The Confrontation

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Leroy and Assistant Steve finally find Diamond Steve. He was out in a field. He noticed Leroy and Assistant Steve. He laughs. "I had a feeling you would come find me." He says. He noticed the Judge's hammer. "And you even got the Judge's hammer. How cute. But you won't even get close to defeating me." He says. "Diamond Steve. You have been causing terror to Steves lives and Killed many people. This is where it needs to end!" Leroy shouts. Diamond Steve laughs again. "Bring it on you morons." He says. Assistant Steve gasps. "That's my line! You are the moron!" He exclaims. Leroy rolls his eyes. Diamond Steve laughs once again. "Bring it on you rusty mech." He says. Leroy and Assistant Steve rush at him. Diamond Steve rushes at them. Leroy lunges at Diamond Steve pushing him away from Assistant Steve. But then Diamond Steve kicks Leroy in the stomach causing him to lose the Judge's hammer. Leroy wasn't finished yet though. He slices Diamond Steves stomach almost getting the armor he's wearing. Assistant Steve grabs Diamond Steve by the shoulder and pushes him to the ground. But then, Diamond Steve kicks Assistant Steve in the chest knocking him back and cracking the red light in the center of his chest. But before Diamond Steve could kill Assistant Steve. The Judges hammer flies past them both almost hitting Diamond Steve. They both look over and then Leroy catches the hammer and the hammer began glowing yellow. Assistant Steve gasps. "No!" Diamond Steve shouts. Diamond Steve was distracted enough for Assistant Steve to kick him off him. Assistant Steve gets back up. Leroy pushes Diamond Steve to the ground and was about to hit him in the chest with the hammer but Diamond Steve kicks him in the chest and knocks him away. He drops the hammer. "Leroy!" Assistant Steve shouts. Diamond Steve grabs Leroy by the throat again. "You may be strong but I have an advantage over you. Always have." Diamond Steve scoffs, "Some future king. Not being able to protect your friends and they die. That's your fault Leroy." Diamond Steve says mocking Leroy. Leroy looks at him angrily. He was now full of emotion as well. "It wasn't my... Fault. It... Never... Was." Leroy says. Diamond Steve laughs. "Oh please. It was your fault for your friends deaths. Not me." He says. Assistant Steve then grabbed Diamond Steve and tackled him to the ground. Leroy fell to the ground. Diamond Steve kicks Assistant Steve off him. Leroy rushes to Assistant Steve and helps him up. Diamond Steve stands back up. He chuckles. "I still have an advantage over you. This is where it ends." He says. He blows a whistle and then an army appears. There were Demon Steves and other Diamond Steves as well. Leroy sighs. "This is going to end well." He says sarcastically. "What are we supposed to do now?" Assistant Steve asks. "We just need to try and fight. It's the only way." Leroy says. Assistant Steve sighs and nods. The two began walking towards the army as prepared as they could but then all of a sudden a static sound is heard from Assistant Steve. It sounded like someone was trying to call him but it was still connecting. "What was that?" Leroy asks. Assistant Steve touches a button on his head. "I'm trying to connect to whoever's trying to call me." He says. Leroy stares at him waiting for Assistant Steves response. But then Assistant Steve gasps. He points behind them. Leroy looks and notices lightning hitting the ground.

The Return of Leroy; Book 1#Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora