Friends or Enemies...

By DreamSupremacy26

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Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize how much they belong together. If I knew what time it was... More

Chapter 1 ~ If somethings dangerous, it's us.
Chapter 2 ~ You never asked.
Chapter 3 ~ Take her away.
Chapter 4 ~ Should I remember someone?
Chapter 5 ~ Maybe I am the monster.
Chapter 6 ~ There's a girl.
Chapter 7 ~ Good luck, little one.
Chapter 8 ~ The final control room.
Chapter 9 ~ It had perished.
Chapter 10 ~ Tell me what time it is.
Chapter 11 ~ I want him dead.
Chapter 12 ~ Take it and don't thank me.
Chapter 13 ~ Thrice.
Chapter 14 ~ Hidden love and an unpredictable loss.
Chapter 15 ~ You're not a monster.
Chapter 16 ~ Oh, did you now?
Chapter 17 ~ You destroy me.
Chapter 18 ~ Watch the sunrise with me.
Chapter 19 ~ Nothing more and nothing less.
Chapter 20 ~ Dream is my drug.
Chapter 21 ~ Save my life, Ms. Anonymous.
Chapter 22 ~ I want you.
Chapter 23 ~ I hate arguing with you.
Chapter 24 ~ I say a lot of things.
Chapter 25 ~ Your new best friend.
Chapter 26 ~ The Kingdom Of My Dreams.
Chapter 27 ~ Frau Schlatt.
Chapter 28 ~ Beyond love.
Chapter 29 ~ It must be fate.
Chapter 30 ~ By all means.
Chapter 31 ~ No longer fictional.
Chapter 32 ~ Love isn't enough if it is one-sided.
Chapter 34 ~ Meat dress.
Chapter 35 ~ Live.
Chapter 36 ~ The other version of myself.
Chapter 37 ~ Nothing left.
Chapter 38 ~ 5 stages of grief.
Chapter 39 ~ Dear my little pogchamp.
Chapter 40 ~ I'd burn the world.
Chapter 41 ~ You're staring.
Chapter 42 ~ A second fate.
Chapter 43 ~ Legend says he had a lover.
Chapter 44 ~ And what if I were hell?
Chapter 45 ~ It meant I was in love.
Epilogue ~ Our last chapter.
New Story!
Bonus Chapter ~ Tough shit.

Chapter 33 ~ My salvation.

2K 75 46
By DreamSupremacy26

~Y/n's POV~

I run out of the ballroom in the hands of Dream, carelessly sprinting through the halls, not giving a single shit in the world. My heels tap on the ground with every step I take, with the red ballgown that follows from behind me like a giant cape.

Dream runs ahead of me, still hand in hand with me. "YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW, YOUNG LADY!" Wil's voice echo's through the castle, but he's nowhere in sight. The profanity continues as we run through the corridors like it'll be our last, but soon fades.

You owe me big time, asshole were his last words before all the noises were drowned out by grunts and even more yelling, but no longer directed at me. I assume the guards have finally gotten to him.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask, smiling without even realizing it. "Close your eyes. It's a surprise." He tells me, now facing towards me with a smile that tells me he's excited for whatever surprise he has in store for me.

It's like we've been running through this castle for hours, but I doubt it's even been 5 minutes since we left that hell of a ball. I do as he says, and close my eyes shut as he begins guiding me through the halls once again with his hands planted on both my shoulders.

"I'm scared." I confess, my eyes still shut as I do so. What should I expect? After what happened earlier, I feel like I should expect the worst. "If it makes you feel better..." His breath hits the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. "Just know that I would never want anything bad to happen to you."

He helped me, I remind myself. He's the reason my brother isn't yelling at my face. If my face even still exists. "We're here." He whispers like someone else is in here with us. "But keep your eyes shut." He tells me, before I then feel a big gust of wind fanning against me.

It's almost as if a door has been opened, which might've been the case. Dream grabs onto my shoulders again, pushing me along with him and making sure to shut the door behind him. "You may open your eyes now." He whispers again.

I flutter my eyes open, as if I'd just awoken from a deep sleep, to find myself in something magical. Because if that beach Dream took me wasn't already magical enough, then I don't know what is.

He's still behind me as he brings both his arms, wrapping them both around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder like we've done it a thousand times before.

"Welcome to what I promised you." His words vibrate through me from my right shoulder, running down my chest and into my arms, streaming through my veins all the way to my fingertips.

"Welcome to my library." He lets go of my waist, walking ahead of me, and I'm taken back to those two nights. That night he took me to that beach, and that other night he took me into his ballroom. Tonight, on the other hand, is like those two nights rolled into one.

I remember those nights as clear as day. I was speechless, shocked, nervous, but excited. Though right now, I don't know what I feel. I feel like I'm dreaming, and I could be, but do I really want to believe that? Do I really want to believe that none of this is real when it's all I've ever dreamed of since the beginning?

I walk through the room, eyeing the white painted shelves that are taller than Dream. The room is almost as big as the ballroom. I'm only a few feet away from the door, but from the looks of it, the shelves go all the way back to the other end of the room.

"Are you gonna say something?" When I look to my right, I see Dream. His tone is nervous, like he's scared, and probably because I haven't said anything since I stepped foot in this room. "I need air." I tell him flatly, and he immediately nods, walking over to me to grab my hand.

He takes me to the far right side of the room, and behind a curtain, to where we find ourselves on a balcony once again. It's different, though. It's quiet, and we don't hear Schlatt speaking into a mic.

It's just the two of us, leaning onto the concrete railings, looking out. "You're making me nervous." Dream says from next to me, with both his hands on the back of his neck. He seems distraught, like he might have a panic attack if I don't tell him something.

"Why did you say you needed air?" He asks me like he'll die if I don't give him an answer. I try to hold in my smile, walking towards him, grabbing both his hands and pulling them away from the back of his neck.

I take his wrists, guiding them to my hips, and as soon as he feels the palms of his hands against the lace of my dress, he squeezes my waist like he can't get enough of me. He pulls me against him, and I wrap my arms around the back of his neck.

Our chests are pressed up against each other, and I can feel his heartbeat on mine. His heart beats faster and faster by the second, almost as if his anxiety is rising up along with it. His breathing becomes more frantic, as I try to hold in a chuckle.

"Dream, you're overreacting." I tell him, smiling. "I'm okay." He swallows, and holds me against him even tighter. "I know, you just seem so calm with it." He tells me, quickly. "You never are. You're never calm-" I shut him up with a kiss.

I kiss him like I can't get enough of him already. I kiss him like it's been years since I've craved a taste of him. I kiss him like it'll be our last. My hands find themselves on Dream's golden locks, moving down to his back, feeling and memorizing each and every crevice.

I can feel his mask shift back and forth, as we suffocate ourselves into each others mouth. We don't stop to breathe, and we probably won't even stop if someone were to come in here and find us like this.

He grabs the back of my neck, pushing my mouth against his. Part of me wants to think that he might stick his tongue down my throat, but part of me also thinks that he already has and that he might find himself doing it again.

We finally both pull out, and I rest my head against his chest. He's no longer anxious, and I find myself smiling again. The kiss was rough, but it did feel intimate. And as much as I would like deny it, it's the last thing I wanna change.

I've kissed him thrice on the lips tonight. Two of which I had to use to shut him up, but I don't have any regrets, and I hope he feels the same as well. Each kiss we share feels better every time. "Do you wanna know a secret?" He asks, still out of breath.

I nod, reassuringly. "I think that no one will ever give you what I'm willing to." He says confidently, resting his chin on the top of my head. "And what would that be?" I ask. What would Dream really give up for me?

"Everything." He answers, softly. "I'll give you the world. The moon. The fucking stars. Anything you ask, it's yours." He said against my hair. "I'm yours." He whispers finally. I don't think I'll be able to recover from this, and neither do I think I'll ever forget about it.

He's being serious, I think to myself. He's practically asking for it. Waiting. I pull my head away from his chest, looking up at him who towers above me like a giraffe "Are you making us official?" I ask him, not totally sure if that's what I meant to ask.

"Only if you want us to be." I'm still engaged, I think to myself, but it's not like I wanted for myself to be. Dream will do something about it, I know he will. Because if he really is willing to give me everything then he's going have to have to earn it for himself to do that first.

"What if I'm not ready?" I ask him, resting my chin on his chest. "Then I'll wait for as long as time will let me." He whispers. "I'm very patient with you, you know." He says, grinning. I chuckle, and hide into the crook of his arm, hoping he didn't notice my cheeks that had dusted themselves pink.

"Can I tell you a secret as well?" I ask, planting the side of my head on his chest, as he slowly sways us from side to side. "Absolutely." He wraps me tighter in his arms again like I'll fade away into dust if he lets go.

I'm grateful for that, because with what I'm about to say next, I'm not sure what to expect. "I'm scared I'll never feel this way with anyone else." I whisper. My voice isn't enough for me to say out loud, and I'd honestly would've kept that for myself if it wasn't for the urge to get off my chest.

Although I don't know what the feeling is, but it's good. I feel infatuated by Dream. I feel fireworks, because of him.

"I'm scared you will." He says back.

Maybe I should stop overthinking it, and maybe I should give in to Dream. For Dream. Our relationship may be one-sided. He may love me, and I may not, but I can definitely make it fair for Dream.

I can definitely love him back if I learned how. I can try to fully accept the love Dream already has for me and learn from that. It's stupid to know such person doesn't know how to love, but it's even more stupid for such person to throw that love out.

Dream deserves the love he gives me, and I wanna give that back. I wanna make it happen. I could break myself while falling for him. I could even break him. But I think Dream's a risk worth taking and I regret not considering that from the very start.

I grab his hand in mine, pulling him back towards the curtain. "What are you doing?" He asks, letting me drag him along. "I wanna pick out some books." I tell him. "But I don't wanna get lost, so I'm taking you with me in case there's a hungry dragon that needs feeding."

I pull him in between the shelves, eyeing the different genres. "You're going to feed me to a hungry dragon?" He asks, offended. I grab one of the books, flipping through the different pages. "You don't want me in the digestive track of a dragon, do you?" I ask, glaring at him from the corner of my eye.

"Well, of course, not." He says like I'm supposed to know. "Then it's settled." I slam the book shut, and place it back onto the shelf, giving him a cheeky grin. "You're the bait." I say, quickly, before then swiftly walking the opposite direction.

He follows quickly from behind me, still not over this hungry dragon. I grab another book that catches my eye, reading the synopsis as he continues to speak. "You have such a foul mouth, you know that, right?" He tells me.

I place the book back down on the shelf, crossing my arms, looking him dead in the eye. "You seem to have such an unhealthy obsession with my mouth lately. Is that something I should worry about?" I ask him, sarcastically. He shrugs casually. "Who said it was unhealthy?" He asks.

We're gonna be here a long time.

~Dream's POV~

She walks through this place like she was meant to be here, grabbing books like she owns them, and sifting through the pages like she's making sure there aren't any missing words. And if I do say so myself, it's the most attractive thing she could ever do.

"I'll be right back." I tell her. She looks up from the book she has in her hand. "Don't get lost. And yell if you see a hungry dragon you need saving from." I say, but she just nods and probably didn't even hear anything I said as she grabs yet another book.

I begin to stride towards the Greek mythology and paranormal section, hoping to find what I'm looking for. I then start pulling out random book from the shelves, checking behind them, and placing them back as soon as I find nothing.

It's weird to be in my own library, looking for something far from a book. But when I realize how long this might take, I decide to stick my hand behind the books, running my fingertips across the wood.

If it weren't for George cleaning these shelves also known as the guy who spends most his time in this place, reading more about himself, then these shelves would've been layered with an abundance of dust.

I repeat that process time and time again, but when I find myself with nothing I decide to use my head instead. If I were George, where would I hide my shit from Sapnap? I walk in between the shelves, eyeing each book, but when I see one that stands out from the rest I immediately knew I've found it.

A book titled Psychic written by Charlie Cicle. It's the first book he's read ever since I introduced him to this place a long time ago. And if there's one book he'd read over and over again for the rest of eternity, it would be this one.

I take the book in my hands to find a bottle of red wine right behind it. I push the books to the side, grabbing the wine, and placing the books back where I found it, before taking myself back to the fantasy section where I know I'll find her.

Her nose is now in a different book, but she doesn't notice I'm there yet. She's smiling into the book, and it's almost as if she's been taken to a different realm. I lean onto the shelf next to me, and she laughs at whatever words that book has to show her.

Holy hell.

If I could bottle up that sound and get drunk on it every night, I would. She mimics my actions without realizing it, leaning onto the shelf as well. She hums softly, as her eyes slowly drag down the page, before flipping to the next. The song she hums is familiar, and it's that exact same song we danced to together.

Never did I think that my appeal for her could go to such level. It's so much to the point it hurts. It hurts to know she doesn't feel the same way. But it certainly feels like it. It's so much to where I could watch her watching paint dry, and I still wouldn't get bored.

Loving a woman that doesn't love me back is way better than not loving her at all. And if that's the last thing I'll do then I'm sorry it had to be so selfish. Selfish, because she makes me feel selfish like no one else. And I'm afraid to say that I like it.

I'm the devil, causing mischief whenever I find the opportunity to. And she's an angel, soaring though the winds freely. I'm rotten, rancid and corroded. And she's as pure as a flower in the middle of a field. I'm the downfall. And she's the salvation.

My salvation.

But what happens when I no longer have her? When she's no longer there to bring out the best in me? It's gotten so far to where I find myself, praying to anyone who is willing to listen that things change for the both of us.

Begging to any God that is willing to listen that I can save her from Wilbur, Schlatt and possibly even myself if fate says so. But if I could sleep forever, I would if it meant I'd get to dream of her for every second of it.

And it's gotten even farther to when I realize just how I haven't though of Y/n this whole week. Maybe it's a sign. And maybe it's better she stays in my memories and in my past. How would she feel if I brought her back?

She died from suicide. She didn't want to here. If I bring her back it's likely she'll come back as an eleven year old. She would be wasting my time. And in the most painful way possible. She's a person from my past and certainly nothing more.

A person who saw me as a monster. A person who's left me with guilt for the last 10 years. A person who made me feel nothing more, but a monster. Y/n turned me into the cruel person I am, and this girl in front of me is making up for all those years I found myself waiting to move on without realizing it.

"Hey." I say which startles her, knocking 3 different books out of her arms, which I didn't even notice were there. "You scared me, you idiot!" She scolds, kneeling onto the floor, bringing the books back into her arms and onto her lap.

I sit on the ground next to her, leaning my head back onto the shelf behind me, watching her every move, as she flips through the pages of the book she was just reading. "If you like it so much, why don't you just take it with you?" I ask, talking about the book.

"Since when did I say I liked it?" She asks, still frustrated by how I scared the living hell out of her. "You were reading it for a good 15 minutes, so I just assumed." I tell her, admiring the way her dress spreads across the floor perfectly.

Just like a princess, I think to myself. She shrugs, scanning through the pages. She's already a fourth way into the book, telling me that she's a fast reader. I wonder how much time she'd need to flip and read through every book in this library.

Page per page. Line per line. And word per word. I take the bottle of wine to my mouth, pulling the cork out with my teeth, and taking a swig from the bottle. "What are you doing?" She says, now looking up at me.

From what I can see of her face, she gives me a disgusted look, and I can't help, but smile. It's cute. "Waiting for you to vow your undying love for me." I tell her flatly, looking straight ahead at the shelf in front of me.

She hums in reply, leaning the side of her head against my arm. "Soon." She tells me. Did I hear that clearly? I look down at her on my arm, but her nose is in that book again before I can say anything else. In any case, it was most likely just a joke. She sighs against me, sitting up straight.

"I don't even like this book." She complains, placing the book on the shelf behind us from where we sit. "But you've already read half of it." I protest, but she doesn't listen. "Give me that." She reaches across my body, taking the bottle from my hand, and bringing it to her mouth. I like her like this. Bold and willing to break the rules with me.

Willing to take a risk for me.

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