The Truth

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After the war, the steves all returned to their homes. Leroy had said his goodbyes to everyone who lost their lives in the war. Professor Red was extremely upset over Assistant Steve's death. Leroy understood as he did create him and he thought of them as son and father and he accepted that. Leroy was standing outside the ColorLess Guards tower. Light Steve came outside and found him. "Leroy, are you okay?" He asks. "Not really." Leroy says. "What's wrong?" Light Steve asks. Leroy sighs. "All my life, I've been chased by enemies. Ever since my teacher died. I've really lost myself." He says. "Oh. I never knew that. Leroy I'm sorry." Light Steve says. "I only came back to life because I already knew what was coming. I knew there was another enemy coming around. I only didn't return around the time when your friend Sabre was around because I knew he could manage it." Leroy says. Light Steve gasps. "Time Steve knew who you were but he was created after you died." He says. Leroy looks at him. "How?" He asks. "I have no idea but before he turned me into Rainbow Steve. He shouted your name and before he shouted it, he said, 'There comes a tale of Great Bravery, in his name once more.' He knew about you this whole time." Light Steve says. "Leroy, because you saved many Steves in the past. You are important to all Steves. Time Steve may have found a book and you could have been in the book." Leroy puts his head down. "I did save many steves but that's what a warrior does. Warriors protect and save people. That's what they do." He says. "Leroy, I've known you long enough. I know you don't think you are a future king or a famous warrior but you are." Light Steve says. Leroy sighs angrily. "I am not a future king!" He snaps at Light Steve, "I never was! I'm only called that because of my name! I was named Leroy by the Yellow King! It's one of the reasons I am named that!" Light Steve gasps. "Another reason is because when I saved Innocent Orange Steve from a demon Steve. I shouted my name. I had no idea why but Innocent Orange Steve told the Yellow King that I did and then he named me that. Innocent Orange Steve was one of the people that gave me my actual name." Leroy says. Light Steve was shocked. Leroy went silent for a moment. "I only do what I need to do as a warrior. I only have one life left. I lived once, I died once, I came back. I'm forever a warrior. I may not be a king but I know I will forever be a warrior." He then says, "I always will be." Light Steve then all of a sudden rushes up to him and hugs him.

The Return of Leroy; Book 1#Where stories live. Discover now