Forbidden Wishes

By Lost_InSilence

12.1K 378 34

Twenty two years old and selling her body in hopes that she'll be able to pay the rent, Sadie, or Sin as she... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chaptet Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:

Chapter Nine:

517 22 3
By Lost_InSilence

 Alright everyone, sorry again that I disappeared. Life has been doing this really hardcore up and down thing where one minute everything is fine and dandy then the next it is exploding.

Needless to say.

I am still working extremely hard to keep this going. I am most proud of this book and really want to see it become so much more. So once more, I thank everyone who has read, voted and even left a comment. You guys are amazing.



“Do you plan on just waltzing in there and demanding that they help you locate her?” Nickolas paused, then added with haste, “Because you do realize the minute they find out that you're trying to kidnap a slave from her master they are going to laugh at you,”

“Or lock me in a cell,” Was Jude's muttered response as he took the next left.

Nickolas' face fell as he turned toward the other man, “You work for them?”

“I manage security,”

“Seriously? They are a bunch of bastards,”

Jude choked on a laugh, “It was work for them or face the executioner. I've been dealing with them much longer than I'd like to remember,”

Nickolas shook his head, “Neither here nor there. I'm just wondering what you have planned,”

“Nick, I have friends in very high and very low place,” He cocked his head and raised an eyebrow before turning his attention back to the road ahead.

“What the hell did you do?'

“Save it for a rainy day man, it's a long story,”

“Alright, since you're so forthcoming, what's the plan?”

“I told you, I've got friends,”

Nickolas sat back in his seat with a scowl plaster to his face. His sisters life was in the mix and he was in the dark. He was not enjoying himself.

Not one fucking bit.

Jude rounded another corner and pulled into a small parking lot at the back of a very discrete building. With a flick of his wrist, he killed the engine and pushed open the door.

Turning toward Nickolas, he couldn't help but stare as he realized just how much the two resembled each other. If you put them next to each other, they could have been mistaken for twins.

“What?” Nickolas muttered, raising his eyes from the ground toward Jude.

Jude blinked, “Nothing,”

“Right, so you weren't just staring at me,”

“No idea what you're talking about,” Jesus, they were so much alike.

Nickolas scowled harder, running a hand through his hair.

“Just follow me and if someone stops to ask questions, don't say a word,”

Nickolas bit back a snark remark and followed Jude out into the cold night.


Heavy hands shook her shoulders, causing her head to bounce against something hard and hollow. With a curse, she forced her eyes open, only to scurry backward when she came face to face with Kade.

Kade said nothing as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her aching body up from the cot. She made a pained sound in protest, but Kade continued dragging her as she stumbled, to the open door of her holding cell.

Oh shit.

“Let. Me. Go.”

“Nothing going to happen, I've already told you, we play by my rules now,”

He pushed her in front of him, feet kicking the backs her ankles, “Up the stairs and down the hall,”

Sadie cursed as she struggled to keep moving. She was bruised and battered. Not to mention covered in dry and other grime. She was also sure she had a couple broken ribs.

As she took the first step, her body collapsed, hitting the concrete stairs with unreasonable impact. Fingers tangled in her hair, forcing her head back, “Get up,”

She refused to move, which caused Kade to yank her to her feet by her hair.

“I would rather die then be in your care again, so why don't you save us both some trouble and just kill me?”

Kade let out a dark laugh, “Because killing you would be too easy,” He gave her an evil smirk, “Besides, I have something else in mind,”

He punctuated his comment by pulling open a heavy wood door and forcefully trowing her into an almost empty room.

As her body hit hard wood floor, she bit back a pained sound. His words and actions were finally beginning to make sense.

“Create another monster,” She rolled her eyes, “Now there's a bright idea,”

Kade moved closer, dropping to the floor beside her. Reaching up, he covered her mouth with one hand, the other arm wrapped around her waist.

“Gods, I like it so much better when you just keep your damned mouth shut,” His nails bit into her cheek as he snarled into her ear, “You are worthless, human trash,”

His hot breath against her ear made her shiver, her body protesting the small movement. She tried to speak past his hand, but her words were too muffled to understand.

“But soon enough you will be broken of this horrible habit you seem to have developed. You will soon learn that you only speak when spoken too,”

Hearing muffled backtalk, Kade released her mouth and slapped her hard.

As pain exploded across her cheek, Sadie struggled to free herself from his hold. She wanted out. Now. But as Kade's grip tightened and she was lifted off of the floor only to be thrown down on the bed a few feet away, a whole new panic set in.

He wasted no time forcing her body down as he bared her the frantic blue vein in her neck. One hand pressed firmly against her cheek, he bit down, hard.

She struggled harder against his hold, pain and panic filling her to the brim. Tears burned her eyes as he worked her throat. Her body shook as he pressed her into the mattress.

Before she had any time to register what was happening, it was over. Well, almost.

Quickly, Kade made a deep cut across his wrist before bracing his other arm across her chest to keep her in place. Pressing his wounded wrist to her mouth, he gave her a satisfied smirk.

Sadie gagged as his blood filled her mouth, but he didn't budge. It was quickly becoming a situation of swallow or choke.

Just as quickly as it had started, it was over.

Kade stood, gave her a scowl and walked out, locking the door behind him. Leaving Sadie to curl up on the bed; terrified about what was going to happen next.


“Are you fucking shitting me?” Cyan's voice cracked as it hit a level no man's voice should ever reach.

“I don't think you are grasping the concept here,” Jude mumbled.

Cyan; with his shaggy blonde hair and almost innocent blue eyes, bounced up and down, a smile splitting his handsome face, “Oh I get it. You're gonna go in, fuck shit up and save the girl,”

He paused.

“And I want in on it,”

“This is a rescue, not a road trip,” Jude growled.

Cyan's grin only got wider.

Standing at roughly five foot six, Cyan didn't look like much. He'd been turned at the age of seventeen. No one really knew much about the kids past, or how he came to be. But they did know that he was a definite case of looks can be deceiving.

Innocent as he looked, the vampire had once taken out an entire city. Small though it was, it had been thoroughly destroyed.

All because someone had put him in a rage.

Best man to have in a fight. For sure.

After the incident, the Coven had swept in and captured him. Giving him the same choice they had Jude, only Cyan's came with a lot more fine print.

“You know you'll need me Jude, especially if those things are as big as you say they are,”

“Cyan, the less people we have, the better. If too many of us attempt this, are chances are getting caught increase. That is the last thing we need because then the Coven gets involved,”

Cyan pouted. The fucker actually pouted.

Nickolas almost fell over laughing as they kids entire face fell. Almost like someone had flipped a switch.

“Well, if you didn't come all this way to invite me to place, what the hell do you want?”

“We need you to locate her,”

“That I can do, but I need a general area,”

Nickolas turned toward Jude, “Did she ever mention where she had been prior to moving?”

“Not once, but he couldn't have gone too far. Maybe some two thousand miles,”

Cyan shook his head and dropped into a computer chair, quickly spinning around to face the screens before him. Hitting a few keys in rapid session, Cyan smirked. This would be easy.


She had no idea how much time had passed, but what she did know was that it felt like someone had tucked sandpaper underneath her eyelid before weighting her limps.

Everything was blurry, her body in pain and her mouth achingly dry.

At first, conversion held her firm, but slowly the events unraveled themselves.

Kade had dragged her into a hole in the wall where he proceeded to almost kill her then force his blood down her throat.

Her stomach rolled and she darted across the bed, her head falling over the edge as her stomach relieved itself. Sadie's body shook something fierce.

With one last heave, Sadie flung herself off of the bed and stumbled to the door. Her hands made contact first, but her body soon followed.

“KADE!” Her voice cracked as she yelled his name, fists pounding against the solid oak door.

“YOU FUCKING BASTARD!” This time, her voice was strong, steady and filled with venom.

She was seconds away from throwing her entire body against the door but it swung up before she could move, tossing her a good three feet across the room.

Kade was before her in a flash, eyes filled with anger as a snarl warped his features.

No words were spoke as Kade stood in front of her fallen form, he merely snapped his hand out and dragged her up from the floor.

After a moment of silence, he pegged her with a malevolent smirk, “I thought so,”

She struggled against his hold, curses falling as she panted. What little strength she had was quickly waning. She was exhausted.

“You just don't get it do you Sadie? It's simple really, if you would just do as you are told . You did it all to yourself. You want out, I'll try it your way one more time, lets see if you survive,”

He dragged her by the arm down a long hall and a flight of stairs. Unconcerned with her as she tripped and stumbled along the way. Once he reached the front door, he pulled it open and threw her out onto the concrete porch.

“You won't make it but a few hours before your body gives up on you,”

Kade crouched in front of Sadie and gripped her jaw, “You need blood. Human blood to finish this and I can guarantee the only place you will find that is here. At least for some miles. You'll come back, if you don't die first,”

Releasing her jaw, he gave her a fake smile, “Good luck,” Then he was gone.

Sadie cursed and staggered to her feet. Everything hurt, her vision was blurred and the late afternoon sun caused her skin to tickle in the most unpleasant way.

 There was a really good chance that she was going to die.

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