Truly Mrs Shelby [T. Shelby |...

By bethanyjanebooks

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In the year 1924 after the death of Chester Campbell, life has been a little quieter for Astella and Tommy wh... More

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By bethanyjanebooks

At the Lanchester Motor Company, Tommy and Astella walked through the factory floor as the men continued working around them. They made their way to an office, Tommy opened the door and Astella walked in front and Tommy followed after her. A man, Mr Nutley, behind a desk looked at them as they looked at him, "Your brothers came to my house. They said the Peaky Blinders had business with me," Mr Nutley said.

Tommy stuffed his hands in his pockets as they walked up to the desk, "You're not afraid of us," Tommy said as he pulled a chair over and they both sat down as they both got themselves a cigarette, lighting them.

Mr Nutley looked at them both, "So, what is it you want from a simple working man?" Mr Nutley asked.

"Fear," Thunder rumbled outside, "Poor Mr Nutley drank too much. He went for a piss on the train tracks that run behind the factory. Train came," Astella looked at Tommy as he smoked his cigarette and looked at Mr Nutley, "They found his body in Saltley broken into bits," Tommy said.

"I know what you do. Tell me what you want," Mr Nutley said.

Tommy turned the chair to face blueprints and pointed at it, "There. The lot's complete warehouse. Bays four, five and six. You have the keys?" Tommy said.

"Yes, I have the keys," Mr Nutley said.

"What's in bay four, Mr Nutley?" Astella asked.

"Completed types 40s and types 21s waiting for the paint shop," Mr Nutley said and Tommy nodded.

"Bay five?" Astella asked.

"Paint shop and parts," Mr Nutley said.

"Uh-huh," Tommy said.

"So, it's bay six," Astella said as she looked at the blueprints and looked at her husband.

"Indeed," Tommy nodded.

"What is?" Mr Nutley asked as he looked between the married couple.

Tommy smoked his cigarette, "Give us the keys to bay six," Tommy said.

"It's just old stock in storage," Mr Nutley said.

Astella looked at Mr Nutley and smiled a little, "Give us the keys to bay six, please, Mr Nutley," Astella said and Tommy glanced at her.

Mr Nutley looked at her and sighed before standing up, Astella looked at Tommy and lightly marked off a five in a tally form in midair with a smirk, causing her husband to roll his eyes. 

Mr Nutley walked over to the keys and the married couple watched him in the corner of their eyes, as he walked over to them and they stood up, Mr Nutley handed the keys to Tommy who pocketed the keys and then handed Mr Nutley an envelope of money, "For your trouble," Tommy said.

"Give it to your charity," Mr Nutley moved to the side and Astella walked past him as Tommy put the envelope in the pocket in the man's dungarees and then walked up to his wife, "I'm only doing this for the safety of my safety," Mr Nutley said.

Astella glanced back at him, "As are we, Mr Nutley. Thank you for your time," Astella said and walked out of the office as Tommy followed her and they walked through the factory.

The two of them held hands as they looked at bay six, they saw that it wasn't covered with a sheet as the others. Tommy climbed up the ladder first and Astella followed him as he helped her onto the platform. Astella watched as Tommy walked over to a door, he opened it, crouching down, turned on a light and looked inside to see the controls. He sighed and turned the light off, stood up and looked at Astella, "Come on," Tommy said and he got down, holding his arms out as he steadied Astella as she got down.

Astella turned to Tommy who was looking at the machinery, "What is it?" Astella asked.

Tommy looked at her, "I want you to stay out of this, from now on, okay?" Tommy said quietly and took hold of her hand, and they both started walking.

"Tommy?" Astella asked.

Tommy looked at her, "Just do as I say," Tommy said and she reluctantly nodded.

The next morning, at Charlie's yard, Tommy rinsed his face and sighed before picking his cigarette back up and putting it between his lips loosely. He took out his pocket watch, checking the time five minutes to six, before pocketing it.

Tommy walked through Charlie's yard until he found a priest, Father Hughes, sitting on a chair and he sat down on the spare chair. The priest looked at him, "So, will it be just boys in your charitable institution or girls as well?" Father Hughes asked.

"Both," Tommy answered.

"You must divide them. You know how the little creatures can get," Father Hughes said.

"Where are your people? You said they'd be here by five," Tommy said.

 "They are a law unto themselves. You can never quite grasp who they are. Like gripping wet soap," Father Hughes said.

"I've done my research," Tommy said.

Father Hughes mumbled something, "Perhaps you know them as the, uh, Economic League. Only once did I get a letter from them headed 'The Vigilance Committee'. Which tips the hand a little," Father Hughes said.

Tommy clicked his tongue, "No. The name I've heard is Section D," Tommy poured himself a drink as the priest sat there smoking while looking at him, "That's what Special Branch calls them. Businessmen, MPs, army officers," Tommy said and downed the drink he powered himself and exhaled heavily.

"Yes, it will be fun to bring such men to a Gypsy scrapyard," Father Hughes said.

Tommy scoffed, "You asked for privacy," Tommy said.

"Since the election, the government has decided that we are the enemy. When all we're trying to do is save the country from revolution. Are you political, Mr Shelby? Because these Odd Fellows believe that the time is coming soon when everyone must choose a side," Father Hughes said.

"Are your people coming or are they not coming?" Tommy asked.

"Mr Shelby, you will learn that these men are far too grand for the clock to govern them. You'll get used to meeting in the small hours of the morning. They're like monks. So, when is your charitable institute opening?" Father Hughes said.

Tommy exhaled heavily and picked up the stein and the whiskey bottle, "When my wife and I fucking say," Tommy said and poured himself a drink.

"Well, I'll stop by from time to time to hear confession from the little creatures. You'll meet Mr Patrick Jarvis, MP. He'll probably want to become a trustee. it's just his thing, to drop by in the evenings after a few drinks. We'll make it a formal arrangement as part of the bigger deal between us. I will have an office there," Father Hughes said.

Tommy stood up and cleared his throat, grabbed his chair and moved away from the priest. He sat on the chair with his back to the back and spat on the floor, "Ah," Tommy said as he leaned back in the seat.

Father Hughes watched him, "My God. Some devil gets into you, doesn't it, boy?" Tommy ignored him, "Mr Shelby, if I want to play the squire in your place of false charity, then I will. Ambition for respectability doesn't make you a saint. Am I wrong?" The church bells rang, marking six o'clock, "Oh, Lord. That's six, is it?" Father Hughes stood up and walked forward, "Well, I wish you a good day," Father Hughes said and walked past him.

"Where the fuck are you going?" Tommy asked.

Father Hughes looked at him, "Did I not make it clear? They said if they weren't here by morning prayers then the meeting has been cancelled. Perhaps Mr Jarvis has been held up at the House of Commons. Perhaps Admiral Hall's been held up at the House of Lords. Am I impressing you? Or perhaps they have decided they don't care for doing business with Gypsies in scrap metal yards which would be a poor outcome for you," Father Hughes said.

"You give them my message from me, Priest. You tell them I've been to the factories and the armoured vehicles are in good condition," Tommy said.

"How many?" Father Hughes asked.

"Twenty-seven. And the foreman is ours," Tommy said.

Father Hughes took out a piece of paper and walked over to him, holding it out, "This is someone you'll meet," Tommy took the paper, "Today, at the Ritz and this time, with your wife," Father Hughes said.

"We have meetings today," Tommy said.

"You both have one meeting, this one. In London. So, you'd both best catch the milk train," Father Hughes turned to leave but stopped, "Oh and tell Daniel and Angela I said hello, glad they've found their family," Father Hughes said and walked away, leaving Tommy alone as the man watched him.

Later at Charlie's yard, Arthur, John, Angela and Natasha were at a table with Charlie and Curly present when Finn and Isaiah led the head of the Changretta family, Vicente Changretta, and two others towards them. Arthur was standing up as the guests stood opposite the present Peaky Blinders, and Isaiah stood behind Angela.

"You asked for a meeting out in the open, fresh air and the fine aroma of shit. Neutral ground, you said," Arthur said.

"This is hardly neutral ground," Vicente said as he looked around.

"Well, it's what you've got," Arthur walked over to the spare seat, "So, por favor," Arthur sat down, "Sit down," Arthur said.

Natasha was watching her twin brother grinning like a child, "Where is Thomas?" Vicente asked.

"He got called away," John said.

"Astella?" Vicente asked.

"The same," John said.

"They said they'd be here," Vicente said.

"Yeah, they are busy," Arthur said as he looked at Angela who smiled at him a little.

"And I just told you they got called away. What do you want?" John said.

Vicente looked at the others, "Think of me as their replacement," Vicente looked at Angela she did her family but she ignored them, "Ignore the siblings, I do, quite a lot. Ignore Tommy with a lot of orders, whatever you say, I will repeat back to them with the exact words, unlike some of the ones at this table," Angela said.

"What are you doing?" John asked.

"Pipe the fuck down," Angela glared at John then looked at Vicente, "Sit down or stand up, I really don't give a fuck, just tell us what you wanted to discuss and I will make sure Thomas and Astella get back to you," Angela said as Natasha looked proud and sipped her tea.

"There has been a peace between the Peaky Blinders and the Changretta family for two years now-," Vicente began to say.

"Do you want some tea or not?" John asked.

"John it'll be better to do this without you here," Natasha said.

"Sorry, Mr Changretta, please... Continue," Angela said.

"No. Here, Finn," John looked at his younger brother, "Pour the Italians some English tea. Go on," John said.

Angela rolled her eyes and glanced at Isaiah who nodded to her while Finn went to pour Vicente some tea, "We don't want fucking tea," Vicente said.

"Finn, sweetheart," Natasha took the teapot, "How many times... Don't listen to John and do as I say, okay? Stand at your position and keep your mouth shut... Be an example to our older brothers, okay?" Natasha said.

"Oi," Arthur said.

"Apologies Mr Changretta, please, continue," Angela said.

Vicente looked at John, "We want an explanation," Vicente said.

"Well, I'll have fucking tea," Arthur said as he leaned forward.

"For fuck sake!" Angela stood up, grabbed the teapot and threw it away, as the Peaky Blinders ducked, she watched the teapot smash on the ground, "Do you know I have always fucking wondered why Astella does yoga three times a day. Now, I finally understand, I'm gonna fucking join her, you," Angela said.

"I thought it was go she could be flexible for Tom," John commented and Natasha's and Angela's brows rose at him.

Angela looked at Vicente and smiled softly, "One moment," Angela looked at her older brothers who walked over to Arthur and John and pulled their chairs backwards, "Thank you," Angela looked back at Vicente, "An explanation for what, sir?" Angela asked as she stood opposite him, aware Daniel was watching from a distance.

"The Little Venice Restaurant on Forge Street was burnt down-," Vicente began to say.

"No, no. Couldn't have been us, we was at a wedding," John interrupted.

Angela took out Astella's gun, cocked it and pointed it at John, "Shut your fucking mouth," Angela said.

"I like this, girl," Natasha said.

Angela smirked, "Daniel!" Daniel walked over and Natasha watched as Angela handed Daniel the gun, "Keep pointing at Uncle John, okay? And remember what I taught you," Daniel nodded, aiming the gun at John who looked at Arthur confused and Angela looked at Vicente, "When we've dealt with your business, I will need another meeting to understand how you work with family, for me it's impossible... Continue and remember Daniel, shoot our uncle if you have to," Angela said.

"Your Uncles burnt it down to stop my own son being at the same wedding," Vicente told her.

Angela snapped her fingers, "Your son was Lizzie Stark's companion for the night... Well, meant to be. Astella approved," Vicente nodded and Angela looked at John, "Right," Angela looked back at Vicente, "That clears up a lot."

"Yeah, he wasn't missed," Arthur said and John laughed but stopped instantly when Angela kicked Arthur to the floor.

Vicente chuckled, "I see your adopted mother in you, child," Angela looked at him, "That's... That's how you deal with family in business together. You show them the one in charge, just like Astella, she said the three boys have been running rings around her since the day she was found by them, she'd be proud," Vicente chuckled softly, "You are such big boys now. But once you borrowed clothes from us to look like men," Vicente said.

John looked at Arthur who was standing up, "How was the tea, Arthur?" John asked.

"Didn't get to drink it," Arthur said as he looked at Angela as he straightened out his suit.

"Sit the fuck down and shut up," Angela said.

"Angela," Angela looked back at Vicente, "Please tell Tommy and Stella, that we pay them whatever they ask us to pay. We stay out of the city and off the tracks. But you tell them from me, that my son will walk with any woman in this city," Vicente looked at John, "Any woman he chooses. Even if that woman works for the emperor, Thomas Shelby," John smirked and looked at Arthur, "My son is in love..." Vicente said.

John snorted and started chuckling, "Sorry, do excuse me," Daniel shot at John's, "Bloody hell!" John yelled as he jumped back and fell off the seat.

"Angela told you both to shut up," Daniel said.

"Please, sir, carry on," Angela said as John was standing up.

"And if he wishes, he will walk with the woman he loves," Vicente said.

"Okay. I'll pass on the message, I know that Astella was looking forward to meeting your son," Vicente looked at Angela, "Lizzie spoke a lot about him, I was also looking forward to meeting him as well," Angela said.

"You know... It would be hard for your son to walk anywhere with a bullet in each knee, wouldn't it," John said.

"I don't know... Why don't you ask yourself that?" Angela said as she glared at John as she took the gun back and aimed it.

John backed away, "Okay... Angela, enough now," John said as the two sides watched them.

"Enough? Enough now? I've been telling you to shut up! Is it because I'm not Tommy? Or that I'm not Astella so I don't get the same respect?" Angela said.

"You're a child," John pressed.

"Says you! Now... Which knee first?" Angela asked.

"Tommy wouldn't be impressed," John said.

"Tough... I'm a Campbell through and through... And what we hate more... Peaky Blinders who don't fucking listen," Angela said.

"Too much," Vicente walked closer and they looked at him, "You said too much, my friend. Sabini says, suck and swallow. But no. Too much. I spit," Vicente spat on the floor then looked at Angela, "You, my child. If you're looking for a place that will respect you... You know where to find me," Vicente said and walked off, muttering in Italian.

One of the men started smashing up a chair, "Oh, okay, a bit strong," John said sarcastically.

"Fucking pricks," Angela said and started to leave.

"Angela, come on!" John grabbed her wrist.

Angela turned around and punched him in the face with the gun, knocking John off his feet, "Stay the fuck away from us, and trust me when I say this... Astella and Thomas will be hearing everything. Yes, Tommy wouldn't respect him, but he'd have listened. You call me a child... Yeah, I'm sixteen... I'm a child, I have to do what Tommy and Stella say till I'm eighteen, but I don't have to do what you two say. They will hear how both disrespected me, Mr Changretta, who we won't care about... But if you have made things worse, which you will have done because of your obsession with Lizzie. You're married, get over it and grow the fuck up. Neither of you are allowed in Arrow House while Thomas and Astella are away. I don't want you to see you both again," Angela walked away, "Daniel, Shane, Oscar, let's go," Angela said and her older brothers and Daniel followed after her.

Natasha exhaled heavily and stood up, "Well..." Natasha looked at her brothers, "Good luck with the Campbell wrath with Shelby's influence... Bravo, big brave macho men at work. Fucking pathetic," Natasha said and walked away.

John laughed a little, "Fucking hell," John said.

"Isaiah," Isaiah looked at Arthur, "Put two extra men on our pubs in Nechells. I want yourself and another in the Arrow House, I don't care if you fuck Angela while you watch her," Arthur said.

"What are you talking about, Arthur? We're not scared of fucking Eyeties anymore," John said.

"Don't tell Tommy and Stella about the chair and clean this fucking shit up," Arthur said as he stood up, looked at his brother and walked away.

John turned around in his seat and looked at Arthur, "We're not scared of fucking wops!" John said.

"Alright, John," Arthur grumbled as he walked away.

"Arthur!" John called out.

Meanwhile, in London, Tommy and Astella walked into a library and walked around until they found Ada, "Hello, Ada," Tommy called out.

"Oh my God," Astella whispered.

Ada moved to the barrier and saw Tommy and Astella on the other side of the library, making their way over to them, "Thomas Shelby in a library," Ada whispered.

"We need to borrow a book about the Russian Revolution," Tommy said and Ada started making her way over to them.

"Tommy, quieten down," Astella said quietly as they met up with Ada.

Ada turned to some shelving, "Have you got a new wharf at Maida Vale now?" Ada asked.

"I've got a new wharf everywhere now," Tommy said.

Ada climbed up a ladder, "Sometimes, I see our trucks driving past," Ada said.

"Our trucks?" Astella questioned with a smirk.

Ada looked at her then she looked at the books, "Shelby trucks," Ada picked out a book, "Why the interest?" Ada asked and took out another.

"Uh, we just want to broaden our minds," Tommy said.

"No, his is too swallow and he doesn't want to admit, I'm right," Astella said and Tommy looked at her.

Ada chuckled, "Sounds more like it," Astella and Tommy walked over to her as she faced them on the ladder and held up a red book, "Well, this is a list of the bastards who ran away," She held up a green book, "And this is written from the point of view of the people's struggle," Ada said and held out the green book.

Tommy sighed and took the red book, "You tried," Astella said.

"All I can do... How you married him is beyond me," Ada said and Tommy sighed and looked at them both.

"If you understood why I married your brother, I'd be concerned," Astella said.

"Hmm... Pointed taken," Ada said.

"I know," Astella and Tommy walked over to a bookstand and Tommy opened the book, "Been years since I've seen you study," Astella said and Tommy looked at her as she smiled, looking away.

"There was a Russian at your wedding," Ada put the remaining book away and started to get off the ladder, "He wouldn't tell me how come he got invited," Ada said as walked over to the married couple who had their noses in the book and she looked at them.

"Well, sometimes, exiled Russian aristocrats get invited to social occasions to add a bit of class," Tommy said.

"Is that why he was there?" Ada asked.

"Why do you want to know?" Tommy asked.

"He was nice. Maybe I'd like to see him again," Ada looked at them, "Would that be possible?" Ada asked.

"Ah... I see, what you mean about how I could marry him..." Astella said.

"And how could you?" Ada asked.

Astella looked at her and leaned closer to Ada's ear, "I shot my father, he keeps the bad memories away and... Amazing cock that makes me scream," Astella whispered and stood up straight as Ada looked disturbed.

Tommy looked at Astella who smiled at him as he turned back to the book, "No, Ada. That would not be possible," Tommy said.

"What business do you have with the Russians, Tommy?" Ada asked quietly.

Tommy and Astella looked at an entry titled Petrovich Romanov, Leon. Arch Duke, "This him?" Astella whispered as they read the entry.

Tommy looked at Ada, "Can I rip this page out?" Tommy asked and Astella lowered her head onto the stand in shame.

"No, you cannot rip that page out. Property of the people," Tommy sighed, "Tommy, when Arthur took the Russian away, he had his killing pistol under his jacket. And then Johnny lit a fire in the woods," Ada said quietly.

Tommy closed the book as his wife stood up straight and looked at Ada, "You want all the details because you're bored, Ada, sweetheart," Astella said and kissed her cheek then they started to walk away from her.

Astella looked at Tommy who had a cheeky smirk on his face and she frowned a little, "You used to chase rats with a revolver, Ada," People shushed him, "We might just have a job for you after all," Tommy said.

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