecile. I told him he can't just drop a challenge and leave."

"I didn't 'drop a challenge.' He dropped the potted plant." Demetri retorted.

"It was an accident."

"Ok, guys relax." Mr. LaRusso said. "What... what's your name?"


"Chris, this is Demetri-"

"Yeah, we're acquainted." Demetri spat.

I shook my head and continued cleaning the fence while Robby painted it. "I can't believe Mr. LaRusso let them in here."

I shook my head, "He wants to help them change."

Robby smiled smugly, "They won't. Can't change the way you feel."

I didn't reply. Something about what happened between me and Robby was still bothering me.

There were raised voices between Demetri and Chris. "What're you doing?" Sam questioned.

Robby shook his head. "Once a Cobra Kia, always a Cobra Kai."

"That's not true." Mr. LaRusso said. "I know it's not true because I used to be a Cobra Kai."

We all shared confused looks.

Mr. LaRusso called us into the interior of the dojo. I sat in the back next to Robby. I wasn't listening as the idea of being in Cobra Kai irritated me. "It turned me into an angry and violent kid." That was all I heard. I shook my head thinking about Sam and how Miguel broke her heart and how it was because of Cobra Kai. It also reminded me of Eli, the Eli I knew would have never laid a hand on me.

After Mr. LaRusso's discussion, I left with my siblings. I had to get ready for the 4th of July bash at my grandparents on the beach.

Robby left with us and it was a quiet ride home, Keegan and Gage rode together while Robby, Sasha, Knox, and I rode home together.

As soon as I got home, I got in the shower and changed out of my sweaty clothes and into a maroon tank top that was also cropped. I also put on light-washed ripped denim shorts.

Fit Check:

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Robby, he smiled at me and I smiled back. "Nice outfit,"


Robby walked into the bathroom and I heard the shower start. I brushed my hair out and Sasha walked into the room. "Hey, Mia can we talk?"

"Yeah, of course, we can." I sat down next to my sister and looked at her with a smile. "What's up, love?"

"What was up with you and Robby today?"

"What do you mean?"

"He apologized to you, what was that about?"

I sighed. "Well-"

"The truth,"

I nodded, "Robby and I almost kissed the other night, but he said he didn't want to ruin our friendship and didn't want to risk his living situation with us, and he wouldn't have. But it was just awkward and we haven't really talked since. That is why he apologized,"

"Well do you care about him? As in more than friends?"

"Of course I do,"

"Then don't give up, he will come around, I am positive of it. Besides, I think he really likes you and just doesn't want to admit it to himself."

"And what makes you think that?"

"The way he looks at you, it's not like the way Eli- or Hawk looked at you, he looked at you like you were a prize, something disposable. But Robby, he looks at you like you're the most prized possession, a diamond in the ruff, and he looks like he's amazed by you every time he sees you."

I smiled, "You think so?"

"I know so,"

I shook my head, "You're very observant for a 14-year-old. I'm impressed,"

"You should be, I'm a magic worker,"

"Yeah you are, come here," I said and opened my arms. Sasha hugged me and I smiled brighter, I truly loved my sister, she is one of the only ones who truly understand me.

"Speaking of me being a magic worker, can I do your hair and makeup?"

"Of course, you can,"


A braid and red white and blue makeup later, Sasha was back in her room getting herself ready while I sat on my bed reading The Hunger Games. It had always been one of my favorite series and I adored the relationship between Katniss and Peeta. I looked up when Robby came out of the bathroom in just a pair of shorts, I tried my hardest not to stare, but how could I not?

Robby turned to face me and I was able to look at my book before he noticed me staring, "Hey, what shirt do you think I should wear?"

I looked up from my book and thought for a moment, "Well, if you're going to wear navy shorts, you should wear a red with white or white with red shirt."

He nodded and started looking through his items quietly. He tossed two t-shirts at me, one was red and the other was white. I tossed the white one back at him since it had red stripes on the sleeves. "So tell me about this 4th of July bash. Who is going to be there?"

"So it's a yearly party hosted by both sets of my grandparents, they are high school best friends and have beach houses right next to each other, so my whole family will be there."

"What do you mean by that?"

"My parents, my siblings, my grandparents, my aunts, my uncles, my cousins, and any significant others."

"So how come I'm able to go?"

"Well, you're a part of the Rivers family now, so you get to be there with us."

Robby smiled and nodded, I looked at my phone and set my book down, I stood up and put my shoes on. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before grabbing the door handle to open my bedroom door, "Hey Mia,"

I turned to face Robby, "Yeah?"

"You look beautiful,"

I smiled faintly, "Thank you, Robby, you look rather dashing yourself,"

"All thanks to you,"

"Okay, I'll take the credit for that," He shook his head with a laugh as we walked out of my room. "Come on guys, let's go!"

Gage and Knox came downstairs and Sasha came out of her room in an outfit similar to mine making me smile, Sasha and I could be twins.

"Where's Keegan?"

"He already left," Gage replied as we all wandered over to my Jeep. Robby opened my door for me and I blushed faintly. I watched Sasha smile at me and then I was able to watch Robby open Sasha's door for her as well making me feel warm inside, knowing he wasn't just treating me kindly but my sister as well.

"Where'd he go?" I questioned as I put my seatbelt on.

"He said he was going to pick up a girl,"

"Keegan is bringing a girl?!" Sasha, Knox, and I all questioned.

"I guess so,"

"Do you know who?" Robby asked.

"Not a clue,"

"Well let's hurry up and get there so we can find out," I stated and pulled up directions for Robby to follow.


Upon our arrival, Robby opened my car door and Sasha's making me happy once again. "Why thank you, kind sir," Sasha said in a British accent.

"You are quite welcome my lady," Robby replied. I smiled again and Robby extended his hand to me, I took it and he helped me out of the Jeep. "You know, you're not supposed to be wearing heels,"

I rolled my eyes playfully, "I know, they won't be on long. Once we hit the sand they will be off for the rest of the night."

"I'm going to hold you to that," I laughed and the two of us followed my siblings up to my grandpa and grandma Westlock's house. I didn't realize my hand was still laced with Robby's until I felt the tug when he slowed to allow me to go in the door first. Robby's hand was released from mine and I wanted to pout, I like the way our hands fit together. When we all entered the house, Knox and Sasha were already over at my grandma's side. Gage was still taking his shoes off and Robby was able to slip his sneakers off easily, I went to kneel down but Robby stopped me. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Taking my shoes off,"

"No, I'll get them,"

I blushed brightly as Robby knelt down and unclasped my heels and offered me his hands so I could step out of them. "Thank you,"

"Of course,"

I looked over at my grandma and saw her smiling brightly and looking between me and Robby. "Let me introduce you to my grandparents."


I brought Robby over to my grandma first, "Hi grandma," I said and hugged her.

"Hi, sweetheart,"

"Grandma this is my friend, Robby, Robby this is my grandma Westlock,"

Robby smiled and was going to shake my grandma's hand but she pulled him into a hug making me laugh. "Well it is wonderful to meet you," My grandma said happily.

"It's great to meet you as well,"

I looked around the room, "Grandma, where is grandpa?"

"He is down by at the pavilion getting set up with your mother."

"Okay, is Keegan here yet?"

"Yes, he and his friend. She is quite lovely."

I smiled and practically pulled Robby to the back slider, we went down the shaded steps and made it to the beachfront. We followed the wooden path and under the beautiful pavilion sat my grandpa, my mom, Keegan, and this mystery girl.


"Is that my Mia Troian?"

I hugged my grandpa and smiled. "Grandpa, this is my friend Robby, Robby this is my grandpa Westlock,"

Robby shook my grandfather's hand, "It is a pleasure to meet you, sir," Robby stated confidently.

"A pleasure to meet you as well young man,"

I walked over to Keegan and nudged him, "Who's the girl you brought,"

"There's a reason I didn't tell you,"

"I'm not going to be mean-"


My jaw dropped. "Sam?!" I laughed lightly, "Oh my god, you and Keegan?"

"It's new, otherwise I swear I would've told you, I'm sorry,"

"No, don't apologize it's okay! As long as you're happy, I'm happy."

Sam smiled and looked between me and Robby, "You two look so good together,"

I rolled my eyes, "Hopefully,"


As time passed, more of my family arrived. First was my Aunt Claire, Uncle Josh, and their two daughters, Jayden and Kaitlyn, Jayden is one of my best friends. Then it was Aunt Michele, Uncle Greg, and their daughter Margo. Next up were my grandpa and grandma Rivers. Then it was Aunt Jane, Uncle Michael, and their four children, Larissa, Derek, Rylee, and Alexis. Larissa is one of my best friends as well. Lastly, were my Uncle Jensen, Aunt Sydney, and their three sons, Sterling, Isaac, and Granger. Jensen and Sydney were easily my favorite uncle and aunt, Granger and Isaac are perfect to take care of, and Sterling has always been my best friend, Sterling, Larissa, Jayden, and I have always been a tight nit group.

Everyone seemed to love Robby as well, it was kind of nice to see this side of him as well. He can be very outgoing surprisingly, and he is one hell of a charmer.

Time passed quickly as I bounced between all of my family members to catch up, I spent the most time with Jensen and Sydney just because they are my absolute favorites.

Sterling seemed to like interrogating Robby which made me laugh, Sterling could be very protective but he also had an amazing sense of humor.

As the light faded and dinner was concluded, the chairs were being set up facing the ocean but more towards shore so there was room to light off fireworks. There was always a large abundance of fireworks purchased by each family and even by my grandparent's neighbors who would sit back and watch the show.

Robby and I were sitting together as the sunset making the clouds turn red and the sky turn pink. Robby looked at me as I smiled and admired the sky's beauty. "So now what?"

"Now, we sit back and wait till we get called, when we get called we get to light off a firework of our choice."

"That's kind of neat,"

I nodded and continued staring off at the sky and watched the stars appear as my family was preparing for the first firework launch. Robby gently caressed my cheek, I turned to face him and he gazed into my eyes making me nervous, I had the same feeling right now that I had the other night, I was trying to calm myself down though, I didn't want to get my hopes up.

Robby appeared to be reading between the lines, he looked at my lips and I could feel my heartbeat quicken. Robby leaned into me and I leaned into him, our faces were inches from each other and I truly think we are going to kiss.

"Everybody down!" My Uncle Jensen yelled. 

Robby and I both looked as one of the fireworks had fallen on its side and was spinning while shooting off fireworks. One launched and it seemed to head directly towards Robby and me, Robby grabbed ahold of me and pushed the both of us into the sand. Robby covered my head as my breathing increased, "It's okay, I've got you," Robby whispered.

A few moments passed before my uncle spoke again, "Okay, it's out, sorry folks!"

Robby helped me to my feet and I was covered in sand. I cringed and shook it all off, I hate sand, Anakin knew what he was talking about. "Are you okay?" Robby questioned.

"Yeah, thanks to you. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I did watch a firework blow up a few feet in front of us though."

"Welcome to the shit show," I scoffed as I dusted myself off, lucky for me the sand didn't get under my clothing. 

I sighed and sat back down next to Robby, he put his arm around me as we watched the sky and the colors bloom in the most perfect way.

I looked at Robby and he held a subtle and perfect smile on his face. As chaotic as today was, it couldn't have gone any better.



I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I tried to make it a bit longer to make up for the delay of a new chapter. On that note, thank you all for being so patient with me. I am a full-time college student and am currently in an advanced and quickened pace English class. It ends on March 1st so if you guys can be patient with me until then, I will be able to get chapters out much quicker then since my class load will go from 4 to 2.

Also, would you guys want me to make a cast list with photos of the characters? I have created MANY characters in a PowerPoint and would be happy to create a cast list with all of the characters if that is something any of you would be interested in.

Lastly, I truly enjoy reading all of your comments and if you have any ideas please leave them in the comments or message me! I take all comments/ideas into consideration and it helps motivate me!

Love you all!

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