Her First Day

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Hermione waited in anticipation all week. There was something alluring about Bella and she couldn't get that woman out of her head all week. No matter how immersed she was in her studies, that dark curly headed enigma kept a front seat in her mind. Ginny had been hounding her all week for the details of the interview but Hermione remained tight lipped. The last thing she needed was for Ginny to turn this into something it wasn't.

To Hermione, this was a job. She wasn't looking for anything more than that. Ginny points it out to her every chance she gets that Hermione hadn't dated anyone in over two years. Hermione wasn't interested. After she found her last girlfriend in bed with someone else, she swore off dating and relationships. At least she did until she met Bella. For some reason, anytime Hermione's mind wandered to that woman all logical thought flew from her brain.

A simple infatuation from their first meeting... that's what Hermione had convinced herself that it was. She would go see Bella working tonight and find out more about what this job entails and she will push this silly obsession out of her mind. She had school to focus on. She couldn't get caught up in her feelings right now.

Hermione's phone buzzed. She looked down and saw a new text from Ginny.

Ginny: say hello to Bella's hot sister for me.

Hermione: don't you have a girlfriend?

Ginny: yes but saying hello is just a simple hi. Besides Luna would say something along the lines of 'it's okay to appreciate another woman's beauty' and I can't argue with that logic.

Hermione rolled her eyes and responded: if she's still there I'll tell her my red headed interpreter says hello.

Hermione put her phone in her pocket and walked over to her mirror. She gave herself a once over not having any idea what to wear to a mystery job in a tattoo shop, she settled on a pair of black denim with rips up the thighs, a white tank top and a crimson zip up hoodie. She put her white Chuck Taylors on, put her wallet and keys in her pockets and headed out the door.

Thankfully, the shop was only a ten minute walk from her flat. She arrived fifteen minutes early and noticed Tonks sitting at the front desk. She had a sucker hanging out of her mouth and was playing on her phone. Hermione push the door open and walked in.

"Oi! She's back!" Tonks said looking up from her phone smiling at the Hermione. "Auntie said you'd be back today but I must admit, I owe Narcissa ten quid. I didn't think you'd show."

"And why wouldn't I show?" Hermione crossed her arms trying to look upset but failed miserably.

"You just seem too..." Tonks looked Hermione up and down, "nice."

"A nice girl can work at a tattoo shop." Hermione said in a tone of defense which had Tonks laughing at her. "Well I can. I'm here aren't I?"

"Yes, you are. Has Bella told you what you are going to be doing?"

"No. She just said meet her at four and I can work shifts with her. I'm not sure what that means but as we already discussed, I am here." Hermione smirked at the pink haired woman.

"Well you aren't technically on the clock, but come over and look at this. I drew it up for my good friend. She's coming in tomorrow." Hermione walked over behind Tonks and peered over her shoulder. "She wanted something dark and creepy but wasn't too particular." Hermione was looking at a graveyard screen. It had a tree and a few crumbled gravestone but the focal point of the piece was a cracked and draining hourglass. If she was being honest, Hermione was surprised by the artistic ability of the goofy woman she just met. "Well, what do you think?"

"I think it's lovely." Hermione responded and Tonks gave her a weird look. "Okay creepy not lovely. I meant your art was lovely. The design definitely will give her the creepy and dark vibes she wanted."

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