He's not family

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Mia's POV:

July 20th, 2018

Fit Check:

Today was definitely not my day, it's been a few days since I've had anything to eat and I think it's becoming more evident

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Today was definitely not my day, it's been a few days since I've had anything to eat and I think it's becoming more evident. Sasha woke me up last night because evidently, I was crying in my sleep. I was exhausted and had been sleeping on and off all morning. On top of that, today I've been incredibly nauseous and dizzy.

"Hey, M, we're heading to practice, you ready?" Robby asked as he walked into my room.

"No," I was lying in bed and looked over at him.

"Are you okay? You've lost all the color in your face,"

"I feel awful. I'm going to stay home. You guys be careful,"

"I'll stay with you,"

"No, it's alright,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you'll only be gone for a few minutes,"

"You mean hours,"

"Yeah, sorry. My mind isn't here today,"

"It's okay hun," Robby kissed my forehead. "You feel cold, get some rest,"

I nodded and laid back. Robby shut my bedroom door and I fell asleep for about half an hour. When I opened my eyes, my vision was foggy, I stood up to go into my bathroom but as fast as I stood up, my blood sugar bottomed out and I collapsed.


Robby's POV:

The practice was pretty laid back today, Mr. LaRusso was holding Mia's siblings back to teach them how to balance on the wheel.

I was worried about Mia the entire time, she was so pale and she looked like she wasn't even there mentally. I got back home and went to check on Mia, when I opened her bedroom door, my eyes went straight to the floor. "Mia?!" She was on the floor and she was unconscious. I rushed to her side and flipped her onto her back carefully. "Mia, are you okay? Can you hear me!"

She wasn't responding or waking up so I lifted her and carried her into her car. I let her lay in the backseat as I rushed to the hospital. At this point, I was in panic mode. What happened? How long has she been like this? What caused this?

After a few moments, I pulled into the hospital parking lot and lifted Mia into my arms. I rushed into the lobby, "I need some help, please!"

The Devil and His Angel ~Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now