The Fight against the Diamond Steve

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All the steves grouped up, Leroy, Light Steve, Red Steve, Green Steve, Hunter Green Steve and Assistant Steve were in the front, "I see them coming. You were right Light. He does have an army." Leroy says, "On your cue Leroy." Light says, Leroy takes a deep breath, "Haven't done this in a while." He says, the diamond Steve had formed an army ready to attack the Yellow Kingdom, they were all rushing towards the kingdom, Leroy was already ready, they all were, the diamond Steve noticed that they were all ready and stared at Leroy in anger, Leroy got in his fighting pose, he took a deep breath, when the army was close enough, Leroy then screamed, "LEROY!" Then they all rushed at Diamond Steve and his army. The Steves were on the army immediately, Leroy chose to fight Diamond Steve while the other steves fought his army. Leroy dodged a blow from Diamond Steve and tried to slice at his chest at the armor but missed. Diamond Steve tried to slice at Leroy but missed after Leroy ducked then Leroy kicked the Diamond Steve in the face. He stumbled back in pain. Even though, Leroy died long ago, he still knew how to fight. Diamond Steve tried to decapitate Leroy again but then Red Steve grabs him by the shoulders and throws him to the ground. Leroy gasped. But then the Diamond Steve kicks the Red Steve away from him and Leroy. Diamond Steve gets back up and tries to kill Red Steve again but Leroy pushes him away. He quickly kicks Diamond Steve away from them. But then something falls out of Diamond Steve's inventory. Leroy lunged for it and picked it up. It was a diamond but it was darker in color. The Diamond Steve gasped when he saw Leroy had it. "Drop the diamond!" He exclaimed. Leroy put up his arm to protect Red Steve. Diamond Steve unsheathed his sword and threatened Leroy if he didn't drop the diamond. But then, the Green Steve they met in the forest appeared out of nowhere lunging at Diamond Steve causing him to drop his sword. "Leave them alone!" He shouts, the other steves has finished fighting Diamond Steves army. Leroy was looking at the diamond closely, Diamond Steve then got irritated at the Green Steve and punched him in the stomach and kicked him away. Leroy saw that and lunged at Diamond Steve pushing him away from them all. But then Diamond Steve finally had enough, before Leroy could do anything else, Diamond Steve stabbed Leroy in the chest. Leroy exclaimed since he had already been stabbed in that area. The Green Steve gasped when he saw Leroy was hurt. Leroy wasn't done fighting yet though. Diamond Steve tried to take him out by breaking his neck, but Leroy quickly kicked him away and into a tree. Leroy grabbed the sword still through his chest and ripped it out. He held his hand over his chest to keep the blood from seeping out. Diamond Steve looked up at Leroy. Light Steve ran over to them. Diamond Steve looked at them both, "Don't think this is over yet. I will still hunt you all down. Especially you Leroy. You never should have returned here." He says. Leroy and Light Steve look at each other. Diamond Steve teleports away from the area.

The Return of Leroy; Book 1#Where stories live. Discover now