Beach Nights- Louis Tomlinson

By Logan_F_D

47.9K 665 276

Tay's family has an interesting history and she's never been the smartest about who to be friends with, but a... More

Ready to party?
Night Out
Party Problems
Out With The Old, In With The New
Trip of a Lifetime
Ready To Go?
In The Airport
The Beach House
Meeting At The Beach
Family Vacationing
Band Vacationing
Who Knew I Spent My Day With 1D?
Will I Go?
Conversing At Night
To Meet Him
Hands Fit and my T-shirt
Video Diaries and Pasta
House Shopping
A Day Without Taylor...Sort Of
Yes or No
Ready or Not
The Date (part 2)
This Could Be Problematic
The Threat of Jealousy
A Walk On The Beach

The Date

1K 25 18
By Logan_F_D

I pull up to Taylor’s door in my rental car and watch as she walks outside towards me, looking as nervous as I feel.

It relaxes me a little (and I mean only a little) to see that I'm not the only one nervous for this date. Though I'm sure Taylor didn't spend 20 minutes in-front of a mirror worrying about how horrible this date could go or thinking about how I might find her ugly.

I almost laugh at the thought; it's just so incredulous, as if I could ever find her ugly!

Taylor starts down the drive towards me and I open my door so that I can get out and greet her. With the first look all my previous musings about her beauty and confirmed with even more strength.

She's absolutely stunning.

She's wearing a pale, almost khaki colored pair of skinny jeans and a pale blue sleeveless button up, collared shirt and a grey tank top underneath the partly buttoned up blue shirt.

"Hey Taylor." I greet, trying to sound more confident than I am.

"Hi Louis." She replies, sounding just as nervous as she looks.

Danielle is standing at the doorway watching our exchange like two cute little kids and I almost ask her if she'd like some popcorn with the show. But I stay quiet pretending that she's not there even though I can feel a smirk creeping onto my face at the thought of how her face would've looked if I had said that to her. 

Dani says something quietly to Taylor and even though I can't hear her, by the look on their faces and the huge smile Tay seems to force I can guess that it's some kind of encouragement.

I reach out my arm to Taylor when she gets close enough and she looks her own through it. We walk around to the passenger side of the car and giving one last wave to Dani, which she returns with a thumbs up, climbs in through the door I've opened for her.

“Nice car.” She remarks observing the beat up black Ford I’m driving, which is probably a model from at least 3 or 4 years ago.

“Hey! It’s not mine! It’s a rental.” I protest, a little embarrassed.

She laughs sweetly before continuing.

“I bet your fans never thought they’d hear of a day when Louis Tomlinson of One Direction drove a four year old Ford.”

“Management didn’t even want to let us come here without a bus load of guards, of course our adorable pouting faces convinced them otherwise, but we had to promise to be as inconspicuous as possible. And I figure this is about as inconspicuous as you can find.” I defend my choice in car.

Taylor seems to consider my words for a couple of moments and nods her head slightly with an expression suggesting she thinks that under the circumstances I’d explained I might just be right about the car. Then though, she cocks her head to the side and raises her eyebrows as if a rivaling thought has entered her mind.

“Having an internal conversation there Taylor?” I ask, my tone light, so she’ll know I’m not actually mad, really it was pretty amusing to watch her facial expressions during that thought process.

“Oh, sorry.” She looks over at me a little surprised and faintly blushing. “I was just that a mini van would probably be even more inconspicuous, if that’s what you’re going for, and it could hold all of you guys plus Paul.”

“What fun is life without a little risk?” I say, laughing after considering her words for a moment.

She laughs too and we continue talking easily about random topics that come to mind before moving onto a question that I know Taylor’s been dying to ask me this whole time.

“So, just in the interest of my safety, where exactly are you taking me?”

“In the interest of your safety?” I repeat, holding in laughter.

“Yes, I mean you could be taking me somewhere that I’m deathly afraid of or maybe you’re going to abandon me and when I call the police about it they’ll need my location.” She explains nonchalant as if this is a perfectly reasonable thing for a person to say.

“Well because your second reason is completely un-reasonable I shall ignore it, but as for the first, are there any places you are deathly afraid of?” I ask with one eyebrow raised.

“Well I’m not a huge fan of dark alleyways.” Taylor informs me after pondering my question for a moment or two.

“Lucky for you that’s not a part of out plan for tonight.” I tell her.

“Well thank you for letting me know that, I’ll rest easy now. But you still haven’t told me where we’re going.” She turns towards me accusingly.

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” I shrug non-committaly.

“Oh come on, please!” she pleads and I can practically hear the pout in her voice.

I don’t turn to face her because I’m sure paired with the pout are a pair of batting eyes lashes. And honestly I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to fight that before I cave and tell her where we’re going.

“I already said I wouldn’t tell you,” I remind her, “so all that I’m going to tell you is that we’re close.”

“Fine.” She concedes in a huff, but when I look over I can see the smile in her eyes.

We ride in silence for a minute or two and even though she looks out the car window instead of at me I know she’s just looking around trying to figure out where exactly we’re going since she is still completely oblivious to my plans.

As we start approaching the place of our date I see Taylors face morphing into an expression of surprise.

“Maybe I forgot to mention that dark forests are not high on my lists of enjoyable places either.”

Super short, I know but I sorta wanted to leave it off at this part of the date so the next one will be longer! If I get 8 comments from 8 different people I’ll update on Thursday or Friday, if not it will be Saturday or Sunday.

So I hope you like the chapter!!




Love you all!

-Logan x

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