Even Gods Have Problems

By TiredDemi

42K 1.1K 462

The three celestial Gods have watched over the Earth for eons, Dynamight the Alphan God of the sun, Red Riot... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI

Chapter X

1.8K 50 46
By TiredDemi

"Okay but why do we have to wear this stuff?" Shinsou asked as he stared down the black chiton he was wearing while Denki stared at his yellow one, his gaze nowhere near as hateful as Shinsou's.

"Because you are entering a Gods holy sanctum. Its appropriate for Demi's. Besides it also represents which God is technically accountable for you." Red Riot stated, while he and Dynamight were back into their Godly forms and outfits.

"Where did you even get these?" Denki questioned as he looked towards the Gods.

"We figured that neither of you would have something like this so we summoned them" The red head explained while Shinsou merely grumbled in annoyance.

"Uh, guys? While I'm not against wearing something like this, what's with this weird crown thing?" Izuku questioned as he walked out from the bathrooms that they had ended up going to, all of them wanting to change and shower. While the Omega also held a crown that looked like a mixture of Red Riot's and Dynamight's own.

"That's technically what your celestial crown looks like Izuku. Since you are still our husband and mate, despite anything and everything that has happened. It symbolizes your place and power as a goddess. Even though you don't have any of your powers back. Yet." The red head explained as he took the crown from the smaller male and placed it on him, before the two gods then began to walk away and into the forest.

"I have to say Izuku, it doesn't look bad on you. But uh, should we follow them?" Denki asked as he and Shinsou went to stand besides Izuku.

"YES, YOU FUCKING FOLLOW US!! UNLESS YOU EXTRA'S WANT TO GET LOST!!" The blonde shouted from the forest as Denki and Izuku flinched slightly at the volume while Shinsou only rolled his eyes.

"Seriously Izuku, when you get your memories back, I'm going to need you to give me a very detailed, and very good reason as to why in the hell you would ever marry and mate with those two assholes." Shinsou grumbled as he grabbed Denki's hand while the blonde Omega linked shoulders with Izuku as Shinsou began to lead them after the two Gods.

After what seemed like hours of walking the group finally reached a ginormous golden gate, a magical aura surrounding it. "Holy shit" Denki mumbled while the two gods merely walked forward and placed both of their hands on the doors of the gate.

And with a swift motion the gates flew open, while Shinsou, Denki, and Izuku were left in awe. "Come on extra's. We don't have all day." The blonde stated gruffly as he and the red head then began to walk forward.

"Also, while we're here guy's you might as well learn our real names." Red Riot stated while the other three only looked to each other skeptically

"HA?! We are not telling them our names dumbass!! We can tell Deku and that's it!!" The blonde roared as he turned towards the other God, blocking the path to Cellophane's temple.

"Look they have to learn it eventually; besides they already know Izuku's name. And I for one don't enjoy hearing Izuku call us by our Godly names, it feels like I'm constantly in trouble." The red head stated at the other three watched the debate.

"What the hell does Deku learning our names have to do with those idiots?! If you want him to know then tell him!! Doesn't mean those fucking extras have to know too!!" Dynamight shouted while Red Riot merely grumbled under his breath while shaking his head.

"Hey!! You know we are right here!! We can hear you!!" Denki shouted offendedly while Shinsou and Izuku watched.

"Oh, shut up Duracell!!!" The blonde shouted back while Denki merely walked forward towards the God.

"Now listen here explosion boy!! I don't give two shits if you are a God!! I will happily zap your ass until your brains are nothing but fried mush!!! So, either you tell all of us, or you just shut up!!" Denki shouted while the God looked at the Omega dumbfounded by being berated by the male, while Shinsou laughed loudly at Denki's statement, though the red head and Izuku looked at Denki astonished.

"Well then, you heard him Kats." The red head stated with a chuckle while the blonde growled quietly at the Omega.

"My name is Eijirou Kirishima, and his name is Katsuki Bakugou. You guys can just call us Kirishima and Bakugou." Kirishima stated while Bakugou crossed his arms and huffed a bit.

"Sweet! But why did you want to tell us now? You could have just told us when we first met?" Denki questioned while Bakugou rolled his eyes at the question.

"Idiot. Gods don't tell just anyone their names! Names have power, especially if you're a God. And we didn't tell you in the beginning because we had planned to just take Deku. But Deku wanted you guys to come so we let you."

"More like he didn't and still doesn't trust either of you because you stalked him and attempted to kidnap him while acting like he was your property. And not to mention neither of us gave either of you a choice." Shinsou stated harshly while Bakugou growled lowly at him, though Kirishima only looked away and rubbed his neck slightly.

"Okay, okay! Well, we know their names now Shin, so we should keep moving! We want to get help as fast as we can, right?" Izuku asked as he got in between the two Alpha's.

"Right! Let's listen to Izuku and keep moving" Kirishima stated as he placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder, though the Omega couldn't help but feel intimidated at the reminder of the ginormous height difference.

Once the group had finally bad it to the temple Shinsou, Denki, and Izuku were left in awe at the sight, though Kirishima and Bakugou merely walked forward and knocked on the giant doors harshly.

Once the doors opened a man just about the same height as Kirishima walked out, his hair was black at chin length with his hair spike downwards, along with jagged bangs coming about halfway down his forehead. His eye's were a deep black while small scars littered his face.

Though his outfit, a black, skin-tight bodysuit with a turtleneck, plain apart from a white design on his mid-torso, and two gold trimmings around each of his arms that were covered by elbow length sleeves. Along with white boots, lined with gold, and white short bands around his waist and on the sides of his thighs.

"B-Bakugou? K-Kirishima?!" The God shouted as he looked between the two celestials.

"It's good to see you again old friend. It's been a while, hasn't it?" Kirishima asked sheepishly while Bakugou smirked at his friend.

"A while?! Try over 400 years you assholes!!" The God shouted as he hit the two in the shoulder simultaneously, though eventually laughing loudly as he brought the two into a hug.

"Oi, tape arms, you mind changing smaller with us for a moment? We've got something to show you, and I'd feel better if you didn't accidentally crush em."

"Still one for your horrible nicknames I, see? But sure." The raven-haired God said as he and the other two gods shrunk down to their human sizes. The raven-haired Alpha now wearing a plain grey t-shirt along with baggy black pants.

"Oi extra's come on." Bakugou shouted as the three stepped out from behind one of the pillars they had taken to hide behind. Though Cellophane's eyes blowing wide at the sight of Izuku.

"H-Holy... IZUKU!! HOLY FUCK YOU'RE ALIVE?!?!" The Alpha shouted as he ran past Bakugou and Kirishima to grip the Omega's shoulders tightly, taking his time to inspect Izuku thoroughly.

"I-I uh, y-yeah I am. A-And I take it your someone I knew in the past as well?" Izuku questioned, though the God merely flinched back in shock, quickly turning to Bakugou and Kirishima for an explanation.

"We have a lot to explain, but to give you a brief explanation, Izuku has no memories of being Deku, he's stuck in a reincarnation cycle, those two are Hitoshi Shinsou and Denki Kaminari their Izuku's close friends and they are Demi's. And we need your help" Kirishima explained while Cellophane let go of Izuku and stared at the two other Gods in pure shock and confusion.

"W-Well then, I guess I need to introduce myself. I am Cellophane God of loyalty, safety, and shelter, though I'd prefer it if you just use Hanta Sero. Sero if you will. Now come on inside. I may not be able to fully help you but both of my mates should be back soon. They can help." Sero explained as he led the group into the temple.

"Holy crap!! This is awesome!! I was honestly expecting some sort of old timey Greek get up in here!! But this is sweet!!" Denki shouted as they all walked into the well decorated and seemingly high-tech temple.

"Haha! Yeah no, while I know a few Gods and Goddess who like to keep it simplistic, I personally enjoy the more high-tech side of time. Besides, I can't live without AC. It gets brutal out here during the summer." Sero explained while Bakugou and Kirishima laughed quietly at their friend.

"Bro, this is sick, and I don't blame you, the summer sucks sometimes." Denki stated while Shinsou quickly wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, trying to will the Omega to show some decorum around the God.

"Ha! I like this one!" Sero stated as he looked towards the other Gods.

"Yeah, he's got a real mouth on him."

Once the group sat down in the lounge of sorts, Sero looked around in the group and couldn't help but notice the obvious tension between the five. "Alright, first off lets get this over with. Bakugou, Kirishima, tell me what exactly is your plan, and what exactly has happened" Sero questioned as he leaned forward in his seat so he could rest his arms on his knees.

"Well for starters, Izuku has no memories of being Deku, he's lost his connection to the stars and us, he has been stuck in a reincarnation cycle for the past 400 years, and we are still trying to figure out how to help him regain his connection to us and the stars, and hopefully help him regain his old memories." Kirishima explained as Sero nodded in understanding.

"Well, I've got to say I'm at a loss, I'm still in shock that Izuku is alive. We were so sure that he was gone after Shigaraki-."

"Yes, well he's not. He's alive and he will regain his connection again." Bakugou interrupted while Sero placed his hands up in surrender.

"I think Shoto and Iida would be better equipped to help with this. Though I'll go look through the library to see if I can find anything, have you tried to contact All Might? Or Eraserhead?" Sero questioned while the other two Gods merely shook their heads.

"How could my pops help out with this? He's the Goddess of the death, I feel like that's the opposite of what we want." Shinsou questioned

"Oh! So, you're Eraserhead and Present Mic's kid! That makes more sense now."

"Present Mic? Do you mean Hizashi Yamada? My father?"

"Yeah, though his Godly name is Present Mic. Sense he's a demi-god, not to mention he rules the underworld with Eraser."

"HE WHAT?!?" Shinsou shouted while Denki and Izuku looked to him in shock as well.

"Yeah, they got married like centuries ago. Though Yamada would visit Earth a lot, mainly to check on things and such." Sero explained while Shinsou was left in a state of shock.

"My uncle and aunt told me he was human! That he died! I guessed he would be in the underworld and most likely with my pops, but he's a demi-god?! And he's centuries old?!" Shinsou shouted while the two Gods looked to Sero.

"Yeah! How old are you two?"

"I'm 24!! Denki's 23, and Izuku is 22!!" Shinsou shouted as he dragged his hands down his face.

"Oh wow! Yeah, you guys are literal baby's compared to us!"

"Hanta? Why do I hear yelling?"

"Hanta? What's going on?"

Shinsou, Denki, and Izuku froze at the sight of the God Ingenium and the Goddess Frostburn. While Bakugou and Kirishima stood to greet the two as they transformed into their God forms, while Sero too transformed and turned to his mates.

While the two were left in shock at the sight of the two Gods, Frostburn's attention was immediately stolen by the sight of the green haired Omega.


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