Moonlight Desires

By changjins_baby

12.6K 456 21

After Changbin and Hyunjin escape their old pack, they fled to Osaka Japan where they start their new life. A... More

Chapter 1- pt. 1
Chapter 1. pt. 2
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 pt. 2
Chapter 5 pt. 3
Chapter 5 pt. 4
Chapter 6: "Regrets and Mistakes"
Chapter 7: "TEARS OF GOLD"
Chapter 8: "Forgiveness and Second Chances"
Chapter 9: "Mom Duties"
Chapter 10: "Felix's Happy Day"
Chapter 11: "Getting Closer"
Chapter 12: "Traumas" pt. 2
Chapter 13: "Apologies"
Chapter 14: "Felix's Story"
Chapter 15: "Curiosity Killed The Cat"
Chapter 16: "Romantic Get Away" pt.1
Chapter 16: "Romantic Get Away" pt. 2
Chapter 16: "Romantic Get Away" pt. 3
Chapter 17: "Birthday Surprise"
Chapter 18: "About Time"
Chapter 19: "Innie's problem"
Chapter 19: "Innie's Problem pt.2"
Chapter 20: "Strange Happenings"
Chapter 21: "Wedding Planning" pt.1
Chapter 21: "Wedding Planning" pt. 2
Chapter 21: "Wedding Planning" pt. 3
Chapter 22: "Threats"
Chapter 23: Missing
Chapter 24: Asking for help
Chapter 25: Unexpected Trade
Before Update
Chapter 26: Family Reunion
Chapter 26: Family Reunion pt 2
Chapter 27: Save Me
Chapter 28: Fight for you pt.1
Chapter 28: Fight for you pt. 2
Chapter 29: "Family? oh please 🙄"
Chapter 30: Funeral
Chapter 31: Moving On
Chapter 32: Invitation
Chapter 33: Wedding Day
Chapter 34: Birth
Chapter 35: Family
Thank you!!
*New Story*
Bonus #1: Minlix Mating
Bonus #2: Chansung Pregnancy
Bonus #3: Seungin Proposal 💍
Bonus #4: Minlix Pregnancy
Major Editing!!
Hola Bitches!!!

Chapter 12: Traumas

220 11 0
By changjins_baby

A/N: Thank you for being patient with me. I've been struggling with stress and other things for a while but I'm doing better. I've been able to properly manage my time  and also do some writing. Anyway here is an update for ya'll. Hopefully between tomorrow and the weekend I'll publish longer chapters, as I mentioned before the plot is now starting. 


It's been a few weeks since Minho took Felix to the lake and basically confessed. Everything has been going well for them. Even the pack has been doing well. Everyone's been able to relax and just be with their mate.

But, as we all know good things only last for a while before something bad happens. To some the ending of February and beginning of March just means a change of month, to others like Hyunjin and Changbin it means the lunas birthday is approaching and to Felix, well, it brings back unwanted memories.

After his small date with Minho at the lake, the omega has been feeling quite happy. You'd hardly recognize him from the Felix that joined the pack years ago. He's slowly been able to start getting over his traumas and learning to trust and love. He still does have panic attacks, tho not as severe as before. Well....... until today that is.


It was just a normal day in the SKZ house. Everyone was in the kitchen eating breakfast when Hyunjin made a comment "Bin it's February 27th. My heat will be here in about two weeks". The alpha nodded but what no one noticed was Felix tensing after hearing what day it is. He kept silent and slowly went to his room.

He layed down on the bed thinking. His thoughts were all over the place. February 27th. The day his life became a living hell. He had almost forgotten what had happened to him, until the date reminded him. 

After about a few hours of trying to control his breathing, he decided to spend some time with the others. He needed a distraction and hopefully his packmates would do the job. Making his way towards the living room he thought his packmates would distract him but it turns out they made it worse. Once in the living room he heard Minho and Chan in a very heated argument. 

"I said stop. What part don't you get! huh? Are you too much of a hard headed asshole to understand" Minho yelled.

"Yah! Don't talk to me that way. I'm your hyung and second in command" Chan retorted. "I don't give a flying fuck about that" Minho said. 

Both males continued arguing back and forth while everyone stayed silent. They knew not t get involved unless it was necessary. By this point both alphas were already on edge and Chan not noticing Felix was in the living room made a comment he shouldn't have.

"It's not my fault your mate's not giving you ass or any head! I'm starting to think he's not even interested in you" Chan said. Although he didn't mean it he still said it and Felix heard him. 

Hyunjin spotted Felix and was about to say something, but before that could happen Minho lunged at Chan full force. He was so angry. How dare Bang Chan say anything about his mate.

Everyone made their way to separate them quickly before things got worse. Even Felix went to help despite the feeling of anxiousness making it's way up his neck. Somehow him and Jisung had managed to get in between both males.

Chan not looking and certainly not thinking swung his fist, full power at Minho. Everyone was shocked at what happened and the room fell silent. Not because he had hit Minho, but because he hadn't noticed Felix was in front of Minho calming him down and he hit Felix. Full force on the face. 

The already scared omega fell back as the sound of the punch echoed in the living room. Everyone too shocked to even process the fact that he had hit Felix. 

The omega felt scared, sad and panicked. Memories. Old memories made their way to his head. He couldn't hear his pack members calling his name. All he could feel was the stinging sensation on his left cheek as his tears rolled down his face.  

Chan shocked at what happened tried approaching Felix to apologize, only to have the omega panic and run out of the house. 

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