Daniel LaRusso

610 16 1

Mia's POV:

June 17th, 2018

Fit Check:

I woke up and groaned, sleeping in that chair last night did me no good at all, I looked at my clock and it was 8 AM, Sam was going to be here in an hour to pick me up

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I woke up and groaned, sleeping in that chair last night did me no good at all, I looked at my clock and it was 8 AM, Sam was going to be here in an hour to pick me up. I looked over at Knox who was still out cold, I smiled and walked out of my room and up to Keegan's, I knocked on the door and heard no answer so I slowly opened the door and heard soft snoring. "Keegan, come on we have to get ready for karate,"

"Whattttt, nooooo." He whined making me laugh, "It's too early for this,"

I rolled my eyes and walked into his room and grabbed one of his pillows and began hitting him in the face, "Get up, I will go with or without you, and if I go and get hurt, that's on you,"

"Fine! Now quit hitting me!" I laughed and stopped, he sat up and stretched before glaring at me, "Can you go wake up the others please,"

I nodded and proceeded to wake up Gage and then Sasha, finally, I went and woke up Knox who was still cuddled up in my bed making me laugh. "Alright bubbas, time to wake up," I started playing with his hair and I watched his face scrunch up, "Wake up Knoxy boy," I saw him smile and immediately began tickling him.

He woke up instantly and started laughing, "No! Mia stop, have mercy!" His laugh made me laugh and I didn't stop until his face was all red from laughter.

"Go get dressed in athletic clothes, okay? Keegan and I are taking you and the others to work out,"

"Okay!" One thing that always made me laugh about my siblings and I is that none of us ever complained about working out, we all loved it strangely enough.

I got dressed in a pair of light blue spandex with a matching black sports bra, a black tank top that was almost completely open on the sides, white socks, and a pair of black shoes. I put my hair in 2 braids, I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed, maybe doing this will help me gain some muscle, I've been really scrawny my whole life and I've wanted to change that for a while, I don't want to look like a bodybuilder but I want to be stronger than I currently am, I can hardly pick up Knox anymore and he's hardly 80 pounds.

I walked out of my room and got myself a water bottle, I packed a change of clothes and a towel. "Let's go, guys, hurry up!"

There was a knock on the door so I walked over and opened the door to see Sam smiling at me, "Ready?"

"Yeah!" I grabbed my bag and shook my head. "I'm leaving! Hurry up lazy bones!"

Sam started laughing and we walked out together. I got in her car and she smiled at me, "Are you excited?"

"Yeah, but you seem more excited than me,"

She laughed, "We don't have any girls in the dojo yet,"

"Well, you have two more now,"

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