Diamond Steves Defeat

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Leroy makes it to the top of the mountain and Diamond Steve was looking out on the army. He turns around and saw Leroy. He chuckles. "I'd be careful with that hammer Leroy. Especially how you could even hurt yourself with it." He says. Leroy looks at him angrily. "Shut up. You have killed too many people. I'm here to end it." Leroy says. Diamond Steve sighs. "End it? Yourself?" He scoffs. Leroy stares at him full of anger. "Fine. Let's do this." He says. Leroy and Diamond Steve rush at each other. Leroy had his sword out and was fighting him with it. The two wrestled for a moment but then Diamond Steve slices Leroy over his face leaving a giant cut. Leroy was stunned for a moment. But then he heard a voice. Actually, a couple voices. It sounded like Judge's voice, then he heard Red Steve's. They were giving him encouragement. Then he heard another voice, it was Innocent Orange Steves. "Leroy. Don't give up. You need to defeat him. We all believe in you. We are all here for you still." Innocent Orange Steve said. "Always." Another voice said. Leroy recognized it as his teacher. Leroy sighed and now was ready. He lunged at Diamond Steve and continued to fight him. Diamond Steve tried to fight back but Leroy was all of a sudden much stronger. Leroy grabs the hammer and hits Diamond Steve in the head with it knocking him to the ground. Leroy holds him down. "How?" Diamond Steve asks. "I will never give up on fighting. You have killed too many people. Corrupted many people and have done way too much. This is it for you." Leroy says. He lifts the hammer and slams it into Diamond Steve's chest breaking the armor and killing him. Leroy pants after using the hammer. He had used a lot of energy and was now exhausted. He lifted the hammer and put it on his back. Leroy backed away from Diamond Steves corpse and fell against a tree. He was really tired. He was relieved that Diamond Steve was finally dead. "We won. But at what cost?" He asks himself. Lots of people had died in the war, including Assistant Steve. He was sad about how many warriors lost their lives but they would forever remember them as their deaths weren't in vain. He looks up at the sky. "Thank you." He says assuming his deceased friends could hear him, "For everything." Leroy leaves the area. He comes back to the battlefield. The battle cries have stopped as Diamond Steves army was destroyed the same time Diamond Steve himself was killed. Leroy stopped to look before coming down to the battlefield. He wanted to make sure no one else was hurt. Light Steve noticed him. "Leroy!" He exclaims. The other steves looked and saw him. They were all shocked he was still alive. Light Steve ran up and hugged Leroy. "Where's Diamond Steve?" Hunter Green Steve asks. Leroy looked at him. "He's gone." He said. Hunter Green Steve looked at the other Green Steve. Leroy put his head down. He then noticed Assistant Steve. Professor Red was next to him. He walked over to them. He kneeled down next to Assistant Steve. "I'm so sorry. I wanted to save him but he chose to do this." He said. Professor Red sighs. "Normally, I could just fix him but since Diamond Steve destroyed his heart. It's going to take a lot longer." He says sadly. Leroy sighs. "Well, he was a good fighter." He says. Leroy stands up and walks away from them. He stops near the middle of the battle field and puts his hand over his heart to honor everyone who had lost their lives in the battle.

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