RJ oneshots

By Elazul-Jumi

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random oneshot ideas that come randomly to my mind (I can't promise I'll update this regularly, it would be m... More

Before you read this
Rewrite The Stars
You can't stop the beat
RJ Omegaverse
RJ Omegaverse (part 2)
RJ Omegaverse (part 3)
RJ babysitting
RJ Omegaverse (Final part)
RJ Wedding
Perfect Harmony
RJ comes out
One last sunset
What if we...?
What if I...? (What if We...? Part 2)
Top of the Ferris Wheel
Unsaid Family
The Perfect Gift
The Proposal
Day of the Wedding...s!
Without Him
Be With You (Without him Part 2)
Song dedicated to...
RJ's "Graduation" and First Kiss
Dance lesson
Unexpected declaration
Small update!
Snow day!
Taking care of an "army" (RJ Babysitting Part 2)
That's how you make me feel...
I've made my choice...
The Nerd and the Bad Boy
His First Date (The Nerd and the Bad Boy Part 2)
I love you... but you're not mine...
Welcome Back...
Midnight Kiss
Amazing Parents
His First (Unofficial) Day at School

"Last Waltz" (Dance lesson part 2)

242 9 73
By Elazul-Jumi

After that first lesson EJ gave to Ricky on the rooftop, they did a few more during the week and on some of the days of the next week, however they were all on the auditorium now, so that they wouldn't risk another situation that involved rain.

Ricky was now more confident about dancing a waltz if necessary, but wished he was confident enough to ask EJ to the prom with him, since the memory of EJ leaning in when he did in the rooftop kept playing. But he had three reasons as to why he didn't do it:

1.- EJ was one of the nominees for prom king, and he didn't want to feel awkward if EJ won prom king and then having to dance with whoever won prom queen.

2.- He thought that maybe it would be better to just go with his friends as a group, so he could be constantly distracted and not focus on EJ and instead have fun with his friends.

3.- He wasn't even sure if EJ actually liked him, since the only point he had was him leaning in to kiss him when they were on the rooftop, but aside from that, he had no other reason to believe EJ actually liked him as well.

And now, prom was just a few hours away, and Ricky was just laying on his bed constantly reminding himself about how he would need to get up at some point and change clothes before he went to the prom, but also kept thinking about something else...

Ricky: *still thinking about the almost kiss* ...but why would he lean in when I was doing it? does that mean that he actually likes me? *talking to himself* ...no, he probably doesn't, he never brought it up in the lessons that came after that one... but then again, he probably didn't bring it up to not make me feel uncomfortable or embarrassed... although-

His train of though was suddenly interrupted as there was a knock on his door.

Ricky: come in dad! *says looking at the roof*

???: I'm not Mike *chuckles*

Ricky: oh, what's up Red? *sits on his bed*

Big Red: do you think you could help me with choosing a suit? *says holding three different suits*

Ricky chuckled and then stood up looking at them, he may not be an expert like Kourtney, but when it comes to his best friend, it was a fairly easy job to do.

Ricky: this one *hands him a suit* because even though Kourtney didn't go to homecoming, Carlos did and I'm sure he would make a comment if you went with the same one from homecoming (I will not look up images of suits, so instead, just imagine him with the suit for Red Means Love... which means, imagine Ashlyn with the dress from Red Means Love)

Big Red: thanks man *grabs the other suits* hey, do you wanna come to my house to pass time? you could change there and then we go to the school for the prom.

Ricky: sure, just let me tell my dad about it and we go.

Big Red nodded and went with Ricky to tell Mike about it, he nodded and soon enough the two left with the suits and made their way towards Big Red's house, where they played videogames before Big Red's mom went to the basement to tell them that they should go change already.

They grabbed their suits and changed into them, Ricky left his other clothes in a bag and told Red he would come for them later to which he nodded. They made their way upstairs and Big Red's parents were already taking pictures or videos of them, which did cause them to whine about it a little bit, but soon decided to let them take as many as they wanted.

Eventually, they heard a knock on the door and Big Red went to open it, finding his girlfriend on the other side wearing a red dress, and he was left speechless. He let her in, Ricky said hi to her and complimented her, which she thanked, alongside Big Red's parents who asked if they could take pictures of her and Red.

The two at first didn't know if it was ok since they didn't want Ricky to feel left out, but he told them that it was ok, so they stood together and posed in different ways while Big Red's parents took pictures and after a little bit, they finally stopped.

Big Red: ok, we're ready to go

Ashlyn: actually...

And right on cue, another knock opened, everyone, aside from Ashlyn, looked confused, this time Ricky offered to open the door, and upon opening it...

EJ: hi Ricky *smiles*

Ricky's face immediately blushed, for two different reasons, 1.- The way EJ was dressed, 2.- He was face to face with his crush.

Ricky: h-hi EJ, c-come in *moves aside*

EJ walked in and said hi to Big Red and his parents telling that Ashlyn had asked him to be the one to take them to the prom in his car. Right after that, Big Red's parents immediately asked if they could take pictures of EJ and Ricky together, EJ looked at Ricky asking him if he was ok with that and this caused Ricky to blush even more, but even in that state, he nodded, meanwhile Ashlyn and Big Red were giggling looking at Ricky.

Big Red's parents started to take the pictures and Ricky, somehow, wasn't blushing anymore and was actually smiling alongside EJ.

EJ: you look amazing *whispers in his ear*

That single comment made Ricky blush immediately and for his eyes to open wide.

(Here's what Ricky was wearing)

Ricky: t-t-thanks... y-you look i-incredible *says trying to look at EJ*

(And here's what EJ was wearing)

Big Red's mom: ok, we won't hold you back any longer, go have fun, don't worry about curfew, this is your night, enjoy it! *says as she pushes them outside*

After saying their goodbyes the four of them went to EJ's car, Big Red and Ashlyn got in the back seat, EJ in the driver's seat, and Ricky sat on the passenger's seat. At first, Ricky was still blushing due to sitting next to EJ, but he eventuall relaxed due to the four of them agreeing on playing some music on their way to school.


Just like the homecoming, the prom was gonna happen in the gym, and once the four of them arrived, they finally saw all of the decoration and were honestly impressed (I won't bother looking up an image of decoration)

They soon saw their friends, who waved at them, and went straight towards them. They all said hi to each other, made compliments about their looks, Kourtney was impressed at what Ricky and EJ were wearing, while Gina whispered some stuff to Ricky about how she'll be surprised if EJ doesn't tell him he likes him as well after this, which earned her a glare from Ricky.

They all kept talking and were actually having fun... until a certain blonde girl had arrived with her partner in crime and looked at everyone with a smirk on her face, which made everyone look at her with a glare.

Lily: good evening wildcats, how's it going? *says with a fake smile*

Ricky: Lily, please don't bother us, we just want to have fun tonight, without any type of drama.

Lily: oh please Richard, you're just mad because you're not accompanying me tonight.

Carlos: more like him being mad about you "raining on our parade"

Lily: I wasn't talking to you... but anyways, I just wanted to come by quick and tell EJ that I hope he's ready for the dance we'll have to do when we win prom king and queen *says smirking*

EJ: Lily, stop it, I never did a campaign with you, I don't care if I win prom king tonight, I'm just here to have fun with all my friends and that's it.

Lily: *slightly smiles* fine, I understand that, but just because we didn't do a campaign together, doesn't mean we could still be voted prom king and queen *gives one last glare to everyone* toodles! *walks away*

After she left, they all groaned at the same time and made a few comments about it, eventually Gina told them to forget about her and that they should just go dance and have fun, to which everyone agreed.


It was almost time for the coronation, so Mr. Mazzara and Miss Jenn, who actually went to chaperone the event this time, went to the stage to reveal the winner of prom king and queen

Mr. Mazzara: *stands in front of the mic* may I have your attention please *everyone looks at him as the music slowly stops* it is now time for the coronation of prom king and queen, so I ask that all the nominees come here to stand on the stage *everyone starts clapping*

EJ looked at his friends and gave them a quick smile, while they all said a "good luck" or "you're gonna win this", but before he went to the stage, he whispered something quickly to Gina and Nini who nodded at him, this left Ricky confused, but decided not to think about it as he just kept staring at EJ as he walked towards the stage... that is until Lily walked in front of him blocking his view of EJ.

Lily: oh sorry, I didn't know that you were looking at the guy who'll never love you *chuckles*

Yes, even Lily knew about Ricky's crush on EJ, however she decided to be "nice" about it and not reveal it to the whole school... but she did take advantage of it to make fun of Ricky from time to time.

Lily: who knows, maybe he'll fall for me after our dance as king and queen *smirks and walks away*

Ricky was clenching his fist so hard, that Big Red and Nini had to calm him down before he did something very stupid. He wouldn't hit Lily... but dumping a cup full of punch on her head sounded like a pretty good option right now.

Miss Jenn: here are your nominees for prom king and queen! *everyone starts clapping*

The wildcats decided to stand from their seats and walk closer to the stage, and then started to cheer for EJ as he stood there, while Lily slightly smirked after taking a quick glance at them thinking that it's gonna be fun dancing with EJ while Ricky watched them.

Mr. Mazzara: and now, your prom king for this year is... *opens envelope*

Miss Jenn: EJ Caswell!

Everybody started clapping, with the loudest people being EJ's friends, since they were whistling, yelling and clapping a lot. This caused EJ to chuckle as he took a step forward for Mr. Mazzara to place the crown on his head, he thanked him and remained in place while he waited for the prom queen to be announced.

Mr. Mazzara: and now, your prom queen for this year is... *opens envelope*

Miss Jenn: *slightly annoyed* Lily (insert last name here)! *but manages to act excited*

Everyone started clapping for her as she took a step forward for Mr. Mazzara to place her the crown, even the wildcats were clapping but they were doing it very soft and slowly, as they all looked dissapointed about the outcome.

Mr. Mazzara: and now, everyone please make room for the prom king and queen to have their dance.

Everyone started making space for EJ and Lily as they walked down the stage, while the wildcats walked closer while keeping the space that was made for EJ and Lily, however, Nini and Gina were standing closer to the stage while Gina sneakily took out something EJ had given her the previous day and handed it to Nini.

Lily and EJ got into position and the song started playing (I won't bother with that) EJ was trying to act like he was ok with this, but it was hard to keep a smiling face while dancing with someone he hated with a burning passion.

Lily: oh come on EJ, turn that frown upside down, you knew this was gonna be the outcome *says in a low voice so only he could hear her*

EJ: I don't care Lily, the only reason I'm dancing with you right now is because it's gonna be the only time you'll be able to do it.

EJ looked that Nini was already going to the stage to talk with the DJ and handed him an USB, he then looked to a different place and his eyes landed right on Ricky, who looked... sad.

Lily: awww, don't worry EJ, I'm sure there's still gonna be time for you to have more fun with your friends... although, normally after the king and queen dance people start to leave so guess you're last dance is gonna be with me *says mockingly*

EJ started to get a bit mad at Lily, it might not have been something VERY offensive, but it still triggered him a bit.

Lily: although, I feel bad for Ricky, because now he will never be able to get a dance like this with you *says trying to use Ricky's crush on EJ to her advantage*

EJ: *mad* OK THAT'S IT! *breaks apart* I'M NOT DOING THIS!

A lot of the students got a bit frigthened about EJ screaming, but at the same time were glad it was towards Lily and not any of them, while the wildcats were smiling about it, including Ricky.

Lily: EJ that is no way to treat your queen, now shut up and let's keep dancing *tries to grab EJ's hands*

EJ: NO! *moves his hands before Lily could grab them* ...you're not the one I want to dance with *Big Red starts to sneak towards Lily*

Lily scoffed thinking this was absurd, since EJ had no other choice but to do it.

EJ: *looks at the DJ* is it ready? *the DJ and Nini give a thumbs up*

Everyone is confused about this, including Lily, while everyone from the drama club knew what was happening... except for Ricky.

Lily: what are you doing EJ!? *says getting a bit annoyed*

EJ: getting the prom I deserve *says as the rest of the wildcats ask everyone to make more space*

Lily: what are you talking about!? *Big Red snatches her crown and runs away* HEY! *tries to reach but fails* *groans and stomps her foot*

(play the entire video)

EJ: my prom, is not with you *says looking at Lily*

The wildcats smile, and the DJ starts playing the song EJ placed in the USB.

EJ: and if this is my last dance at East High, it's gonna be with the person I love *says walking backwards*

Everyone noticed he was going towards Ricky, who was shocked, as he then felt the crown being placed on his head.

(They'll lip sync in this one)

Take my hand *EJ turns around "asking" for Ricky's hand*
I'll take the lead *Ricky grabs EJ's hand and takes a step forward*
And every turn *EJ spins him*
Will be safe with me

Don't be afraid *EJ places Ricky's arms around his neck*
Afraid to fall *Ricky starts smiling*
You know I'll catch you *Ricky lets himself "fall" as EJ catches him*
Through it all *They get in position*

Ricky and EJ start the waltz

And you can't keep us apart (Even a thousand miles)
Can't keep us apart
'Cause my heart is ('Cause my heart is)
Wherever you are

Every wildcat surrounds them dancing, while Gina and Nini go the opposite way of Ricky and EJ

It's like catching lightning
The chances of finding someone
Like you *Gina and EJ change their partners by spinning them*

It's one in a million
The chance of feeling the way
We do *Ricky and Nini go back to their original partner*

And with every step together *the wildcats start to move away as they stop dancing*
We just keep on getting better *Ricky and EJ keep dancing*

So Can I have this dance? (Can I have this dance?)
Can I have this dance?

Can I have this dance? *they get closer to each other*

Can I have this dance? *Ricky places his hands around EJ's neck as they stop*

The entire crowd started clapping and cheering for them, at some point of the dance Lily decided to go to the table where the punch bowl was and remained there through the entire dance, after it was over she grabbed a cup and poured some punch into it to drinking... only for her to get two cups full of punch dumped on her head, courtesy of Carlos and Gina who were smiling.

She glared at them and stomped out of the gym, while Carlos and Gina did a high-five then returned with everyone else as they kept clapping for Ricky and EJ.

EJ: Ricky...

Ricky: yeah? *says looking into EJ's eyes*

EJ: do you want to be my boyfriend? *says smiling*

Ricky: I would love to EJ *says smiling*

And right after that, they both stared at their lips, looked back into their eyes, started to slowly close them as they leaned in...

and their lips finally met each other.

Right in that moment, everyone started to cheer louder than ever and were happy about the new couple, while Big Red and Mr. Mazzara pressed a button on two remote controllers they had that allowed two confetti cannons to shot the confetti as it falled on everyone.

A few seconds later, EJ and Ricky broke the kiss and looked up as they saw the confetti fall and started smiling again, they then looked back at each other, happy that they were finally together.

EJ: I love you, my prince.

Ricky: and I love you, my king.

Right after that they went back to kissing, not caring what anyone would think and just enjoyed the moment.
















I think this is the longest oneshot I've written... I could be wrong about that, but I don't care, because I really enjoyed writing this one... even though some of the stuff that I wrote are probably very "extra" or make no sense, but either way, I enjoyed it.

I'm not really sure when this will be updated again since I don't have any more ideas at the moment, but I definitely will not leave this abandoned.

As for the omegaverse story... I'm still writing the next chapter, because it's honestly giving me more trouble than I thought it would, but I'm getting closer to finishing the chapter, so HOPEFULLY, it should be up today. If it's not, then smack me in the head with a chancla.

See you later on my other story... Hopefully!

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