The Final Battle

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Leroy walks closer to Assistant Steve and squints his eyes at the thing opening up. Then all of a sudden, Light Steve and the Colorless guards appear. Leroy sighs of relief. Assistant Steve looks at him. Light Steve sighs and nods. Then he points to the right and violet steves and green steves teleport to the battleground as well. Leroy and Assistant Steve look around shocked. Diamond Steve was also shocked himself. The Red Steves then teleport over as well as the Indigo Steves. Even Green Steve and Hunter Green Steve appeared. Leroy smiles. So does Assistant Steve. Then the Orange Steves began teleporting there. The Orange Leader appeared. Even Gerald joined as well. Light Steve walks over to Leroy and Assistant Steve. He nods at Leroy. Leroy stares at Diamond Steve angrily. Now that Leroy and Assistant Steve had an army. They had an advantage over Diamond Steve and his army. They were all ready. Diamond Steve was shocked. "This is it." Leroy says. The Judges Hammer flies towards Leroy and he catches it. Then he takes a deep breath and screams, "LEROY!" All the steves shouted their battle cries as well and they all rushed at Diamond Steve and his army. Diamond Steve wasn't going to give up though. He sent his army to fight as well. Professor Red even joined in as well. He was using some of his supercharged Redstone weapons that he had been experimenting with to fight. Gerald was fighting with the Orange Leader. Even the Orange Leaders pets joined in and were able to maul some of Diamond Steves armies. Hunter Green Steve was fighting with the Green Steves as a way to keep them safe. He wanted to make sure none of them got hurt in the process as he had already lost his best friend. Leroy rushed at Diamond Steve and fought with him himself. He was also using the hammer to fight. This was the first time he had ever fought with the hammer as he never used Judge's hammer. He slammed the hammer into the ground knocking Diamond Steve away. Diamond Steve was getting very frustrated and punched Leroy in the face. Leroy wasn't done yet. He sliced his sword over Diamond Steves eye and also went to stab him but Diamond Steve grabbed his head and pushed him away. But then Leroy noticed something. Most of the Orange Steve warriors were wearing the 'Steve Warrior' pins. He remembered back to when Innocent Orange Steve gave him his friends pin who had passed away. Leroy sighs but loses interest and rushes for Diamond Steve again. The two wrestle with each other for a while until Leroy knocks Diamond Steve to the ground. Leroy still felt uneasy because he was still heartbroken. Diamond Steve got back up and grabbed Leroy by the neck again. But Leroy wasn't going to let Diamond Steve kill him. Leroy kicks Diamond Steve away from him and he is let go. Some steves were also on horses and were jousting some of Diamond Steves armies. "Leroy! You need to hurry!" Assistant Steve shouts. Leroy rushes over to him. "I know I need to. But we all need to fight as long as we can." He says. A fireball flies past them and Leroy had to grab Assistant Steve and hold him down from them to avoid it. Assistant Steve couldn't crouch because he was a robot. "You're right. We need to hurry." Leroy says. He runs off to look for Diamond Steve. But then he skids to a stop remembering the dark blue diamond. He takes it out and looks at it closely. He didn't understand what it could do. He didn't want it to fall into Diamond Steves hands again so he put it away. Hunter Green Steve was still fighting with the other Green Steves. But then he is knocked down by one of Diamond Steves army members. But then, M appears and gets the army member off him. "M?" Hunter Green Steve says. M helps him back up. "We were lucky to sense Diamond Steves armies so we could help Leroy and Assistant Steve. We have to help the others though." He says. Hunter Green Steve nods. Leroy then found Diamond Steve. The two fought again. Diamond Steve tried to kill Leroy by cutting off his head but Leroy ducked so he wouldn't be able to. Then Leroy kicked Diamond Steve in the stomach and pushed him away. Leroy then noticed Assistant Steve again. He was fighting against some Demon Steves. "Assistant!" Leroy shouts. He rushes towards him. Assistant Steve turned to look at him. "Leroy! What's going on?" He asks. "Diamond Steve is too strong for me to break the armor." Leroy says. Assistant Steve sighs. "I can try and do it." He says. "What! No you can't! You could die!" Leroy exclaims. Assistant Steve shakes his head. "I can be rebuilt but it depends on the amount of damage he does to me but like you said Leroy, you always have to be ready to fight. I want to protect you Leroy. You're my friend." He says. Leroy thinks for a moment and puts his head down. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Yes. It's the only way." Assistant Steve says. Leroy sighs and nods. Assistant Steve looked over and noticed Diamond Steve. Diamond Steve killed an Indigo Steve. "No!" Leroy exclaims. Assistant Steve's eyes go red and he rushes towards Diamond Steve. Diamond Steve noticed Assistant Steve and rushed for him as well. The two fought against each other. Leroy kept the other army members at bay for Assistant Steve. Professor Red killed another Demon Steve but then noticed Assistant Steve. Diamond Steve punched Assistant Steve several times in the face. But then, he grabs Assistant Steve by the throat and lifts him up to his face. Diamond Steve chuckles. "How cute. How can a bot like you kill me? That's not how it works. This is it for you child." He says. Professor Red gasps. So does Leroy after he noticed. Assistant Steve then said, "You moron." But then Diamond Steve sticks his hand into Assistant Steve's chest and rips out his heart. Leroy screams. So does Professor Red. Assistant Steve dies immediately after the energy wore out from his heart being ripped out. Diamond Steve drops Assistant Steve on the ground. He crushes Assistant Steve's heart. Leroy couldn't believe it. He stares at Assistant Steve's body for the longest time. Diamond Steve sighed and rushed for the mountain to escape. Leroy watched him run. Professor Red quickly rushed to Assistant Steve. Leroy looked at the mountain. He thought back to the amount of people he had already lost. He was now really upset. Even though Assistant Steve was a robot. He still felt very close to him. Leroy sighs. Then he looks at the mountain angrily. He looks at the hammer, his sword, at his army, at Assistant Steve then back at the mountain. "I need to end this." He says. He rushes for the mountain chasing after Diamond Steve.

The Return of Leroy; Book 1#Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя