The Return of Leroy; Book 1#

By BlazeTheWolf6

1.7K 48 0

Two years after Sabre left the Steve World, someone else returns after many years. Leroy- the Yellow Steve wa... More

Return of a Legend
A New Friend
Green Steve
Unexpected meet-up
A Diamond Steve?
The Hunter Green Steve
The Preperations
The Fight against the Diamond Steve
Something's Wrong
A Future King
Life Of A Warrior
Not Good
Where The Light Leads
The Only Way
The Confrontation
The Final Battle
Diamond Steves Defeat
The Truth
The End

A Growing Bond

73 3 0
By BlazeTheWolf6

Leroy turned towards everyone else, they all had noticed Leroy's small fight with Diamond Steve. The two walked over to the steves to see if anyone needed some help. "There has to be some way to stop that Diamond Steve." Leroy says. "Where do you think he went?" Red Steve asks, "I don't know." Leroy says, "Assistant Steve, can you sense him?" "No. He is nowhere near the kingdom. He probably teleported to another kingdom." Assistant Steve says. "Well we have to find him to make sure he isn't attacking any other kingdom." Red Steve says. Leroy nods, "Red Steve, you're with me. Everyone else, stay here for now. We'll be back soon." He says. After the plan was made, Leroy and Red Steve left to look for Diamond Steve. The two were pretty silent for the first couple minutes they were looking around. Then Red Steve looks at Leroy and asks, "How do you stay so brave?" Leroy looks at Red Steve, "Why do you ask?" He asks, "Well I'm just curious. You're probably the bravest warrior I've ever seen. You aren't even scared of anything." Red Steve says. Leroy sighs, "Well it's something I learned from my teacher. He taught me that you should always be prepared for anything and before he died in that fight on the Yellow Kingdom, he told me to always be brave and stay strong." He says. "Wow. I'm sure your teacher was a very good teacher." Red Steve says. Leroy nods, "He was. He always helped me through tough times and taught me everything he knew about fighting." He says. "I really wish I had a teacher like that." Red Steve says sighing. Leroy looks at him shocked, he remembered when Innocent Orange Steve said that he didn't have a teacher to teach him how to be a warrior. "Innocent Orange Steve said the same thing and I taught him how to be a good warrior." Leroy admits. Red Steve looks at him, "Could you maybe teach me?" He asks, "Of course." Leroy says. Red Steve smiles, Leroy does too. Leroy has taught many steves in the past to be a good warrior. He was always ready to train other steves how to be a warrior the same way he trained Innocent Orange Steve. Leroy missed the biome steves the same way he missed Innocent Orange Steve, his teacher and Judge. He definitely wished they were still here but he knew he couldn't see them again after what he chose to do about coming back to the Overworld. He knew that he couldn't but he still had to stay as strong as he could. He would do what he could to train other steves and fight the best he could in any battle. Red Steve knew Leroy's hidden sadness as he knew a lot about him. Other Steves have written books about Leroy and have told his story throughout all kingdoms. Red Steve put his hand on Leroy's shoulder to show his care towards him. Even though they didn't say anything else during that moment, their bond was growing and Leroy was happy to have a friend with him again during this dangerous journey.

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