I'm so sorry, Robby

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Mia's POV:

The sky was sunny and there were no clouds in the sky, I looked around and the setting was just as I had hoped it would be. All of the orchids made me smile, they were my absolute favorite flower. I walked up and down the rows of flowers and felt like a child all over again.

I picked the brightest orchid and walked up the aisle I saw. I walked slowly and kept both hands on the orchid. I was standing alone and walked through the rows of chairs. I laid the orchid down and lit my favorite candles. I held a smile on my face as I turned around.

Yet everyone seemed sad.

Why is everyone upset? I questioned.

The sky turned cloudy and gloomy as I saw everyone in black. I looked down and I was in black as well. A black dress with no sleeves and it went just above my knees. I walked back to where I set the orchid and lifted the surface, I jumped backward as I gazed into the casket. I looked at my hands and was beyond confused, tears began falling down my face.

I sighed and set the orchard between the hands of the victim. I shut the casket and backed away, I turned back, and walking down was my parents with tears in their eyes. "Mom?" I questioned.

Behind them were Keegan and Gage, then Sasha and Knox. All wearing all black with red eyes and tissues in hand. I let my tears continue to fall. All of my cousins were here along with my aunts and uncles. My family took up the first two rows along with my grandparents. I went and sat beside my family.

I grabbed my mom's hand as she continued crying.

Everything seemed to be a blur as each person was able to go up front to the casket and say goodbye. My parents went up first, I watched my mom almost fall to her knees but my dad kept her upright. They took their time and then my siblings went up and I went with them, they all kneeled and rested a hand on the casket along with their foreheads. Keegan and Gage were fairly emotionless, Sasha and Knox on the other hand were both a mess.

After we were done, we sat back down and my cousins went up from my mom's side followed by my cousins from my dad's side. Then my aunts and uncles on both sides and then my grandparents. They were a mess, it broke my heart to see them in this state. I looked down as more people from the city went up to the casket to wish their farewells.

After a few minutes, I looked up and a guy was standing up there alone. His hands were behind his back and he was looking down, I walked up to him and rubbed his back, I looked at Robby and let more tears fall as I watched the tears stream down his face.

"I'm so sorry, Robby," I whispered.

He turned and sat down, leaving me up front alone. I sat down and put my head on my knees. My mom walked up front to the podium and sighed. "Thank you all for being here today to remember the life of my precious daughter, Mia Troian Rivers. She was such a fun-loving, spunky, happy, and funny girl. She never ceased to put a smile on my face. I truly believed she touched everyone's hearts around her. She was the most angelic girl, and losing her-" My mom paused and began crying harder. "Losing her was like losing a piece of my heart, for a mother to lose her daughter, is one of the greatest pains known to humankind. I am blessed to have given birth to a daughter who was my best friend and such a beautiful soul. I love you," She stepped down and sat down.

She motioned for Sasha to get up and she did, she walked up front and wiped her tears making my heart crumble. "My sister, you left too soon, and it is not fair. I was not ready to lose you and I never would have been. You had so much potential and I loved you. My sister is kind, beautiful, sweet, and caring. No matter our bickering and fights, I never stopped loving you, Mia. Now I am lost. I don't know what to do without you, you were my best friend. You always took care of me from the first day you met me. My bond with you was unmatched. I remember when you took me to my first PG-13 movie when I was 9 but you still managed to sneak me in, Mom and dad were so mad," She sadly laughed, "But you took the blame. I will never be ready to let you go, I love you, Mia," Sasha stepped down and was sobbing, I wanted to reach out and hug her.

Keegan was the next to step up, he sighed, "Mia... You made me a big brother, you made my life better when I was mean and bitter, it was you that brought me back to the ground. You've helped me with my girl problems and even helped me with English homework more than once. I can never repay my debt to you, I love you, Mia. Thank you for everything you did for me." He cried harder, "I'm so sorry that I couldn't have helped you," He lost it and forced himself to step down.

One last speaker walked up messing with his hands. My heart sank as Robby stepped up to the podium. "Hello, not all of you know me, I'm Robby Keene, Mia and I, were very close in the short time I knew her. We were very good friends and karate teammates. I held strong feelings for Mia and we began seeing each other not long ago. Mia held a very special place in my heart even though I only knew her for a short time. She was so kind, no matter the wrong someone had done to her, she remained kind and forgiving, and I was blessed to call her a friend, and even more blessed to be able to date her. Mia Rivers is someone that I feel like I have known my whole life. Her eyes told a story, her smile brightened rooms, and her voice soothed any problem. She was the kindest person I have ever met, she was too good to me. I never deserved her and we met by chance but I wouldn't change a thing. I loved Mia as a friend I wasn't able to have time to grow to love her in any other way, but she was special. She deserved to live, I just wish I had gotten to her sooner," He cried out and began to break down making my heart hurt truly.


I stood and watched the rest of my funeral pass, they buried me and I watched my family's heartbreak. Robby was the last one to leave my grave sight. He sat on the ground across from my headstone. I sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder, "It's okay, Robby," I whispered. "It wasn't your fault,"

I watched him sob, I never expected this type of reaction out of him ever. I cried along with him and my heart ached for him and my family.

The sky got dark and we couldn't see anything.


I opened my eyes and gasped for air. "Mia?"


I sat up and looked around, Robby was at my bedside in a hospital room. "Hey, it's okay, just relax."

"Why am I here?"

Robby set his hands on my shoulders, "There was an incident, you passed out because of your lack of nutrients."

I looked down, "Oh,"

"Mia? Why did you stop eating?"

I felt tears prick at my eyes, "I was gaining weight uncontrollably because of the birth control my dad forced me to go on, working out wasn't enough, I had to work out all day every day and not eat just to maintain my weight."

Robby took my hand, "I'm so sorry, you never have to do that again, I'll make sure you go off of it."

"I wish,"

"You're mom will listen, especially after this, you could have died, Mia,"

"I know, and that wasn't my intention, I swear,"

"I know darling, I'm just glad you're okay,"

I smiled up at him and let him engulf me in a hug, now The fun part of explaining this to my parents and recovering, oh what fun.

The Devil and His Angel ~Robby KeeneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu