Fandango [Josh Kiszka] Book O...

By weasleyluvxo

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"How about a final dance?" "How about a fandango?" More

Old Heart
To Us
The Sequel


264 10 11
By weasleyluvxo

Day Six

It was nearing 1 in the morning. Luanne leaned into Josh's chest as they sat in front of the fire. Jake had managed to set 7 marshmallows ablaze and was now on his 8th. Emmie was trying to light a cigarette in the flames make Sam cackle. Danny had been discussing a song he heard on the radio earlier with Josh. For the first time in a while Luanne had nothing to say. Looking around the circle of them she panned her camera making sure to document it all. 

As her speaker switched to 'Horse with No Name' by America she hummed along against the boy's chest. Josh's hands were draped over her chest tapping along to the song as he spoke to Danny. All at once the world seemed quiet. Peaceful even if it was just for them. Luanne had earned this absence of worry and despair. 

"How many bands can you name that have a color in them?" Jake asked suddenly puzzling them all. 

"White Stripes!" Emmie called out first.

"Deep Purple." Luanne spoke up next, followed by Josh, "Pink Floyd." 

"The Cranberries!" Sam called out quickly followed by several eyes turning to his direction. 

"Cranberries? That's not a fucking color bro." Jake argued. 

"Technically you could say cranberry is a shade of a color." Danny defended his friend only to have Emmie cut in. 

"Wagner, tell me you aren't defending CRANBERRY  as a color. You could've picked all the bands in the world Sam and cranberry was your pick. Black Sabbath was right there for the choosing." Emmie flailed her arms as the others watched holding back their laughter. 

"Maroon 5." Jake said suddenly breaking all of them at Emmie's wide eyed stare. Josh's giggle bounced off Luanne's back only making her laugh harder. 

Luanne hid with Josh behind her car attempting to listen in on Emmie and Sam's conversation. Josh took a glance at the girl beside him making his lips curl into a smile as she positioned her camera toward the pair. 

"So if you became a famous actress would you remember me?" Sam's voice was low as he held tight to Emmie's hand.

"Absolutely not. I would be famous and have my choice at any famous man I wanted. Of course I would remember you dummy. I hope the job Clarkes got me pans out. I was going to Vanderbilt when she called me. Immediately dropped out and hopped on a plane to Wyoming. I would never miss out on a road trip." Emmie replied pushing her hair behind her ear with her free hand. 

"You really love her don't you?" Sam asked and at this point Luanne let the camera dangle from her neck now leaning onto the hood of her car listening in. 

"More than anyone. She's the only real family I've ever had. Josh is the only man I have ever met that I genuinely think deserves her. I want her to feel as loved as she makes everyone feel, I think he could accomplish that." Emmie said in a hushed voice as Luanne backed away from the car smiling at the ground. 

Josh didn't realize he had been gripping the car so tightly till he let go stepping back towards her. When she tilted her eyes toward him he froze. Emmeline was wrong, he didn't deserve her. Not this girl in front of him. He didn't think anyone deserved her. At once the conversation of his brother and Emmie went silent and the two ran back to the hood. Looking out they saw Sam's hand gently placed on the blonde's cheek holding her lips to his. 

"Wonder if they have the same pact we do?" The words fell from his lips without thinking. 

"Emmie is the most hardworking person I know. She won't let anyone get in the way of her dream even if it kills her. This might be the one exception though." Luanne whispered toward him watching her friend melt into Sam. 

They laid in the front seats of her car with the top down watching the stars. The moonlight shinned through the open roof illuminating the two of them listening to her speaker once again. Josh had a hand on her thigh tracing hearts on her skin. Watching him now her mouth went dry. Luanne had never been in love, didn't know how it felt when it started. 5 days with a man and she's pretty sure this is what it felt like. 

"You think we knew each other before? In a different life I mean." Josh asked not turning his head from the sky. 

"I think so. That's the only way to describe the last 5 days." She watched his grin grow then spreading across his face in the pale light. 

"I like to think we met in the 70's. We were going to Woodstock and your car broke down and I happened to see you walking by, that stunning long hair flowing behind you. You had your camera around your neck smiling as I offered you a ride. We drove singing to the radio until we got there and you stayed with me the whole time. Afterwards we drove back together realizing we lived not far from each other. We got to spend all the time we wanted together and ended up living together with no care in the world beside each other." Josh turned to her as he finished speaking. 

Luanne stared deeper at him then. She was searching for flaws just as he had been, also unsuccessful. His soul was pure light and ease. When she thought back to that night in the future she would remember his 70's story in full, always making her eyes well with tears. The two of them were intertwined by the universe and even they had picked up on it. Gently she leaned her head onto his shoulder feeling his hand begin to stroke her hair. 

"I like to think of us like that too." Luanne's voice was gentle and quiet enough he almost hadn't heard her. 

When you had limited time that was when you forgot it was limited. This time Sam and Em rode in the backseat of Penny with Luanne driving and Josh recording in the passenger seat. The younger couple expected chaos but not this much. Josh would have half his body stuck out the roof at some points holding his arms high above his head. Luanne would perform every song coming on shuffle duetting with Josh. 

"They are already like a married couple." Emmie spoke into Sam's ear making him grin. 

"They are perfect." Sam mumbled not letting her hear. 

As the song 'Luanne'  began playing the look in Josh and Luanne's eyes was something almost feral as they turned the volume as high as it could go. 

I wait around for you after school
You slip away and I don't see you
Don't know what I'm going to do
If you can't see how much I need you
We met, one day, and then, you ran away
I've searched the whole town looking for you
I know you're there somewhere

Luanne, Luanne
Why do you run and hide?
Luanne, Luanne
Don't keep your love inside

Josh performs the song moving to his knees as the car flies down the road making Emmie go wide eyed. 

I write letters that I never send
I keep the words to whisper to you someday
I don't know where and I don't know when
Luanne I'm going to get to you someway
I want to feel your love so close to me
Give me just half a chance
To prove myself, I need to

Luanne begins singing with him at the top of her lungs eyeing the two in the backseat to join through the rearview mirror. All at once the car is shaking with the voices of the four of them. 

Luanne, Luanne
Why do you run and hide?
Luanne, Luanne
Don't keep your love inside

Emmie couldn't help but laugh as Sam and Josh both shimmied their shoulders singing along seeing Luanne cackling wildly at the brothers. Emmie lets her hair down matching her friends wild spirit yelling along. 

These days true love is so hard to find
Someday I know you're going to be mine
Luanne, Luanne, Luanne, ooh

Josh had his hand over his heart singing directly to Luanne wanting him to hear him as clearly as she could. Looking behind him he saw Emmie and Sam looking to each other as they sang and knew all four of them were in the same boat. As the song finished they drove past the welcome to Colorado sign all of them hollering. They would be here for a few days so they could see as much as they could. This city Luanne had never been to so it was a new experience for everyone involved. 

Walking up to the counter at the hotel Luanne looked to him before asking for a room with a king sized bed and his heartbeat reached his ears. They were going to share a room. 

"You don't mind if we share a room do you?" Luanne cocked a brow looking at him. 

"I could kiss you right now fair lady." He replied once again being brutally honest. 

"Wait till we're upstairs." She winked to him and his chest instantly tightened. 

Dragging her to the elevator he listened to her warm laugh grabbing tight to her bags telling the others they'd meet them for dinner in just a little while. Never before had Josh wanted an elevator to travel so fast in his life. 

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