Mr. Tough Guy

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Mia's POV:

June 21st, 2018

Just what I was afraid of, I grabbed Robby's hand as my face contorted in disappointment. He looked at me sadly, I have severely strained my I.T. band which is what caused the internal and external bruising on my hip and knee and my ankle is strained. I have to wear a Breg T Scope brace around my knee I also have a brace along my ankle, I will need crutches for at LEAST 2 weeks, plus I have to go to physical therapy and when they feel I've made good progress then they will take them off so I can move normally. And, I have tons of pain meds to stay on for those two weeks to numb the pain.

"You need to be more careful, this is the worst case I have ever seen from someone just falling down the stairs,"

I shrugged trying to play it off, "Well, that's what happened,"

"Did someone push you?"

Robby looked at me and I was getting defensive, "What? No! Of course not!"

"Okay, calm down Ms. Rivers, I didn't mean to upset you. You're free to go,"

"Thank you," I muttered and used my crutches to get out of the room and out to the parking lot. It wasn't easy to maneuver and it would take time to get used to.

"Mia, hold on, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Robby, I'm just in pain. Those meds are wearing off, I want to go home, we've been here for hours. Plus I feel bad for wasting your whole day,"

He sighed, "You didn't waste my whole day, I'm glad I was able to spend time with you, even if it was in a hospital,"

I smiled faintly, "Thank you," I made my way over to him and hugged him, "I didn't mean to snap, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, let's get you home, alright?"

"Will you stay with me?" I asked looking up at him while still in his arms.

"Of course, I will, as long as you want me there, I will stay,"

I smiled, "Thank you,"

He nodded and we continued walking to my Jeep. He took the crutches from me and secured them in the back seat. He then lifted me into the Jeep since I couldn't really get in by myself. My face contorted and Robby froze, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just need a second,"

"Can I help?"

I shook my head, "No, thank you though,"

He nodded, "Hey, you don't have to tell me now, but I know you didn't do all of this from falling down the stairs,"


"When I first came in your window, you were in a sports bra and I saw a bruise on your ribcage, I ignored it but I know you didn't do this from falling down the stairs," He said motioning to my leg.

"I will tell you later tonight, okay?"

He smiled at me and nodded, he walked around to the driver's side and we drove off. Robby took my hand again and put it on the stick shift with his making me smile.

When we got back to my house, Robby pulled into the garage and helped me out, "Hey, I am going to get the mail,"

"I can do it for you,"

"That's alright, I want to do something, thank you though."

Robby smiled, "Okay," I smiled back before making my way down the driveway, there wasn't any mail which made me roll my eyes as I made my way back up the driveway. "Nothing?"


He started laughing making me roll my eyes, I punched him lightly when I got back up next to him. We were about to turn to go back inside when we heard the roar of a motorcycle, we both turned to look, and walking up the driveway was the one and only Hawk. I tensed up immediately and started shaking. I wanted to run away but I physically couldn't. "What is he doing here?" Robby whispered.

Hawk looked me up and down before stopping about 5 feet from Robby and me, "What the hell is he doing here?" He spat.

"You have no business being here," I answered.

"Why the hell is he here?!"

"Hey! You leave her alone," Robby yelled back.

"Back off, Mr. Tough Guy, this isn't your concern,"

"Actually it is, Mia is my friend and you are unwelcomed here."

Hawk rolled his eyes, "What happened to you, Mia?"

I narrowed my eyes, "Hmm, I wonder, you know better than anyone what the hell happened!"

Robby looked at me cautiously, "Mia, what're you talking about?"

Hawk crossed his arms giving me a sickening look. "He did this to me," I whispered.

Robby went from looking at me with saddened eyes to looking at my former best friend with stone-cold and angry eyes. "You did this?!"

"What did I say would happen if you told anyone?"

"My ankle is already strained because of you! It couldn't get any worse than it already is!"

Hawk took a step towards me but Robby stepped in front of me protectively, "You threatened her? Back off, now!"

"You want a repeat of what happened at the tournament?"

Robby scoffed, "It was a cheap shot, you won't get another one,"

"Wanna bet?"

"Enough, Eli! Leave!"

"No, you're still my girl-"

"No, I'm not! I made that very clear last night!"

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say," He then glanced at Robby and me, "I knew there was something going on between you two. Watch your backs,"

Robby stared him down as he left the driveway and drove into the distance. I was about to break again, Robby looked at me and noticed immediately. "Let's get you inside, sweetheart."

I nodded faintly, "Okay," I whispered before slowly making my way inside and into my room, I dropped my crutches and sat on my bed carefully. Robby moved my crutches to the side and propped them against the wall, it was a very kind gesture.

He then sat on my left side and sighed. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"

I shrugged, "He showed up last night because he saw us at the skatepark. He then found out I am in Miyagi-Do with you, he got really mad and attacked me. I pleaded for him to stop, but he didn't listen,"

Robby kept his eyes locked on mine, "None of that is your fault,"

"Yes it is, I shouldn't have provoked him. He caught my leg while I tried to kick him and he pulled it, that's how I strained my I.T. band, and he brought his elbow down directly on my ankle, straining it."

Robby wrapped his arm around me and carefully pulled me into his side. I didn't even realize I was crying until he gently wiped my tears away. "How did you even meet him?"

"I knew him from before I moved. He used to live a few houses down from me, we were best friends for years. But then he moved here and now he's this jackass with a mohawk and tattoos."

"I'm sorry that he betrayed you like that,"

I shook my head and started crying harder, "He was my only friend before I moved here,"

"Hey, you've got so many people that care about you, Sam, Demetri, and others,"

"I've got you too, right?"

"Of course you do, Mia. I'm not going anywhere, ever."

"You promise?"

"I promise,"

I smiled and nuzzled into him, we laid down and I stayed cuddled up to him until I eventually fell asleep.

The Devil and His Angel ~Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now