A Future King

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Leroy sighs of relief. Red Steve then makes it back. "Leroy, are you alright?" He asks. "Yes I'm fine." Leroy says. He rubs his throat after being strangled by Diamond Steve. "What happened?" Red Steve asks. "I was almost killed again. Listen, I almost died several times throughout my life, one time where I really did but I didn't even realize how strong this Diamond Steve was." Leroy says looking at the dead Violet Steve. Red Steve puts his head down. "You're still really strong. I've never seen anyone this brave." He says. "I just have to do what's right. People call my a future king just because of my valor." Leroy says. "I'm not surprised you are called a future king. Your name first of all means king and secondly you are probably the bravest person I've ever seen." Red Steve says. Leroy looks at him. "I'm not the bravest warrior but I am at least one of them." He says. Red Steve walks over to him. He puts his hand on his shoulder. "You are the bravest warrior to me." He says. The two head to the Orange Kingdom to make sure Diamond Steve wasn't there. Orange Leader saw them come in and rushed towards them. "Oh hey Orange Leader." Red Steve says. "Hello you two." Orange Leader says. "Would you mind if we look around the kingdom for a crazy diamond steve? He teleported away before we could stop him." Leroy says. "Uh yeah sure. But aren't the diamond steves all dead?" Orange Leader asks. "Well, we thought so but turns out there's one left. We'll explain later." Leroy says. Orange Leader nods. Leroy and Red Steve quickly look around the kingdom for the diamond steve. "Wait. Why did that Yellow Steve look familiar?" Orange Leader says. Red Steve and Leroy look around Gerald's castle. "Kind of weird for a pig to have a castle." Leroy says. "We will have to explain later." Red Steve says. But then a rumble sound is heard. Leroy looks out one of the windows and saw a storm rolling in. "Uh oh. Red Steve, get the Orange Leader to tell the Orange Steves to get somewhere safe. This storm looks strong." Leroy says. Red Steve nods. "Got it." He says. He rushes to find Orange Leader. The storm rolled into the Orange Kingdom and caused the sky to go dark. Rain began to pour and lightning began to strike. Leroy looked out on the edge of Gerald's castle. He looks up at the sky. "This storm came out of nowhere. Huh." He says. But then lighting strikes part of the castle that Leroy was standing on causing it to collapse. Leroy falls but is able to grab onto the broken part and keep himself from falling all the way to the ground. He tried to pull himself up but couldn't get himself all the way up. But then, an orange Steve came running towards the edge and grabs Leroy's hand to try and pull him back up. "Huh?" He says. "Hold on!" The orange Steve says. Leroy smiles remembering Innocent Orange Steve. "Names Happy Orange Steve. Just hold on. Ill get you back up." The orange Steve says. "I'm Leroy." He says. "Wait." Happy Orange Steve says. But then, all of a sudden, Happy Orange Steve is stabbed through the back. Leroy gasps. Diamond Steve was behind Happy Orange Steve and had stabbed him from behind. "No!" Leroy shouts. Diamond Steve grabs Happy Orange Steve and throws him off the edge. Diamond Steve laughs. "Now you." He says. He was just about to throw Leroy off the edge but then someone grabs him by the shoulders and tears him away from Leroy. It was Red Steve. He grabs Leroy's hand and pulls him all the way back up. Diamond Steve gets back up. "You morons." He says. He slams his fist into the ground and teleports away.

The Return of Leroy; Book 1#Where stories live. Discover now