Promise me, you'll comeback s...

By 20buterflies

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Neji x Tenten fanfic . Who would've known that Neji Hyuga would fall in love with Tenten since the first time... More

Chapter 1: Memories
Chapter 2 : "You have feelings for someone?"
Chapter 3: "I don't think he feels that way"
Chapter 4: "Hey Tenten eyes up here"
Chapter 5: I had butterflies in my stomach
Chapter 6: "If this happens then war might start"
Chapter 7: Take care
Chapter 8: First Date
Chapter 9: Drunk Nights
Chapter 10: Stealing Neji's Dumpling
Chapter 11: Nights like these make me happy
Chapter 12: Tenten and her Ninja Pals
Chapter 13: Jealousy, Jealousy
Chapter 14: Tonkotsu Miso Ramen
Chapter 15: Arguements and Confessions
Chapter 16: Apologies and Promises
Chapter 17: "I love you"
Chapter 18: Pink Tulips
Chapter 19: Preparations Part 1
Chapter 20: Preperations Part 2
Chapter 21: Last day in Konoha
Chapter 22: Favorite Sister-in-Law
Chapter 23: It's war time...
Chapter 24: This was Only the Beginning
Chapter 25: Red Pandas and Dragon
Chapter 26: White Owl
Chapter 27: Day 2
Chapter 28: Bittersweet
Chapter 29: The cycle of Life
Chapter 30: Neji's dream
Chapter 31: Tenten's Dream
Chapter 32: "We Won"
Chapter 33: The return
Chapter 34: Tears
Chapter 36: Right Choice
Chapter 37: But?
Chapter 38: Chunin Exams
Chapter 39: Our Picture
Chapter 40: Peach Flavored Sake
Chapter 41: Pink Lilies
Chapter 42: The Plan
Chapter 43: Emotions
Chapter 44: Our Love Story
Chapter 45: Our Happiness
Chapter 46: Our Wedding

Chapter 35: Growth

170 5 1
By 20buterflies

~ Neji ~
A year has passed since the 4th Great Ninja War. Lady Tsunade isn't our Hokage anymore, it's now Kakashi Sensei. I have taken over completely the Hyuga Clan and became head. It hasn't been easy. Hinata still sometimes cries about her father at night. Hanabi is going to the academy, I felt like it would be the best for her. Tenten and I are doing great. Sometimes the rest of the Konoha 12 get together to have dinner and drink. It's not those parties anymore where we played 7 minutes of heaven...

Now it's changed, we get together talk about the clans, the future and even other things. Out of everyone I get along the most with Shikamaru and surprisingly Ino all of us are head of our clans now.
I finished helping train some younger kids of the clan. One of them reminds me of myself when I was younger

"You're done training?" Tenten asked as she walked towards me to hug me

"Yes, some of kids are incredible. There's one of them that reminds me of myself a lot. I like training them all" I replied as I hugged her

"I know which one you are talking about. Awe Neji are you getting all soft now?" She teased

"I think after everything we have gone though I am" I said as I sat down

"Awe Neji is a softie now. Who would've thought years ago Mr. serious would be all soft now" She laughed

"I'm just getting older" I said

"Neji is a grandpa now" Tenten laughed

"Then that means you are a grandma too" I smiled while she pouted

"Okay okay, after all we are just only 19" She said

"I'm just in my prime time right now you know. I have to leave a good legacy" I said

"You have a good legacy so far, one of the heroes of the 4th Ninja War, lead the Hyuga Clan during the war, you saved Naruto, became head after the war and a lot of the younger children are inspired by you" Tenten said as she started counting with her hand to keep track of my so called legacy

"Okay okay, I get it. Do you have a mission today?" I asked

"No, why?" She questioned

"Do you want to go on a date later on?" I asked

"Sure, we haven't gone on a date in a long time" She said smiling

"I need to start taking you out on more dates, I have been spending way too much time on other things" I said

"It's fine Neji, plus I like to spend time with Hanabi and Hinata so they don't feel lonely and Naruto has been busy too so we all keep each other company" Tenten said happily

"You all 3 are always together and it makes me happy but I also want to spend time with you alone. Just the two of us" I said whispering the last part

"I know Neji, but I'm happy being with you and the rest of your family. I'm going to go get Hanabi from the academy and get a few other things we need" Tenten said as she walked away to get a bag

"Okay, can you get some Chinese pastries please" I said loudly so she could hear me

"Sure, anything else?" She asked yelling from the kitchen

"No just that you look beautiful" I said smiling

"Awe thank you Neji, well I'll see you in a bit" She said as I kissed her cheek

I sat there thinking for a bit

"What are you thinking about?" Hinata asked as she walked in

"Oh uh nothing" I said as I went back to reality, I was zoned out for a bit

"Neji nii-San you suck at lying" Hinata said as she sat down on the chair

"Well it's just I was thinking about marriage and the future now" I replied not even thinking twice about what I just had said

"Marriage?!" Hinata screamed

"Well not right now but I'm just thinking about it" I said while I freaked out inside my head while on the outside trying to be calm

"Are you going to propose to Tenten-Chan?" Hinata said while putting her hands in her face, she was freaking out

"Yes but not right now, I want to wait" I said

"Well you and Tenten-Chan have been together for some time" Hinata pointed out

"We have gone though quite a bit, deaths, the war and balancing out this new reality of me being head and still being an active ninja with Tenten being an active kunoichi" I said

"Neji nii-san I think you should think about it, we are still young after all" Hinata adviced me

"I know but I want to marry her. I want to have children with her, I never thought I would be saying this" I said

"Neji nii-san, it's adorable. Having a niece or nephew running around calling me aunty sounds cute. Would you name them Tejí? or Tonton? oh wait no not that" Hinata said as she started to think about baby names

"I think you are getting yourself a bit too carried away, yes I want a family but not right now I'm this moment. I feel like Tenten still wants to enjoy our relationship while we are young and child free and so do I. I want to take her on vacations, go do fun activities and more dates" I responded

"Well you are taking her on a date so maybe talk about it? Go on a little vacation you both need it" Hinata responded

"I'll ask Lord Kakashi to give us a few days off, I'm thinking about going to a couples hotspring. I'll ask Shikamaru for advice about which one is the best to go" I said while thinking

"There's a good one in the land of hot water" Hinata said

"Good to know, well I'm going to get ready. I need to shower" I said as I got up from the couch to start walking towards my room

"The incredible Neji Hyuga has to wash his hair that takes him at least an hour or so to do" Hinata laughed

"That's why my hair is so soft you are just jealous" I said back but I'm all honestly my hair was super soft and well taken care off can't say the same about Ino's because she keeps straightening it too much. My hair routine along with Tenten's makes us have super nice and silky hair

I take a hot shower and quickly change into my clothes. I decided to wear a black turtleneck and black pants that match the top with sandals.

"Someone is all ready" Tenten said as she walked in the room

"We haven't gone out in a while, I wanted to look good for you plus remember you wanted to take pictures I got the camera" I pulled out a black small bag from my closet that inside carried a camera, I had asked Natsu to help me find a good camera

"AWE NEJI YOU ACTUALLY REMEMBERED AND GOT A CAMERA FOR US THANK YOU!!" Tenten jumped up and down from the excitement, clapping as well

"You really thought I wouldn't remember. Am I that bad of a boyfriend?" I questioned while looking at her pretty brown eyes that were lit up with sparkles

"No, no It's just you've been really busy so I didn't think you would even remember at all but thank you Neji. I got you something as well I had noticed you needed a new journal so while we were shopping I found this one" Tenten handed me a grey journal, it made me smile

"Thank you my love. I really needed this, the one I have currently has 2 pages left. Now it's time for you to get ready" I said

"I will, I just need to touch up quickly and I'll be ready" Tenten said

I nodded and left to go check up on the little brat Hanabi

"These are so good" Hanabi said as she took another bite of the bread Tenten brought

"I know why do you think I told Ten to get some, remember I would bring a box of these all the time and you never tried them until now. The pineapple one is delicious" I pointed towards the small bun on the left

"Ouu I'll try it after dinner" Hanabi smiled

"Just leave me one okay, don't eat them all because you'll get sick and won't eat dinner" I said

"I know Lord Neji" Hanabi knew that the way to annoy me was to call me Lord, I hated being called Lord Neji

"Oh you brat, you are trying to annoy me" I said laughing

"No Lord Neji, oh so sorry Lord Neji" Hanabi said sarcastically while she bowed trying not to laugh

I laughed and so did Hinata

"Hanabi sometimes you are too funny" Hinata said while she was giggling

"Haha so funny" I said while I rolled my eyes trying to act annoyed but Hinata had a point she was funny

"I'm ready to go" Tenten said I turned around to see her she looked beautiful like always

"Well let's get going, bye you two? Is Naruto coming?" I asked

"Yes, he's bringing ramen" Hinata responded

"Of course he is Naruto is obsessed with ramen. His body is probably 50% ramen because of how much he eats it" I said

"He does have a point" Tenten added

"Well now we will get going have fun with the knucklehead" I said as we walked out the door while holding Tenten's hand "You look beautiful"

"Thank you Neji" she blushed

"We are going to our favorite place, it's been a while so I thought you might have missed it" I said while we were walking

"That's perfect, I've been craving some food from that place it's been weeks since we've gone there. We both have been busy, missions, work, meetings, taking care of Hanabi, and now that I wanna became a jonin Sensei I have so much more work" Tenten said with a smile

"I didn't think you would become a Sensei out of the 12 of us, I thought maybe it would be Lee" I said while we were walking. The restaurant was close to the house, 8-9 minutes away walking.

"Oh so he could be screaming to his students about the youthfulness and other things just like Guy Sensei" Tenten said as she moved her eyebrows to match Lee's face expression

"He would be a good Sensei, I hope he becomes one. There's probably a kid out there that can't use chakra who will need training and Lee will be there to help them just like Guy Sensei" I said as I took a deep breath

"He has asked me before about becoming a Sensei. I feel like he considers that option too but who knows maybe he will become one. I hope he does" Tenten said

"He will be a good Sensei and so will you. Tenten Sensei is what your genin will be calling you" I smiled

"But after we marry it will be Hyuga" She said while covering her face, she was blushing

"Tenten Hyuga" I said, I couldn't imagine that day were her last name would be Hyuga

"It sounds good together" She said softly

"It does, it really does" I smiled as we walked in to small restaurant

We sat down at a small table just for two people. She looked beautiful. She had now changed her hairstyle, still two buns but now she connected them together into one single braid. Hanabi would do her hair like that and Tenten liked it. Once in a while she would do her old hairstyle or even let her hair loose at home. We ordered our food and drinks

"It feels lovely to go out for dinner" Tenten said as she took another sip of her drink

"You missed this and so did I. I'm sorry for getting busy, I know I promised you and myself I wouldn't get super busy but this transition has been hard. I didn't think things would be complicated like this. Now that things have been settled, and I understand how this works. I won't be as busy" I said while I grabbed her hand

"Neji, you don't have to worry about it. Even if you were busy during those months you still made time for me. You would come for lunch, buy me something special, bring my favorite food or treats. You have been a good boyfriend throughout these months" Tenten said as she was grabbing my hand

"I want to go on a vacation or go somewhere nice. How about a going to the land of hot water? Taking a day off or two go to down there and relax at a hot spring" I said

"I like that idea. A hot spring sounds nice, going down there have a nice day off or two. Eating delicious food" Tenten said with a smile

"I'll make sure to ask Lord Kakashi and make arrangements to go" I said as I grabbed the camera bag. I wanted to take a picture of her

"I'm excited no missions and a relaxing day" She smiled and I took a picture

"Awe Neji I wasn't ready" She pouted

"You look beautiful, smile" I said as I took another picture of her smiling

"Neji our kids better only see good pictures of me. I'll throw a kunai at you if I don't look great in these pictures" Tenten said with a serious tone

"Yes ma'am" I said firmly because in all honestly her aim was amazing and I was scared of her when she got mad. Shikamaru and I would always talk about how scary our girlfriends could be sometimes. Especially Temari when she was mad at Shika or anyone she was something else.

"Your food is here" The lady said

"Thank you" we both said

Once the lady left I pulled out the camera once again to take a pictured her eating.

"Neji!" She said clearly annoyed

"What? you said you wanted cute pictures and that's what I'm doing" I said

"Alright fine, let me take some of you. They need to see pictures of you too" She grabbed the camera from my hands and started taking pictures of me. I felt strange especially because I wasn't used to someone taking pictures of myself but I let her take them

"Okay enough pictures and let's start eating because this food will get cold and I'm hungry" Tenten said as she handed me back the camera. I put it back in the bag and set it aside. We enjoy our food and each other's companies laughing and talking. We had gone out on a few dates but this one felt more relaxed, we now both knew how to balance our work, and our relationship. It had been a year full of growth. As we finish out dinner, I pay and we leave to go on a walk one of our favorite things to do after eating way too much food. We went to the spot we usually went to whenever we would be done with training.

"It's beautiful out here. You can see the stars tonight" Tenten pointed out as we sat down under the tree

"That means tomorrow morning will be freezing. That's what my father used to tell me" I said as she laid her head on my shoulder

"That means tomorrow we will be having soup. Just look at this view, every time we come here it looks beautiful. Hopefully this year snows, maybe we could build a snowman and have a snow ball fight" Tenten said

"I hope it does, that would be fun. Make some tea enjoy the snow before Hanabi throws snowballs at us" I said as she looked at me in the eyes

"I never thought we would be living like this. I practically moved in and I take care of things in the house with Hinata. I enjoy her company, I enjoy everyone's company. Having dinner together, breakfast sometimes while still going on missions with you and Lee. I didn't even think I would be interested in being a Sensei. I even became a weapon expert for Konoha" Tenten said with a smile

"The best weapon expert in all Konoha and maybe even in the world world" I said

"Neji don't be so dramatic, there are other more advanced weapon experts in other countries" Tenten said

"Alright alright, but now we have our lives together. Just look like the rest of our friends. Temari and Shikamaru are already thinking about marriage, Sasuke and Sakura are traveling together and Lee even has a girlfriend" I said as I played with her hair

"It's crazy to think that. Neji what do you want in the future? Kids? No kids?" She asked as she turned to face me

"Well maybe a kid or two would be nice. Getting married of course if you want to. Still be working, I know you wouldn't want to be a stay at home mom. You would go crazy, well maybe for the first 2 or 3 years you would stay home to take care of her or him. I would also help you, I don't want to be one of those dad's who's always absent in their kids life" I said

"Yeah we could balance out our work life with family life. Having two kids seems nice hopefully ones a girl and the other is a boy but I don't want kids right now maybe in 2 years. I want to enjoy life child free, having fun together, work as a Sensei and then probably get married" Tenten said as she played with my hand

"Tenten I agree with that, we can do that. Plus we aren't in a rush. The world is at peace, we are at peace and enjoying each other's company is our main priority. I love you Tenten, I really do. I appreciate everything you've done for me and for my family. I feel like I never thank you enough for everything my love" I said as I hugged her tightly

"You don't have to thank me for anything. I told you I would support you, and that's what I am doing. Neji Hyuga I love you and don't forget that" Tenten said as she softly grabbed my face, she pulled me in closer. I felt her warm hands on my cheeks, as our faces got closer I felt her warmth. I pulled her in closer to kiss her. I felt her lips touch mine, as we started to kiss and it turned into a passionate make out session.

"We should go home it's getting late and it's cold" I said after a pause between kissing

"Let's go to my house?" Tenten asked

"Sure" I said as I got up and grabbed her hand to help her get up

We walked to her house while watching the stars. Once we arrive to Tenten's house she quickly opens the door and we walk inside. We start to make out and we take off our clothes the rest is history. A night full of pleasure, we didn't have to be quiet we could be as loud as possible. I forgot about everyone else, all I could focus on was her. Afterwards we cuddled, talked and enjoyed the night. Slowly we fell asleep holding each other. The next morning we were woken up early...

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