1.8K 53 38

Hey, how are you? Did you drink enough water? Did you have something to eat today? If you did, then great job, I'm proud of you. If you didn't, then don't worry, as long as you tried I'm very, very proud of you, too. Nevertheless, I hope all of you are doing fine doing fine and well:)

I know a lot of people don't really read A/n's but, I just wanted to say thank you so much for 8k reads and 200 votes it means a lot <3

I also wanted to ask for your opinions on the story so far. Are you enjoying it? Is there something you'd like to see? I know a lot of it may seem kind of unrealistic, but if you have any suggestions, comments or just anything you'd like to say, you can comment here and I'll make sure to read it :)

What's your favorite part of the story so far? I'm curious ;)

And don't forget to voteee

Stay safe all of you :D

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