Divergent, Eric: When She Came

By BookWormAtWork

169K 5.1K 443

Cassidy Thompson is from the Outside. Outside as in BEYOND THE FENCE. She stumbles into an unknown world, a d... More

Author's Note
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty One.
Chapter Twenty Two.
Chapter Twenty Three.
Chapter Twenty Four.
Chapter Twenty Five.
Chapter Twenty Seven.
Chapter Twenty Eight.
Chapter Twenty Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty Two.
Chapter Thirty Three.
Chapter Thirty Four.
Chapter Thirty Five.
Chapter Thirty Six.
Chapter Thirty Seven.
Chapter Thirty Eight.
Chapter Thirty Nine.
Chapter Forty.
Chapter Forty One.
Chapter Forty Two.
Chapter Forty Three.
Chapter Forty Four.
Chapter Forty Five.
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight.

Chapter Twenty Six.

3.2K 120 7
By BookWormAtWork

Chapter Twenty Six.

The next morning, I woke with cramp shooting up and down my spine.

I sat up, rubbing at the sore spot for a minute or two, then I was rubbing my eyes from sleep.

The door opened, and stepped in Eric. He was holding a pillow and a thin blanket.

"It didn't occur to me that you didn't have these this morning." He said coolly. "At least you can have a decent place to sleep while being examined."

"Examined isn't the word I would have used." I smiled weakly as I took the stuff from him. "I would have used... Tortured." I shrugged, getting to my feet.

Eric paused for a moment. "Jeanine wants to do another one before we transfer you."

"What? Now? But I haven't eaten yet!" I exclamined, then I noticed Eric's trademark smirk. "Wait, you've got something, haven't you?"

Eric pulled a breakfast bar from his pocket. "I said I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you."

"Thanks." I gobbled up the bar before you could say your name. "At least I can count on you to bring me food." I flashed him a smile, which he returned.

"We better go." Eric curled his hand around mine, before apologising before we left the room.

We returned to the room, the same room as yesterday. The only thing different was that there was a thin table besides the table that I will be lying on, with at least five needles with serum.

"What's happening today?" I question, eyeing the needles.

"She's going to use the truth serum." Eric's eyes widened in fear.

Oh no.

This means trouble.

Serious trouble.


Jeanine was held up for another ten minutes, so Eric took the liberty to strap me down the table, but leaving some room for my hands to breathe.

"Sorry about that. We just had a Divergent walk straight in." She shot me a smirk. "Can you guess who?"

Obviously, she only wanted me to guess because that someone is close to me.

"Fou-Tobias?" I questioned. No, he's too sensible for that. "Tris?"

Jeanine grinned. "Beatrice Prior. She walked straight in. I guess she isn't as tough as you thought."

No! What was Tris thinking?!

What happened to staying put?!

Eric faded into the background. If Jeanine wasn't here, I would have told him to leave. To run if I spilt the beans.

No, I won't spill the beans. I made a promise, and I'm planning on keeping it for as long as I can.

Jeanine picked up a needle, and flicked her fingers against its tip before inserting it into my arm.

I glared at her, but she only just let out a small chuckle in return. "That was the truth serum. If you fight it, it will hurt. So either way, you're going to cooperate with us."

I squeezed my eyes shut, back arching as I could feel the serum pulse around inside me. I didn't like the feeling, it was like you can't escape.

And this time, I can't escape.

Even if I did escape, where would I go? Dauntless and Erudite are at every corner. And if Eric helped me escape, he would be shot. I'm sure.

Jeanine rolled over a chair, before sitting on it with her right leg crossed over the other. She had a clipboard in one hand, a pen in the other.

She tapped her pen, then looking up at Eric. He had been silently watching. Observing. His back was pressed up against the wall as if he was going to be forced to reveal himself to the Class A Bitch.

"If you would like to pull a chair, you can." Jeanine said coolly. She looked down at me. "Are you ready to begin?" She cocked her head slightly to her right.

I wanted to say yes, let's begin in a cheery mood. But I forced myself to stop. And when I did, the pain began in my chest.

"Fuck off, you psychotic bitch." I growled in anger. "I'm not answering anything you want me to say." This truth, caused the pain to ease slightly.

Okay, so if I lie, the pain increases, if I tell the truth, it decreases.

Well, I know I'm going to be in hell for however long it takes.

I have a promise. And I am keeping it.

Jeanine pressed her lips in a thin line. "Alright, I take that the serum is running through your veins to its full potential right now. Let's begin!"

I shot Eric a look. He was looking at Jeanine cautiously. He had pulled a chair up, not to far and not to close to me. I think he's going to run, or attack Jeanine if needed.

I hope he does attack her. I would be right now if I wasn't trapped in this God Forsaken Hell.

"What's your name?" Jeanine began. I almost laughed at her question. She knows my name, doesn't she?

"Cassie." I snapped. "What sort of question was that?" The pain eases a lot at my question. I guess speaking my mind works too.

Jeanine narrowed her eyes at me. "Let me rephrase that: what's your full name?"

Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it. "Cassidy Thompson."

Jeanine smiles at my cooperation. Well, it wasn't as if I had no choice, is it now?


Why does she want to know how old I am? "Seventeen."

Eric rose his eyebrows at my answer. "You look like a sixteen year old. That's why you were able to get in the Choosing Ceremony."

"Mmm. Interesting." Jeanine noted my answer, and maybe added Eric's.

"Why did you come here, Cassidy?"

"Curiosity." I snap again. I wasn't telling her the reason I left home. No way.

"How did you find this place?"

I squeezed my eyes shut. Think, think. "I wanted to explore. I got what I wanted." I say, opening my eyes. The pain was still strong, it barely increased or decreased.

"Your parents, what are their names?"

I froze at the p word. Why ask about my parents? Was there any need for them to know their names?

"Hans Thompson." Is all I say. Their was no need for them to even knowy mother's name.

"And your mother? What's her name?"

I narrow my eyes at her. "Was her name. Was. Her name was Elizabeth Thompson."

Jeanine looked up at me, a confused look on her face.

"Was? Care to explain that?" I was about to reply, but the pain completely vanished.

It was like I was never injected at all. It wore off.

I have her the hardest glare I could muster. "None of your damn business!"

Jeanine looked up at Eric, then down at me. "Looks like the serum worn off. Let's try again." She picked up the next one, and injected it easily as the last. "Now, care to explain by your previous answer."

I shot her a grin. "Its because it is none of your business."

Jeanine snapped slightly. Her lips thinned and she said: "You said it was her name. Was. What did you mean by that?"

Again, I tried to fight it. But the pain was greater than the last.

"She disappeared. Happy?" I hissed at her. By the minute, her hate from me was becoming so powerful,I think I'll explode from the negativity.

Jeanine smiled again. "One last question but you transfer." Her smile became evil. "Who is the father of that baby?"

She was lucky I was strapped down.

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