Unnatural~ (Killua x Male Rea...

By Oliver812

269K 10.1K 5K

A monster, a killer, a freak. This is all people see when they look at (Y/N). A young boy, beaten and torture... More

Scars That Don't Heal.
A Scaley Family
Brave Hearts
In The Hands of Death
New Life
First Steps
Hunter's Exam
Just Follow? Okay.
Snake in a Swamp
Gourmet Hunters
Old Student
Killua's Background
Get The Ball!
Trick Tower
Great Job Leorio...
Finally Out
Badge 404
Short Nap
Bonding Time
You're... Immortal...?
Broken Knight
Play Dead
Ask Oliver!
Unfamiliar Place
I'll Find You...
Tests And Trials
Rickety Bridge
Malphas' Dress
Into The Castle
My Fault...
Why For Him?
Another Drawing
Settling In
Movies With Killua
Pelican Town
Down Under
Malphas #2
Undersea Findings
The Observatory
On Shaken Ground
A Fiery Argument

Go Shopping!

2.1K 86 56
By Oliver812

A little bit of context: Kami and Tani are the name of Malphas's other two children. They are both boys and are twins. They are 12 years old (Kami being the older one) so that would mean they are younger than Ryuu but older than (Y/N). I'll leave their appearance up to you.

(Y/N)'s POV

Two days have passed since we started living here. I'm still getting used to everything but for the most part, I love it! I have a big room with a balcony on it, granting me fresh cold air every morning, next to mine is Killua's room, and next to his is Kami's, across the hall is Gon's room, next to his is Ryuu's, and next to his - across from Kami's is Tani's room, though as I understand it, they usually move into one room. Following the hallway out, we are lead to a lounge room with a fireplace, bookcases, a grand piano along with an assortment of other musical instruments, couches, tables, and even an in-door fish pond. A theme I noticed that seems to be prevalent throughout the entire castle is a distinct lack of modern technology.

Back at Aunt Minerva's house, we had a computer, game console, wi-fi, and all sorts of other things. But none of that exists here, and the farther you go into the castle, the less technology you see. In fact, mom's quarters doesn't even have an air conditioner like the rest of ours. Heck, the only piece of technology she has there is her flip-phone and a record player - and even I'm hesitant to call that 'technology.'

Maybe it's time to spruce thing up around here...

I turned to my right and tapped on Ryuu's shoulder. He looked at me with a curious smile and asked what's up. With his attention thoroughly grasped, I presented my idea for the day.

(Y/N) "Hey Ryuu, how about we ask mom to buy us some games?"

Ryuu "Oh finally! I thought you'd never ask!"

(Y/N) "Eh? You had this in mind already?"

Ryuu "Dude, I've been thinking of asking her for a game console the second I saw the black-and-white TV in the living room! This place hasn't left the 1800's! Thank Lucifer there's at least internet. Even if it's not wi-fi..."

(Y/N) "But... why didn't you ask her yourself?"

Ryuu "You kidding me? She'd shoot me down in an instant, but if you do it, I'm sure she'll agree."

(Y/N) "W-why? What's the difference."

Ryuu "You're her favourite."

(Y/N) "W-what?! No I'm not! Mom loves us all equally, I'm not her favourite!"

Ryuu's expression changed completely. His mouth was now completely straight and poking into his cheeks at each end, looking as if I just said the biggest lie the world has ever heard. Ryuu looked over his shoulder at the twins who stood around at the back, talking to each other. His call to them, brought their attention to us.

Ryuu "Oi Kami! Tani! (Y/N) didn't know he's mom's favourite!"

A smile of astonishment grew on both their faces as they then looked at me.

Kami "Seriously? You didn't notice?"

Tani "You're kidding."

I looked back at Ryuu, wondering exactly how much did I not catch on to.

Ryuu "How many times have you been yelled at for coming home late?"

(Y/N) "Umm... I... don't know."

Ryuu "Because she never yells at you, it's always me that gets blamed."

(Y/N) "Wha? How come I've never heard it?"

Ryuu "She always sends you off the hook first. After we get back from playing around, Ever notice why I always come into our room a few minutes after you do? Yeah."

(Y/N) "Hmm... still, I don't think that makes me her favourite. It's probably just because you're older."

He pointed at a framed picture on the shelf above the fireplace. It was a picture of me after I had been turned into a demon, smiling and holding my very first spell book. He then pointed to the picture next to it - also of me, baking cookies with Aunt Minerva.

(Y/N) "That doesn't prove anything. She has pictures of you and the twins too."

He then pointed again at a bigger framed painting hung on the wall. Below it, a small dresser and placed above that, a plate of flowers. The painting was that of me while I was taking a bath with rubber duckies.

He pointed at another, even larger painting of me yet again, this time in a zoo, pointing at lions.

And another one, of me watering the plants.

Ryuu then stood up and used both his hands to direct my attention at the giant painting of me sitting on mom's lap hung on the wall behind me, around said painting were vases of flowers and above it, spotlights.

Ryuu "See? Face it dude, she likes you the most."

(Y/N) "H-...how did I not notice that painting...?"

After my amazement of my own obliviousness (And the amount of pictures of me mom put around this place), i looked back at Ryuu with a hint of sadness and guilt.

(Y/N) "Sorry, Ryuu... I didn't know I hogged so much of her attention... You and the twins surely deserve it too!"

To my surprise, Ryuu replied with his usual calm smile.

Ryuu "Nahhh It's okay. After you're rough upbringing, I'd say you deserve it."

Kami" Besides, it's not like she doesn't pay attention to us - she does."

Tani "...She just pays more to you."

A small pause came after their statement, which only made the guilt set in even deeper. Thankfully, Ryuu was able to break it and set my focus back on what I have to do.

Ryuu "That being said though... the one who asks for that game console still has to be you. None of us could pull it off."

I thought about it for a moment. There isn't really much I could do in not being mom's favourite, but I may be able to give them some of the benefits...

I looked to my side to see Gon still desperately trying to do kickflips meanwhile Killua is trying to catch some of the koi in the little pool with Gon's fishing rod. Getting up from where I was sitting, I walked to them and called out.

(Y/N) "Killua, Gon."

Both stopped what they were doing and turned to me.

Gon "Hey (Y/N)!"

(Y/N) "Ryuu and I think that we should go shopping for some stuff today. What do you guys think?"

Gon "Ooh going shopping? Sure!"

Killua "I'm down."

(Y/N) "Alright. I'll just go tell mom."

I left everyone to their own devices and made my way towards mom's quarters which wasn't very far from ours. Well - comparatively speaking that is. It took a bit of searching but I eventually found her reading a book in her bedroom.

She closed her book and greeted me with a warm smile.

Well... here goes nothing...

(Y/N) "Hey mom... can we go shopping?"

Malphas "Shopping? What do you want to buy, honey?"

(Y/N) "Well... Aunt Minerva's house had a computer that I could use to search about stuff, but there isn't one here."

Malphas "Oh? But my library has everything you need to know. I've collected all form of literature all the way back from my mother in ancient Greece and even to times before her. What more information could you need?"

(Y/N) "Yeah but, a computer would make things more convenient."

Malphas "Hmm... I don't know honey. Your brothers tend to use it to play those... weird moving pictures on the screen."

Looks like I'll have to use my special ability... An ancient technique i learned that allows me to manipulate the emotions of those around me and force them to do whatever I ask them to...!

Sad Puppy Dog Eyes combo-ed with Guilt Trip!

(Y/N) "I didn't get much chance to learn about anything back at my old house, I only got to learn a few things from magazines that I read while hiding under the sink... and we spent so little time at Aunt Minerva's... I feel like there's still so much I don't know..."

I can see the guilt in her eyes, time to seal the deal...!

(Y/N) "So can I have a computer... please...?"

Mom's defenses broke almost instantly. Her look of uncertainty vanished, replaced by a fake smile in order to cover her loss.

Malphas "haha! Of course honey! Anything for you!"

She stood up and held my shoulder, leading me out the room and into the lounge room where everyone is. She announced what we were gonna do and everyone scrambled to get ready. Amidst the bustle, I saw Ryuu who gave me a thumbs up and a wink, congratulating me on a successful mission. I laughed a bit and winked back. After a few minutes, we all gathered at the front of the castle where a long jet black car was on stand-by.

A demon opened the doors for us and we all entered, with mom sitting at the front, myself and the twins at the middle, Killua, Gon and Ryuu at the back. The doors close and upon the snap of mom's fingers, the bridge to the castle - which previously was basically a tightrope with planks turns into a magnificent bridge of solid stone that span across the canyon. Practically everyone aside from mom and the driver gasped and not long after the display, we were off.

Time passes as we all enjoyed the ride and eventually we made it to a store that sells all sorts of computers, laptops, and other items of the sort. The shock isn't as big as when Ryuu first took me to one of these but it's still quite a feeling to see so many flashy stuff in person. Back when I was still human, I only got to learn about these things through magazines...

Malphas "Alright, grab everything you want to but don't leave this store understand?"

Ryuu "Yes mom."

Ryuu then turned to me and Killua as we were standing next to each other.

Ryuu "Hey you guys! Come on! I know exactly the PC we should buy!"

(Y/N) "You've had this all planned beforehand, didn't you?"

Ryuu responded with a chuckle. He then grabbed my hand and led me around the place, Killua and Gon following close behind us. Kami and Tani seems to have went their own way though, probably in search of co-op shooter games - their favourite.

Ryuu "And here it is!"

My mouth dropped a bit as I beheld the sight of the PC before me. Shiny jet black coating, slick, simplistic yet futuristic design, with purple and blue lights that shine outwards from the in-dented lines of it's shell. All stood in a big glass display case with small spotlights aimed at it.

Ryuu told the staff that we want to buy it, which took her by surprise. He wasn't able to convince her so we called mom over.

Malphas "If that's what they want to buy then so be it."

After the staff has gotten over her initial shock (Who could blame her?), she excused herself to prepare our purchases whilst we went around to check on other devices. In the end, with all of us combined, there were quite a lot of stuff at the counter. Subsequently, the total price of it...


I guess I didn't exactly check the price tags of what we were picking up... I was blinded by the excitement that I-

Malphas "Here."

Furthering my shock was how nonchalantly mom handed her card to the staff. As if what she just did was pay for a week's groceries when in reality - she had probably just singlehandedly put the store-owner's kids through college.

And with that, we were on our way back home...

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