Make It Right || J.JK

By closetofmaknae

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Everybody believes that marriage is the happily ever after of every couple. But realistically speaking, is it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 18.5
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 17

705 18 20
By closetofmaknae

Chapter 17
.•°°•☆ ☆•°°•.

Waking up with a sore back, a sore neck, a cramped leg, and a heavy shoulder, I groaned at the pain and wanted to stretch, but somehow felt confined or trapped. I looked down to see Y/n peacefully asleep on my shoulder, both of us sleeping in a sitting position, and our legs tucked near us all tangled.

Still sleepy and liking the comfort, I took advantage of this and slowly pushed us down as we now laid. Legs stretched, and it was such a good feeling! But not a minute later, I knocked back asleep.


"Daddy, Mommy, wake up!" I heared Minhan's voice, and it brought me back to consciousness when I felt a weight or two on my body, both hopping enthusiastically as if they're having the best day of their lives. I lazily groaned and unwrapped my arms around Y/n's waist as she stirred awake, hugging the siblings' hips as I pulled them down near me.

I'm too tired to wake up at the moment, so I tried to go back to sleep while I cuddled them close to me.

"Daddy and Mommy left us alone and they slept here. Daddy, are you making us a younger sibling?" I jolted awake at Minhoo's question as he innocently smiled. Minhan kicking her legs excitedly at the mention of a 'younger sibling'.

A year ago, Minhan asked for a younger sibling, a girl at that... But me and Y/n thought two children are more than enough for us. We are contented...we are happy with just the two of them, all four of us. And it's not like Minhan really need one. If she wants someone who she can play princess with, she have friends. She have her Mommy to play with her...and if not Y/n, she have me. I don't mind playing girl with my princess. Childhood passes once, and as a parent, it's something that I don't want my children to miss.

"Minhan and Minhoo had been bad children recently... The Baby Company called me back saying that they can't give you a sibling," I said. Yeah, Baby Company. Why not? Yes, they believe in storks delivering the babies. Minhoo was such a good boy when he was two, other than being a crybaby though - which is normal - and he was told that Minhan was his gift for being a good child.

Parents tell their children not to lie, but let's be real, throughout most of their childhood, they're full of lies:)

"Aww..." they both pouted and I mischievously nodded. Them being bad children is just a bad excuse. I'm just...I can't be nervous! Hell, done that a thousand times already! Oh, wait... But on second thought, having a third child ain't a bad idea. But it's up to Y/n now. Ain't it shameful of me to do such thing when we just...became okay...? I mean— I'll just stop.

"Mommy, wakey-wakey!" Minhan called and shaked Y/n awake. Stirring in her sleep, she hummed and cuddled Minhan as she laid ontop of her mother.

"But, Daddy... You know I'll be 7...there's no such thing as Baby Company or storks sending babies..." Minhoo said with a blank look on his face. Raising a brow at him, he then sighed and continued, "I don't know how babies work...but my classmate told me his mom just gave birth to his baby brother, and he told me about birth and stuffs..."

Well... Guess I'm now busted..

"There's no such thing as Baby Company and storks?" Minhan innocently asked as she cocked her head to the side. Aww, she's so cute! "Is it true, Mommy?"

"It is!! My classmate told me that Mommy and Daddy does wrestling. If Daddy wins, we get a baby brother! If Mommy wins, we get a baby sister!"

"A sister?!"


Wrestle my ass, alright...

"How dare you?" I asked him intimidately. He suddenly fell quiet, as well as the little princess on top of Y/n. Before he could speak an apology - as seen on his face - I added, "Who gave you the permission to grow up so fast? I didn't ask for this, you're supposed to be just my little baby boy."

Let's be real. One of the fears instilled in parents is seeing their child grow up. Slowly, they'd get to open their eyes and see what the real world is like. Learning more about the reality, then they get to make decisions on their own. Become an adult and move out of the house, no longer in need of their parents in everything they do and need... If I can keep them as babies forever, I will! I don't care if I continue to go on and suffer as I take care of them, I just want them to be babies. All sacrifices and sufferings are worth it for them.

"But I'm still Mommy and Daddy's little boy," he lowly replied. No, he's not little anymore. Can I please turn back in time and go back to when he was just born? And he stays as that small little bean for the next 2 years and have Minhan born, then the following years to forever, they stay that way.

"You better be," I gurumbled and pecked his forehead.

"What about me, Daddy?" Minhan pouted sadly. I grinned and pinched her cheek before I dropped a kiss on her forehead.

"You, too, are also our little girl. And you better be little before I get myself an aging machine and shrink you both into babies forever."

Hey!! That seems even better than a time machine!! We can continue on our present life and also just keep them as little toddlers!!


"Jungkook..." Y/n called and she walked inside our bedroom. Me seated on a couch just down on my phone chatting with Taehyung.

"Yeah?" I instantly replied and turned my attention away from my gadget. Sorry, Tae. My wife is more important than you! Oh, wait... I just realized......she's not a wife to me anymore. By statues, she's not my wife!! But a wife to my heart, kkk... Corny.

"About the.....vacation you were talking about..." I hummed softly and stayed silent, wanting her to continue. Is she not free for it? Again? "When will it be? So I can go and check my schedule. Maybe clear them all up or move them for another day."

I spoke too soon...

" I said next month is the movie premier...and I'm not really sure what date it stands, at the same time, Minhoo and Minhan's school.....maybe in 3 weeks from now?"

"Why do you not want to attend the movie premier though? You worked hard for it, as well as the other actors in it, and the production crew," she asked me and slowly sank on our bed infront of me. I shook my head abruptly and tucked my phone away.

"I don't like it. And I'm not sparing a glance on it. The whole world can watch it, but I'm not. The movie happened because of the emotional mess I've been through, and although I was the one who asked for divorce I..." I paused and looked down on my fingers fiddling against each other. "I still love you and think about you, though also being angry because of "what you've done"... I should've known better, you know?" I chuckled lowly and mumbled to myself, "What a lame excuse."

"I mean, if you really want to though... I'm not forcing you. We can go on a vacation then... It's.....It's been a while too anyway."

"Yeah... I missed going out of the country and go around the world with our babies," I smiled fondly at the old memory that was thrown and forgotten because of one small mistake that happened between us.

I should've fixed us. I should've listened to her. I should've gave her time to process it all and tell me about it. But with the pain and anger that fogged my mind, I chose to throw it all away over a mere document that stated we have broke off our marriage. Crazy how a mere document made out of paper can fix us in relations and break us from it... Paper can't put out fire. Paper can't stop landslides. Paper can't stop tsunami. But paper can rule out a person's life--- why can't we propose Paper to be the God then? Oh wait... we need another paper to "propose" Paper to be the God...does that work?

Y/n let out a loud sigh and patted her knees as she stood up. "In 3 weeks time, then. I'll work out my schedule tomorrow with my manager."

"Thank you, honey," I softly spoke. She smiled at me fondly and nodded her head, replying with a small "you're welcome" as she stepped out of my sight and into the bathroom.

I looked down and fiddled with my fingers more. I'm falling in love all over again and even more harder this time. How can I ever leave someone like her? I've dropped a beautiful shell while picking up stones.

She deserves better. She deserves someone better than me. But I'm greedy, so I'm keeping her all to myself. No other man will ever be her man. The next time I see a man trying to get her to do things against her conscious will, I'll teleport to her location like a badass enderman and punch the man to death. I will surely go to jail, but it'll be all worth it!!

I've seen my children play minecraft, okay? Enderman is cool! Not my favorite, but like...


"Uri maknae, is here!" Taehyung announced with open arms and walked towards me. I've bought Minhan with me again while Minhoo was with Y/n. After the ruckus the parents made on the internet about the fact we picked up our children from school yesterday, we decided to excuse our children from school until further notice, thus needing to take them with us for work. "And uri little baby maknae is here too!"

"Hello," I responded slowly and patted Minhan's back softly to keep her asleep, considering it's still 6 am. "I'm just gonna move the couches," I informed a staff member and I went off to the corner of the room, connecting the single couches together to make a small bed.

I put down my bag and walked off to a cupboard in the room to claim the large pillow inside, putting it on the couch and laying Minhan in there to get her comfortable. Jesus, this reminds me of those days where she was just a few months old and I be tucking her in her crib just beside our bed in our room. Her cheeks puffed and her lips formed a pout, and Dear God, isn't she adorable?

"Once again... Father Jungkook never cease to amaze me as he takes care of his baby," Taehyung once again announced with a prideful look on his face. The staffs inside having to witness it with him as well.

"I agree," said the lady who waltz inside the room like she owns it. Suzy sunbae-nim approached my sleeping Minhan and pecked her forehead before she walked to Taehyung and into his embrace.

I frowned. "Excuse me? What is this behaviour?" I asked, pointing out the fact they just...hugged each other like I've never seen before. And while doing so, I took out Minhan's favorite stuffed toy, tucking it in her embrace.

"We're dating, it seems," he replied as if he was unsure of it himself. "If you're curious, it's during the movie shooting."

"W H A T ? ! ? !" I exclaimed loudly, shaking the walls of the four-walled room. A small whine from my now awakened baby took me out of my trance as I turned to look at her. Like a toddler, her face scrunched up and started to cry for having her precious sleep disturbed. I immediately scooped her up in my arms and rocked her around. Her small body wrapped around my body and her head rested on my shoulder. "Shh.. I'm sorry, baby... Daddy's sorry, go back to sleep now..."

She started wailing, and I can't blame her, okay? She's only 4 years old... When I was 9, I used to act like her. Crying and stuffs over the smallest things.

"Tsk tsk tsk," Taehyung teased and the both of them sat on the table we usually sat on. I turned to them with a glare and rolled my eyes at them as I continued to rock my crying baby to sleep. Oh, most gracious little thing, how dare I ruin your princess sleep?

After complaining to me several times for being loud, she slowly drift off to sleep after rocking her, patting her, hugging her, baby-ing her, and kissing her. I laid her back on the couch and wiped her tear-stained face with my thumb pad before pecking her forehead, nose, and cheeks for the last time as I stepped back and walked towards the table to join the new couple.

"Why didn't you tell me about this? We could've switched roles in a snap of a finger...!" I whispered yell at them. I expected a mischievous grin from Taehyung, but both looked at me apologetically and with sad faces.

"We tried to talk it out to the director but he really wants you to hold Hoobin's character."

"What's with the director forcing me to be Hoobin? Sure, I accepted the project at first, but a month before the shooting started, we already asked him for my cancellation or switch of roles... He still insisted!" I complained, almost raised my voice but restrained as soon as I realized my princess is asleep.

"It's quite fishy, actually... Usually, directors respect the actors decisions. It's not a wonderful production if the actors are uncomfortable," Taehyung wondered. His thumb and index finger running around his chin while Suzy sunbae-nim stared into air with a confused look on her face.

"The director must have something against you, Jungkook," Suzy sunbae-nim spoke out. Me and Taehyung stared at her as she nodded her head to herself. "Yeah, I think the director have something against you for real."

"Well, that's just a bummer. The director's a pussy for having something against Jungkookie. Uri maknae is one kind man. A loving father. A great husband---"

"You don't call me a great husband for leaving my family like it's nothing in the first place."

"Shut up! This is my opinion! So what? You and Y/n are back together now! Now where was I? Yeah, a great husband. The bestest best friend anyone could ask for! A handsome actor. A---"

"Okay, Tae. Stop it! We get it!" Suzy sunbae-nim cut him off, leaving Taehyung smirking at her with a teasing look.

"My honeybunch sugarplump pumpy-yumpy-yumpkin, are you jealous because I'm complimenting Jungkookie?"

"Now what the fuck is that kind of nickname?"

"Shut up, Kook! My nickname for my baby lovely princess queen is even better than your plain "honey" "baby" and "love"."

"Baby lovely princess queen---"

"You have no right to judge, Mr. Jeon Jungkook. Just say you're jealous I make even better nicknames---"

"I'm sleeping with Minhan. There's nothing much for me to do today anyway," I gave up and stood up from the table, going towards my little princess.

I picked her up and went to the bigger couch, laying my body on it with the pillow on my head, cradling my baby and laid her on top of my chest as we cuddled to sleep. It would've been cuter if Minhan still sucks on a pacifier. But my little creation is already 4...she can't suck on pacifiers or baby bottles anymore, unless I want her front teeth to disorient.

"What about breakfast, Kook?" Suzy sunbae-nim asked.

"Later. I had eaten a loaf this morning...but I'll eat with Minhan later."

To be continued...

2685 words

1. Instagram | kookiesangeldemon
2. Youtube | Kookie's AngelDemon

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