The Dark Mark

By loislame0384

9.5K 383 38

Non Magical AU. Hermione Granger is a university students and is looking for a job when her friend convinces... More

Help Wanted
Her First Day
A Trip to the Pub
Sorting it Out
After the Fair
Bella's Mystery
Little Black Box
The Aftermath
What Happened to Lily?
The Story Continues...
A Celebratory Dinner
You Did What?!?
What's the Plan?
Meeting Harry
Whatever it Takes
The Other Mrs. Black
The Dog Park

A Threatening Message

367 17 0
By loislame0384

Warning: more smut

During a dinner rush at the local pub, Bella sat in a booth with her two sisters nursing a tall draft. It had been awhile since their last get together but it was very much needed. Bella had been on edge every day for the past two weeks after the accidental proposal and the weird car outside of the shop. She had taken note of the same car passing by a few other times as well but didn't think it was necessary to call anyone. It had been over a year since she let her protection go and she was too proud of a person to go crawling back now. Why all of a sudden was someone stalking the shop? She had a gut feeling that Tom was behind this but this wasn't what the dinner was about, tonight was about her sisters and they were demanding answers. "Dora mentioned something happened between you and Hermione. I'm surprised we didn't have to drag your drunk ass home from the cabin again," Andy said with the most serious look on her face.

"Honestly, when Andy told me I was preparing myself for the long car ride with her again and you know how exciting that is," Narcissa rolled her eyes.

"Hey! I am a treat on a road trip and nobody here better forget that!" Andy said, throwing a soggy chip at the side of her younger sister's head.

"Enough," Bella quietly growled out which caused both of her sisters to smirk at her. "We didn't have a fight."

"Oh?" Cissy raised an eyebrow. "Then what happened."

Bella sighed and rolled her eyes, "look it's not a big deal and I don't really want to get into it here with other people around."

Andy laughed, "oh look Cissy. She must have forgotten who she is dealing with. When is the last time you let something go quietly? Me... never."

"Fine," Bella rolled her eyes, "we just had the most mind blowing sex." Both of the sisters made distinctly different faces, Cissy's was a face of disgust while Andy sported a face of intrigue. "When I say mine blowing... I mean it. I thought I was going to black out but we aren't going to get into the specifics."

The blonde sister held up her hand, "please don't. We don't want to hear the details."

The middle sister elbowed her booth partner in the side, "speak for yourself. Tonight, I want all the details."

"Anyway," Bella sounded only mildly annoyed, "after we fucked, we were cuddling and I started to fall asleep and I accidentally proposed to her." Both sisters sat in shock staring neither really knowing what to say, "you'd be surprised the shit a good fuck can make you say."

After a few moments to let Bella's words sink in, Cissy finally spoke up, "Have you talked to her about it?"

"Fuck no," Bella laughed nervously, "we've both successfully avoid the conversation for the past two weeks."

"You haven't spoken in two weeks?" The two sisters shared a look.

"No. We've spoken to each other. I think we've just both silently agreed to pretend like it didn't happen." Bella shrugged and took a sip from her beer. "But we also haven't had sex. Mainly because I'm afraid of what I'll offer her next time she fucks me."

"Bella," Andy said softly, "do you want to marry Hermione?"

Bella just shrugged, "I don't know. I mean eventually I assumed that's what would happen. But now? I don't know."

"We already consider her a part of the family," Cissy added. "We would love for it to be official one day."

"We haven't even been together a year yet. Isn't there some sort of thing about rushing?" Bella sighed and relaxed back against the booth.

"Well," Andy smirked, "you are getting really old." A chip smacked her in the forehead. "Okay. We have to stop throwing food." She laughed. "Seriously though, if the two of you are in the same place then who says you can't get married."

"Hey, you just graduated Uni and started a brand new job... want to marry an ex con?" Bella rolled her eyes.

"Well I hope you'd ask her with a little more tact than that," Cissy said, giving her sister a serious face, "I can help you pick out a ring and everything. Just say the word."

"Oh Lord," Bella took a bite of her dinner and checked her phone to see if it was an appropriate time to make her escape.

"Put that away," Andy scolded her, "we have you for at least another hour. I'm set to kick your ass at darts here in a few minutes."


Hermione was sitting at the front desk of The Dark Mark reading over her notes from her new clients that she was co-counseling with Minerva while Tonks was finishing up with her last client of the day. Two weeks since the supposed proposal, not a single word of it. Hermione was on edge that maybe she did just make it up. The longer she sat on it, the more she wanted it to be real. Sure she was young and fresh out of Uni but she loved Bella more than she thought possible and yes she wanted to be a part of her family. She tried to discuss the matter with Ginny but of course she was only focused on the fact of how the proposal came about. "Maybe I can talk to Tonks," she thought, turning to face the pink haired girl. "Hey Tonks," she said, causing a hum from the other girl in acknowledgment of her name being said, "want to come up after work?"

Tonks looked up with a smirk, "the Hermione Granger inviting me upstairs? To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Bella's out with your mum and her sister tonight and I just thought it would be fun to hang." She said only slightly awkwardly.

"Hang?" Tonks laughed, "okay. I'll hang." She shook her head and went back to her tattoo, "I have a feeling this is more than just hanging but I'm down. My girl canceled on me tonight so I'm all yours, love."

Hermione internally panicked. "Does she already know?" There's no way Bella would've mentioned it to anyone, especially since it was a very intimate experience that led to the event in question. "There's no way she knows ," Hermione told herself. She was under the impression that Bella was embarrassed about the events of the night because they hadn't had sex since it happened. Things weren't necessarily awkward between them, just a little more of an edge to their interactions. Hermione had been having a few late nights at the office going over consumer files with Minerva so there was less time for awkward encounters with her girlfriend but the subject needed to be breached soon. There were only so many days Hermione was willing to go without physical contact with Bella. "Okay, I'm heading up to sort through my files, just come on up when you are done." Tonks nodded as the brunette made her way up the stairs to the studio apartment. "I'll just send her a quick text so she knows I'm thinking about her," Hermione reasoned, pulling out her phone and taking a seat on the couch.

Hey Bella. Hope you are having fun with your sisters. 🖤

Hello pet. It's as it always is... tolerable. :) i hope Dora has been behaving herself tonight.

Always the perfect angel.

Lol I highly doubt that. Did you get your files all sorted?

Yes. Pretty much. Tonks is going to come up after she's done. I'm lonely here.

Don't let her drink all the good liquor. I'm not carrying her down the back stairs again. I'll be home in an hour or two. Andy wants to throw some darts. I'm trying to sneak out as soon as I can.

The texts seemed so normal to Hermione. Nothing changed in their ability to communicate since that night. The only thing that changed was the absence of their sex life and those spoken yet unspoken words. Just as Hermione was getting ready to respond Tonks came hurtling herself through the door and said, "I'm here. Where does she keep the good liquor?"

Tonks just came up. She's already looking for your good liquor. Come home soon.

As soon as I can my love.

Tonks walked over to the couch holding a bottle of bourbon and two glasses, "so, what's going on? We hardly ever hang out like this." She put the glasses down and poured some liquor into both of them, handing one to Hermione.

"Why do I need an excuse to hang out with you? You are my friend, you know." She took a small sip from her drink and made a face, "do all of the Black women take their drinks this strong?"

Tonks laughed and shook her head, "yes. It's a family trait I suppose." She took a sip and turned to face her friend more squarely, "unfortunately it's not a trait transferred by marriage."

Hermione's mouth dropped, "you know. You've known this whole time and haven't said anything to me?"

"Well," Tonks shrugged, "it's not really my business now is it?"

Hermione bit her lip, looking at her companion, "she regrets it doesn't she?" Feeling a wave of vulnerability, she sipped from her drink for comfort.

"I wouldn't say that," Hermione's eyebrows shot up. "Shocked. She was shocked. I don't think she regrets it. She had convinced herself that you hadn't heard her." Hermione rolled her eyes, "that was my reaction. How could you of all people not have heard that?" Tonks let out a little laugh, "honestly I think she's embarrassed how it happened. It's not everyday you fuck a proposal out of someone." The brunette turned a bright shade of red and turned her head away from the other woman, downing the rest of her drink, "I think this is something the two of you need to actually talk about instead of pretending it didn't happen."

"Yes. I agree but you know how hard it is to get Bella to open up about anything." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Who?" Tonks pretended to be shocked, "my aunt? Difficulty communicating? Surely you're joking." The brunette smacked her with a pillow and they started laughing. "You could always just fuck the truth out of her. Apparently sex with you is a sure fire way to get people to spill their guts."

"I regret inviting you up here," Hermione deadpanned.

"You know you love me," Tonks gave her a cheesy grin. "So tell me about the new job." They sat and talked for a while, enjoying each other's company and the comfortable conversation.


Bella returned to the Dark Mark around 11pm and noticed the lights to the shop were out but the studio lights were still on. "I swear if I have to carry Dora down the steps I'm going to be pissed," she said to nobody in particular. The shop was already closed up so she walked around back towards the kitchen steps and fished her key from her front pocket of the cut off shorts she was wearing. Not really paying attention to her surroundings as she ascended the stairs she had everyday. When she got to the top step, she noticed an envelope sticking out from the screen door and her stomach turned, "what the fuck is this?" She plucked the envelope out and opened the door, quickly entering the apartment. On the other side of the door, the main lights were off except a light from the television so she assumed Hermione and Dora were watching the telly. "Fuck," she thought to herself as she quietly moved to the counter and opened the envelope. Inside was a piece of paper and severely Polaroids fell out of the envelope and landed on the floor. Shaking slightly, she looked down at the pictures and shook her head, she opened the letter and it read:

Dearest Bella,

How long has it been, my love? 13 years? We had a beautiful thing going on. You were my best, most trusted employee. It was very unfortunate that Lily died that night and now to answer the burning question that's been eating you alive for years, that attack was not from me. Someone was trying to send me a message by killing my most valuable resource, you.

What I can't wrap my head around is why you sold me out in court. You were going to prison anyway so why give them my name and the names of all of your colleagues. That was a very bad decision on your part. A sin that won't be forgiven so easily.

I'm willing to forgive and forget past misfortunes if you come back to work for me. I've been following you Bella. I see that you've gotten yourself a new, Pet. Pretty little thing she is. It would be a shame if something were to happen to her... or your sisters or niece. We've been watching everyone.

It's up to you. You know how to reach me. You have a month to decide then people start to die. Oh, and don't even think about leaving the country. We will find you.


Bella fell to her knees and picked up the pictures, shuffling through the stack to see pictures of her, her family and Hermione. The pictures were taken throughout the last year at various locations. These images chilled Bella to her very core. "What choice do I have?" She thought as a few tears escaped her eyes. "No, get your shit together Black. You will not break down now. Figure this shit out. Keep everyone safe. You've done it before." Bella shook her head, grabbed the letter and pictures, folded them and shoved them into one of the heavily crowded drawers she knew Hermione wouldn't look at, and wiped her tears. She took a couple of deep breaths before she made her way into the living room and saw a sight that made her smile. Dora had fallen asleep with her head in Hermione's lap while her girlfriend rested her head against the back of the couch, also asleep. She walked over and picked up the bourbon, "lightweights," she laughed. Putting the bottle back down, she walked over to the side of the couch where Hermione was sitting and kissed her forehead, slightly rousing the girl from her sleep. "Shh," Bella smiled down at her lover holding her finger up to her lips pointing to her niece on her lap. Hermione nodded sleepily and eased herself out from under Tonk's head, replacing it down on the couch. "Are you drunk, love?" She whispered and the brunette shook her head no.

"I only had one glass," she whispered back.

Bella pulled a blanket out of the closet and covered her niece up, kissing her on the top of her head. "Come on," she whispered and walked her girlfriend to the bedroom and watched silently as her girlfriend got ready for bed. She needed to have the conversation with Hermione about the proposal and about the letter she received but tonight, she just wanted to enjoy her girlfriend.

She walked over to where Hermione was standing preparing to put her pajamas on, spun her around, capturing her lips in a soft, sensual kiss. Bella felt the younger woman melt into her touch, "I've missed this, pet." She pushed her naked girlfriend to a sitting position on the bed and stood between her legs. The brunette brought her hand to the top of Bella's head and pulled the tie from her messy bun and tangled her fingers in the mass of black curls, scratching slightly causing the older woman to surge forward and capture her lips in an intense kiss that had them both groaning. Hermione's hands gripped the front of Bella's tank top, holding on tight to keep herself grounded. Bella licked up the column of her throat and sucked hard on the spot where jaw met her throat. Hermione groaned, encouraging Bella on. "Fuck, Bella."

"We will get to that, pet." Bella all but growled as she bit down on Hermione's collarbone. Hermione whimpered as Bella licked the bruise she had just left. "You have to be quiet, love, Dora is out there on the couch. We don't want an audience do we?" Bella chuckled. In her best attempt, Hermione tried to scoot as far forward on the bed as possible to try to relay her want and need to her girlfriend. Bella just chuckled and held her hips still. "Patience, love."

"I need you, Bella." Hermione whispered. "Please." Hermione lifted Bella's tank top up and over her head, leaving her torso bare before her.

Bella took the opportunity to slide her tongue into her companion's mouth and slowly slid along the wanting tongue of her girlfriend. Relenting to Bella's lead, Hermione reached around to slide her hands into the back pockets of Bella's shorts to drag her closer to where she needed her. Bella chuckled again which infuriated Hermione. Bella backed up slightly and quickly shed her shorts coming back into Hermione's space in only a pair of black lacy panties. "I will never cease to be amazed at how breathtakingly beautiful you are my love."

Bella reached out and cupped both of her breasts. She slowly circled her thumbs over the excited pink nipples. She bent forward and took a nipple into her mouth. First licking the hard bud then sucking it harder into her mouth while pinching her other one. After giving the same treatment to Hermione's other nipple, Bella pulled back with an audible pop. "Now tell me, pet. Are you wet for me?"

Hermione pulled Bella's head to her so her mouth was flush against Bella's ear. "I'm practically dripping for you, Bella. Why don't you reach down there and feel for yourself?" Hermione licked the outer shell of Bella's ear and felt the older witch tremble slightly.

Bella pulled back looking completely feral. "So fucking sexy." Bella moaned, taking in the sight of her lover, nipples strained in the cold air, hair tousled, pupils blown. She lowered Hermione down to lay in the bed and scooted her to the edge so she was spread open for her to feast on. "Now, remember Dora is in the next room but she's a lightweight so if you scream she probably won't hear," Bella said, dropping to her knees and kneeling in between Hermione's open legs. "Stunning..." Bella said as she brought her mouth back in and kissed above her clit. Bella flattened her tongue and licked up from her center to her bud. She brought her tongue back down and circled at Hermione's entrance. Hermione's eyes rolled back and her head hit the bed. Her one hand was grasping Bella's hair and the other one fisted the bed sheets as Bella slowly entered her with her tongue. Bella instantly groaned at the familiar musky, sweet taste of her lover. No matter how many times they had sex, Bella would never tire of her lover's taste. The groan sent a vibration through Hermione and she started to gently buck her hips into Bella's face. Hermione was riding Bella's tongue as the older woman circled her clit with two fingers. The pressure of her fingers and silky strokes from her tongue were bringing Hermione nearer to the edge. Bella removed her tongue and entered Hermione swiftly with two fingers at the same time as she attached her lips to her clit and began sucking. "Yes, Bella. Fuck me there. Just like that. Don't stop," were the broken, breathy chants coming from the brunette's mouth.

Hermione's walls were starting to tighten around Bella's fingers and she knew Hermione was close. Hermione's eyes were closed tight, her chest was heaving and she had beads of sweat gracing her forehead. Bella replaced her lips with her thumb and started to coax Hermione over the edge. "Fuck pet. Are you going to cum for me? Cum for me like the good girl you are."

"Yes... yes... I'm going to cum, Bella..." was the broken response of her lover before she was sent over the edge into a blinding orgasm. Bella continued to gently stroke Hermione's inner walls, coaxing her down from her high only removing her fingers when the aftershocks died down. Standing, she placed a long, slow kiss on her lover's lips. Hermione groaned at the taste of herself. "I missed this," she whispered against the older woman's lips.

"So did I, pet," Bella said, helping Hermione move to her side of the bed, then she removed her underwear and came to lay down next to her girlfriend. "I love you, you know? More than anything."

"Bella," Hermione looked at her, eyes still cloudy from lust, "I think we need to talk."

"Shh," Bella responded, kissing Hermione beneath her ear. "We will talk tomorrow, pet. Tonight, let's just enjoy each other for the moment."


The two women spent the night lost in each other making love until dawn approached. They finally passed out from exhaustion around 5am and slept soundly for the first time in two weeks. Upon waking, Bella went into the kitchen and made a pot of strong coffee as it was going to be needed for the conversation she needed to have with Hermione. She sighed, left the coffee running and hopped in the shower for a quick wash.

Hermione woke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and stretched her muscles, some of them popping from the exertion due to last night's activities. She smiled to herself having missed the intimate side of Bella but slightly dreaded whatever conversation they were about to have in regards to what Hermione assumed to be the proposal. She threw on a pair of cotton shorts and a tank top and walked into the kitchen seeing Bella facing the coffee pot, pouring it into two cups. She walked up behind her and wrapped her arms around the shorter woman's waist, kissing the part of her shoulder exposed by the loosely wrapped dressing gown. "Hi," she whispered while inhaling the scent of Bella's freshly washed hair. "How did you sleep?"

Bella set the coffee pot down and turned to face her lover, resting her hands on Hermione's upper arms "better than I have in a while." She leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on the side of her mouth.

"Dora left?" Hermione questioned seeing the empty couch and the blanket folded across the back of the couch.

Bella nodded, "she left a note something about an early client. But I think you may have scared her off with all that adorable screaming you did last night," an evil smirk spread across her face. Hermione's face turned beet red at her cheeks and she hid her face in Bella's neck as she chuckled. "Look," Bella said, slightly pushing Hermione back so she could look into her eyes, "love, we need to talk." She saw the deflation cross her lover's face and realized that probably thinks this is about the other week. "It's not about that. We will talk about that I promise but this is something that came up last night." Now the worry was even more present on Hermione's face. "I would tell you not to worry, but I know that's not going to happen, so let's sit." She pointed to the table and Hermione removed her hands from her girlfriend and went over and sat down. Bella brought over the two cups of coffee and then some milk and sugar. She had expected for the older woman to sit but when she went back over to
the counter and pulled an envelope out of a drawer her stomach dropped and she had no idea why. "This," Bella said, sitting down and tossing the envelope on the table, "is what we need to talk about first." She sighed and took the items out of the envelope. "I came home last night and found this in the back screen door. I don't want to hide anything from you so I think you should just read it," she handed the letter to her girlfriend who took it and visibly gulped, opening the letter and began to read quietly, her eyes roaming with frantic speed.

When she finished, she folded the letter and sifted through the Polaroids. She looked up at her girlfriend, wiped a single tear from her cheek and spoke quietly, "well, what do you do next?"

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