The Only Way

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Leroy was at the entrance of the Yellow Kingdom. He was still thinking about Red Steve's death. He sighs. "I need to go fight him myself." He says. He began walking away from the Yellow Kingdom to go find Diamond Steve. He turns towards the kingdom again. "I'm sorry but I have to kill him now." He says assuming his friends could hear him. But before he could leave. "Leroy!" Someone shouted. He turned around. Assistant Steve was running towards him. "What are you doing?" He asks. "Assistant. Diamond Steve has already killed too many people. I need to go and destroy him." Leroy says. "No. Not by yourself. Leroy you almost died three times fighting him. You shouldn't go by yourself." Assistant Steve says. "I have to do this alone. I know I may die doing it but I really just need to avenge the deaths of the deceased people." Leroy says. Assistant Steve puts his head down. "I know you have lost a lot of people but the only way you're going to stop him is not going alone." He put his hand on Leroy's shoulder, "Especially since you are my friend." He says. Leroy gasps. He looks at him. He sighs. "Fine. Come on." He says. The two leave. "Can you sense him?" Leroy asks Assistant Steve. "No but once we get a closer presence. I should be able to. Can you?" Assistant Steve asks. Leroy tries to. "No. I can't. But we should still try to find him." He says. Assistant Steve nods. But then all of a sudden, three demon steves appear. "Oh not again!" Leroy exclaims. The demon steves rush at them. Leroy pushes one away followed by Assistant Steve. Leroy quickly kicks one in the knee knocking it to the ground and then stabs it in the head killing it. Assistant Steve had a Supercharged redstone sword and kills the another one with it. But then, the third demon Steve grabs Leroy by the arm and throws him to the ground. Assistant Steve rushes at that demon Steve and tackles it but then the demon steve rips part of Assistant Steve's face off. Leroy finally got back up and noticed. Leroy grabs his sword and stabs the demon Steve in the back. He pushes the demon Steve to the ground and helps Assistant Steve to his feet. "Are you alright?" Leroy asks. Assistant Steve rubs the part of his face that was broken off. "I think so." He says. Leroy looks at the dead demon steves and noticed something. "Hold on." He says. He kneels down next to one and takes an amulet off of one. He shows it to Assistant Steve. "These demon steves were definitely being controlled by Diamond Steve." He says. Assistant Steve nods. "Yes. Those amulets were made by Diamond Steve and they did control these demon steves." He says. "The same thing happened to me and Innocent Orange Steve at one point except there were only two." Leroy says. Assistant Steve scans the demon steves. "The only way to stop Diamond Steve from controlling other steves is to destroy the armor on his chest. But the only way to do that is to kill him." He says. "Well then we better hurry." Leroy says. Assistant Steve nods. "Let's go." Leroy says. The two run off to kill Diamond Steve once and for all.

The Return of Leroy; Book 1#Where stories live. Discover now