Heroes of Olympus - The Blood...

By DrakonDen15809

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Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase are reunited with their friends after a deathly journey through Tartarus. Co... More

Chapter 1 - Nico
Chapter 2 - Percy
Chapter 3 - Piper
Chapter 4 - Frank
Chapter 5 - Leo
Chapter 6 - Annabeth
Chapter 7 - Annabeth
Chapter 8 - Nico
Chapter 9 - Jason
Chapter 10 - Leo
Chapter 11 - Percy
Chapter 12 - Hazel
Chapter 13 - Nico
Chapter 14 - Jason
Chapter 15 - Frank
Chapter 16 - Annabeth
Author's Note
Chapter 17 - Leo
Chapter 18 - Nico
Chapter 19 - Percy
Chapter 20 - Piper
Chapter 21 - Hazel
Chapter 22 - Hazel
Chapter 23 - Frank
Chapter 24 - Nico
Chapter 25 - Reyna
Chapter 26 - Nico
Chapter 27 - Nico and Reyna
Chapter 28 - Jason
Chapter 29 - Annabeth
Chapter 31 - Frank
Chapter 32 - Leo and Jason
Chapter 33 - Nico (the big one)
Chapter 34 - Hazel (Part 1)
Chapter 35 - Hazel (Part 2)
Chapter 36 - Percy
Chapter 37 - Annabeth and Frank

Chapter 30 - Percy

741 20 8
By DrakonDen15809

Chapter 30 - Percy

(Before you read this, go back to Chapter 29 - Annabeth. I added a small scene in the middle where the Seven are all eating breakfast. Be sure to check that out alright? Thanks!)

Percy didn't like unfamiliar places. Probably no one did. Rhodes was a small island that lay close to the country of Turkey towards the eastern face of the Mediterranean. Percy wasn't sure what Jason meant when he asked if they'd been seen from the coast during the Ketea's attack. Percy was no geography master, but he knew they weren't close to any coast, except maybe the island of Crete. Nonetheless, he let it slide, and after he'd packed all his belongings: extra drachmas, overnight provisions, weapons, explosives, and of course, blue candy, he and Annabeth went above deck to see everyone else waiting.

Jason was bidding goodbye to Piper, as was Frank to Hazel. Leo was standing around giving everybody hugs, trying his best to get in the way of dramatic goodbyes, and pretty much annoy the living Hades out of everyone - which should have been his major in community college if he ever survived long enough to even achieve that. Percy wrapped his arm around Annabeth and waited until they were ready.

Piper pecked Jason's cheek. "Come back to me, okay?" she murmured.

"You kidding?" Jason winked. "I'll be back before you know it."

Percy stepped forward. "You guys ready?"

Frank took a deep breath and shouldered his long bow and quiver. A small gladius was strapped to his waist and he carried a large brown back pack. "As ready as we'll ever be... I guess...?"

"You guess??" Percy slung his arm over Frank's shoulder. "Dude, come ooonnnn with the negativity." Percy spread his other arm outward toward the sea for Frank to observe, and slouched slightly as if he were surveying the ocean in a 'groovy' manner. "You jus' gotta feel the atmosphere, my friend..." He talked to Frank in a slurred voice, as if he were a hippie desiring peace... and directions to San Francisco. "You jus' gotta dig the serenity of this place. Feel the waves, the ocean smell in the air. Don't you worry about no sea monsters, as long as we jus' think positive thoughts. Ain't it beautiful?"

"Umm..." Frank shifted uncomfortably and his eyes darted around. Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel were holding in laughs, and Jason and Leo were grinning ear to ear. "Far out..." Frank said, and gave a hang-loose sign with his hand.

Percy and the rest of the crew burst out laughing. "Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" Percy exclaimed. "Alright, let's get this show on the road." He turned to Jason who readjusted the straps on an Imperial Gold sword and his dagger to his belt. He also carried a bag full of extra provisions. "We'll follow a few yards behind you," he said. "You're not as big as a target to monsters patrolling the skies as Frank and me. Any creatures above would notice us first and you'll have time to warn us if they do."

Jason nodded in understanding. "Gotcha." He walked to the edge of the railing by the stern and summoned a tiny burst of wind, rising into the air for a second before sinking back to the deck as if he were warming up his flying powers.

Frank gave Hazel a hug, then turned and approached the rail. He morphed into a giant eagle, his arms elongating into broad wings, his neck shrinking, the clothes and equipment transforming as well. Once fully in the form of an eagle, Frank ruffled his feathers and looked at Percy expectantly.

Percy gave him a thumbs up, then turned to Annabeth. Her eyes were a shade of crystal grey that matched the fluffy clouds overhead. Her golden hair flowed elegantly in the breeze, and her tan skin glowed in the morning sun light. She was so beautiful it made Percy's heart ache.

Annabeth noticed his change of emotions and smiled sympathetically. Without a word, she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, resting her chin against his shoulder. They held each other tightly. "Don't be stupid out there, Seaweed Brain," she muttered into his ear. "And don't keep me waiting. Girls don't like to be kept waiting."

Percy chuckled. "Whatever you say, Wise Girl."

They pulled away, and Annabeth gazed at him for a second. Then she swiftly kissed his lips. "Stay safe," she said. "I love you."

"Love you too." Percy turned and mounted Frank's back.

Jason surveyed the group for a moment, then gave a nod of his head. "Let's get going." He took to the sky, hovering about fifteen feet above the deck. From where he floated on the breeze, he said, "We'll be back soon guys. Just dock the ship when you reach a harbor, Leo. Watch for monsters."

Leo saluted.

Percy fitted his legs against Frank's massive shoulder blades, his fingers gripping the soft down beneath Frank's feathers, not too firmly though, and shook his torso quickly to adjust his knapsack. He looked at Jason. "Ready."

"Alright." Jason looked down at Leo and the girls. "See you all soon." Without another word he turned in mid-air, and rocketed outward over the waves, trying to put some distance between himself and Frank, as Percy had instructed him to do. He headed towards a small dot in the distance, growing larger by the second. The island of Rhodes.

Percy glanced at Annabeth. She smiled and blew him a kiss. Percy raised his hand to her. "χαῖρε αντίο, my love." Frank spread his wings and the pair rose into the sky, following Jason at a distance.

* * *

Piper frowned at Annabeth. "What did he say?"

Annabeth stared after Percy's form as he disappeared amidst the sun's rays. "He said goodbye to me in both Greek and Ancient Greek."

* * *

Though Percy preferred the water, it felt good to be high up in Jason's domain. The sea spray hitting his face felt wonderful, the cool breeze refreshing. The wind whistling through his clothes and hair calmed him down, and he suddenly knew that he could accomplish anything. It gave him strength. He looked ahead of him and spotted Jason's tiny form about a hundred yards ahead of them keeping watch for aerial monsters.

The island of Rhodes drew nearer.

Percy fitted his legs more securely against Frank's sides. He eyed Jason carefully as he streaked forward just ahead of them. He would watch out for Jason just as Jason was watching out for him.

It didn't take long to reach the island though.

As they drew near, Jason fell back in his stride and flew alongside Frank ad Percy. "Let's find a public area with a secluded place to land!" he called above the wind. "Then afterward we'll figure out what to do next!"

Percy nodded atop Frank's back. He yelled back, "we'll look for the nearest market and find a map or something. We gotta get settled before we get started!"

"Got it!" Jason shouted.

"Are you at all familiar with Rhodes?"

Jason shook his head. "Only from geography class! But the teacher was nuts!"

"Perfect!" Percy yelled sarcastically.

They slowly made their descent, circling particular areas of Rhodes, looking for public places or areas inhabited by lots of mortals. The island was peppered with small mountains and pine forests, with a small range of green hills cutting through its middle like a scar.

(Just letting you guys know... I have NO idea what Rhodes looks like. I've never been there. I'm just going off from research and images from Google Earth, so if I'm incorrect on anything, you understand why. Haha)

"That place looks good!" Percy called to Jason, pointing to a public street down below that was crowded with people, flanked by a small area of shops, parks and recreational areas, and work places.

Jason eyed it quickly and nodded. "Cool! Let's try it."

"You got it Frank?" Percy called to his noble, flying steed.

Frank screeched back in what Percy only had to hope was a, "yes". He tucked in his wings and streaked for the town below. Jason summoned a burst of wind and took after them.

Percy scanned the town, looking for a place to land when he spotted the rising bulk of a three-story building. "Frank, land there!" he yelled, pointing to the barren roof top.

Frank screeched again in acknowledgement and circled for the building.

Thankfully no mortals spotted them before they touched down upon the sun backed tiles.

Jason landed lightly next to them with barely an effort. "Good spot."

Frank morphed back into a human, shaking his torso as if he still thought he was a giant bird. "So what's the plan?"

Percy looked around. All around them were sandy white buildings with brown, titled rooftops. Forested hills loomed upward in the distance, and the smell of the ocean breeze filled Percy's senses. He estimated they were on the south end of the island.

"Well," Jason said. "I say we get off this building. We find a map. We find out our location, then we look for places a goddess may be hiding."

Percy nodded. "That just about sums it up."

* * *

Rhodes was no different than any other tourist magnet Percy had visited over his years of going on quests. They were able to find a small market where they discovered a pile of old maps sitting near the fruit stands, and Jason grabbed a couple. He opened one that gave a survey of the island and a computer drawn outline of Rhodes itself. He looked at the clerk sitting behind the wooden stand, and raised his hand to get his attention.

The clerk raised his head, and leaned forward in his seat, smiling politely at them. "γεια σας! πώς είσαι?"

Jason looked at Percy and Frank hopelessly, then back at the clerk. He said, "I'm sorry, but we speak English. Do you speak English?"

The man cocked his head, frowning. "χρειάζεσαι βοήθεια?"

Jason pressed his fingers to his temples, his eyes closed as if thinking. "Location... Location..." He muttered. "How do they say it....?" His eyes opened. He raised the map, and showed it to the man, pointing at it, and then shrugging as if to say: we're lost. "τοποθεσία?" he asked.

The man looked at him.

Jason pointed to oblivion on the map, then asked again, "τοποθεσία?"

The man's eyes lit up. "Ahh, ναί! ναί!" He pointed to a certain spot on the map, that Percy couldn't see. "Pefki Πεύκοι," he said.

Jason looked at where the man was pointing, then nodded slowly as if collecting the information. "Yes, yes alright. That's good. Awesome! Thanks! I mean, uh..." Jason scowled, muttering to himself. "ευχαριστώ!" He held out his hand and he and the man shook. "ευχαριστώ."

The man dipped his head to him, then to Percy and Frank, smiling again. "ευχαρίστησή μου."

Jason left the fruit stand, and walked back over to them.

"Way to go, superman," Percy said, clapping Jason on the back. "I didn't know you spoke Greek."

"Mainly just Latin," Jason said. "I learned a small amount of Greek though, in case we ran into enemies in the future." He smiled mischievously at Percy.

"Funny," Percy said.

"Anyways, where are we?" Frank asked.

Jason unfolded the map, and pointed to a spot that looked like a small horn on the eastern face of the island. "The man said we're in at a place called, Pefki Πεύκοι."

Percy eyed it closely, the nodded. He saw a another point on the map just north of where they were. "Let's try there," he said, laying his finger on it. "That place sounds familiar."

Frank peered at where Percy was pointing. "Pefkos Lindos? You think a goddess may be hiding there?"

Percy nodded, suddenly unsure where the feeling came from. He just knew they should check there. "I can feel it somehow. She's there."

Jason thought for a moment, then nodded, folding the map back up. "Well it looks to be about and hour or so away if we fly there. What do you guys say?"

Frank nodded. "Let's do it."

"Yeah," Percy said. "Let's get this over with. I don't like this place anyway. Too sunny."

Jason straightened up. "Alright then, let's go."

So just to let you all know again, I don't know anything about Rhodes. I'm just doing the best I can with research. Please don't judge if I'm wrong on anything. Lol

But anyways, what'd you guys think? I'd love to hear some feedback :)

Sorry for not updating quickly. Finals week is approaching. Uggh.... :( Can't wait for the summer. (well actually, no not really, cause I have two summer classes). :( :( :(


Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Again, don't forget to comment and vote. And I'll talk to you all later.

Love you all, demigods.

Until next time!

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