Because I said so

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Mia's POV:

June 23rd, 2018

Robby helped me into the Jeep when we got back to the dojo. He was silent the whole way to the dojo, when we started driving home, he spoke up. "You know those things about me, they weren't all lies. As much as I want them to be, I-I'm sorry," He said and looked at me.

"Robby, it's okay," I said and grabbed his hand. "It's in the past and if you want to talk about it, then we will,"

"Okay, thank you, I just want to clear the air on a few things,"

"Okay, I'm all ears," I said and looked at him.

"So, first of all, yes, I did get in trouble with the cops. It was because I stole lots of stuff and would sell it to the highest bidder or use it to buy drugs. I know it was wrong. There were also my suspensions and almost getting expelled for missing so much school and getting caught with Molly and Marijuana. I also sold to younger students. Again, not my proudest moment. As for the alcohol, I was a heavy drinker to try and drown my past. My mom, was always out sleeping around with guys. I don't even know where she is right now. Then there was the jealousy of my dad's relationship with Miguel. But I don't drink anymore, and the 'obsession' with sex is bullshit because I'm still a virgin. Those guys liked watching porn but I was never into that kind of stuff, I mean you saw how they treated you, I can't imagine ever looking at a girl or woman like that. I just wanted you to know the truth,"

I smiled, "I'm glad you told me the truth because it's been in my head since they said that, I never doubted you and your past doesn't define your future."

He smiled back, "Thank you, Mia,"

Robby pulled into the garage and helped me out of the Jeep, we walked into the house together. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him staring back at me.


"Mia," He stated dryly. "Who's this? And why is he here so late at night?"

I drew my eyebrows together but my mom walked into the room, "Jeff, I told you, I let Robby move in with us."

He crossed his arms and looked at my mother, "Why would you allow that?"

"Robby, go into our room, please," I whispered and Robby listened.

He went to walk into my room when my dad noticed him. "Hey!" Robby jumped and my dad stepped in front of my bedroom door. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm sorry sir, I was just going into the room-"

"For what reason? This is my daughters' room,"

"Jefferson, Robby can stay with Mia, they are friends. Besides, Mia is a smart girl and I know you don't know Robby yet but he's a sweet boy. I like him. A lot. He's helped Mia out a decent amount as well."

"I see, what's wrong with your leg?" He asked in a monotoned voice.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't worry about it, I know you don't care."

"Mia, enough. Just because I'm not around doesn't mean I stopped caring,"

"Yeah right, can you just move, please? It's been a long day for both Robby and me, and we need sleep before karate tomorrow-"

"Karate? Since when are you in karate?"

"If you were actually here, maybe you wouldn't be so damn confused about everything all the time."

"Mia-" My mom started but my dad cut her off.

"Tell me everything then, okay? I'm listening." He said with such an attitude.

The Devil and His Angel ~Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now