Chapter 3 ~ Take her away.

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~Y/n's POV~

Waking up to the sound of chattering, I get out of bed and outside to see the dark starry skies. Everyone around the well, having a meeting. What was going on? I couldn't think much, but I approach them, as their gaze lands on me.

"What's happening?" I ask, as everyone looks into my red blood shot eyes. I see Wilbur, standing in the middle of the crowd, as if everyone's attention was on him, before I came. I look to the skies and it read 4am. "You." One of the citizens said, pointing a finger at me. Me?

I was confused, as I stood there half asleep, wondering why everyone was out here. "W- What?" I ask, now alarmed by what they said. I look over to Wilbur, as I see him with a pointed, but serious look on his face. "Why is everyone out here so early?" I ask again.

"To make sure no ones watching." Wilbur said, emphasizing 'no one'. I was as shook as I could ever be. And I still didn't have much context. "W- Wha-" I try to speak, before someone cuts me off. "We need to hurry. It's almost sunrise." Sunrise.

'I come here before sunrise and leave after I walk you home.'

He watches over us. Dream, watches over us. "You betrayed us." Arthur spat out. Wilbur told on me. He told me he wouldn't. I felt anger rise in me, I promised him I wouldn't see Dream again. I could feel that wave of emotion come over me, but I wouldn't let it show. Again, I showed fear.

My eyes shot to Wilbur, as I see him with an unfazed look. The brown hair that falls on his head, covering parts of his eyes, that showed fury. "Wil..." I say, with tears in my eyes. I knew what this meant for me. I should've listened.

"You really thought I wasn't gonna tell them?" He asked in a serious tone. "You really thought I'd let you get away with it?" He asked again, now inching closer. Our faces, were just a few inches away from each other, as his words continued to grit through his teeth. "You really though I'd allow you to betray us all." He whispered.

I didn't know what to say, but I let my emotions speak for myself, as tears stream down my face like never before. "You risked all our lives, young lady!" Cordelia yelled, as all the other villagers agreed.

"Take her away." Wilbur said, as he backed away. I see an iron golem from the corner of my eye start heading my way, towards me. I panicked and began running, as it chased me away into the horizon, opposite from the forest I visit every night.

Tears painted my face, as my hair blew into the early morning wind, before the sun rose. I could hear it's footsteps following me behind, as I ran even faster. Was this really happening? Kicked out of my own home. I'd be alone.

I no loner heard the footsteps, as I begin to slow down, coming to a complete stop in the middle of nowhere. Unfamiliar trees surrounding me, as rain starts falling from dark clouds above. My blurry vision and my matted hair.

I had nothing.

They didn't want me there. They wanted me here. With nothing, so I die alone. This is what I get for seeing my best friend. This is what I get for trying to tell him, I would no longer be able to see him.

I failed everyone. I failed my brothers, I failed my parents who watch over me in disappointment. I was a disappointment and I blame myself for everything. I brought this upon myself and there was nothing I could do about it.

I don't blame Wilbur or any of the rest, but maybe if they showed a little mercy, a young girl like me wouldn't be stuck in the middle of the woods, surrounded with birch trees. I should've looked at it from their perspective and I should've took it to consideration that they were afraid of Dream.

They despise him and I gave my people fear. I could no longer be trusted. And the same exact thing happened to one of my brothers, Techno. With his desire to do nothing but kill, he feared everyone else, including me. His love to see blood on his sword at such a young age got way too out of hand and they kicked him out.

Why didn't I think of that before? Why didn't I think of others, but myself? Whether Dream wanted to see me or not, it wasn't worth the lives of many others. At least that's what they thought. I thought of it differently.

I cared enough for Dream to bring him company and I never thought of just myself. They just didn't see that. They didn't see that about him or me. And if I had the chance to, I would've left the village for him, if it meant he wouldn't have to be alone.

I was lucky enough to have a friend, but they didn't agree. As to them, it was great luck to be born in a town, with farmed food, hand made tools and armor made by professionals, golems to protect us during the night and a town full of people who wouldn't dare to tolerate such behavior of mine.

They can say, I care for nothing, but myself. But I will always think of it the other way around, for I cared for all them, I left the village without fighting back, as none of them fought for me. They cared for their safety more than my happiness, while I cared for both.

If it meant they felt safer without me there, then I wasn't coming back.

The only thing they ever did was force me to care for myself, as for all I have now was nothing, but me. I would have to get my own food, make my own tools, protect myself  and live without them. And I'll prove to them that I can live without a whole village, but myself.

Because if Dream could do it, so could I.

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