A New Friend

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He was walking for a while, he then made it to the red kingdom, he wasn't around for the red Steves disappearing but then they came back around, Leroy looks around, he was behind the lab, but then he says, "My head!" Then he falls to the ground, then someone appears in front of his body, it was Assistant Steve, he grabbed Lerroy and brought him down into the lab, Professor Red wasn't there at the time. After about an hour, Leroy finally woke up, he had been bandaged up by Assistant Steve, "What the. Where am I?" He says, Assistant Steve was against the wall, "Ah. You finally woke up." He says, "Who the heck are you?" Leroy asks, "I'm Assistant Steve. Who are you?" He asks, "I'm Leroy. Haven't been here in a long time." Leroy says, "You're a yellow Steve as I can see. But why didn't the yellow leader ever mention you?" Assistant asks, "I don't know but I haven't been around because I just got back from the World Beyond after a couple years." Leroy says, "The World Beyond? Nobody can come back from that. I've only heard Sabre did." Assistant says shocked, "I don't fully know how I did come back but a blue steve opened a portal back to here." He says, "You were unconscious outside the lab." Assistant says, "I just got a headache all of a sudden and I passed out." Leroy says, "Why haven't you gone back to the yellow kingdom?" Assistant asks, "It's been a long time and I'm worried on what the other yellow steves will think so I didn't return yet. I thought I'd hide out for a while but I found the red kingdom and thought I'd see what's new. But it looks way different than before." Leroy says, "I don't know how it looked before as I was made before that time I'm sure." Assistant says, "Understandable. But I need to leave." Leroy says, "Why?" Assistant asks, "I don't want any Steve to freak out since I died in the Demon Steve War which I was seen to be killed and I know my friend Innocent Orange Steve died as well." Leroy says, "Oh. I'm sorry about that. I understand you want to hide but what are you going to do?" Assistant asks, "Well I just need to go." Leroy says standing up, he began to leave, "You can't go by yourself." Assistant Steve says. Leroy turns to look at him, "What do you mean?" He asks, "You're hurt Leroy and plus I think it's best you don't go by yourself." Assistant says, Leroy was hesitant at first but accepted it. Assistant got some materials and the two set off, "Who made you?" Leroy asks, "Professor Red was the one who made me." Assistant responds, "What happened to you during the war?" "After Forest Steve saved Innocent Orange Steve, Forest Steve was burnt by the Last Inferno so after knowing I couldn't be saved, I instead ran out to fight the demon steves myself." Leroy explains, "Why didn't you try and teleport?" Assistant Steve asks, "Too tired to do so. Innocent Orange Steve was too which is why Forest Steve had to come and save us." Leroy says, "You mentioned something about a forest Steve. Who is that?" Assistant Steve asks, "A biome steve. All of them are sadly dead. Void Steve killed them all including Genesis, Forest Steves, Desert Steves and Ocean Steves creator." Leroy says, Assistant Steve puts his head down after hearing that, Leroy sighs, "I mean, it was shocking to see five species of steves die. Their deaths weren't in vain though." He says, the two stopped near a field, "I don't know why but I feel as if I've heard of the biome steves before." Assistant Steve says, "Hmm. I wonder why." Leroy says, "Wait a second. Is that smoke?"

The Return of Leroy; Book 1#Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon